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Her Vampire Bad Boy

Page 6

by Trim, Brenda

  His eyes narrow, telling me he caught the snark in my tone. His fingers slip beneath the elastic waist of my pajama pants and push them down over my hips taking my underwear, as well.

  One of his fingers trails down the outside of my thigh and pauses at my knee. “Lift.” Before I comply with his request, he is on his knees and running his lips over the inside of the leg he just set on fire.

  My hips start squirming and my head falls back. “Holy crap,” I blurt. He removes my pants and continues to press open mouth kisses along my thigh. His hands are on my breasts and I’m holding myself in place without being asked.

  He moves to the other thigh and repeats the sensuous process. I’m a puddle hanging from the bar while I strain for some kind of contact to push me over the edge that he’s taken me to.

  I’m so lost in what he’s doing to me that none of the doubt, fear, and confusion seep into my awareness. There is only his mouth and my body at the moment. He pushes to his feet remaining close to me.

  I’m on edge waiting to see what he does next. My core spasms and clenches and I am wound so tight I’m convinced I will explode. Logically, I know I’m close to having my very first orgasm, but I have no idea how to make it actually happen.

  I’ve touched myself very few times in my life. It felt good, but when you’re taught masturbation is evil and not to be done you don’t take many chances. As a teenager and young adult, I dove into cleaning and organizing my closet every time the urge came over me.

  “You’re exquisite,” Liam praises me as he runs a finger through my slick folds.

  My body goes rigid and I start panting. Then my hips really start moving. “Oh God. I’m so close,” I tell him.

  “You will not come until I give you permission,” he informs me. My eyes snap open at that and I look at him. “I want to taste you, but first I want you to feel my flogger.”

  I’m nodding before he finishes talking. Anything if he lets me climax. Taking a step back, I barely stop from whimpering an objection at the loss of contact. If I do, I know Liam will stop what he’s doing, and I feel like I’ll die if he halts right now.

  One corner of his mouth lifts and I see a hint of fang. I’m so preoccupied by the sight that I’m not prepared when the soft leather strands land on my flesh. My back arches when some of the straps hit my sensitive breasts.

  He isn’t using a lot of force, but the ends bite into one of my nipples. The sting is quickly followed by pleasure increasing my need for release. My hips keep moving despite the fact that he’s no longer touching my clit.

  After several successive hits that leave me panting, he shifts his angle and the next one lands on my pussy. “Ah,” I scream and still my hips thrust against nothing. “I’m so close,” I warn him. I have no idea if I can stop from having an orgasm, so my best bet is to let him know. I’ve started this and now I want to finish it more than anything.

  My eyes lock on Liam as he throws the flogger away and falls to his knees in front of me. A snarl rips from his chest tampering some of my arousal. But his mouth is on me in the next second.

  He grabs my hips and holds me in place so I can’t move any more. His tongue strokes over the throbbing bundle of nerves. My breath catches and my hands grab hold of the bar above me.

  One of his arms wraps around my waist, grounding me in a way I desperately need at the moment. He licks and nibbles my entire slit, pausing to insert his tongue inside me.

  I automatically go to my tiptoes when the tip enters me. I’ve never felt anything inside me. I’ve never even used a tampon.

  A sharp smack competes with my panting breaths as his hand lands on my ass. I stop moving away and focus on not climaxing before he gives me permission. I have no idea what he will do, but I don’t want to disappoint him.

  From the moment I laid eyes on him in the parking lot, I felt as if I knew him or shared a connection with him. I can’t explain it and don’t understand it, but it’s there and it’s powerful.

  His mouth lifts from tasting me and his head tilts back so he’s looking at me. I see my juices sparkling all over his mouth and chin. It almost embarrassing how wet he’s made me when I see the evidence so clearly.

  “You may come, my lovely kitten,” he says giving me permission.

  I nod my head and am entranced as he extends his tongue and licks slowly through my channel. I am so ready for this moment. And I’m convinced now more than ever what my parents taught me about sex is wrong. There’s nothing malicious about this experience.

  My eyes slip closed when he sucks my clit again. I feel one of his fingers probe my entrance then slip inside. The feeling is so much more than when it was his tongue.

  My muscles clamp down on him as my entire body tenses. A twist of his finger and flick of his tongue later and I’m hurling over the edge and into space. A sharp pinch on my clit makes me gasp, but it does nothing to take away from the climax that burns through me like wildfire.

  His mouth sucks harder, ripping another orgasm from me before the first one abates. I’m a limp noodle by the time he stops sucking my sensitive nub and runs his tongue over it several times.

  I’m not at all surprised when his lips are red when he lifts his head. “Enjoy your snack, sir? If I get orgasms every time you feel peckish, I’m not going to complain.”

  A laugh bursts from him as he climbs to his feet. Licking his lips, he reaches up and unclasps one cuff, then the other. I collapse against him and smile when he automatically picks me up.

  He’s heading for the door while I struggle to keep my eyes open. “Tired, kitten?”

  I can barely lift a hand to cover my yawn. “I couldn’t sleep before you arrived tonight. I knew something was wrong.”

  “How is that possible?”

  I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes as he takes me to another part of the house. “I’ve always had what I call the knowing. It’s like a sixth sense that lets me know things. I think it was trying to tell me I wasn’t safe.”

  I feel his head shake. “No. I mean you should’ve slept with the compulsion I used before sending you home in a cab.”

  “Do you always overestimate your skills like that?”

  He pinches my bare ass and growls. My eyes pop open and I notice he’s trying not to laugh and scowl at the same time. “Imp. Every vampire has the ability to enter a human’s mind and wipe memories, as well as give commands that they are helpless to follow. It’s how we’ve remained a secret all these centuries. You shouldn’t have been able to resist my directive, let alone forgo it completely.”

  He is watching me closely while he walks and it’s making me uncomfortable. I’m naked and at his mercy. And apparently, I’ve managed to disobey an unwritten rule and I have no idea what I did.

  “It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t even know you ordered me to go to sleep,” I promise.

  “The fact that you didn’t recognize me when I arrived in your parking lot tells me you didn’t retain your memories. The entire situation is odd. What are you?”

  “I’m a regular woman. There’s nothing special about me,” I insist. And, I mean it. I am no one special. The mere fact that this sexy guy is attracted to me is mind boggling.

  “You’re anything but ordinary, kitten. You are a stunning mystery that I can’t wait to unravel,” he tells me, making my cheeks heat under his gaze.

  Chapter 6


  I carry the boneless bundle in my arms, trying to chase away the affection that’s growing inside me for Harper. That will lead to nothing but heartache for us both. I will play with her for a bit and then let her go.

  I’m far from an old vampire which means my powers are limited. Not every vamp can change others. It’s a skill few are strong enough to pull off and even fewer mortals make it through the transition.

  I’m not a good man and have no desire to meet my death because I fell for one fragile woman. If I thought my relationship with my sire was stronger, I might contemplate allowing my feelings
for Harper to dig deeper into my soul, but not that long ago I turned a blind eye to a revolt against Lucius.

  It doesn’t matter that I didn’t know about the plans until right before his enemy stormed his house. I didn’t call and warn anyone. I’ve since pledged my loyalty to Lucius and meant it.

  It took that situation and Lucius keeping Selene to make me realize my previous disquiet had nothing to do with my sire. I owed him my life and have set those feelings aside.

  Harper lets out a sigh and burrows deeper into my embrace. The feel of soft, feminine flesh in my arms rekindles long forgotten sensations. Her show of utter trust despite her underlying scent of fear makes me want to be a better vampire.

  I want to push her naked form up against the wall and bury my cock in her, balls deep while sinking my fangs into her throat. My feet actually falter for a couple steps. Shaking my head, I continue.

  She can’t handle more. It’s why I am going to take a cold shower before dawn forces me to succumb to the sleep of the dead. I had planned on snacking on her delicious pussy before slamming home in her hot little sheath then having my dinner.

  When her heart started an erratic rhythm, instead of feasting like the ravenous beast clawing at my insides, I somehow found the strength and made myself stop. It’s been centuries since I’ve had to fight the urge to stop from bleeding my dinner dry, but the second Harper’s rich blood hit my tongue I’m nearly lost to the ravenous creature I thought I had control over.

  My fangs punch down remembering the earthy flavor of her blood. There is something different about her, but I can’t put my finger on what it is. Her blood energized me like Lucius’s blood did when he first made me. It also bubbled through my system in a way I’ve never experienced.

  It makes no sense because every indicator points to her being one hundred percent human. A very special human, my mind whispers.

  “Where are you taking me now?” she asks in a sleepy voice.

  “To bed. It’s been a long night and I can see how tired you are,” I tell her as I cross through the empty halls.

  Normally my home is the only real refuge I have, but with her present I’m struck with how full and alive the place feels for the first time. I will let her go when I’m through with her, but I doubt I will ever find the same peace here as I once did.

  “You can take me home now. They won’t try anything with everyone up and about.”

  I find myself chuckling for the second time today. “You’re not going home. Can you tell me why those shifters were after you?”

  She lifts her head and starts gnawing on her lower lip. When her body goes rigid, I almost wish I kept my mouth shut. I rather enjoyed how peaceful she was in my arms. “Because I’m irresistible,” she quips.

  “Utterly,” I agree, “but that’s not why they were after you. Did you recognize any of them? Perhaps you invaded their territory?”

  Her arms release my neck and cover her breasts. The way she squirms in my hold makes my cock harder than stone. I shift her slightly so I can free an arm and swat her on the bottom.

  “Stop moving. There’s no reason to suddenly be anxious. I need answers or I can’t help you.”

  She lowers her head and nods almost imperceptibly. “I have never seen any of those men before in my life. I wouldn’t know if I invaded anyone’s territory. If I did it was an accident. I try not to walk around peeing on bushes and trees, so I don’t see how I could have offended them.”

  That makes another laugh burst from my mouth. “You are a breath of fresh air, kitten. I don’t expect a proper lady like you would.”

  She looks up at me with a dazzling smile on her lips. “I don’t think I’m a proper anything after what we just did.”

  “God, you’re killing me,” I tell her as I drop her on the bed and turn to my dresser. “Put this on or I will continue to ravage you.”

  “Thanks.” She slips the cotton shirt over her head. “How do I know if I stepped on some wolf toes?”

  “I’d say if they come after you that’s a pretty significant clue, but I just can’t imagine you doing anything to piss them off to this extent. Besides, these aren’t Garrett’s men.”

  “Who’s Garrett?”

  “He’s the Alpha of the Tucson pack, and he owns this city. Lucius and our nest are allowed to live here on his good graces and as long as our vamps don’t leave a body count behind. Tensions have been high with the local shifters, but that’s not who’s after you.”

  Harper lifts her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them while resting her chin on them. “I still can’t wrap my mind around all of this. I never knew supernatural creatures existed. Any time I think about it my heart starts racing but settles back down before I really freak out. How do we find out if I stepped out of line?”

  I run a hand through my hair, suddenly exhausted. The entire night is one long crisis after another. And now, I have a woman in my house. I should have thought this through, rather than acting on instinct in the moment. I’m not entirely sure I can rest with her in the house.

  It doesn’t matter that I have a secret lair where I take my rest. Vampires don’t reveal their crypts to anyone, and they don’t share their private space. It’s about survival. During the daytime we sleep the sleep of the dead and are at our most vulnerable. I haven’t had anyone near during the day since shortly after Lucius turned me centuries ago.

  Seeing no other option, I remind myself it’s impossible for Harper to find the door to my underground quarters and focus back on the matter at hand. I need answers so Harper is safe to return to her apartment. I’m not keeping her here any longer than necessary.

  Liar, my mind growls silently. I’ve never stuck my neck out for anyone, let alone a weak human woman. Tonight, I not only stepped in the middle of it, but also rescued her. I was no hero. For longer than I can remember I have been the villain.

  What is it about Harper that has me tied up in knots?

  “First, we need to talk to Lucius. He will be the first to hear from Garrett. And he can set up a meeting with the alpha. The attack at Club Toxic is taking all of his attention at the moment and will again as soon as the sun sets, so it’s going to be a couple days.”

  “What?” Harper blurts as her head jerks upright. “I can’t wait that long. I have work on Monday. I need to go home and prepare for the week ahead.”

  “That leaves us the rest of the weekend. No reason to panic at the moment. Are you hungry? Do you need anything before I retire for the day?” I ask her. The temptation to use my compulsion to get her to agree strikes me, but I ignore it. While it’s not as dangerous as wiping a mind, I have no desire to force her into complying. Nor do I want to give her a false sense of security.

  Harper licks her lips and looks over her shoulder before turning back to face me. “Umm. Are you? Are we?”

  “No,” I interrupt her stammering. “You will rest here alone. I will return at nightfall.” I stand up and cross to the door before I indulge my baser desires. There isn’t enough time before I am rendered unconscious to fuck her and feed like I want.

  Tonight, I promise myself.

  * * *


  Rolling over, I snuggle deeper into the silky sheets. Silky? I don’t own anything made of silk. My body shoots upright so fast my head spins. With a groan, I palm the side of my head. Through bleary eyes I realize I’m not at home.

  My heart is racing as I climb from the bed and take in my surroundings. The massive four poster bed has silky midnight blue sheets and a pristine white comforter. The dresser is a dark walnut stain that matches the bed frame. The furniture is nothing like what I have in my house or what I grew up with. There’s a rich quality to the wood and design. I suspect they’re antiques, but I have no idea why. I know next to nothing about furniture, fancy or otherwise.

  But, it is plainly obvious the side tables, lamps, and chaise are good quality. This is the first time I’ve ever been in a room with a couch at the end of the bed. It make
s me wonder if Liam decorated the house or had someone do it for him. My eyes land on the empty fireplace on the opposite wall. It’s not needed this time of year, but I imagine it makes the room toasty during the winter.

  The area rug matches the sheets and is soft under my feet. The wood floors are nearly as dark as the furniture. There are no personal effects to clue me in about the owner. The colors tell me a man lives here. But who? Men accosting me in the parking lot of my apartment complex flash through my mind.

  It wasn’t a dream. Liam’s fang filled snarl fills my mind as my throat tightens with the remembered sensation of not being able to breathe. The sexy vampire saved me from men he claimed were shifters and then brought me to his house.

  Those strangers were going to harm me. There was mention of taking me alive, but they had no problem strangling me until I nearly passed out. Nothing good would come if I ended up with them.

  A glance down reminds me I’m wearing nothing but one of Liam’s t-shirts. That brings on a flood of memories of what he did to my body. My clit throbs as I recall his bite. At the time I had no idea what he’d done. I was lost in an orgasmic haze.

  My cheeks heat and my parent’s mental tape starts playing with their disappointment in my sinning. An immediate denial is on the tip of my tongue. I might be embarrassed at how I writhed and screamed under his mouth, but I don’t regret what we did.

  Still, I’m immensely grateful he didn’t take it any further than that. I’m not ready for full intercourse. The most I experienced before was kisses with Steve. My body never yearned for more and he never pushed me.

  Now, I squirm as arousal floods me once again. Liquid heat seeps from my center as I think about everything Liam made me feel the night before. What would happen when he returned at dusk?

  Would he want intercourse? My clit pulses and a dull ache cuts through some of the haze surrounding my ability to think straight. He bit me. Glancing around the ground I search for my underwear. When I don’t find them, I recall leaving them in Liam’s sex room.


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