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Love past 40 (BWWM Romance Book 1)

Page 10

by BWWM Club

  His arms started to shake as he collapsed but he made sure to move a little to the right, so he didn’t crush her. They were still connected, but still, his come started to dribble out, much to his dismay.

  “Wow,” she said, gasping for air as she threw her arm over her eyes. “What have I been waiting for?” Ginger laughed.

  He popped up on his elbow, pushing a piece of hair behind her. “Me.”

  Her laughter fled, and she stared at him, cupping his face. “I think you might be right.”

  “I know I’m right.” His cock softened completely, and he pulled out, watching as the gush of fluid ran out of her swollen hole and down her thighs. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

  “Like I could. I’m a noodle.”

  He bent forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Good. It means I did it right.”

  “I’ll say. I can barely feel my legs.”

  “You know how to stroke a man’s ego,” he said with a wink and slapped her thigh as he turned to walk away. He made sure to put a little more hitch in his hips to give her a good show. He entered the bathroom and searched for a washcloth but couldn’t find one. He didn’t want to be rude and open up all her drawers, because then he would be nosey. “Hey, baby? Where do you keep your washcloths?”

  She giggled and he didn’t know why, but he loved the sound. “Left side of the vanity, open the cabinet and you should see them.”

  He repeated the words over and over again until he had the cabinet open and stared at a big stack of fluffy washcloths. That was a relief. He didn’t want her to sit there with come dripping down her legs. That just wasn’t good manners on his part. He grabbed one, and then thought better of it, and grabbed another. He wet one and kept the other dry and walked back to the bedroom. She reached for the cloth, but he yanked it back, silently telling her that he wanted to do it.

  “That’s kind of intimate.”

  “After what we just shared, you think that’s intimate? Spread ’em,” he said, winking at her again.

  She rolled her eyes but did as she was told. With a gentle caress, he swiped the wet cloth over her folds, cleaning up the mess he'd made. Then he took the dry cloth and wiped it over her. He strode back in the bathroom and tossed it in the hamper. After that was all said and done, he pulled back the sheets on the bed and they climbed in together. Darkness encompassed the room except for the slight glow of the city lights that peaked through the sheer white curtains. The muted noise of the crowd below could barely be heard, but every now and then he would hear a shout. They lay in silence, finding comfort in each other. He nestled his head in the crook of her shoulder, and she sighed. It sounded content, but he couldn’t be too sure.

  “Are you okay?”


  “Are you okay?” he asked again, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

  She nodded before answering. “I’m fine. I expected to feel a lot of things, you know? Guilt, shame, or I don’t know, something…but I didn’t. I don’t feel anything except happiness. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be talking to you about this.”

  He squeezed her a little tighter. “It’s okay. I want to hear what you're thinking.”

  “That’s it, really. That’s all I’m thinking. It’s weird. I never expected to be here. I really thought I’d live the rest of my life alone and I was okay with that. I don’t want you to think I wasn’t. It was what I thought life had dealt me. I was content, but being here with you makes me realize I wasn’t.”

  His heart soared from the admission. He felt the same way. He smiled against the curve of her neck. “I get it. While I’ve never lost a significant other the company became my, mistress if that makes since. Before I knew it, I was giving it all my time, all my nights, and lost track of myself. Dad really did some shady things and I had to fix them. I can’t believe he never got thrown in prison, but I fixed it all, like always. Two years since his death and then my mom had a stroke, and I wondered for the first time what the hell I was doing with my life.”

  “How is your mom?” She turned over to face him. His eyes fell to her breasts, crushed together underneath the sheet.

  His mouth watered for a taste, but he knew he had to answer the beautiful lady first. “ I didn’t tell you? She woke up today. I saw her earlier and she seemed like she hadn’t had a stroke or anything. I walked into her frazzled and out of my mind and there she was, wearing a green face mask. She said it kept her young. Who am I to argue?” He chuckled, and at the same time she twirled her fingers through his chest hair.

  “That’s great that she woke up! Any damage?”

  He exhaled a heavy breath. “She doesn’t have much movement in her left arm and even with physical therapy, she won’t be able to do much.”

  She kept rubbing his chest soothingly, making goosebumps prickle on his arm. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It could be worse. I’m lucky that she can walk and talk. I’m just glad she's alive. They recommended a nursing home, but I think I might sell my apartment and buy a bigger place, take care of her there, and have a live-in nurse stay with us.”

  She propped herself up on her elbow and stared at him. He was mesmerized by how bright her eyes shined against her dark skin. “You’d do that for your mom?”

  “I’d do that for anyone I loved, yeah. That’s why I bought the office from Garrett. I just hope it works out. It isn’t above me to sell it to someone else. I can’t make his addiction go away, but if he doesn’t try, then I can’t keep cleaning up his messes. I’ll place everyone there at another law firm. They wouldn’t worry about a job.”

  She plopped back down on the bed. “You hold a lot of power.”

  He shook his head. “No, my money does—there’s a difference. People only listen to me because of my last name.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  “Sure, it is. For instance, I love Garrett, but he would have never come to me if I was a regular Joe. It’s because I have money. I’m the only one that can help him out.”

  “It bothers you.”

  “A little,” he admitted. “I can’t remember the last time someone just wanted to hangout with me just because, and not because they were asking for my money—which I have plenty of; it’s why I don’t turn anyone down.”

  “Maybe you should,” she said, staring at the ceiling.

  That intrigued him. Well, everything about Ginger Lanton intrigued him. “Why would I do that?”

  “Well, that only reinforces to those people that they can come to you whenever they want. It’s your money. You can do what you want with it. It isn’t like you have to give it to them. You’re in control, not them.”

  “I don’t know if I could say no.”

  “I can say no for you,” she offered as she stretched, making the sheet pool at her waist to reveal her big breasts. His fingers itched to grab, pinch, and knead. He wanted to feel the weight of them in his palms.

  His cock twitched, but once she yawned, he held back his temptation and wrapped his arm around her. “Yeah, are you going to be my own personal assistant?”

  “Hmmm, I don’t know if that would work out. I think things would get too personal.” She yawned again and a whine escaped her throat as she settled her body against his.

  “We can talk about how personal things can get when we wake up in a few hours.”

  He could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke. “And what kind of things are those?”

  “You’ll see.” He grinned as he wiggled into a comfortable position and closed his eyes.


  He groaned in his sleep as lava coursed through his body. Damn, this dream was amazing. Her lips were wrapped around his cock, sucking his soul from his body. He'd never felt anything so good before. He groaned and dream him wrapped her hair around his fingers, tugging on it a good bit, but when the hair tickled his palm, it made his eyes flutter open. He was still riddled with sleep, s
o he didn’t know what was real or not for a few moments. The room was dark, but the bathroom light was still on, giving a slight illumination to the room. It let him see her head bobbing up and down and her eyes staring up at him. It was the most erotic sight ever.

  “Ginger.” He moaned when her hands fondled his balls. His breathing came in ragged pants as her hand jacked his straining, leaking cock. “Don’t stop.”

  She took that moment to pop off. “Are you going to be able to get it up again?”

  He tangled his fingers in her hair, yanking it back. He bent forward, snarling close to her wet lips. “Make me come so I can prove to you how long I can really last.”

  She bit her lip as he loosened his hold. He leaned on his elbows, watching as she took the head back into her mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off the way she flicked her tongue over the crown, taking her time to trace the ridge. His mouth fell open and his head tilted back for a moment, but he didn’t want to miss a minute. He made himself snap his head forward, watching her lick his cock like a damn spoon from an ice cream bowl. “Damn, you’re so good at that.”

  She held his cock with one of her hands, keeping it up straight so she could make love to it. The vein in his shaft protruded and she ran her tongue along it, moaning at the taste. His stomach started to shake and his balls tightened against his body. He tapped her shoulder. “I’m about to come. If you don’t want a mouthful, now would be the time…” he warned, but it only made her double her efforts. He shouted, holding her head down on his cock as he shot his load down her throat.

  Once the last spurt left his cock, he pulled her up his body by her arms, rolled her to her back, and thrust inside her. His cock still leaked from his previous orgasm, but the hard steal remained. He devoured her mouth, swallowing her shout as he drove inside her over and over.

  The warm breeze from the open window slid into the room, ghosting over their sweaty bodies, not relieving the increasing temperature in the room. The loud music and people outside drowned out her pleas and whimpers, so they couldn’t hear her, but he could—loud and clear.

  “You like that, baby? You like this cock?” He didn’t know what was getting into him. He'd never had the urge to talk dirty before, but this time was different. He needed to know she wanted it. No, he needed to know that she needed it, that she craved it like he'd craved her from the moment he first saw her.

  Her big lips pouted, and the sweetest moan came from the delicious cavern of her mouth. “Yes, don’t stop, Josh. You feel so good inside me. So perfect.”

  “You’re mine, Ginger.” He punctuated the words with his hips.

  When she didn’t answer he slowed his movements, teasing her entrance with the tip of his cock. He made small, barely there thrusts, only keeping the helmet locked inside her. He heard the wet suction of her walls trying to suck him in, but he wasn’t going to fall for it. He wanted to see the words fall from her lips. He had to hear them. “Answer me.”

  Her eyes opened, showing the glassy orbs high on lust and passion. “What?”

  He smirked. He loved he made her so mindless. “You’re mine, Ginger. Aren’t you?” A part of him had some insecurity that she would never be fully his, that a part of her would belong to a ghost. And while he would live with only having a piece of her, he wanted all of her heart.

  She cupped his face, her fingers trailing over his cheek. “Yours, Josh. Yours.”

  A part of his heart unlocked and he slowed his thrusts. He curled himself over her body, his arms locking over her head. They were caged in, nose-to-nose, forehead-to-forehead, heart-to-heart. Their bodies molded together as he pushed in and pulled his cock out, dragging the long length along her walls.

  She gasped.

  He caught it with his lips.

  She whimpered.

  He swallowed it down his throat.

  She scratched her nails down his back.

  He embraced her marks.

  “Josh.” The way she whispered his name sent shivers down his spine. She had to feel what was passing between them. It was electric, magnifying, earth−shattering. He'd never shared his soul with someone before, and he was doing it now. Their sweat collided, dripping onto one another and making their skin glide together like a well-oiled machine. It felt too good. It felt too right.

  “Ginger.” He spoke a silent hush into her ear. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth, teasing the sensitive flesh. In a quick move, he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them. He wanted to see this beautiful woman ride him. He wanted to see her breasts bounce as she used him for pleasure. Once his back laid against the bed and she was on top, they stared at one another. They passed a silent message as they locked eyes. It wasn’t a deceleration of ‘I love you’, it was more like a promise that they could. And they way he was falling, he wouldn’t be surprised if it was one day soon.

  “You’re beautiful, Ginger. Truly,” he said, cupping her face as she sat atop of him.

  She held her hand on top of his, leaning against his touch. “Where have you been the last twenty years?”

  “Waiting.” His eyes darted around her face, waiting to see her expression.

  She kissed his palm, laid her hands on his chest, and started to rock her hips against him. Her nails scratched his chest, digging into the skin unforgivingly as his cock rubbed the deepest parts of her. She arched her back, raking her red painted nails over his abdomen, up her legs, until she cupped her breasts. His hands met her hips, molding to the thick curves. She rocked faster and faster, rubbing her pearl against his pelvis until she was panting and groaning. Her hips stuttered and her breath caught as her orgasm got closer. Her pussy spasmed around his cock, making him see stars. She shouted to the ceiling and he rocked her through her orgasm. Her nectar soaked his thighs, something he really enjoyed the feel of.

  She collapsed on him, trying to catch her breath but he didn’t want her to. He flipped them over until she was on her stomach, legs flat and straight. He spread her thick globes and slid into her tight heat in one stroke. He moaned when he felt how wet she was for him. She clutched the sheets with her hands and turned her face to the side as he plummeted her swollen hole. “You take my cock so good, baby,” he said into her ear, running his hands up her back until he curled them around her shoulders, gaining leverage to drive into her.

  She didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything, except cry out from how he punched her G−spot over and over. His toes curled, telling him his orgasm was fast approaching, in this position, he could never last long, not with her ass looking so damn good. His sack tightened against his body but he wanted to look at her as he came. He flipped her onto her back, wrapped her legs around his waist, and thrust inside her. He didn’t want it to be over yet, so he slowed down, trying to ease the orgasm.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t want it to end yet,” he said, kissing her neck.

  “I thought you said you could last,” she teased, running her hands down his back.

  “It’s shameful, but when I’m inside you…” He growled, shaking his head. “You feel too damn good. I’ve never had this problem before.”

  “It isn’t a problem when I’ve already orgasmed twice.”

  He kissed a pathway down her neck. “I wanted two more.”

  She clenched her pussy in response and it made him tremble. “You better stop that.”

  “Or what?” she squeezed again.

  He grunted. “Or you’re about to get filled and everything will be over.”

  He stayed locked inside her as she clenched over and over again. He shuddered and whimpered. He'd never gotten off like this before. She was practically jacking him off from the inside and he'd never been so turned on in his life. “Ginger,” he said as a prayer and a plea.

  “Yeah?” she whispered back and moaned when her pussy got even wetter, but it wasn’t from him.

  “Does this turn you on?”

  “More than you know.”
  He laid his head next to her, panting, crying out in pleasure when the last squeeze made him tip over the edge.

  Chapter 10



  She stretched when she heard her son’s voice in the distance and rolled over in bed, cuddling deeper in the big, fluffy, comforter. Her hand slapped a hard, muscular chest and her eyes popped open.

  “Mama! Are you here?”

  “I don’t think she is, Jamal.”

  She heard her boys talking in the kitchen as their voices drifted down the hall. Her heart started to beat like a wild animal being hunted. “Josh!” She shook him to try and wake him up, but he didn’t move. He wrapped his arm around her and snuggled deeper into his pillow.

  “Josh,” she whispered, staring at her door like her sons were about to burst through it.

  “Hmmm? It’s early.” He mumbled, throwing his big, strong, muscular arm over his eyes. Heat started to pool in her belly, but she ignored it. She couldn’t have sex in the house with her sons here.

  “Mama? You in there?” She jumped, causing her butt to slide off the side of the bed and she tumbled on the floor.

  She yelped when her hip hit the hardwood. The blanket fell off the bed, covering her.

  “Mama!” her sons burst through the door. “Oh my god!”

  She peaked over the mattress to see Josh sitting up, covering his groin with the pillow and her sons with their backs turned and their eyes covered. She placed her forehead on the mattress and cursed. This could not be how her morning started. She stood, keeping the blanket around her as she got back in the bed and spread the comforter over Josh and herself. He cleared his throat and his pale skin turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment. If her skin wasn’t so dark, she would be as red as a tomato.


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