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Her Vampire Bad Boy

Page 7

by Trim, Brenda

  With my cheeks heating, I head to the door. Half expecting it to be locked, I’m surprised when the knob turns under my hand. The same dark wood wainscoting and blue walls continue in the hallway.

  Liam is a minimalist. A table topped with an abstract sculpture and several paintings are the only decoration aside from the runner under my feet.

  Several open doors reveal a home gym and other bedrooms. None of them as large as the one I woke up in. I wonder why he put me where he did rather than one of the many others throughout the house. It was the master bedroom. The larger size and en suite bathroom tell me that much.

  But he didn’t sleep there, so why put me in that room?

  The door is open to the sex room and I pause in the doorway. My pajamas lie in a pile on the floor, but my eyes skip right over them and travel to the wall of floggers and canes. My skin tingles with each remembered strike.

  I had no idea people used implements like this for pleasure. When I first laid eyes on it I thought he was going to hurt me until I saw the bed. Having that item in the room put a sensual twist on everything in this room.

  I walk in and open the armoire to get a better look at what is inside. The butterflies in my stomach kept me from looking too closely last night, but now I embrace the flutters and reach out.

  I have a hard time looking too closely at first. The sight of the dick shaped plastic dildos makes my skin warm and my insides tingle. I’ve heard enough from friends to know these are sex toys, but I have no idea what each one is or what it does.

  I grab a flesh colored dildo and gasp when a cord pulls a black remote with it. I flick the switch and my core clenches as it starts vibrating and rotating. I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like. The soft texture and gentle vibrations tell me I would like it.

  I turn it off and set it back down then pick up a plastic arm with a fist at the end. I have no idea what this is used for and don’t want to know. Placing it on the shelf, I pick up a colored glass cone with a tab at one end.

  Holding it up to the light, I look at the device and wonder if it’s like a dildo. It’s smaller and doesn’t look like a dick, so I’m not sure. Perhaps it’s not for my pussy, I think. My backside clenches with that thought.

  Body singing with arousal and need, I set it down and look at balls with leather straps, rings with a smaller bulb, small plastic beads connected together with a plastic line between the balls, and bigger metal balls on a string.

  I’m alive with sensation, and tension fills my body. The cuffs make me sway where I stand and I want Liam even more. Last night was my first time being tied up in any way. Initially, I was uncertain and didn’t like it, but as the pleasure started, I was relieved he’d secured my wrists in place. It ensured I stayed put to experience everything, but he also grounded me and made me feel safe.

  Tingles and pleasure bombard me as I stand there staring at his toys. Turning away, I look over the bench and swing. I admit to being curious, but as guilt threatens to drown me, I pick up my clothes and step into my panties then put on my pajama pants.

  I tug on my tank top and contemplate going home but am too curious about what Liam will show me when he wakes up. I want more even if I’m not exactly ready. My stomach growls and I realize I’m hungry.

  Leaving the playroom behind, I descend the stairs in search of food. If I’m staying, I’d better get something to eat. I climb down one of the massive staircases and marvel at a tapestry hanging from the wall above me. It’s definitely old, making me wonder Liam’s age.

  Are vampires immortal? My knowing tells me that barring decapitation or a similarly catastrophic injury vampires live forever, and that Liam is several hundred years old.

  The living room is like the rest of the house with dark colors and wood. The couches are a soft material. For some reason I expected leather. “Perhaps it’s the room full of leather upstairs,” I joke to a silent room.

  I pass through a formal dining room that has a table for six set with fancy china. That’s even more surprising than the fabric couches. What does a vampire need with plates and silverware?

  None of it is dusty, either. The entire house seems to be dust free and spotless. I doubt the bad boy vampire cleans his own house. He has to have a maid or something. The kitchen has modern farmhouse décor. Simple and elegant with dark wood.

  The fridge is black stainless steel and surprisingly full when I open the doors. I find cheese and bacon along with strawberries. The pantry reveals shelf after shelf of canned food. I find the bread and take it back to the counter.

  There are plenty of ingredients for various meals, but a grilled cheese sounds good. I am in search of a frying pan when a knock sounds at the front door. I gasp and my heart starts racing. My hand goes to my chest as I try to calm my breathing.

  No one knows I’m here so whoever is at the door isn’t after me. A glance at the clock tells me it’s nearly five in the evening. Liam will be up soon. I ignore the knock until I hear a woman call out that she has a delivery for me.

  What the heck?

  Hurrying to the door, I check for rooms on the first floor, but don’t find any. Where is Liam? I’d love to ask him if it’s safe to open the door or not. Right after I pass an office my knowing kicks in and tells me I’m in no danger.

  Tugging one door open, I smile at the woman standing on the stoop. “Can I help you?”

  “I have a food delivery for Harper,” she replies and holds out a brown paper bag.

  I didn’t order anything, but that’s not her fault so I keep my smile in place and tell her, “Thank you.”

  The green writing on the side of the bag tells me Liam ordered from one of my favorite restaurants. It makes me wonder if he really can read minds. From the size and weight in my hands there is a lot of food in the bag.

  The first thing I pull out is a chunk of sourdough bread that comes with just about everything you order from this restaurant. It’s one reason I love the place so much. I could never go on a keto diet. I love carbs, especially bread, way too much.

  Taking a bite, I continue pulling out items. When I have it all set on the counter, I see that he ordered me two sandwiches, three salads, one grain bowl and a cup of soup. I’ve never tried the grain bowl because I love the Asian salad so much.

  My hunt for a glass reveals two additional sets of plates. After filling my glass with water, I stand at the counter and open the grain bowl. The tart tangy flavor explodes across my taste buds.

  Liam has an obsession with eating. He obviously lives here alone yet has enough food and plates to feed my entire family for a week. I make a mental note to ask him about that later. Do vampires even eat food? I assumed they just drank blood.

  To avoid thinking about how Liam drank my blood last night I grab my cell phone and check for messages. I see Steve has called me four times and texted a dozen. My thumb hovers over the call button for a second.

  No. There’s no reason to call him back. I am not returning to Utah. He and I are over, and I can’t make that any clearer to him or my parents.

  My blood runs cold when I read an irate message from him demanding to know where I have been. I start to shake and have to sit down on a barstool at the island. There’s no way to stop the way my mind takes over and runs through various scenarios. Steve doesn’t actually know I’m not at home.

  I got rid of the phone connected to my parent’s account so I can’t be tracked through it. And, there’s no way he knows where I live. I never gave my parents my address. Tucson is a large city. Even if he comes here, he wouldn’t be able to find me.

  My hands curl into fists on the marble countertop and I focus on my breathing to calm my racing heart. The sun will be down soon. Having a speeding pulse will be like ringing the dinner bell for him.

  That must be why he ordered so much food for me. He’ll likely need more of my blood when he wakes up. I move the bowl and a sandwich in front of me and take a bite. The flavors are fantastic, but my mind wanders to thoughts of Liam�
�s mouth wandering all over my body.

  My folds are drenched in seconds as my arousal sprouts wings and flares inside me. I’m hornier than ever before. I wonder what he looks like without his clothes. I’ve never actually seen a dick before, and I suddenly want to see Liam’s more than anything.

  When I dated Steve, I enjoyed kissing him and at one point imagined spending my life with him, but the more controlling he got the more I disliked him. Which I now find odd. Liam’s dominance last night made me hotter than lava.

  That is different though. Liam directed our intimacy and made me feel safe whereas Steve always told me what to do and say and how to act. There’s a major distinction between the two.

  Liam didn’t treat me like an unruly child in need of guidance and discipline. He directed our pleasure. I have no doubt he has reasons related to his being a vampire, but it wasn’t demeaning in any way. He gave to me and took very little for himself.

  I felt nothing but outstanding in Liam’s arms and I am a food source for him. That was unexpected. I should feel like prey with Liam, not a cherished girlfriend. Girlfriend is pushing it a bit far, I amended. He is a vampire and doesn’t think like I do.

  He’s treated me with nothing but kindness and gone above what he needed to and kept me safe, but my knowing tells me he’s a hit it and quit it kind of guy. It is a much-needed reminder, so I stop building the fantasy any bigger.

  I can’t forget that Liam is a vampire and violent predator. He doesn’t have feelings for me. He works at the city’s most popular night club. With a face like his I know women throw themselves at him. And I don’t need my knowing to realize he likely has a different woman every night.

  Vampires need to be cautious. There’s a reason their existence remains a secret. It has to stay that way for their safety. He could have bitten me and drank my blood without me ever knowing last night. If he spent more time with the same woman, she would eventually catch on once the sensations were no longer new and so consuming.

  Although, I can’t imagine being intimate with him not consuming me entirely, even if I were lucky enough to spend a hundred years with him. Everything about Liam is sexy and enticing and has me panting after him.

  I don’t bother scolding myself for pining after him. It’s impossible not to. I merely remind myself that I’m a momentary distraction for him and that will change as soon as he is ready to move on.

  I may not have a future with him, but I have a night to explore more in his playroom. He gave me an unexpected gift last night. I like him dominating me and I’m anxious to find out how much more I enjoy. Images of all the toys run through my mind, making my blood heat further.

  I’m not brave enough to ask about the dildo, and honestly, I don’t want my first time to be with a plastic replica. Perhaps things with Liam will last beyond tonight. In the meantime, I intend to enjoy this vampire to the fullest.

  Chapter 7


  I come awake in my silent, dark crypt. The air is cool this far beneath the ground. My mind travels to Harper when I climb from the king-sized bed I have in the room. Flicking on the lamp on my bedside table, my surroundings are illuminated.

  As a vampire, my vision is superior and I can see better than humans in the dark, but it’s not good enough without any light. In the pitch black of my lair I see nothing. A throbbing in my shaft draws my attention and I glare down at the erection standing tall between my legs.

  It’s been centuries since I woke with a stiff cock and I blame the human prowling in my house above. Because she is a virgin, I didn’t sate myself when I fed from her last night and went to bed hard as steel.

  That arousal hasn’t abated one bit, despite sleeping like the dead for the past several hours. This woman has me under some kind of spell. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was a witch or something.

  Her spicy, tangy flavor lingered in my mouth long after I left her, telling me she is more than human, but there is nothing else to corroborate that opinion. The intensity of her blood can be due to many variables. There is nothing to point to her being more. Besides what would she be?

  There’s no hint of anything earthy or primal like that of a shifter. I’ve only fed from a shifter a few times, but the taste is unmistakable. There is a unique musk to their kind and Harper doesn’t have the slightest hint of anything similar. Despite the fact that her blood gave me a boost in power and energy like I’ve only experienced from a shifter, I know she’s not one. But why is her blood so potent? The only blood to give me a bigger boost was from my Sire, but I haven’t fed from him in centuries.

  Shoving my legs into silk pajama bottoms, I take several deep breaths and relish as the predator within rises to the surface. What if she left during the day? The sudden thought is unsettling as hell, making me regret not tying her to my bed upstairs.

  I contemplated it for several seconds before dismissing it. Harper knows better than anyone she’d be in danger if she returned to her apartment. She’d almost been taken from her home by vile fucking shifters.

  Like most vampires, I don’t care for men who turn into animals. Although, Garrett’s pack is the exception to that rule. They give us our space and allow us to stay within the city. That takes a great deal of trust which can be attributed to Lucius’s mate. Without her we would never have Garrett and his pack’s respect.

  It is a tenuous relationship that a stiff breeze could dismantle without much effort. Which is why it is of utmost importance to visit my sire and his mate with Harper tonight. Grabbing my cell phone off the side table, I type out a text and fire it off to Lucius.

  His response is quick, telling me to be at Club Toxic at ten tonight and asks why I have a human from the club with me. The meeting is a good call on his part. We all need to hear what Garrett told him, and find out what we need to do to find the fuckers responsible.

  I hesitate partway up the stairs and type out my response to his question. I can practically hear him snarl as he reads my brief account of the events from the night before. It pisses me off just thinking about it again.

  Those shifters were after something from Harper, and I intend to find out what. But first I intend to have a little fun with her. It’s just after six which gives me three hours to explore her body fully and introduce her to fucking.

  A better man would ease her in little by little. Opening her to her sexuality in gentle sensual waves. I am not a better man. I’m a vampire and don’t possess a sensitive bone in my body. The idea of her fear arouses me and makes me want to tie her to the St. Andrews cross and take a cane to her backside.

  Fear sweetens the blood and gives a vamp a rush when feeding. The only other emotion that comes close to matching the sensation is orgasm. It’s why my kind loves the dungeon at Club Toxic. There’s no better dinner than to feed from sweetbloods. And, right now I intend to make Harper my very own sweetblood.

  I climb to the first-floor landing and pause by the entrance in my pantry. Vampires must hide the entrance to their lair, so I don’t barge through before I ascertain if Harper is in the kitchen or not.

  Food should have been delivered not long ago. The one thing I had to do before I could rest for the day was ensure she was fed during my absence. Having enough food is the one hold over from my human life.

  I came from a lower-class family. My father was a well-known blacksmith, but that didn’t mean we had money. More often than not we struggled and on more than one occasion my mother skipped meals so my sister and I could eat. We were perpetually hungry. I recall the gnawing in my gut and pushing through despite that. That’s the reason I keep my pantry full.

  The need to make sure she had additional choices, so she didn’t go hungry until I woke up wasn’t about me being soft. I need her ready for what I have in mind.

  There is no need for me to press my ear to the door in front of me. No sound echoes from the kitchen. And Harper’s scent has faded. It’s been a bit since she was in the kitchen.

  With the coast clear, I t
wist the knob and step through, then carefully close the door behind me. The chances of anyone finding the hidden latch to open the panel from this side is minimal, given that it’s hidden amongst the full shelves.

  Going to the fridge, I grab a drink, noting the food I ordered is on a shelf. Well, all except a couple of the items. I make a mental note that she picked the grain bowl and a tuna sandwich.

  I twist off the cap and toss it in the trashcan, then make my way upstairs. At my playroom I stop and glance at the open door to my armoire of toys. Crossing the room, I notice a vibrating dildo and glass butt plug have been moved.

  A smile spreads over my mouth. Harper is curious. I smell lingering tendrils of her arousal. Part of me throbs with excitement and another part is disappointed. I crave her fear.

  Shaking my head, I remind myself that her blood is potent and sweet without adding pain or fear to the mix. I’ll take her orgasms any day of the week without question. Anticipating the evening to come, I head out to find Harper.

  The master bathroom shower is running, and my feet carry me to the open door before I realize what’s happening. Stopping myself, I pause on the threshold and watch her run her fingers through her hair.

  The suds cascade down her naked body and caress her breasts. My mouth waters and my erection throbs. I force myself to turn around and take a shower in another bathroom.

  I plan on fucking and feeding from her and if I enter that shower it will be over in minutes. That’s the last thing I want. I have three hours and plan on using every second with Harper in my playroom.

  Setting the temperature to cold, I jump under the water and run soap over my entire body. I grip my cock, tempted to stroke it up and down until I explode. It would give me a measure of control when I bring Harper to heel, but I don’t.

  I want to expend my seed deep in her body, not the shower. Rinsing, I turn off the water and step out onto a plush mat, grabbing a towel. After a quick dry I am back in the pajama bottoms and heading back to the master bedroom. Harper is climbing out of the shower when I reach the doorway. Her stunning light brown eyes flare wide and a gasp leaves her full lips.


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