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Page 15

by Angela Rush

  Chapter 23


  We head to a department store and load up on supplies for an epic party. It’s impossible to keep the grin off my face as we go through the store. Once we have gotten the cart full. We head to the check out. While standing in line, I can’t keep my hands from Charlotte. The need to touch her is a compulsion. My hands wonder over her hips, up her back to her hair. Her hair smells like coconuts and reminds me of her in bed under me calling my name as I take her. People are beginning to stare. Charlotte is giggling like a schoolgirl with her first crush at my attention. I hear someone calling her name.

  “Charlotte, Hawk what are you two doing today?” I look back into the store and see Summer, Jess, and Fiona coming up the aisle toward us. Charlotte looks to me as if she is unsure what to say. I just smile at her as I whisper in her ear while placing a kiss on her temple. “I’ve got this, babe.”

  “Hello, ladies.” I say. “What are you up to today?”

  “Shopping, but we asked you first.” Summer replies, with an eyebrow raised in question and a coy smile on her face. The others are looking at us with similar expressions.

  “We are shopping as well. We are having a little get together at our house on base tonight. Deadeye is supposed to be calling everyone to invite you.” I inform the group. “I hope you all can make it.”

  “What’s the occasion? I thought the engagement party was last week.” Jess asks, grinning at me. She knows what is going on.

  “Do we need to have a reason?” I ask with a smile. Jessyka knows our little secret or a least a part of it, but I have a feeling she hasn’t disclosed it to anyone. “We had to leave so suddenly last time, I thought we might finish the party tonight.”

  “That’s right! Are you feeling alright, Charlotte?” Fiona asks, her brow furrowed in concern.

  “Yes, I am fine. Thanks for asking.” Charlotte replies as she sways in my embrace. She must be dizzy again. I can’t help but worry about the symptoms even though the doctor said everything was fine.

  “Well, ladies it seems the line is moving. We will see you all this evening.” I say in an almost sing-song voice. It is impossible to hide my good mood. We turn and head to the checkout counter.

  A few hours later we are almost ready for our guests. Charlotte has been really sick today and very tired. She laid down as soon as we got home and has had a 2-hour nap. When she woke, I had almost everything ready for gathering. Streamers in neutral pastel colors, yellow, green, and purple along with several balloons have been placed around the house. Deadeye and Ace are here already. They are outside manning the grill. The food smells delicious. Charlotte seems to be avoiding being around the food. Nausea has kept her in the bathroom even more today. This pregnancy is going to be harder for her than either of her other pregnancies. It concerns me, but she has reassured me not to worry that it is common for a woman with twins to have strong symptoms.

  A little while later, everyone else begins to arrive. Charlotte is pale and weak, but still gorgeous in my eyes. I want her to be the center of attention and feel like a Queen, because she is my Queen.

  The house is filling with laughter, music, and friends. Several people ask what’s up with the decorations? After all its Fall of the year and the place looks decorated for Spring (or a baby shower). I just smile politely and say we just like the colors. Which is true, not a lie. At least until we find out if they are boys or girls or one of each. I still can’t believe this is happening. We are having twins!

  Once we everyone has eaten, it’s time to announce our secret. Charlotte is sitting in a chair in the living room. Lifting her easily I take her seat and sit her in my lap. I clear my throat loudly, but it’s hard to get everyone’s attention. Straw sees my struggle and whistles loudly. All eyes turn toward us.

  “Charlotte and I invited you all to come here this evening to let you all in on a little secret.” I declare with a huge smile. “We found out today we are going to be parents.” I pause for dramatic effect. “of twins.”

  A loud chorus of congratulations, hoots, and hollers fills the room. I am so happy to overflow. I wasn’t sure everyone would be as happy as we were, after all we haven’t known each other that long. But in the long run it only matters what Charlotte and I think. We haven’t told our other children yet. We really want to do that in person. Captain Olson has approved my leave to take Charlotte home to Kentucky to see her children. We will be leaving in a couple of day. After spending a little time with her kids, we are going to North Carolina to see my family.

  A few days later we are landing at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Captain Olson arranged for us to fly on a military transport instead of commercial. We are still concerned about Lopez looking for Charlotte. It will be harder for him to track her movements by not using commercial. Sara and Justin are here to pick us up and make the trek across Southern Kentucky to Charlotte’s hometown of Deer Run.

  Charlotte has been telling me all about her little town. It’s more or less a dot on the map according to her. It’s very rural with only a couple of gas stations, one grocery store, a bank, and few small general stores. There is a critical access hospital where she worked before her ill-fated trip. The population is only about five thousand for the whole county and about a thousand in the little town. Charlotte says everyone knows everyone. It’s hard to keep a secret. I’m looking forward to getting a glimpse into her world that has made her the amazing woman she is today.

  Once we disembark the plane, Sara and Justin are standing near the hanger. Charlotte starts to run to them, but I hold back gently. She looks at me with curiosity. She arches her eyebrows and I can’t hold back a smile. She is so damn cute when she looks at me like that, half-pissed, half-curious.

  “You’re carrying twins, love. You shouldn’t be running.” I remind her gently as I pull her into my side. I can’t hide the smile on my face as I think about the amazing precious cargo she carries in her belly. It’s so hard not to be overprotective and dominating. It’s because I love her and the babies, but I have to remember not to smoother her.

  “Mom!” Sara and Justin run across the tarmac. We wait patiently for them to reach us. They swallow Charlotte in their embrace. I step aside to give them some space but can’t stop smiling broadly. Charlotte’s face is lit up in happiness. Her hazel eyes are sparkling with unshed tears. It’s been hard for her to be so far from them and I momentarily feel guilty for taking so long to bring her home. It was in her best interest as it was just too dangerous before. Her countenance shifts as worry crosses her face but is gone in a flash. What is worrying her? It’s what her children will think about our situation and all the changes and challenges we will be facing in the next year. It is a little overwhelming when you think about it. Getting married, having twins, blending two families that live so far apart. I’m stationed in North Carolina and her family lives here in Kentucky. It will all work out there is no other acceptable outcome other than Charlotte and I being together. She is the air I breath. I crave her more than any addict could a drug. I am startled out of my musing when Sara shrieks.

  “Whoa, Mom What the hell? Where did that come from?” Sara exclaims grabbing Charlotte’s left hand to look at the beautiful ring on her finger. “When were you going to tell us?”

  “Now.” Charlotte says softly. “I wanted to tell you in person. It’s only been a little over a week. Please don’t be angry. We wanted to be with you when we told y’all about it.” Silently I move to her side, taking her hand, lending a silent support.

  “Mom, we aren’t angry, just shocked. I didn’t realize you two were getting so close. It’s really fast. Don’t you think?” Justin inquires in a quiet voice.

  “How about we wait to discuss all this until we are back at your place?” I interject wanting to take some of Charlotte’s distress away at least for the moment.

  “We can talk in the car. It’s a long drive home.” Sara says. Charlotte huffs out a breath and moves to head toward the parking lot. This is going to
be a long awkward drive. Placing my hand on the small of her back, I gently guide her as we head to the parking lot. She is quiet and contemplative as we walk. I assume she is wondering what her kids are thinking. I really hope they take the news of the babies well. I won’t stand for them upsetting her in her condition.

  Justin insists on driving, so we settle into the back seat. Instinctively I reach over and buckle Charlotte’s seatbelt as I have been doing since we arrived back in the States. It didn’t cross my mind that her children might notice or even care. It’s just something we always do. Sara turns to look over the seat at us, giving us a quizzical look. Charlotte glares back at her with a raised brow.

  “What?” She demands.

  “Are you suddenly helpless? He’s buckling your seatbelt?” Sara smirks at us.

  “Drop it Sara!” Charlotte reprimands in a tight voice. “I will not explain myself to you.”

  “Look, Mom. We haven’t seen you in months except for a couple of days in the hospital. You haven’t even talked about dating after Dad died. Now you are here sporting a huge rock. I am sorry, but this is all a bit much for us to take in, ok?” Sara’s voice breaks with emotion at the end.

  “I know. Ok? I am sorry. This hasn’t been very easy for us either.” Charlotte replies trying to placate them. “I realize Hawk and I have seemed to have moved too fast, but we are adults. We aren’t young. We don’t have endless time to build relationships. I would not presume to tell you how to live your life. I expect you not to try and tell me how to live mine.”

  “Charlotte, it is understandable they are surprised, and a little hurt. They want to protect you. They don’t know me. Cut them a little slack.” I say softly. I reach over to cup her cheek and sooth her anger. “Sara, Justin I want to reassure you that I only want what is in the best interest for your mother. I love her and I will never do anything to hurt her.”

  “Listen, we all need to calm down. I know this is an emotionally difficult situation, but we are family. Hawk is going to be a part of our family. I need you all to trust me that I know what I am doing.” Charlotte tells her kids with tears in her eyes. This pregnancy has her crying nearly every day. She has assured me it was a normal thing, but it still hurts me to see her cry. The need to chase them away is ever present.

  “We might as well completely clear the air while we are at it.” Charlotte says with conviction. I stiffen beside her but squeeze her hand a little tighter in silent support.

  “Charlotte, love, are you sure you want to do this now?” I asks her in a whisper.

  “What’s he talking about Mom?” Justin demands in a harsh voice as he flicks his eyes from the rearview mirror and back to the road. Fear flashes across her face as she contemplates their reaction to our news. She blows out a breath and chews on her bottom lip. The silence drags on, so I reach over and take her face in my hands. When her eyes meet mine, I ask her quietly. “Do you want me to tell them?”

  “No. I will tell them.” Charlotte declares as she takes a deep breath. “Hawk and I are going to have twins in about 7 months.”

  The silence in the car is deafening. The roar of the tires on the road is a loud roar. Justin’s knuckles are white on the steering wheel. Sara stares out the window. Charlotte is tense so I continue to hold her hand, gently rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand. I hate this. I don’t want this to put a strain on our relationship. She looks to me and smiles sadly. When I slip my arm around her, she leans into me soaking up my strength. Before long she relaxes, and her breathing slows in sleep.

  Chapter 24


  The gravels cracking under the weight of the tires wakes me we pull into the long driveway of my home place. A rabbit darts across the road into some dried bushes along the road. It is a beautiful old 2-story farmhouse. White vinyl siding, single oak front door, with large picture window gracing the front of the house. How I have missed this place. I bought it after my husband died. It was just too hard to stay there in our old house anymore, too many memories. Sara actually lives in the house where they grew up. Justin has moved about 40 miles away to be closer to his state police post.

  We all pile out of the car. Justin helps Hawk get our bags and carry them into the house. Even though I slept on the four-hour drive here, I am exhausted after all the traveling. A nice long shower followed by a long nap is just what I need right now. Once we get inside, I am hit with nausea and dizziness again. I head for the downstairs bath. Hawk follows me. He knows that look. When we emerge from the bathroom, Sara and Justin are waiting outside giving us a hard look. I sigh heavily. Hawk pulls me to his side, pressing a kiss to my temple.

  “Do you all need some time alone to talk?” Hawk asks.

  “No.” I say. “You are a part of me and therefore a part of this family.”

  “Look Mom. We just need some time to process all of this. We can’t just accept some new random man. I am not saying that someday, we won’t love Hawk like you do, but not today.” It’s Justin that drops all of the emotional words on us.

  “Ok, I can understand that. Can you please try to understand that Hawk and I have been inseparable for the last few months? I need him. I’m sorry if that makes me seem weak in your eyes. I don’t want you all to know all that I went through in the Columbian jungle. Hawk saved me in the jungle, and he continues to save me every day when I relieve that nightmare.” I try to explain to them the closeness that Hawk and I have between us.

  “Alright Mom, we get it. We will back off. I am glad that he is good to you.” Sara says with a smile. “I’ll run into town and get us something to eat for supper.” We nod and Justin carries our bags upstairs to my room. I give Hawk a tour of the house and the back yard. A large deck graces the back of the house with a nice large grill and patio table and chairs. The backyard has a large fire pit with lawn chairs surrounding it. Benches, chairs, and small tables are placed strategically around the space. There is nothing we love more than inviting extended family over for barbeques.

  Sara returns a short time later and we settle in around the dining table to eat. I am conscious to go easy on the greasy foods in hopes of keeping some of it down. Hawk has been pushing water and Gatorade on me all afternoon. It’s really sweet how he dotes on me. The need to be near him and touch him is overwhelming. I lay my hand on his thigh as we eat. His left hand takes mine on his lap. Thankfully the conversation is easy as the kids tell us about their jobs, recent dates, and outings they have taken with their friends. It’s hard to stifle the yawn that escapes me as we are eating desert.

  “I think it’s time for you to sleep,” Hawk declares as he places a kiss on my nose. He sweeps me off my feet and heads for the stairs. “Which room is yours?”

  “Take a left at the top of the stairs. It’s at the end of the hall.” I laugh as he heads up the stairs.

  “We are going to take off, Mom. We’ll see you in the morning.” Justin and Sara call.

  Hawk carries me to the bed. He gently lowers me down. He climbs onto the bed with me. Instinctively I part my legs to allow him to kneel between them. He smiles wickedly. He knows what I want. It is getting to be an addiction. The need to feel him, feel his dick moving in and out bringing my body to a fevered pitch until I am screaming for more is an intense addiction.

  “You should sleep, love. I’m sure the babies are tired, too.” Hawk says even as he moves to kiss me. Reaching up and pulling him to me, I moan into his mouth as I move to deepen the kiss. I arch my chest so I can make contact with his.

  “The babies can sleep even if I don’t.” I whisper. “I need you. I need you to make love to me.”

  Hawk smiles lovingly at me. He moves to make my dreams come true. His hands slide up my thighs. I shiver with need. He hands reach my panties and slides his hands inside. Ever so slowly he pulls my panties down my legs. He helps me to sit up while he lifts my dress up over my head and tosses it toward the floor. He reaches around me to undo my bra. He slides the straps down my arms and removes it freeing my br

  His breath hitches as he feasts his eyes on my chest. He reaches out to lovingly cup both breasts in his hands. My nipples harden, beading at his touch. He massages them gently. Suddenly, his mouth has descended to my left breast. He sucks gently at first, then fiercely, like his life depends on it. His teeth nip my nipple causing it to harden even more. He continues to bring me to life. I am in heaven as he loves my body.

  When he comes up for air, I grab his face and kiss him deeply.

  “You need to be naked.” I say laughingly. “I need to feel your skin.”

  “God you are so damn sexy, love. I love it when you are so demanding.” Hawk says.

  “Then I am going to blow you mind, soldier boy.” I say with a smirk. “Get. Naked. Now! I want you inside me, filling me, stretching me, making me come, hard.”

  “Damn, Wildcat! I love it when you talk dirty. I will fill your every fantasy.” Hawk declares as he begins to remove his clothes. He sheds his jacket, followed by his t-shirt. He jumps up off the bed and quickly unbuttons his jeans slipping them along with his boxer-briefs to the floor. He slips off his shoes and steps out of his pants. Then he is over me. He spreads my thighs and lowers his head to kiss each thigh. He moves his mouth to my sex. He takes his hands and spread my folds. He leans closer and inhales deeply.

  “You smell too good. I love your scent. It screams of your need for me. You are so wet. I could take you now, slide my dick in easily, soaking it in your heat.” Hawk teases me. I am arching my hips toward him, moaning with my need for his hands, mouth, dick.

  “Please Hawk, don’t make me wait. Give me what I need.” I beg him as he continues to stare at my pussy. “I need you, please don’t make me beg.”

  “I will give you everything you need, baby. I want to take my time give you every pleasure.” Hawk says with conviction.


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