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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 32

by Posey Parks

  We laughed all the way to my office.



  I climbed onto the stage grabbing the mic. “Good evening, everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the music and festivities.”

  The crowd roared.

  “Great, I would like to bring Nadine to the stage.” I gawked around the backyard. I didn’t see her.

  “Nadine, where are you baby?”

  I spotted her exiting the house. She waved her hand in the air, walking toward me.

  “There she is everyone!” My deep voice carried through the speakers.

  The guests clapped. I reached for Nadine’s hand assisting her up the stairs.

  “Nadine, stand right here facing me.”

  Her eyes widened a bit. “What’s going on?”

  I held her hand in mine. I felt my heart beating quick.

  “Nadine, when we first met I was captivated by your beauty, your smile, and your intelligence.” I smiled nervously.

  She grinned from ear to ear.

  “I tried to get you out of my head after that night but I couldn’t. What I’m trying to say is, I’ve been in love with you since the first day we met. Being away from you for fourteen years was like living with one lung. It was a daily struggle.”

  I slid the ring box out of my pocket dropping to one knee. The crowd gasped. Nadine’s hand flew over her mouth and tears flowed down her pretty dark cheeks.

  My blue eyes met her soft dark ones.

  “Nadine Skye Barlow, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” she yelled.

  I slid the platinum, ten-carat, pear-shaped diamond onto her finger. I stood pulling her into my arms taking her lips for all to see. I wanted everyone to know how much I loved this woman.

  The band played a special song. One of Nadine’s favorites. I led her to the middle of the dance floor. Our son walked over hugging us both. “We love you Anthony.”

  “Love you too, Mom and Dad.” He kissed Nadine’s cheek.

  I kissed his forehead. Anthony stepped back.

  I pulled Nadine close.

  “Tony, I thought you would never mention marriage to me again.”

  “Baby, I was just waiting for the right time. I told you Nadine, you were going to be my wife.” She smiled then laughed.

  “Good, because I always wanted to be your wife.”

  Our friends greeted us the moment the song was over.

  “Tony, I’m happy for you,” Sebastian smiled.

  Sydney threw her arms around my neck. “You deserve happiness, Tony.”

  She stepped back, hugging Nadine. “I’m so happy Tony has you.” Sydney smiled.

  “Thank you, Sydney.”

  “And we are happy to have you in the circle.” Sydney winked.

  “Hey, hey,” Sebastian said. “None of the circle talk.”

  The ladies laughed.

  “Sydney and Nadine, please excuse Tony and I?”


  Sebastian pulled me aside. “I’m happy Nadine came clean about Anthony that day. I can’t believe it took me a week to find the deleted file of your son’s birth. She is good. I had to dust off my hacker skills.”

  We laughed.

  “If you could have seen her eyes when I told her my cousin is Sebastian Johansen I think that and me being back from the dead told her she had to come clean.”

  “Yeah, ultimately she was scared. She understood that you might walk away from her. She was willing to give up the love of her life so you could be with your son.”

  I stared at Nadine’s smiling face from where we stood.

  “She was, wasn’t she?” My heart warmed.

  “I did good didn’t I, Sebastian?”

  He gripped my shoulder. “You did. You have an amazing woman in your life. It feels fantastic doesn’t it?”

  “It does.”

  The man who never thought he would have a girlfriend let alone a fiancée. I can’t believe how my life has changed.


  “Shoot the man on the right! Jarod, you are supposed to cover me. That is the point of being on a team in the game!” I shouted.

  Pulling my lips into my mouth, my fingers moved at top speed over the controls of the game controller.

  “Yes! Jarod, we made it to the next mission!” I threw my hands in the air reclining in the black leather gamer chair.


  I turned to the voice standing in the doorway.

  “Yes, Cruz?”

  He stretched his hand out. “Come here. There is someone I would like you to meet.”

  “Ok.” I smiled.

  “Jarod, I have to go. Talk to you later.”

  I saved and ended the game.

  Cruz threw his arm over my shoulder. “The man who you are about to meet is a good friend of mine and your mothers.” We strolled down the wide dark staircase.

  I never meet new people. No one comes to visit except Aunt Francine.

  A man rose from the white chair in the living room walking closer.

  I stared into the man’s blue eyes who are similar to mine.

  “Hello Sir,” I smiled stretching my hand out.

  “Hello, my name is Anthony Carlos Magarelli.” He shook my hand.

  Shoot, it’s the man from the picture in the newspaper. What is going on? My confused eyes darted between him and Cruz.

  “You have a firm grip,” he said.

  Cruz gripped my shoulders. “This is your father.”

  I think my heart stopped beating. The man who came back from the dead is my father? Why wouldn’t my mother tell me Anthony Magarelli is my father?

  Why didn’t she want me to know the rest of my family? From what I read they are terrible people. Maybe that is why she didn’t want me to know the Magarelli’s are my family.

  Did he know I was his son? Why did he leave me if he really wasn’t dead?

  “When is your birthday, Anthony?”

  “October 2nd, I’ll turn fifteen.” My eyebrows wrinkled.

  “I don’t understand my mother told me my father was dead.”

  “About that, Anthony, I was dead, but now I’m not.” He placed his firm hand on my shoulder. “Let’s clear the air over lunch.”

  The lines on my forehead rose and fell a couple of times. “Ok.”

  “Here are the keys to my truck. Grab whatever you need, then hop in the truck.”


  I ran upstairs grabbed my cell, then I ran out the house.

  While waiting in the truck, I thought back over my life. My Aunt Fran has visited since I could remember. She brought presents often. Mainly, she talked to my Mom when she visited. Aunt Fran brought Danishes every month as long as I could remember. I’ll never forget glimpsing at Aunt Francine’s last name on the order slip. ‘Magarelli.’

  Fran and my mother sat and talked for hours. Their conversation often left my mother in tears when they discussed my father. I could tell she missed him a lot.

  Recently, my mother has traveled out of town frequently. Back in January I caught my mother day dreaming. The smile on her face was wide. I know I make her happy, but whatever happened when she went to the medical conference made her happy in a different way. She walked around smiling and joking every day. Then after my mother told me about the twins, my mother fell apart. She cried herself to sleep every night. I didn’t understand why until now.

  I can’t believe Anthony Magarelli is my father and the twins. I enjoyed talking sports with my Dad. Lunch was fantastic.

  I was a little disappointed in my mother. Why did she keep me hidden from my family? Why did she lie about my father? Deep down ever since I found out Aunt Fran’s last name was Magarelli I knew she was my real family. It explained why we had a body guard walking the premises and why we were chauffeured around.

  Watching my mother fall apart in my father’s arms showed how much she loved him. The way he kissed her and held her tight showed how deep his love was for her. />
  Dad could have been in my life the last fourteen years but having him here now feels really good. He’s threatened the coach several times at my football games. I never seen the man so rattled. Kids show me respect at school now. Everyone wants to be Anthony Carlos Magarelli III’s friend. My father was right being a Magarelli is like being a celebrity. This is going to be the best year of my life.

  I have an entire family now.

  I met my cousin Alexandria for the first time. I remember Aunt Fran mentioning Alexandria, Dillon, and Dominic when she and my mother talked. I still can’t believe my father was the notorious hit man for the Magarelli’s. He kept my cousin safe all those years. I understand now why my mother kept me from them. She didn’t want the Magarelli’s dangerous life for me. I have a feeling my dad wouldn’t let that happen. He said he wants me to keep my head on tight and attend college.

  The Magarelli’s is a large family. I met so many cousins my head felt like it was spinning. Uncle Sergio and my great-grandfather scare me.

  After meeting them I walked through the sea of people enjoying themselves at my parent’s party, up to my bedroom then closed the door.

  There was a knock, then the door swung open.

  “Hey, Anthony.”

  “Hi, Dillon.” I swallowed hard, staring at him from my gaming chair.

  He sat on the bed placing his hand on my shoulder.

  “Look at me.”

  I stared at him.

  “I talked to my father and grandfather. I don’t want you to worry about anything. Your father and me wouldn’t let anything happen to you. I am in charge of the family now.”

  “I understand that but who runs the family after you?”

  His eyes widened. “All you need to remember is you are going to college and keeping your head on straight. Capisce?”

  I smiled. “Capisce!”

  He hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

  “Get down stairs and hang out with your cousins.”


  Strolling through the backyard, I witnessed the perfect moment. My father asked my mother to marry him. My father stares at my mother like she is the reason he breathes. I can tell my mother would do anything for my father. I can’t wait until the twins are here. All of us together will make the perfect family.


  Leaning against the door frame of our bedroom, I observed my fiancée peering out of our bedroom window. Nadine rubbed her big belly over the light green terry-cloth robe. She watched intently as the crew cleaned the party debris under the clear string lights Nadine asked to remain in place.

  Quietly, I closed and locked the door. My bare feet strolled across the cherry floor boards. I wrapped my arms around my family. Leaning my head against hers we watched the workers transform our backyard into the lush green shell it was before the party.

  “Our son fell asleep on the floor with his gamer headphones on.”

  We laughed.

  “I removed them and told him to get in bed.”

  “I’m sure he was exhausted after today. He hasn’t been around that much family, ever.”

  “Did you have fun?”

  I felt her smile. “Yes.” She stretched her hand gazing at the huge rock on her finger.

  Nadine’s fingers massaged mine as I rocked us back and forth to the imaginary beat.

  “I know it was hard to stop working at the beginning of this month. But as your doctor explained standing for hours during surgery may not be good for your health this far along in your pregnancy.”

  “It’s an adjustment. I’ve changed my focus. I ensure billing is handled for the practice.”

  I laughed. “In bed, Nadine.” Wrapping one hand around her waist, I held her hand walking her toward the king-sized bed.

  “Yes, in bed.”

  Nadine turned facing me dropping the robe to her feet. Standing naked in all her pregnancy glory I took her lips. Pulling back, I released her long black silky strands from the pony tail holder, tossing it on the night stand. Nadine’s concerned eyes stared into my worried eyes.

  “What’s wrong Nadine?”

  She grazed her fingers up my rippled abs. I held my hands in the air. Nadine shoved my white T-shirt over my head. Her lips instantly fell against my chest. She traced her fingers over the colorful tattoo.

  “I never thought I would have you back in my life. I walked through life sad sometimes. Ultimately, I was happy I had Anthony because he represented you. If it wasn’t for him, I’m not sure how I would have made it. So many days I was going through the motions.

  Then in January, you came back into my life. It is surreal. We are having twins and we are getting married!”

  My hands massaged her plump ass. “The first time I saw that beautiful smile I had to have you. Keeping my lips off of you was impossible.”

  She blushed.

  “Keeping my hands off of you was really not an option.”

  She laughed.

  Nadine sat on the edge of the bed. Her fingertips slowly slid down to the waist band of my navy boxers. She hooked her thumbs inside pushing them down my legs. I kicked the boxers aside.

  My hard cock stood between us.

  Nadine’s lips curled. “He has been trouble.” She kissed the tip of my dick.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “He has gotten me pregnant twice.” She twirled her tongue around the fat head of my cock.

  I licked my lips while watching Nadine.

  “He’s made me cum so many times, I’ve lost count.” Opening her mouth wide she plunged my dick into her warm mouth.

  “Fuck baby.”

  “He taste so good,” she moaned.

  “If it wasn’t for me controlling him none of the things you spoke of would have happened.”

  Her eyes turned up. “Hmm. I guess I see your point. I think it’s all in how you move your hips.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “How about giving us both credit for pleasing you?”

  Nadine placed her finger over her lips thinking. “Ok, I can do that.”

  “Unbelievable you know that?” I flashed a smile.

  She winked. Her tongue slid back and forth along my shaft. Her beautiful lips wrapped around my dick was a beautiful sight.

  My head dropped back and my toes curled. Nadine gripped my hips pushing my cock deeper into her mouth. My dark eyes fell on her. Grabbing a handful of her hair I increased the speed of my dick into her mouth.

  “Nadine! Sweet Nadine. You’re so fucking dirty.” My eyes burned into hers. The ends of her lips curled.

  “Umm,” she moaned.

  “It’s coming baby, right down your throat.” My cock slammed against the back of her throat as she gagged. I held my fat, long, hard, cock in her mouth as the cum poured down her throat. Pulling my dick to the edge of her lips, she sucked the last bit of cum off the tip. Nadine flashed a devilish smile.

  “I love knowing I turned you into a freak only for me.”

  She licked her lips. “That’s right baby.”

  “Turn around and get on your knees.” Nadine did as she was told.

  I climbed on the bed behind her. “Do you like the mirror?”

  She stared into the mirror behind our bed. “I love watching us. Me and you skin to skin. Dark chocolate and vanilla ice cream, my favorite sweet combination.” She winked.

  I held her in my arms, staring at us. I love being in her presence. Closing my eyes, I pressed my lips against her neck. I wanted to savor the taste of her skin. Nadine ran her fingers through my hair.

  “Make love to me, Tony.”

  Stroking my cock in one hand, I massaged her pussy with the other. Nadine leaned forward. I pushed deep inside her. My eyes closed. I sucked up the sweet feeling of her tight pussy. Nadine loves staring in the mirror at her pregnant form. I love that about her. She’s not self-conscious.

  Flipping her over, I lifted her off the bed by her ankles, sliding into her goodness. “You’re mine…forever Kitten.”

sp; “All yours baby.”

  The look of pleasure on her face was sending me to the brink. Her beautiful face always did. Am I infatuated with my woman’s beauty? Maybe a little. I smiled inside.

  Standing strong on my knees, I continued to plow into Nadine.

  “Shit, shit!” Her legs trembled in my grasp. Through each shuttering orgasm. I plunged inside her. Dropping her ankles, I leaned over her gripping her neck staring into her eyes. Holding steady with one hand, I slammed into Nadine’s pussy. My lips grazed hers.

  “Oh baby,” she cried, massaging my back.

  “I love you so much Nadine. I love you so fucking much.” A tear fell from my eye onto her face.

  “I know baby. I’ve always known.”

  My lips hungrily took hers. My Nadine knows me so well. I would walk through fire for this woman. She is my center, my inner self. This woman knows how to soften my monstrous ways, only her. Only a strong woman can make you weak in the heart for her.

  Each stroke I delivered made her body shutter as we came together.

  Dropping beside her I held her tender body in my arms. If I had to leave this earth, this is the way I would want to go. Holding my beautiful, perfect woman in my arms.



  “Tony!” Nadine screamed.

  I ran from the family room into the kitchen. My eyes bulked staring at the puddle of water under Nadine’s feet.


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