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Burned Alive: Bruno, Galileo and the Inquisition

Page 49

by Alberto A. Martinez

  Paul iii 23, 26, 157, 205

  lived on the Moon 19, 27, 34,

  Paul v 129, 146, 148–9, 151–2,

  100–103, 113, 121, 264

  157–8, 240, 273

  and magic 30–31, 185, 170,

  Pius ix 47


  Urban viii 16, 142–3, 143, 170,

  on mathematics 14, 17–18, 21,

  179, 181, 183–4, 187–8,

  197, 277–8

  190–96, 198, 200, 214, 217,

  as pagan leader 8, 12, 15–18

  229, 232–3, 239–40, 250,

  and silence 15, 29, 36, 43,


  256, 271

  105–6, 160, 168, 184, 190,

  Zacharias 60, 97


  Porphyry 21–3, 51–7, 66, 103, 127,

  souls from stars, planets 55, 122,

  134, 157, 162, 169–70, 184–6,


  210, 232, 235, 264, 266–72

  Sun, Moon, stars are gods 55,

  Possevino, Antonio 125, 127


  Praedestinatus 95, 262

  and transmigration 15, 17–18,


  29, 34–6, 37, 43–4, 53–4,

  Augustine on 20

  57–8, 61–2, 85, 105–6, 122,

  Bellarmine on 153–4

  127, 167, 178, 183–5, 232,

  Bruno on 15, 33, 35–7, 40–44,

  243, 263–5, 268

  46, 50, 53–4, 57–9, 61–4, 68, travelled to stars 18, 59, 264

  71, 84–5, 155, 158–60, 231,

  on worlds 15, 18–19, 21–2, 27,


  34, 40, 55, 59–60, 64, 100–

  compared to Jesus Christ 8, 19,

  101, 113, 121, 136, 164–5,

  33, 22, 43, 93, 118, 264–5

  243, 264, 268–9

  denounced by Christians 19,

  see also soul of the world,

  39, 43, 51–4, 57–8, 62, 122,


  153, 156, 161, 185, 188–9,

  199, 202–46, 257, 262–70,

  Redondi, Pietro 193–4, 213–14


  Riccardi, Niccolò 185, 187, 192–4,

  Copernicus on 23–5

  198, 200, 203, 210, 232–3, 253,

  and demons or daemons 8, 16,


  19–20, 27, 31, 55, 100, 153,

  Ricci, Matteo 161, 194

  167–8, 170, 266–7, 244, 263

  Rittershausen, Konrad 71, 127

  on Earth as animal 44, 56, 124,

  Romaeus, Nicolas 170

  166, 177, 239, 268

  Rowland, Ingrid 65–6, 329

  on Earth’s motion 15, 56, 136,

  Rubio, Antonio 161–2, 242

  140–41, 147, 166, 177, 188,

  Rusca, Antonio 168–9, 263

  191, 205–7, 212, 222, 238,

  268, 271, 274

  Santori, Giulio (Cardinal of Santa

  Galileo on 14, 27, 106, 140, 152,

  Severina) 45, 73, 75, 131

  162, 191–2, 269, 272

  Schegk, Jacob 95–6

  godlike 18–19, 22, 24, 167, 177, Scheiner, Christopher 138, 223, 257,

  263–4, 267, 270



  burned alive

  Schoppe, Gaspar 48, 71–6, 81, 91–7, Castro vs 52, 159

  120–21, 124, 126–7, 137, 158,

  Ficino on 116, 134, 159, 235

  168–9, 182, 224, 268, 272

  Galileo on 158–60, 254, 270

  Serarius, Nicolaus 109, 137, 240

  Gassendi on 257

  Sfondrato, Cardinal Paolo 142,

  Gemma on 108, 270

  145–6, 150–52, 201, 273, 306

  Gilbert on 102, 222–3, 226, 270

  Shackelford, Jole 17, 329, 330

  heresy of 51–2, 62, 64, 69–70,

  Simon Magus 76, 153, 243

  80, 103, 124, 134, 157, 159,


  225, 229, 234, 236, 242–3,

  and Bellarmine 128–9, 135,

  270, 275


  Inchofer vs 222–6, 229–31

  and Bruno 38, 78–80, 270

  Inquisition vs 48, 50–51, 56, 64,

  and Copernicus 128

  86–7, 117, 159, 199, 274

  of Galileo 213, 275–7, 270

  Kepler on 108, 134, 159, 166,

  of heresy 277


  and Lucifer 168

  Mersenne vs 180

  and Novatian 67–8, 70

  Novatian on 68–70, 134, 159,

  and the Pythagoreans 8, 18, 29,


  244, 324

  Padiglia vs 125

  of the stars 122

  Petreto vs 103, 159

  and transmigration 243, 324

  Piccolomini vs 101, 159

  and the Sun 207, 209

  Plotinus 134

  and Virgil’s Aeneid 41, 70

  Porphyry on 51, 235, 270

  Solomon 40, 49–54, 58, 61, 84, 126,

  Pythagoras on 19, 41–2, 51–2,

  231, 253, 260

  68, 102, 125–6, 159, 206,

  soul in bodily prison

  235, 257, 270

  Bellarmine on 135, 153

  Rhetor vs 236

  Bruno on 41, 50, 57–8, 70, 85,

  St Augustine vs 51, 56, 222


  Telesio on 116–17

  Campanella on 167, 183

  Tempier vs 56, 243

  Gilbert on 102

  Varro on 51, 116, 125, 159, 235

  as heresy 50, 58, 70, 85, 94, 99

  Virgil on 41–2, 80, 93, 116, 134,

  and the Pythagoreans 29, 41,

  159, 180, 235, 257

  58, 135, 153, 183, 185, 265,

  Viviani on 254


  soul as sailor on ship 58, 67, 85, 87,

  and Virgil 41, 70

  153, 169

  soul of the world

  souls as fragments 53, 99, 135, 153

  Abelard on 52, 103, 134, 159,

  souls travel from/to stars 19, 53, 55,


  122, 156, 185, 264, 266, 268

  Apollonius on 51, 134, 159

  stars with voices 49, 55, 86, 113–14,

  Bellarmine vs 133–4, 144, 153,

  122, 126, 224, 253

  156, 159, 166, 201, 236

  Stellato, Marcello Palingenio 33

  Bruno on 40–43, 48–52, 56,

  Steuco, Agostino 134, 278

  64, 68, 80, 86–7, 92–3, 97,

  Stobaeus, Joannes 55, 98

  116, 133–4, 156, 159, 168,

  Stoics 42, 54, 56, 101–2, 120, 123,

  180, 230–31, 246, 268,

  223, 257


  Sun as prison 21, 207, 209–10, 264

  Campanella on 116–17, 122,


  134, 159, 166, 234–7, 270

  Bellarmine on 145, 247, 250



  Bruce on 107

  29–30, 42–4, 54, 105, 127,

  Bruno on 9, 33–4, 50, 53, 59,

  153, 167, 178, 185, 208, 246,

  74, 90, 96, 115, 152, 171,


  247, 261, 274

  to other worlds 18, 92, 98, 122,

  Campanella on 171

  185, 245, 264, 266, 275

  Christians deny 50, 59, 73–4,

  Trismegistus see Hermes

  161, 194, 217, 253, 259, 261,



  Foscarini on 141, 305

  universe animal 108, 116–17, 122

  Galileo on 9, 192, 217

  Kepler denies 9, 112–13, 164

  Valentia, Gregorius de 61

  sunspots 118, 130, 137, 159, 164,

  Valentinus/Valentinians 76, 153,


  220, 229–30, 243

  Valerius Maximus 95, 194

  Tarde, Jean 164, 242

  Varro, Marcus 51, 116, 125, 159,

  Taverna, Ferdinando 67, 71–2, 89,

  166, 194, 235

  145–6, 151–2, 201, 273

  Verus, Lucius 98–9, 182

  Telesio, Bernardino 115–17, 133,

  Virgil, the Aeneid 21, 212, 243, 270


  and Abelard 52

  Tertullian 53, 57, 66, 91, 152, 156,

  and Bruno 40–42, 62, 64,

  169, 184–5, 218, 241–4, 251,

  68–70, 80, 93, 116, 134, 180

  265, 272

  and Campanella 116, 134, 166,

  Theodoret 152, 162, 169, 218, 230,



  criticized by Christians 53, 101,

  Tor di Nona 72

  133, 257, 266, 325

  transmigration of souls

  and Copernicus 165

  into animals 18, 30, 39, 44,

  and Ficino 93, 116, 134, 159

  85–7, 98–9, 167–8, 185, 264, and Galileo 159


  and Inchofer 231

  denied by Aristotle 21

  and Kepler 107

  Bruno on 35–9, 42–5, 54, 57,

  and Novatian 68–70, 292

  61–2, 74, 85–7, 94, 99, 157,

  Virgilius (Feargal) 60, 97, 188,

  180, 231, 267–9

  216–17, 232, 239

  and Campanella 115, 167–8,

  Virgin Mary 15, 38, 71, 77, 82, 118,

  178, 231, 244

  200, 203, 247

  denied by Christians 19, 39, 58, Viviani, Vincenzo 254

  62, 66–7, 76, 122–3, 125,

  153, 265, 135, 169–70, 180,

  Wackher, Johann 75, 109, 111–12

  185, 207, 232, 241–3, 259,

  Waddington, George 266

  265, 267

  Waddingus, Lucas 210, 272

  and Galileo 220, 245, 251,

  Wedderborn 114, 137


  Weyer, Johan 31

  as a heresy 17, 58, 62, 66, 67, 76, Wilkins, John 238–9, 241

  85, 123, 167–8, 180, 241,

  William of St Thierry 52, 270,

  243–4, 260

  Wootton, David 192, 254, 329

  denied by Inchofer 209, 220,


  229, 231

  denied by St Ambrose 162, 194

  Kepler on 105–6, 220, 268

  denied by St Augustine 59, 61,

  and Pythagoras 15–19, 21,

  66, 91, 95, 98, 100, 125, 127,


  burned alive

  133, 152, 162, 217, 219, 230, denied by Lactantius 95

  241–2, 257, 262

  Lucian on 34, 59, 100, 104, 161,

  Brahe on 109


  Bruno on 10, 15, 30, 33–5, 39,

  Origen on 59, 61–2, 96, 136,

  50, 59–66, 84–5, 88–9, 92,

  172, 181, 218–19, 231

  94–9, 110–13, 167, 180–81,

  Orpheus on 127, 131–2, 164,

  232, 245, 259, 261

  238, 262

  and Campanella 174–7, 193–4,

  denied by St Philaster 59, 61,

  220, 262

  95, 195, 219, 241, 262

  denied by the Canon Law 61

  Plato on 238

  denied by Cicero 95

  denied by Pope Dionysius 59

  and Copernicus 100, 131,

  denied by Pope Zacharias 60

  149–50, 174, 261, 267

  denied by Praedestinatus 95,

  and Democritus 21, 34, 61,


  95, 98, 100, 110, 130–32,

  and Pythagoras 15, 18–19,

  136, 161–2, 167, 175, 194,

  21–2, 27, 34, 40, 55, 59–60,

  217–18, 230, 238

  64, 100–101, 113, 121,

  denied by de Valentia 61

  136, 164–5, 243, 264,

  denied by St Epiphanius 98,


  152, 262

  denied by Rubio 161–2, 242

  denied by Fabricius 262

  denied by Rupert of Deutz 62,

  heresy of many worlds 59–62,


  64, 72–3, 84–5, 94–9, 125,

  denied by Schegk 95

  141, 150–51, 158, 162, 171,

  denied by Schoppe 92, 94, 96

  174–5, 181, 188, 192–4, 219, denied by Theodoret 152, 161,

  230, 239, 241–2, 244–5, 255,

  218, 230

  259, 262, 275, 314

  denied by Thomas Aquinas 162,

  denied by St Hippolytus 59


  denied by Inchofer 208–9, 213,

  see also extraterrestrial life; suns

  216–20, 241

  denied by St Isidore 60, 162

  Xenophanes 53, 133, 218, 238, 296

  denied by St Jerome 59, 95

  Ximenes, Ferdinando 142, 146,

  and Jesus Christ 61, 164, 174–5, 240

  181, 213, 219, 259–60

  Kepler on 103–10, 113–14, 131, Zúñiga, Diego de 35, 55, 102, 151,

  162–4, 176, 179, 220, 238,

  157, 164, 170, 179, 216, 227,

  242, 261–2

  240, 269, 271, 275


  Document Outline


  Title Page

  Imprint Page



  1: The Crimes of Giordano Bruno Pythagoras and Copernicus

  The Moving Earth and the Fugitive Friar

  Prisoner of the Inquisition

  Censured Propositions in Bruno’s Books

  Fire and Smoke

  Why the Romans Killed Bruno

  2: Aliens on the Moon? Kepler Announces Life in Other Worlds!

  Campanella Imprisoned and Tortured

  Bellarmine and the Enemies of Bruno

  Galileo in Danger

  3: The Enemies of Galileo Campanella Defends Galileo from Prison

  Galileo Defends the Pythagorean Doctrines Again

  Inchofer Against the New Pythagoreans

  No Life in Other Worlds, No Living Earth

  Campanella’s Exile and Death

  4: Worlds on the Moon and the Stars How Heretical, Really?

  Bellarmine’s Innumerable Suns

  Critiques after Galileo’s Death




  Photo Acknowledgements





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