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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 31

by Posey Parks

  “Not sure yet baby. You are going upstairs to rest. I’m going to prop your feet up. Are you hungry?”


  “I’ll take care of you, Nadine.”

  Her face scrounged, pouting. “What about Kitten?”

  I rubbed her belly, laughter released from deep within. Nadine rubbed my chest.

  “I’m not taking care of Kitten tonight. You need to rest. I’ll hold you in my arms. Will that make you feel better?”

  “Yes. It will.”

  I helped Nadine up the wide staircase. “I’ll order dinner.”


  She was happy. I figured I shouldn’t add any more stress to her life. I knew as mad as I was, I wasn’t going anywhere. I love Nadine.


  I accompanied Nadine to every baby appointment. She and I loved every minute of watching our girls grow in her womb.

  Two months before she was scheduled to give birth, I asked Samantha to throw Nadine a baby shower.

  Samantha insisted on throwing a double party. A baby shower and a birthday party for me.

  Skies were clear and a light breeze filled the air on September 23rd. I stood smoking a cigar in my new spacious lush green backyard. Samantha had various Cabanas set up throughout. Life was great. The three of us have adjusted to living together over the past few months.

  “Tony!” I glanced to my right off the patio.

  Nadine began walking across the backyard in a lavender flowing tulle dress that brushed the grass as she walked. I scrapped the cigar on the ground putting out the fire.

  “Baby, what are you doing out here?” I stared at her from behind my two-tone dark aviators.

  She stood before me. Her skin was radiant. I ran my hands along the sheer material covering her arms. Nadine’s hands grazed over the fitted, purple, two button blazer. She straightened the pastel tie against the off-white dress shirt. I shook my leg in my light gray slacks.

  “Baby, I want to fuck you in one of these cabanas...” I pointed the unlit cigar across from us. “…Before our guest arrive.” I bit my lower lip gripping my hard cock.

  Nadine grinned. “I want it. I’m so horny.”

  Holding her tight in my arms, my lips melted against the side of her neck.

  “Tony, Samantha did a great job out here. I love the clear string lights hanging across the back yard.”

  “It is perfect.”

  “I need to get back in the house before your friend drives her staff crazy. Guest should be arriving soon. Three hours for the baby shower, then birthday party for my baby.”

  I smiled at Nadine. I caught a glimpse of Zoey at the patio door. She was all belly. “I’ll walk you inside. My friends are arriving.”

  I hugged Zoey upon stepping into the house. Jacob strolled into the family room. He and Samantha had to travel separately. He was wrapping up a new episode of his TV show. Brandon was making himself a drink at the corner bar.

  “Hello! Hello!” Dillon called out from the living room.

  “We are in the family room!”

  Sebastian and Sydney trailed in behind them.

  “Can I get everyone to step into the family room?”

  “Dominic, Carmen, Samantha, Gio and Laina poured into the Family room from the large kitchen. Cruz and Chloe waltzed into the room from the living room.

  “Brandon, can you pour everyone a shot of Tequila?”

  “Except for the pregnant women, right?”

  We laughed. “Correct. Pregnant women get sparkling cider,” I chuckled.

  Samantha snapped her fingers in the air. A waiter rushed toward her from the kitchen carrying an empty tray.

  “Disburse the drinks quick,” she ordered.

  We each raised our glasses in the air.

  “You all have been wonderful to me in the last few years. I’m so happy I met Jacob, Samantha, Brandon, Zoey, Sebastian, and Sydney. It’s been one hell of a ride.”

  They smiled.

  “Gio, you and I have been through so much together before I left. Thank you for being like a brother to me.” He tilted his glass in my direction.

  “Cruz, you took care of my woman and my son…” I clutched Nadine’s hand. “…while I was away. Thank you.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “To my sister Cristina and my brother Kirk, you guys were with me when I was drowning my sorrows in the bottle at night and working my tail off during the day. I’m happy things are working out for you both in L.A.”

  “We love you Tony!” My sister smiled.

  “Dominic, you held this family down while Dillon and I were away. Thanks for handling problems that arose.”

  I glanced across the room at the Don. “Dillon, we both had to start over. You more so than me. I watched you grow into a man. You made your own money.” I smiled. “Your family is growing.”

  He rubbed Sierra’s tummy.

  “And now you control our family!

  I want to thank our beautiful black women for their strength and the love they shower on us every day. We would be nothing without them.” The men smiled across the room, kissing their women.

  “To great friends and the Magarelli’s!”

  “To the Magarelli’s!” everyone shouted.

  I tossed the shot of tequila to the back of my throat. The waiter made his way around the room collecting the glasses. I kissed Nadine’s temple while rubbing her back and belly.

  Samantha raised her hand. “I need everyone in the backyard. The shower is starting. The guest are entering through the side gate now.”

  “The men too Samantha?”

  She grimaced. “Tony! You know the men have to stop by for just a moment. I have a large tent set up for you guys near the stage. The band will began playing at exactly 5 p.m.”

  “Got it.”

  Nadine chuckled.

  “You will soon see you two are more alike than you think,” I said helping her walk to the first pink cabana.

  We were greeted by various guests as they entered. Samantha stepped on stage. “Good afternoon. I would like to thank you all for coming on behalf of the parents, Tony and Nadine.”

  Nadine and I waved at our guests.

  “There are themed food tables setup around the boarder of the shower. We have a large tent setup for the men. Enjoy!”

  After I prepared Nadine a plate, I delivered it to her. She sat like a black queen on her throne surrounded by coworkers and her new pack of girls.


  Upon entering the tent, I was immediately given a glass of whiskey and a new cigar by a waiter. Jacob stood in the middle of the tent wearing dark aviators trying to keep a low profile. I stepped over giving him a bro hug. “Jacob, can you believe I’m having twins?”

  He shook his head. “No. But welcome to the twin club.” We laughed.

  Brandon, Dillon, Sebastian surrounded us.

  Brandon raised his glass. “Here’s to fatherhood!”

  “Fatherhood!” we shouted.

  “Jacob, we need to talk stats.”

  “Brandon, this year your team doesn’t have a chance. We have new blood on our team.”

  Dillon placed his hand on my shoulder. “Do they always argue over the Cowboys and the Patriots?”

  “Yes, without fail. Nothing like your cousin to give you shit.” I laughed.

  He slammed his fist into my shoulder. “I’ll give you shit alright.” He laughed.

  “Seriously, Tone, since you’re living in Jersey, you should work with Sierra and I at Magarelli Enterprises. Put that Bachelor’s degree to work.”

  “In the office and not in the field or a combination?”

  He teetered his hand. “A combination. I know you work with Samantha and Jacob on special projects, so I would bring you on as a consultant. Your salary would be very generous, not that you need it. You rich bastard!”

  We laughed.

  “I will run it by Nadine.”

  Dillon ran his hand over his low trimmed brown beard.
/>   “You do that, cousin. Let me know soon.”

  “I will.”

  “Dillon, Tone.” We turned to the voice behind us.

  “Marco, happy you could make it,” I smiled, throwing my arm around his neck.

  I raised my hand. “This man needs a drink!” I yelled to the waiter.

  Dillon gripped Marco’s shoulder.

  “Marco, which of your best friends are you here to hang out with, me or my wife?” Dillon grinned.

  “Fuck you, Dillon.” Marco snarled.

  “Something’s never change between you two. Still a couple of boys.”

  “Tone, I’m just busting his balls.” Dillon wrapped his arm around Marco’s neck too. “Smile for the camera,” Dillon said.

  Dillon snapped the picture. “Come on Marco, lets kick it.”

  “Happy birthday Tone.”

  “Thanks, Marco.”

  Dillon and Marco stepped away.

  “Gio.” I waved him over.

  He walked from the other side of the tent. “Happy birthday, Tone. It’s so weird having you back.” His face saddened. “I can’t believe we are able to talk on a regular basis. It was a tough road.”

  “It was a tough road for me too.” I patted his shoulder.

  Gio and I stood talking about old times. I hadn’t told him I knew about him meeting Anthony. I left it alone for now.

  Sergio approached looking dapper in his gray suit.

  “Hello, fellas!”

  “Uncle Serg.”

  “Happy birthday, Tone.”


  “Gio, excuse me and Tony a moment.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Sergio pulled me to the closest corner of the tent. He placed his hand on my shoulder staring me square in the eyes. “I can’t have people pulling stunts like your girlfriend pulled under my nose. Everyone involved is lucky it was my wife pulling the strings. If it wasn’t, you understand what would have been the end result right?”

  I swallowed hard. “I do. When did you find out about Anthony?”

  “My wife visited Nadine often over the years. Fran’s driver, Stefano, knew the route to Nadine’s. I told him to sit on Nadine’s house and see who exits. Stefano said it was always Cruz or Nadine leaving. I told him to step it up. Follow Cruz one day, then Nadine the next. I think Cruz was covering his tracks when he was followed. After all, he was taught how to lose a tail. Stefano followed Nadine to a private elementary school. She dropped off a seven-year-old boy at the door.”

  His eyes darkened.

  My heart stopped.

  “My wife got in Nadine’s head. Fran recently admitted she helped keep Anthony hidden when we cleared the air about Dillon. She said she didn’t want Nadine to deal with the fate of her son being controlled by the Magarelli’s like our boys were. It’s funny because that is the same reason I never said anything about Anthony.”

  My eyebrows rose and my heart began beating again.

  “I didn’t want this life for my boys nor did I want it for yours. I wanted you to know I always had your families back, even when they didn’t know it.”

  A true boss my uncle was.

  “Thank you, Uncle Sergio.”

  My uncle slapped my cheek twice, smiling. “Looks like we have something in common, we both lost fourteen years of our son’s lives.”

  It was a gut punch. He wanted me to feel what he felt. Knowing you missed out on years of your child’s life will fuck with you forever.

  “Again, thank you for watching out for my boy too.” He glanced at Dillon.

  “He turned out to be one hell of a boss.”

  “He sure did.” I smirked.

  He pulled me into a hug. “I love you. Your father would be proud.”

  I felt myself tear up. “Love you too, Uncle Serg.”

  I missed my dad. I hate he will never meet my son. He would have loved Anthony.

  Sergio stepped back, smiling. “Let’s drink.” He smiled.


  Sending Tony to meet his son earlier this summer was a bold move. I thought he and I would be no more.

  Cruz stepped up making Tony see reason.

  I didn’t lose my man. I was relieved.

  Walking down the hall after my second baby delivery which was supposed to be one, I received the shock of my life. I couldn’t believe Tony was there with our son. Tony storming down the hall toward me holding me telling me I didn’t have to raise our children alone, felt like a boulder had been lifted off of me.

  I think Anthony took to his dad instantly because he has called Tony his dad his entire life, just never in person. Anthony would always say tell me about Dad. The moment he was given the opportunity to bond with his father, he took off running. I enjoy watching them play video games together or watch their favorite TV shows together. Tony is already his biggest supporter on the sidelines of the football field. Yup, Anthony is elated to have his dad in his life.

  We have our ups and downs but we talk out our problems. I no longer hide information from Tony. I deal with the consequences. Tony never mentioned marrying me again. I won’t complain. I’m happy to have him back in my life.

  I get the feeling I’m competing for Tony with Samantha. I need to talk to her.

  I walked into the kitchen. “Samantha, can I talk to you?”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Sure.”

  Sitting on the sofa in the family room, we sat in silence for a moment.

  “Samantha, do you have something against me?”

  She stared at the ceiling a minute, then her brown eyes landed on mine. “Should I?”

  I chuckled. “You don’t have to like me. I’m not particularly fond of you either.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

  “You use Tony to do your dirty work.”

  She laughed. “He works for me. And let’s be clear, Tony doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to do. Let’s clear the air, Tony has helped me handle a problem more than once. Let’s say…” She leaned in.

  “Say a certain problem sent your man pictures of her pussy daily. How would that make you feel?”

  My mouth dropped open.

  “Yes, I handled my problem. And he helped clean it up.”


  “Jacob was upset too.” She straightened her back holding her head high.

  “Tony is my good friend. I only want the best for him. Anytime he calls, I come running because that is what he would do for me. I admit I feel a certain way about you for hiding his son and then the new babies, but Tony was quick to remind me, I did the same to Jacob.”

  I smirked. “I have fought at Tony’s side. I have always had his back.”

  “I know. I’ve been selfish. He’s moved away. I saw him almost every day for three years. He’s like a big brother.”

  I placed my hand on Samantha’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t look at it from your point of view. Listen, you are welcome here anytime. He said he plans to continue working with you. Tony said he will fly where you need him.”

  Samantha smiled bright. “Thank you.”

  “You never know, you may need both of us to assist one day. I was trained by the best.” I winked.

  Her eyebrow rose. “I may have to take you up on your offer.”

  “I take it Tony has told you about me and Jacob’s history?”

  “Yes. What a love story.” I smiled.

  She blushed. “He’s my everything.”

  “Tony and I are starting over.”

  “A clean slate. Good. I want you to know, I’ve never seen Tony happy until now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Nadine, Samantha, what are y’all doing in here?” Sierra walked in, sitting on the sofa across from us.

  “Just girl talk,” I stated.

  Samantha’s eyes widened.

  “Oh, no. We have girl talk together when everyone is in town.” Sierra slowly rose to her feet, wobbling toward the patio door.

  I glanced at Saman
tha again. “Did I miss something?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Girl talk for us is something altogether different. We talk about sex.”

  My eyes bulked. “Really!”

  “We need a private room.”

  “We can talk in my office down the hall.”

  Samantha nodded smiling.

  “Wait, what about the guests?”

  Samantha waved her hand. “They will be fine. A huge band is playing in…” she glanced at her watch.

  “Five minutes. I’ll warn you now, when they began singing ‘Cold’ I’m running outside. This is when it pays to have a celebrity for a husband.” She winked.

  Samantha helped me off the sofa.

  Dillon followed Sierra into the house. “Baby, you ladies are seriously going to talk about your sex lives today?” He ran his hand over his beard.

  She gazed into his eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing his lips. His large hands massaged her back as their lips intertwined. I think Dillon forgot we were watching them make out.

  Sierra released his lips. “I promise you’ll find our discussion useful later in the bedroom.”

  Oh’s and Ah’s sounded from the ladies around the room.

  “All right. Carry on.” He flashed his pearly whites, walking away.


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