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Love past 40 (BWWM Romance Book 1)

Page 9

by BWWM Club

  She hated him for being so logical. She didn’t want to think. She wanted to go back to her apartment and have her wicked way with the fine man, but in her heart, she knew he was right. “One request.”

  “Name it.” He kissed the palm of her hand.

  “I want a grenade.”

  His eyebrows lifted to his hairline and she laughed from the expression on his face. She had to hold her stomach as she doubled over. “Your face,” she gasped.

  “I’m surprised, is all. Why would you want that?”

  “Oh my goodness gracious.” She wiped the tears from the bottom of her lashes. Ginger couldn’t remember the last time she'd laughed that hard. “Have you ever had one or do you stay up in your fancy castle and only drink wine and whiskey?”

  He took a step forward, silently telling her that they were moving along. She followed. “I have, you know, and I don’t live in a castle. I live in an apartment.”

  “Overlooking a castle, perhaps?”

  “Why, you little—”

  She screeched and ran away while he threatened to tickle her. Her soul felt lighter and her mind felt healthier. She looked over her shoulder to see him smiling and he caught her, both of them gasp for breath. “I have you now. It overlooks the city, which is beautiful, but I’ve seen prettier.”

  “Does that line work on all the women?” She watched as all different types of people walked by.

  “Nope, considering I’ve only said it to you. Did it work?”


  “I’ll win you over. You just wait and see.”

  She knew that he had already, but she didn’t want to tell him that. He'd won her over the moment she'd seen him holding the door open in the café.

  “Let’s go get you that grenade. I can’t imagine why you’d want that.”

  “I watch all the partiers stroll by the apartment with them in hand. They're bright green.”

  “So, it’s because it’s bright green?”

  She barked out a laugh. “I have to admit that’s what drew me to it. All bright colors do.”

  “It’s what I like about you. All the colors. It’s refreshing. You’re refreshing.” He held onto her hand tight as they maneuvered through the streets. The hustle and bustle of the place made her excited.

  There were some people that were a little too far gone, stumbling on the sidewalks, there was even one girl who was throwing up in the bushes. “Okay, I don’t want to get that far gone.”

  “You mean you don’t want to be sick for hours on end and have your entire weekend shot to hell from a hangover? Why not?”

  She laughed at his sarcasm. “I’m too old to be doing that. One drink is probably enough for me.”

  He kissed her cheek and dragged her inside a bar where people were ordering grenades left and right. The person behind the bar must have noticed Josh, because he whistled, telling everyone to shut the hell up. “Josh, my man. What kind I do ya’ for? Oh, and hello.” He acknowledged Ginger. “Pretty lady, Josh. What’s she doing with you?”

  She blushed and clutched his hand tighter, hiding behind Josh’s big frame. “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Gerald, my friend. I see business is treating you well.”

  “Grenades for miles. What can I get you? On the house.”

  “I appreciate that. Two grenades. And if she ever comes in here without me, put it on my tab.”

  “You got it.” He turned his back and started making the drinks.

  The music thumped and the vibrations traveled through her body. Other people pushed into her, trying to get to the bar. Josh pulled her around, trapping her in front of him and protecting her with his arms. Once they got the drinks, they turned around and walked down the street hand in hand.

  “Wow. This is so good.”

  “It isn’t bad.”

  “How do you know Gerald? You two seemed friendly,” she asked, taking a sip from the bright green cup.

  “We're old friends. He fell behind in payments on the bar after his wife died and came to me. I’m lucky I’m in the position to help. I paid off the entire mortgage for him. The only thing he has to pay is taxes. It helped him out a lot. He tried to start a payment plan, but he’d find the money back in his account. He finally stopped about a year ago.”

  She stopped in her tracks, grabbing his hand. He glanced back and cocked his head. “What?”

  “You really did that? You just helped him? Just because?”

  “Sure. I’m a person with a lot of money, Ginger. If I didn’t help people, I’d be a sorry son-of -a-bitch. It’s the least I can do. I help when I can, when I know I can. He didn’t gamble his money away like Garrett did. He was heartbroken, closed down the bar, and went on a drunk bender for a few months. I understood why.”

  She grabbed his jacket and pulled him down for a kiss. The move caught him off guard for a minute. He snapped out of it and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, deepening the kiss. Their tongues dueled and her body burned again with need. Catcalls rang out but she didn’t care. If anything, she wanted to give everyone a show. It was Bourbon Street, after all. “Let’s go back to my place.”

  “You’re sure?” His deep voice rumbled against her throat, shaking her bones.

  “Positive.” She nodded, grasping his hand and slithering through the crowd again. She'd never been happier that she lived so close. She gulped her drink, needing the alcohol to give her a slight buzz, but she knew she wouldn’t get drunk. She just wanted her nerves to lessen. She finished just in time to throw her cup away in the recycling bin outside of her apartment building. He followed suit and they sped through the lobby and Josh pressed the elevator button. They bounced on the heels of their feet, waiting for the familiar ding of the elevator. She glanced down and noticed a prominent tent in Josh’s pants. Her eyes bulged.

  “Like what you see?” He smirked as the elevator dinged.

  She parted so the people that were getting off the elevator could walk through. She smiled and said hi, but people just kept pouring out of the small space. How many people could actually fit in there?

  Once the last person trickled out she took his hand and dragged him in, pressing the button so the elevator doors shut. She didn’t want anyone else to get on. “Josh,” she whispered, and he turned her until her back pressed against the elevator wall.

  He spread her legs, situating his knee in between them and bent down. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” she breathed, arching her back so she could be closer to him.

  He didn’t waste another minute. He grabbed her face with his right hand, smashing his mouth against hers in a controlling, hot kiss. Their tongues dueled in a dominate fight until he growled. She relented, giving in to him. His tongue flicked out, licking her lips. She met his tongue with her own and they tasted one another, teasing each other. He grabbed her hands, pushing her harder against the wall and ripping a moan from her chest.

  The elevator dinged and they split a part so fast no one would have ever been able to tell something happened. Minus her messy hair, smeared lip-gloss, and the prominent erection in his pants. When the doors opened, no one was there, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Wait? Are your sons home?”

  She smiled, fumbling with the key for the door. “No. They left for the night to give me alone time. Heath was so uncomfortable when he told me, but I’m glad they left.”

  Once the door opened he rushed for her and slammed the door closed with his foot. He dropped his mouth against hers as she took off his coat and threw it somewhere on the floor. His fingers tickled her back as they searched for the zipper. “Bedroom,” he muttered as they both kicked off their shoes.

  “First door on the left.” She managed to get out in between heated kisses. He pushed her dress off her shoulders, freeing her big breasts. She wore a black lace bra that pushed the mounds up for extra cleavage. His hands cupped them, and he moaned into her mouth. She unbuttoned his shirt, revealing dark hair on his ches
t and defined pecs and abs. She nearly drooled. He was beautiful.

  They made it to the door and again once they were inside the room he slammed it closed with his foot. He laid her down against the bed, grabbing the material of the dress and sliding it down her body, revealing all her curves and imperfections. “You’re so beautiful, Ginger,” he whispered, his lips ghosting over the skin stretched over her ribs.

  Goosebumps layered her skin as he moved his way down her body, kissing every inch he could. “So beautiful. Damn it, you’re so hot. I love your body,” he said as he cupped her breasts and bit the material of her panties. He moved down, taking the panties with him. They slowly tickled her thighs and calves as he lowered them. Once they were at her feet, he slid them off, running his hands up her smooth skin, spreading her legs along the way. Her breaths came more rapidly when she felt the hot puffs of his breath against her pussy.

  “Josh,” she whimpered, a nervous plea.

  “I know.”

  She was so nervous, but ready. She ran her fingers through his hair. The shaved sides were rough against her palms, but his thick strands felt good in her grasp. He teased her folds with his lips, prying them open to reveal her clit. She whimpered and he hadn’t even done anything yet. She squirmed, running her hands through his hair.

  “You smell so good, Ginger.” He ran his nose up her wet essence. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his fat, pink tongue licked from her hole to her clit in one long swoop. “You taste good, too.”

  Her mouth fell open on a silent moan. It had been so long. She was a lick away from exploding.

  “Your clit is so pretty, begging for me to take it into my mouth. You want that? You want my mouth on you.” He ran his nose and lips over her pussy again, letting the juices mark his skin.

  “Yes, Josh. Please. I’m…I’m already so close.”

  He gave her clit a kiss. “I bet. It’s been so long, my poor baby.”

  “Yeah, so long. Don’t stop,” she begged and wiggled her hips closer to his mouth, trying to find some type of relief, but he moved away.

  He kissed her inner thighs, building up the anticipation. His beard tickled her skin, adding to the sensations coursing through her body. His lapped at her from her knees back to the crease of her groin, making her shudder. She heard the clatter of his belt and the rustle of his pants falling to the floor and he pushed her further up the bed, settling between her legs again. No words were spoken as he sucked her clit into his mouth and she cried out in ecstasy as her first orgasm in twenty years crashed over her. She had no idea how primed and ready she'd been for this, but she wanted more. She wanted so much more. Now that she remembered how amazing an orgasm felt, she wanted to keep falling over the edge.

  “So responsive. I love it.” He flicked his tongue over her sensitive clit again. His fingers joined in, massaging her folds as he made love to her pearl with his lips. “I know it’s been awhile. I’ll start with one finger, okay?”

  She nodded, not caring if he just shoved it in, she was ready. He inched his finger inside and she gasped from the intrusion. “So hot. So tight. I can’t wait to get my cock inside you. Does that feel good?” He curled his finger inside her wet sheath, pressing a spot deep inside her that make her sing. He added another finger beside the first, stretching her walls.

  It didn’t sting like she thought it would. Her body accommodated the intrusion in record time. He kept licking. He kept sliding his fingers in and out. He kept driving her out of her mind with lust. His beard tickled the intimate part of her ass and she loved it. She never wanted him to trim his beard. Ever.

  She watched him rut against the bed, making her mouth water with the thought of tasting his cock. She hadn’t seen it yet, but she was dying to. She wrapped her legs around his shoulders and flipped them. It was an unexpected move on her part and his eyes were wide with shock. “Fuck, that was hot,” he groaned, digging his fingers into her hips.

  “I might be a little rusty, but the effort should make up for it,” she teased, kissing a trail down his body, dipping her tongue into his navel, until she got to the thick, cut cock that hung in a trimmed brown bush. He was long and fat. The tip red and angry with desire. It leaked pre-come and she lapped up the clear drop, letting the flavor roll around on her tongue. He was salty, which she preferred over sweet.

  “Anything you do will feel good, just don’t stop.” His fingers tangled in her hair and she licked the vein that engorged his cock, tracing it with her tongue. She suckled the head, letting her lips wrap around the helmet before sinking down to the root. “Damn it!” he shouted, watching her deep throat his cock over and over again. “I’ve never had someone do that. Oh my god, never stop,” he babbled, throwing his arm over his eyes.

  She smiled around the mouthful, wrapping one hand around the base, jerking his stalk as she sucked him down. Ginger dipped her tongue in his slit and swirled around the crown again, making him shiver. It seemed that was sensitive for him, she would have to remember that. Her other hand cupped his sack, rolling the heavy balls in her palm like dice, hoping that she would get lucky tonight. For good measure, she popped off his cock and blew on the sensitive orbs.

  And that landed her on her back with Josh hovering over her with a look that promised a bunch of orgasms. She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 9


  She drove him wild.

  He wanted to spew his come down her throat so bad, but he didn’t want their first time to be over so quick. “Your mouth is amazing.”

  “Why’d you stop me then?”

  “Because it was too good. I didn’t want it to end.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and it caused his cock to probe her entrance. “You wouldn’t be able to get it up again? Does that have something to do with your age?”

  He clutched her body, giving it a good once-over before he smirked and clicked his tongue. “I’ll have you know my age means nothing. I’m in my prime.”

  She lifted up onto her elbows and leaned her head back when her lips were a feather away from his. “Prove it.”

  He growled and leaned over on his knees. “Do we need protection? I’m clean.”

  “I’m clean too. My tubes are tied.”

  Those were the only words he needed to hear before he curled over her, curled his hands around her shoulders, and sank inside her hot channel in one long stroke. They both cried out. She felt stretched and consumed to the max. His sack cradled her ass and his forehead lay on her shoulder as he gasped for air. “You’re so damn tight. I’m never going to want to leave this tight pussy.”

  Her fingernails dug into the skin of his back, leaving indentations. They stayed still for a moment so she could get used to the intrusion. “Are you okay?” he asked, kissing her cheek.

  His heart melted as she cupped his face with her hands, bringing their lips closer together. “I’m perfect.” She locked her lips on his and he held her face in return. The exchange was more intimate than he was expecting. He expected sex, but he didn’t expect to feel…love. It felt overwhelming and intense. His heart exploded with a river of emotions.

  He broke the kiss and lay his forehead against hers. “Can I move?”


  That was all he needed to hear and he slid his cock out until the tip was the only thing remaining and with a tentative stroke, he pushed forward, taking his time. He wanted to make sure she felt every inch of him, every piece of his flesh against her walls and with every stroke, she became wetter and wetter. He kissed her again and his hands ran down her body until he kneaded her breasts, pinching the nipple between his fingers.

  She whimpered into his mouth as his strokes became fast and faster. He made sure to swallow them down, fueling his movements. The only sounds in the room was their skin slapping against each other and their moans reverberating against the walls. “Don’t stop, Josh,” she begged, clutching him like a lifeline.

  “No way in hell,” he grunted,
wrapping his arms around her and flipping her over, causing her to shout in surprise from the unexpected move. “I love this ass. Fuck, it’s so thick.” She yelped when his hand came down and smacked it. “Oh, hell. So damn sexy.” He curled his fingers in the apples of her ass, marveling at how big it was. He'd always been an ass man, but he'd never seen one so perfect before. He laid his palms flat, causing it to jiggle. His eyes rolled to the back of his head from the erotic sight. He needed back inside her now. He placed one hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her chest into the mattress, and for a moment he wondered if he wanted her tits to be hidden, but then he looked down and saw this marvelous ass beneath him and he slapped it again, watching it shake. He spread those thick ass cheeks and saw her wet folds gleaming, her tight hole winking, and her voice begging for him to take her.

  He curled over her, sliding his cock to the hilt. He moaned when the tight grip of her walls sucked his cock in. He brought his lips to her ear, flicking the earlobe and sucking it into his mouth as he thrust in and out of her. He licked a pathway down her neck and blew on it before sinking his teeth into her shoulder. He was a biter. He loved the idea of leaving his mark.

  “Yes! Oh, Josh!” she sang as he fucked into her faster and faster. He felt her inner walls clamping down, making it harder and harder for him to pull out. She was about to come.

  “That’s it. Come all over my cock, baby. Do it. Come,” he chanted in her ear, hoping that the words pushed her over the edge because he was about to drain himself inside her velvet cake.

  “Harder,” she begged.

  He took the challenge and gripped her hips, pulling her up on all fours and started to hammer inside her. It didn’t take long before she was crying out, coming all over his dick. Her nectar flowed down his rod, pooling at the thick base and dripping down to his balls.

  “Josh!” she yelled, and he pulled her hair back until her head was on his shoulder. He pushed through her orgasm, hoping he could get one more out of her since she was primed. “Yes, oh, damn it. I’m going to…I’m gonna—”

  He watched her eyes roll to the back of her head and her hips stutter as he felt another orgasm rip through her. Once he knew she was cruising on the wave of her third orgasm, he let himself go. He shouted her name, burying himself as deep as he could as he unloaded stream after stream of seed inside her. It was natural to push it in all the way—call it instinct. He wanted to drive it so far deep it infiltrated every part of her body.


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