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The Enchanted Honeymoon Suite

Page 3

by Colette Fry

  "Take me now Ed, as your reward for saving me from a fate worse than death," she cried, pulling his body on top of hers. He pushed his head between her fine breasts, licking the soft flesh and sucking on her nipples.

  She had never desired a man so much and as he pushed his stiff cock through her labia and deep into her vagina, she wrapped her arms around him and held him in a tight embrace. His bony body rubbed against her, as he pumped his cock into her pussy with great vigour, giving her strong emotions of lust and love.

  It was not long before her orgasm spilled into her vagina, lubricating the pumping actions of his hard erection and enabling him to increase the speed and power of his pumping.

  "Oh my God, this is fantastic," she cried, her orgasm refusing to stop, as he drove into her with powerful thrusts, arousing every cell in her body and exciting her beyond anything she had ever experienced.

  "You make me feel like a young man again," he said, his voice deeper than his small body suggested.

  Her arms and legs wrapped around him and she kissed his mouth a dozen times, and then her orgasm swelled to such a peak, she shrieked with delight.

  She cried out, "Oh yes, I love you Ed."

  CHAPTER 6. Julian Loves the Old Woman

  Julian did not understand why he had such strong feelings of love towards Olivia, unless she was right and that from the moment he lifted her wedding veil and kissed her on the mouth, the painting in the haunted honeymoon suite worked its magic on him. Perhaps the magic worked on them both, really, because he sensed that Olivia felt the same strong feelings towards him.

  He wined and dined her in the hotel restaurant that evening and kissed and caressed her all the way back to their room. Once in the room, and to ensure she was in a cooperative mood for what he had planned in the small hours of the morning, he gently removed her clothing and then took her to bed.

  She had a wonderful figure, and knowing that Wendy had more than likely been making love to Rafael, he had no feelings of guilt as he pumped his hard cock into Olivia's willing body. After all, it was necessary as part of his plan to rescue Wendy from the clutches of the Spaniard in the painting, so she should not feel upset if she ever learned of it.

  "You are a wonderful lover Julian and I am so happy to be with you," said Olivia, after their lovemaking climaxed and he rolled off her body. "I think you truly love me, too."

  "Of course I do, but tonight I want you to help me rescue Wendy from the painting."

  She pouted her mouth and said, "Please don't make me go back to Rafael, he can be so cruel."

  "It is only for a short time. You just have to dance with him once, while I rescue Wendy, and then I will return for you," he said, knowing that was most unlikely. Once he had Wendy in his arms, he knew that he would never return to the honeymoon suite, and as he looked into Olivia's eyes, he saw her tears and realised that she also knew.

  He held her in his arms as she fell asleep and then he set the alarm for one o'clock in the morning. The old couple would be fast asleep by then, and he and Olivia could then go into the painting and rescue Wendy.


  It was one-twenty when they crept from his room after turning out all the lights and leaving the door very slightly ajar, so he could return with Wendy in his arms. They were showered and dressed and he crossed his fingers that his key to the honeymoon suite worked.

  It did, and putting his fingers to his lips, he quietly led Olivia back into the sitting room, which was in darkness, except for the wall lamp over the oil painting above the fireplace. The bedroom doors were open an inch and he could hear the old couple making passionate love. He shook his head in wonder at how a couple about 70-years-old could be so sexually active.

  Olivia giggled, when she heard them, and he put his hand over her mouth.

  "Be quiet or we will be in deep trouble," he said, pulling her away from the doors and over to the painting.

  He was pleased to see Wendy in her wedding dress with the veil over her face, but her blue eyes sparkled beneath the lace, as she looked down at him. Rafael's face still had a smug expression and the thought that he had made love to Wendy that evening made him furious, but he held back his anger for the moment, as Rafael held out his hand and beckoned them up to the painting.

  "Do I have to go?" wailed Olivia.

  He nodded and climbed onto the coffee table, yanking her up after him. They stepped onto the mantle and Rafael took Olivia's hand and helped her into the painting. When he saw Wendy smile with relief through her veil he let rip with his anger, turned towards Rafael and punched his face, knocking him to the ground.

  When he saw the Spaniard fall down, he spun on his heel, picked up Wendy in his arms and climbed back into the painting. Rafael stood up and waved his fist at him.

  "I shall have the painting curse you for life for your vile actions," he yelled, but his voice faded away as the painting became still and quiet once again. He did not bother turning around to look at it, but crept passed the bedroom doors and heard the woman cry out to her husband in a moment of ecstasy, "Oh yes, I love you Ed."

  He chuckled at her erotic words and felt his cock stir in his trousers, making the desire to make love to his bride fill his heart and arouse his erection still more. He quickly left the suite, silently closing the door and then hurrying across the corridor and into his own bedroom. The moment he closed the door, he lowered Wendy down to her feet and put his arms around her sweet body in the darkness of the room.

  "I love you so much my darling and now we are together at last, I want our love to last forever," he said, sliding his hands up her slim body in the dark, and then pushing the wedding veil back over her head. He reached forward with his mouth, felt for her lips and then kissed her with warm and tender passion.

  Just as when he first kissed Olivia, he felt waves of love and desire spread through his body and he knew the magic of the painting had done it, but this time it was for his wife and that made him happy.

  He felt her arms go around his neck, as she clung to him and returned his kisses, while pushing her body against him. He unzipped the wedding dress and helped her to slip out of it. With mounting excitement, he ran his hands over her large breasts, stroked her wide hips and held onto her full bottom, pulling her into a warm embrace.

  His heart missed a beat and he had a horrible thought. Large breasts, wide hips, full bottom. This is not my wife!

  He fumbled for the light switch, and in the dim glow of the foyer lighting, he saw the semi-naked body of the old woman who checked into the honeymoon suite that morning. She was smiling at him, her pale blue eyes twinkling with joy, as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close.

  His mind was working overtime and he realised the old couple must have gone up into the painting last night, and the husband left his wife up with Rafael, while he took Wendy down to his bed in the honeymoon suite. He then realised that the couple he heard making love in the bedroom, was Wendy and the old man and he was surprised when those thoughts gave him a hard erection.

  He first thought was to carry the old woman back to the honeymoon suite and dump her there, while bringing Wendy back here, but the magic of the painting was too strong. The powerful emotions of love that he now had for the old woman, made it impossible for him to leave her and when she began to kiss his mouth again with her warm soft lips, he was not sure he wanted to leave her, anyway.

  She took hold of his hand and pulled him towards the bed, smiling at him every step of the way. He watched her remove her brassiere and was pleasantly surprised at how large her breasts were, and when she removed the rest of her underwear, he began to undress at great speed and seconds later he was holding her naked body in his arms beneath the bedcovers.

  CHAPTER 7. Julian Pines for His Wife

  "My name is Harriet Weaver," she said, her eyes crinkling with pleasure as she ran her hands over his chest and shoulders, gently feeling his biceps and letting her eyes go wide. "Who are you and why did you rescue me from that horrible

  He opened his mouth to tell her that he actually thought he was saving his wife, but the painting's magic would not let him say the words, and instead the painting made him say, "My name is Julian Massey and I rescued you because I fell in love with you and wanted you for my own."

  "Oh my darling, that is exactly how I feel about you," she said, pressing her mouth to his lips once again. The weight and force of her body rolled him onto his back and the next minute she sat astride his chest, dangling her breasts on his face. "You can play with them if you like."

  He did like and he kissed and sucked on her nipples while caressing her breasts, amazed at how firm they were for an old woman. With her makeup, blue eye-shadow bright red lips, and her oval face surrounded by tresses of wavy white hair, she could be any age from mid-forties upwards. It was only by chatting to Fabio that he learned the old couple were about 70-years of age.

  Her fingers began to stroke his cock and he felt his erection harden with lust. At the same time, he ran his hands over her body, admiring her taut skin and lack of fat or wrinkles. She gave him a sly grin and suddenly spun around on his chest. When she bent forwards and took his cock into her mouth, he trembled with excitement at the erotic pleasures surging through his body.

  Her bottom hovered inches above his head and he could see her neat, clean-shaven cameltoe between her thighs, and he pulled her bottom down onto his face, until he could slide his tongue into her vagina.

  His tongue probed and licked the sweet juices within her pussy and then he sucked hard on her clit, as she wriggled her bottom in delight. He could feel her head bobbing up and down his long shaft, sending waves of lust through his body, and when she stopped and spun around once again, he was fully aroused.

  She grinned at him as she raised her body upwards and with unerring accuracy lowered it downwards, capturing his penis with her vagina.

  "Mm this feels so good and I am so happy to have a new lover after fifty years with that old goat I married," she said, rocking back and to on his cock and then sliding up and down with cries of joy. "Ed was a good lover, but he always wanted to be in control, well from now on I am the person in control and you and I will make love my way."

  He had no argument with that at all, the incredible pleasure she gave him by riding his stiff erection felt so good, and he was quite happy to lie on the bed and let her do all the work. Her breasts swung tantalisingly from side to side, her stiff nipple inches from his face, as she leaned forwards with a wicked smile on her face.

  "I think you enjoy being my lover, is that right?"

  "Yes Harriet, I like it very much," he said, as he felt her warm juices trickle from her pussy, along his cock and over his stomach. "I could lay here and let you make love to me forever."

  "That's good, because you are mine for the rest of my life."

  She cackled with delight, lay down and kissed his mouth, while rubbing his cock with her clinging pussy.

  He felt his orgasm spurt out, filling his loins with hot pleasure and as his dick slowly subsided, he sighed with relief from the long pounding she gave him.

  "We can't have any more this," she said, sitting up on the bed and holding up his limp dick with disgust. "I shall fix that in the morning, but now you can hold me in your arms, while I sleep."

  She snuggled down with her back to him and pulled both his arms around her body, with one hand grasping a breast and the other over her stomach and wide hips. Within minutes, she fell into a deep sleep and he went to turn around, but found he was unable to move. No matter what he tried, he could not move away from Harriet and for the next six hours, he lay holding her in his arms, while drifting in and out of sleep.

  The next morning, she left him in the bed while she went into the shower, came out and dressed in Wendy's clothes and sat at the dressing table making up her face.

  "You can take your shower now Julian, while I get ready for breakfast," she said, giving him a bewitching smile that excited him.

  When he came out and began to look for something to wear, she bundled him back into bed.

  "I think it best that you lie in bed and wait for me."

  "But I am hungry and besides, I want some exercise."

  She laughed and said, "I shall give you plenty of exercise, when I return."

  She wore a flowery dress with a wide belt, white high heels and a white shoulder bag, as she waved goodbye to him, and he had tears in his eyes at seeing her leave. He then thought about Wendy and how much he missed her svelte body, while the thought that she was in bed fucking the old man angered him.

  While old Harriet was gone, he picked up his mobile phone and checked the images of Wendy. The last time he looked they all had Olivia's face instead of his wife's smiling face. He groaned as he saw Harriet's old face on every image and angrily put the phone away, knowing the painting was still working its magic.

  He must have dozed off, because the next thing he knew, Harriet was sitting naked beside him on the bed, pushing two Viagra into his mouth.

  "Here's your breakfast darling. Make sure you swallow them both, because I want to make love to you again, now," she said, as she lay down on the bed and began to fondle his dick.

  It was not long before she aroused his erection and she jumped astride his body with a yelp of joy.

  "Now we can exercise for the rest of the day," she cried, sliding up and down his shaft, while smiling happily down at his mournful face.

  He was sad at losing Wendy to the old man, and bored at the thought of making love to Harriet all day and night, but as she continued to rub her pussy along his stiff cock, he soon became aroused. He gripped her hips and helped her slide up and down for what seemed like hours, until they both climaxed and lay in each other's arms.

  After a short rest, she aroused him again, and they repeated the lovemaking almost exactly as before. This went on for hours and then days, with the only breaks for Harriet to go down to the restaurant, leaving him on the bed. He felt lonely when she left him and each time she returned he beamed happily at her and told her how much he loved her.

  One night, she sat on the bed beside him, wearing a short, off-shoulder, dark-blue evening dress with white silk stockings and three-inch blue shoes. He raised his head and realised it was the same dress that Wendy wore on the night they climbed into the picture. As he stared at her, she leaned over and stroked his face.

  "What's the matter darling, you look as if you've seen a ghost," she said, leaning forward to kiss his mouth. As Harriet's old face moved closer, it seemed to morph into Wendy's face and his lips tingled as she kissed him.

  Even the kiss felt like Wendy's hot kiss and he put his arms around her and gave her a warm hug.

  "Darling, you are so romantic tonight, how wonderful," she said, standing up beside him.

  He rubbed his eyes and stared at her.

  It was Wendy wearing the blue dress and he was in the sitting room of the honeymoon suite wearing his dinner jacket.

  "What day is it?" he said, with a puzzled look.

  She glared at him, pouted and said, "It's our wedding day and if you don't get your act together, I shall be very upset."

  "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," he said, shaking his head as he stood up and straightened his jacket. It felt so good to be back at the beginning of his nightmare.

  "Well, are we going or not?" said Wendy with her hands on her hips and her right foot tapping on the floor.

  "Going where?" he said, getting confused again.

  "The Spaniard has invited us into the painting for a dance," she said, climbing onto the coffee table. "Come on Julian, or I will go without you."

  "Not in this life you won't," he said, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her away from the painting. "If you go up into that painting, the Spaniard will ravish you all night."

  "Ooh, now you're turning me on," she giggled, kissing his mouth.

  "And he will send down his beautiful Spanish bride to spend the night with me."

; She glared at him and said, "That is never going to happen, so take me to bed right now."


  Julian was thrilled that the sexual affairs he had with Olivia and Harriet never really happened and that his erotic escapades in their loving arms were simply dreams or nightmares. He relaxed and enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon with Wendy in the hot sun of Barcelona. They explored the Gothic Quarter around the Ramblas, which stretched from the Port to Plaza Catalunya, enjoying the many shops and cafés.

  Each night he took her to bed and made love to her with a happy heart, knowing she loved him in return and that they had many happy years ahead. He kept her away from the painting and would not let her climb into it for a dance with the handsome Spaniard.

  Wendy took many photos with her phone, but he left his turned off, as he was frightened to look at the photos in case they still had Harriet's face. When they were alone in the room, and Wendy was in the bathroom, he turned on the phone and checked the images. Just as he thought, they were all of Harriet and as he stared at them, Wendy came and stood beside him.

  "I love that one of me, looking up at your face with love in my eyes," she said, staring at the image on his phone.

  When he looked at the photo, it was Harriet's face smiling lovingly at him, and he closed the phone with a sad sigh. How could he see Harriet, while Wendy saw her own image? The darn woman was haunting him and he thought of Rafael's last words, after he punched him to the ground. "I shall have the painting curse you for life!" Well, it seemed to be working and he felt cursed.

  Finally, the day came for them to return home, and they packed their bags and went down to reception to checkout. Wendy went over to look at the shops as he stood in the queue for the cashier, and he felt a cold hand slide into his right hand and give it a squeeze.

  He turned to see what Wendy had bought and was shocked to see Harriet standing there. She gave him a wink and then she went over to stand by the small man who was also checking out of the hotel. He felt something that Harriet had pushed into his hand, but Wendy was walking towards him and he slipped it into his pocket.


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