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The Enchanted Honeymoon Suite

Page 2

by Colette Fry

  She stared at the painting with tears in her eyes, as she realised that by climbing up into the magic painting she had exchanged her husband for Rafael. He put his hand on her face and gently turned her head away from the painting.

  "Don't stare at the painting and spoil your wedding night darling, this is a time for happiness," he said, pressing his mouth against her lips in a tender kiss.

  When she felt the touch of his lips on her mouth, she went to pull away from him, but it was too late and the magic was already working on her mind and body. She no longer wanted to break off their embrace, because she was in the arms of the man she loved and this was the night of her honeymoon. Her body melted into his, her arms went around his neck, and she began to return his ardent kisses with rising passion.

  She felt his strong hands roaming over her body, stroking and caressing her soft curves, and she yearned for his touch as waves of desire spread through her. He undid the zip on her gown and it floated down to the ground. When he removed her underwear and stockings, she quivered with delight, and kissed his mouth with lustful desire as he picked her up and laid her on the bed.

  It felt so good to lie with her head on the pillow watching the man of her dreams slowly undress and then walk naked towards her, his cock rigid with urgent desire, as he came to claim his bride.

  His naked body excited her, as he enveloped her in his arms. It was the moment of her dreams come true and she pressed her mouth onto his lips, with feelings of desire burning through her whole body. She felt his hands fondle her breasts, rove down her back and bottom, and then caress her open thighs.

  She ran her tongue over his lips and into his mouth, wriggling and exploring, before returning. His hot tongue pushed deep into her mouth and she licked and sucked the juicy flesh. When he fondled the soft flesh of her inner thighs and rubbed a finger over her vagina, her heart beat faster while she waited for him to take her as his bride.

  He pushed her legs wide apart as he slowly climbed between them, while smiling down at her happy face. She stroked his cheeks and then caressed the firm brown skin of his chest and shoulders, admiring his strong, muscular body. His fingers opened her pussy and she felt his hard flesh push through her labia and go deep into her pussy.

  "El amour," he said to her in a soft voice, "My darling, you feel so good."

  She could not speak Spanish at all, and only understood a few words, but as he whispered to her in his native tongue, she knew they were words of love and she caressed his noble face. The strength and power of his hard flesh as it pumped into her vagina and rubbed along her clitoris filled her with amazing emotions of love for this handsome man.

  Her body shuddered with delight as her orgasm spread outwards, giving her wonderful sensations of hot pleasure. She held her arms around his body as he continued to pump his cock into her pussy with steady strokes and she smiled happily, thinking about her wonderful wedding night.


  The next morning, she lay in the bed staring at his sleeping figure and the memories of marrying Julian in the morning, climbing into the picture that night, dancing with Rafael and then giving herself to him, flooded through her mind.

  "What have I done," she muttered, slipping from the bed and looking for the blue robe that Rafael put across the chair last night. The robe was gone and in its place was the wedding dress she saw the Spanish woman wearing in the painting.

  "That's right darling, that is your wedding gown now, so put it on," said Rafael, getting out of the bed and reaching for the same clothes he wore yesterday.

  "What are you talking about? I need some clean clothes and a shower. I am not putting on that wedding dress."

  He laughed aloud. A deep rumbling laugh and smiled as he spoke. "You are in the magical world of the painting now my dear and your body will wake up clean and refreshed each morning. We must then dress and stand in our places in the drawing room."

  She threw down the wedding dress and said, "I refuse to wear it."

  "Then I shall take you into the other room just as you are, naked as the day you were born, and you will remain like that forever."

  She scowled at him and slipped into the cream underwear that lay on top of the dress, noting it was not her underwear, but looked fresh and clean. The wedding dress went around her body so easily, it could have been handmade to fit her slim figure, and she admired herself in the long mirror.

  She slipped her arm through his and they walked through the doors that swung open as they approached, and went into the drawing room, where she first met him last night. He led her towards the painting and her eyes opened wide, as she saw Julian sitting on the sofa with the Spanish woman, Olivia. He held a buttered croissant in his hand and held it up to her open mouth, and their eyes in the painting seemed to sparkle with pleasure.

  "How long do we have to stare at that," she said, her heart filled with jealousy.

  "All day, I'm afraid, although the painting can change every hour. It seems to be temperamental.

  "I am not standing here all day," she said, with a sulky expression on her face.

  He nodded and said, "You have to stay there forever, or until another groom climbs up to claim you as his bride."

  CHAPTER 4. Julian Sleeps with Olivia

  Julian woke up early that morning, after a long night of making love to Olivia, and he turned to smile at her sleeping body. The sun was just rising and as a finger of sunlight crept across the bed and over her face, he suddenly realised that she was not the woman he married. The events of last night slowly filled his mind and he remembered climbing into the painting with his wife, Wendy, and then returning with Olivia in his arms.

  Fabio told them the room was enchanted by the painting and he did not believe him, but as he stared at Olivia's beautiful face while recalling the wonderful way she made love to him last night, he knew it was true. What disturbed him most was that while he missed Wendy, the beautiful young woman he married, he loved Olivia and already lusted after her voluptuous body.

  Her eyes opened wide and she smiled up at him.

  "Good morning darling, did you sleep well," she said, snuggling up close to him and gently kissing his mouth.

  The feel of her naked body in his arms aroused him still more, and as he returned her kisses, emotions of desire to make love to her swept through him.

  "Yes Olivia, I had a wonderful night and with you in my arms, I think I will have a wonderful day."

  She rolled onto her back, pulling him with her until he lay on top of her naked body.

  "Then let's start the day right by making love," she said, reaching down with her hands to grasp his large erection and guide it towards her waiting pussy.

  He knew this was wrong and that Wendy was his wife, but the love and desire he felt for Olivia was too strong, especially with her naked body lying open beneath him. His penis slipped readily into her vagina and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, as he began to pump in and out with vigorous strokes.

  The only thought on his mind now was to make love to Olivia and experience the exhilarating satisfaction of his orgasm, and he grasped her bottom with his hands and rammed his hard cock deep into her pussy. She wriggled happily beneath him, pushing upwards with her hips to meet his penetrating thrusts, and arousing all his emotions of lust and desire.

  He smiled into her dark eyes as she kissed his face and mouth, while stroking his body with her hands. She was an amazing woman, a fantastic lover, and he knew he was a lucky man to have her love.

  Ten short minutes later, his climax exploded with hot pleasure filling his body, and he lay in her arms while kissing her mouth many times.

  "I am so pleased you carried me away to your bed," she said, stroking his cheeks with her hands, "I know you will miss your wife, but I promise to love and care for you."

  "I was told the honeymoon suite was enchanted and the painting had magical properties, but I do not understand why I have such strong feelings of love for you."

  She laughed aloud, the s
ound like crystal bells chiming across a field of deep snow.

  "That happened when you removed my wedding veil and kissed me. The magic of the painting did the rest, but you opened the door to our love."

  "How long will that love last?" He was concerned that they remain in love and that he had lost Wendy forever.

  "I'm not sure, but I do know that I need a shower," she said, sliding from his arms and skipping across the floor to the bathroom. He laughed as he jumped from the bed and followed her, she was such pleasure to be with and he did not wish to miss a moment of her company.

  After a hot shower, and some more lovemaking, he came out from the bathroom and began to dress in a pair of jeans and a yellow shirt that he left open at the collar. As he was fastening the buttons, he saw Olivia pick up the short blue dress that Wendy wore last night.

  "What happened to the wedding dress that you took off last night?" he said, his face furrowed with confusion.

  "Oh, that has returned to the painting," she said, hanging up the dress and finding a summery dress to wear.

  He went into the sitting room and saw Rafael in his normal position, but today the young woman on his arm was Wendy and she had a miserable expression on her face. His heart went out to her, but she was lost to him now and he turned to slide his arms around Olivia, as she joined him looking at the sofa.

  "Stop staring, you cannot change what has happened, so order something to eat. I'm hungry," she said, tugging him over to the sofa.

  He phoned down for room service and ten minutes later, they sat on the sofa, drinking hot coffees and eating buttered croissant, while Wendy scowled down at him. His phone pinged and when he checked, he found it was an e-mail with some wedding photos. He did not really want to look at how beautiful Wendy appeared, as they took their vows, but curiosity always wins and he opened the slideshow to look at the images.

  His mouth dropped open in surprise and he showed them to Olivia.

  "Look at the wedding photos, you and I really did get married." It was the painting working its magic again, because every image of Wendy on his phone appeared changed to one of Olivia. He even went to check the photo in his wallet, and it was one of Olivia and not Wendy. He was stuck with her for the rest of his life, and he decided to enjoy every minute.

  They only had the wedding suite for two nights and he made the most of them by spending a lot of time in bed, and as they were preparing to move on the Monday morning, he gave a final look up at the painting. Wendy was looking furious, but Rafael had a smug look on his face.

  He felt angry and jealous that the Spaniard had been making love to Wendy all weekend, and he realised that he still loved her and wanted her back. He turned to Olivia and gave her a tentative smile.

  "Don't get me wrong Olivia, I do love you and cherish the lovemaking we have enjoyed together, but is it possible for me rescue Wendy from the painting?"

  She looked at him long and hard, until large tears filled the corners of her eyes. He felt terrible, as he realised that she loved him and she was upset that he wanted his wife instead of her.

  Finally, she nodded and said, "When a new man comes into the room, if the bride likes him she will put the wedding veil over her face and that triggers the magic in the painting. The new guests are then able to enter the painting, just as you did."

  That gave him an idea and instead of leaving the hotel, he phoned down to reception and arranged for a double bedroom on the same floor as the honeymoon suite for the rest of the week. He then kept the key to the suite in his pocket, hoping it would still work that night.

  While Olivia was unpacking their clothes in the new room, he hung around the bedroom doorway with the door ajar, so he could watch out for the new guests to the honeymoon suite. Once she had finished and made up her face, she tapped him on the shoulder.

  "Come along, let's have a walk around the Gothic Quarter before lunch," she said, opening the door wide and walking into the corridor.

  He was just about to refuse, when he saw Fabio showing on old couple into the wedding suite. The man had a small, bony body with grey hair and beady eyes, while the woman had shoulder length, wavy white hair and pale blue eyes. He groaned, guessing that Wendy would not want to swap for that ugly old man, and he took hold of Olivia's hand.

  Forcing a smile to his face, he said, "Okay, let's go and enjoy ourselves."

  CHAPTER 5. An Old Man Ravishes Wendy

  Wendy was furious with Julian and the happy, relaxed manner he had with that Spanish woman who smothered him with her voluptuous body. She endured two long days, standing before the painting and staring at her husband in various poses, kissing and loving her and it drove her mad with anger.

  "Why didn't he even try to come up into the painting and rescue me," she wailed, staring at Rafael with tears in her eyes. "Doesn't he love me anymore?"

  "Oh, I am sure he still loves you, but it is the painting's magic that keeps him away," he said, stroking her shoulders and caressing her face. "Wipe away your tears and perhaps he will return for you."

  "Huh, fat chance of that, they have packed their bags and left, without even a backwards glance at me."

  "You don't know that, because the painting only shows you glimpses as it changes each hour."

  "Why didn't the magic work on him again, that is what I don't understand?"

  He gave her hand a squeeze and said, "The magic only works when the bride pulls down her wedding veil. Look, there is a new couple in the room now. If you pull down your veil, that old man will come and rescue you." He chuckled happily, knowing she would never do that.

  "You beast, why didn't you tell me that about the veil before, when Julian was in the room? You just wanted to keep me for yourself. Well I hate you and will never let you touch me again."

  "Suit yourself my dear, but when I take you to my bedchamber tonight, if you are not a willing lover, I shall tell the Duke and he will give you to his guards to enjoy."

  Her anger simmered for hours that day and in the evening, when she saw the happiness in the face of the old woman, as she sat with her husband on the sofa, she had an idea. If she were able to entice the old man to rescue her, she could go and find Julian. With that thought in mind, she reached up to pull down her veil.

  Rafael saw her hands move and with panic in his voice, he said, "No, don't pull down your wedding veil." It was too late, the veil was down, and with a provocative stance, she waited for the magic to work.

  She heard the couple speaking and smiled beneath the veil, as she realised the magic was indeed working.

  The old man said, "Look at the way she is standing, as if inviting me up there."

  "Go on, you old goat, what would you do with a young woman like that—there's been no lead in your pencil for years."

  "I suppose you would love to have the Spaniard put his arms around you?"

  "Sure I would, and see the couples dancing beyond the open doors, I would ask him to dance with me."

  Wendy smiled at the old couple's words, held out her hand and said, "Then climb up on the table and the mantle, and join us for a dance." The couple on the sofa stared at each other in surprise and then the old woman began to climb onto the table.

  Rafael glared at her. "Look what you've done now, you fool. I shall have to dance with that old crone."

  "I hope she spends the night in your bed, too," she said, grinning as the old man took her hand.

  "Hello dear, my name is Ed Weaver and this is my wife of 50-years, Harriet Weaver."

  "I am so pleased to meet you both. I am Wendy Massey and this is Señor Rafael Cardona, whom I know would love to dance with you, Harriet," she said, giving the old woman's hand to Rafael. She smiled as the couple danced from the room and joined the throng in the ballroom, and she then closed the doors.

  "Why did you close the doors, I cannot watch the dance, and I wanted to dance with you?" asked the grey haired old man in a querulous tone.

  "Because I want you to take me in your arms, carry me to safety in your
hotel room, and then I will dance with you all night," she said, putting her arms around the small man. She hoped he had the strength to lift her, but she need not have worried.

  He quickly picked her up in his arms, and nimbly carried her down to the sofa, where they collapsed in a giggling heap.

  She smiled at him through the veil and said, "Thank you for rescuing me, kind sir. Your reward shall be a kiss from my lips."

  He chuckled and said, "A kiss will be fine to start with Wendy, but I don't think either of us will want to stop there." He raised her wedding veil and pressed his mouth against her lips in a torrid kiss, and she felt waves of love and desire for this old man sweep through her body. He was right, she wanted much more than his kisses and she began for stroke his bony old body with her hands.

  She felt his hands fondle her breasts through her bodice and then creep up beneath her voluminous wedding dress, caressing her legs and thighs. It was exciting and she lusted for him.

  "Take me into the bedroom Ed, and help me out of this darn dress." She had been wearing it for days and was sick of it now, and longed to feel the freedom of her naked body, after standing for hours before the painting.

  "That will be my pleasure," he said, whisking her through the double doors and kicking them to with his feet, before tossing her onto the bed. "I can't wait much longer darling, and my boner is aching for you already."

  She began to pull off her dress and layers of underclothes at great speed, until she lay naked on top of the bed, luxuriating in the softness of the covers on her skin. Her eyes went large, as she saw the little man's enormous erection bobbing before his stout legs and firm stomach.

  "You are a big man, Ed," she said, sliding her fingers up and down the hard flesh, with lust rushing to her head. "In fact, I think you may be too large for me."

  "Then let me give your pussy a kiss," he said, diving between her legs and pushing his face onto her vagina.

  His tongue delved deep into her body, and as he began to lick and suck on her pussy and then her tiny clit, she opened her legs wide, ready for his approach.


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