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Pretend You're Mine

Page 12

by Francisco, Fabiola

  “That sounds like fun.” She leans into my hand and smiles.

  I could see a lot more nights like this with Poppy, and I’m glad as hell we’re no longer pretending we don’t have feelings for each other. She’s one person I want a real relationship with.


  Poppy: UGH

  Averly: What happened?

  Poppy: I got my period and I had to run out to buy tampons because of course I’m out of them when it decides to get here and I was in such a rush that I bought the tampons with the cardboard applicator

  Averly: Oh no, I hate when that happens. No one needs cardboard going up their vag

  Poppy: Tell me about it. I already opened the box so it’s not like I can return it. Wish me luck! lol and I have knox and sutton’s show tonight with harris and if things get hot and heavy after I’m going to have to tell him aunt flo has arrived

  Averly: Don’t stress it… see how things go and worry about it when you get there

  Poppy: Are you sure you can’t come tonight?

  Averly: No, I need to get this done before Monday if I want them to install the tub

  Poppy: Fine

  I blow air from between my lips and fall back on my bed. My period couldn’t have worse timing. I was hoping to get some action tonight after our hot make-out session on Wednesday at Harris’s house. Instead, I’ll have to go another few days with my fantasies of what it would be like to have sex with him and feel his hands and mouth on more parts than my upper body. I squirm and close my eyes.

  Being a girl sucks sometimes.

  It has been an embarrassingly long time since I’ve gotten any action, and now that I’m so close, my body is cockblocking me. Typical.

  I shake my head and stand. Sex or no sex, I’m still excited to see Harris tonight. I check the time on my phone and leap into action. He’ll be here to pick me up soon, and I need to get ready. I braid my hair low on my head and drape the braid over my left shoulder. With the light rain outside, straightening my hair would be pointless. Fall has arrived with rain and a bite in the air, but it’s still my favorite time of year.

  After getting dressed in my black, skinny jeans and a white tee-shirt, I touch up my makeup. Harris loved the red lipstick I wore to the ball, so I’ve been using it more often. I smile as I think about him. Every day I spend time with Harris, my feelings for him grow. He’s perfect for me. His easy nature fits mine, and our relationship flows.

  My mom has been asking about him. She wants us to come over for dinner one evening, but I’ve been stalling. In her eyes, we’ve been together for over a month, so it would be normal timing to have a family dinner. For me, though, I’ve just started seeing Harris, and I want to spend time with him, really getting to know him.

  I smack my lips together as I finish applying my lipstick and make sure my eyeliner and mascara are perfect. I assess my outfit in the full-length mirror and grab a long necklace with a quartz pendant. There, now I’m ready.

  When I check the time again, I have a few minutes to spare. I take a seat on my sofa with my purse and black leather jacket next to me while I wait for Harris to arrive. I let out a slow breath, excited to see the show tonight and watch Harris work a bit. His career is interesting. It must be a lot of work, but I admire him and Knox for taking the step to start their own label. Everyone was aware of the rumors about Knox’s failed marriage and the drama surrounding him, so it’s good to see him silence the crowd and stand his ground.

  I snap my head up when a knocks echoes in my quiet apartment. I put on my jacket and grab my purse, opening the door with a smile.


  “Hi, beautiful.” Harris kisses me on the cheek. “That red lipstick does me in,” he groans.

  “I had no idea.” I shake my head and feign my innocence.

  Harris lifts a brow and looks me up and down. “I think you know very well what it does to me and wore it to drive me crazy.”

  “I guess you’ll never know,” I shrug coyly. When I notice him looking over my head, I add, “Do you want to come in? I should’ve offered.”

  “I was just being curious,” he winks.

  “Everton is wearing off on you, I see,” I tease with a smile. Harris could never be a gossip like the people here. It requires generations of Everton family heritage to carry that type of skill.

  “We should get going, actually.”

  “Right, work.” I nod and lock up before we head to his car.

  Harris carries himself with confidence. His jeans fit just right, and he’s wearing another Henley shirt with a brown leather jacket.

  “Did you notice my shoes?” He looks at me, aware of my ogling. I bite my lip and feel a blush cover my neck before I look down at his feet. When I see his new boots, I smile widely.

  “I approve,” I nod.

  “Now, I’m a real Everton resident.” He gives my hand a squeeze.

  Before Harris opens the passenger door for me, he puts his hand on my hip. “Do you have that lipstick in your purse?” His eyes are glued to my lips.

  “Yes.” I watch him, waiting as the tension between us grows heavy.

  “Good. I want to kiss you but don’t want to ruin your lipstick.” He keeps his gaze on my lips as he talks.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” He finally looks up at me with a smirk that screams danger.

  I sigh when he kisses me. I hold on to his shoulders as his mouth explores mine. His tongue seeks mine, and I give him the access he wants. The kiss is too quick, a preview of what’s to come, and I suddenly remember I have my period, and not much more of this will come tonight.

  Harris takes a small step back and moves a strand of hair that fell from my braid behind my ear. I giggle as I look at his face.

  “What’s so funny?” His eyebrows lift on his forehead, creasing lines on his face.

  “You’re the one with red smeared on your lips.” I wipe some of the lipstick from his lips, but it’s pointless. Harris’s tongue moves over his lips, and I’m enraptured by it, my body heating despite the chill in the air.

  “Good, let them know I’m with you.” Harris winks and opens the door. Goodness gracious, this man.

  I spend the car ride to Cocktails, Dreams, & Mischief trying to keep my insides from turning liquid. It takes one lopsided grin from Harris, and I melt, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms.

  By the time we get to the bar, and I sit with Ainsley, Lia, and Axel, I’ve calmed myself down enough to not make a fool out of myself.

  “I’m so glad you came tonight,” Ainsley says.

  “Me too. I’m excited to see Knox and Sutton perform. It’s been way too long since I’ve been to a concert. If we want to see a show around here, we usually have to drive to one of the bigger cities.”

  “I know. I wish there were bigger concerts closer by. In Denver, we had access to live music whenever we wanted.” Ainsley takes a sip of her beer.

  “Do you miss living in a big city?” She moved here from Denver about a year ago from what she told me when we had coffee a couple of weeks ago.

  “No way.” She shakes her head. “I love Everton.”

  “It’s a special town,” I agree.

  “They’re going to start.” Harris comes over and takes a seat next to me, draping his arm around my shoulder.

  “Oh, yay.” Ainsley’s face lights up, and she turns to look at the stage.

  “She’s excited,” Axel teases Ainsley.

  “Be quiet,” she hisses at him before sticking her tongue out.

  Lia laughs and shakes her head. “I swear they’re worse than siblings.”

  I look on at their interaction with amusement. They’re a fun group of friends. Harris squeezes my shoulder, and I turn my attention to him. His smile brightens his blue eyes. Leaning in, he whispers, “You look beautiful.”

  I bite my lip and smile. “Thank you.”

  Then, he holds the seat of my chair and pulls me closer to him, the screeching sound ringing loud around us.

  “Damn, Harris, if you want her to sit on your lap, just ask her. Man up.” Axel looks at me while he shakes his head. After, he smiles and winks at me. I’m pretty sure my face is the color of my lipstick.

  “Ignore him,” Harris tells me.

  “Just like this,” Axel keeps talking. “Come ‘ere, babe.” He wraps his arm around Lia’s waist and pulls her up and onto his lap. She squeals his name and slaps his shoulder, but then she settles down on him and kisses him straight on the lips. They really are adorable together. I remember being in high school and wondering if they were a couple or not. They were always together but never together, together.

  Harris looks at me and rolls his eyes. “Show off,” he mumbles. I laugh and lean into him, placing my head on his shoulder.

  “This is much better,” he whispers against my cheek, and I shiver.

  “Yeah,” I sigh and look at the stage when Sutton takes her place.

  Throughout the next couple of hours, I get lost in Sutton and Knox’s music, the lyrics they each sing, and the feel of Harris’s arms holding me close. His warmth is inviting, and I have to restrain myself from climbing on his lap and staying there. Instead, I let my hand fall on his thigh and notice him peek at me from the corner of his eye. His leg twitches as I gently squeeze him.

  “You’re being bad,” he leans in to whisper. “I’m supposed to be paying attention to their performances, and you’re distracting me.”

  “Am I?” I turn to look at him with a serious expression.

  “Don’t play coy with me.”

  “I’d never interfere with your work.” I blink my eyes to show my innocence.

  “Hmmm…” He pays attention to the stage, his lips twitching with a smile.

  Knox and Sutton finish with a song they perform together, and it’s simply amazing. Their voices mesh really well—hers smooth and his deep and even.

  Everyone stands to clap and cheer them on. Axel whistles loudly, and Ainsley yells, “That’s my man.” I laugh at her outburst, and she turns to look at me with a wink.

  “Sutton, this is Poppy,” Harris introduces me once they’re back at the table.

  “Hi, I’ve heard so much about you and have been dying to meet you. You’re adorable.” Sutton reaches for me and pulls me into a hug.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” I murmur against her embrace.

  “Let her breathe.” Harris swats Sutton.

  “Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes.”

  “It’s okay. You did great,” I compliment her. “You too,” I look at Knox.

  “You both did,” Ainsley agrees.

  “Thanks,” Sutton smiles. “I love performing.” She can’t be more than twenty-five. Her short, blonde hair is curled in messy waves, and her hazel eyes are big and expressive.

  I get to know everyone better, especially Sutton, Ainsley, and Lia. It’s clear Sutton has become like a little sister to them, especially Harris.

  When I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, Sutton offers to go with me. I just wanted to take care of my tampon without a witness, especially this cardboard applicator.

  “I really am so glad to meet you. I heard about how you met Harris, and I’m so happy things worked out between the two of you. When he and Knox went to Nashville, all he could talk about was you. It was adorable.” She talks on and on as I do my best inside the stall.

  “Thanks,” I say on a grimace.

  “Are you okay?” I hear the concern in her voice.

  “Ugh, this is going to sound really gross so TMI, but I have my period and I bought the wrong tampons, you know, the ones that are cardboard, and I’m just struggling a bit,” I bite my tongue as I realize I just told practically a stranger that I’m trying to stick something up my vagina while she’s talking to me.

  “God, I hate those. Hold on, I may have a tampon in my purse.”

  “Really?” My back straightens. “That would be amazing. Unless you need it.”

  “Oh, no, I just usually carry a couple extras just in case. I’m super irregular, so I could literally get my period at any time.”

  I feel much better now that we both shared some TMI tidbits.

  “Here you go!” Her hand pops up over the door, the white and yellow wrapper calling out to me.

  “You’re a savior and my new best friend, just don’t tell that to my current best friend because she’ll get jealous.”

  I take care of business and open the stall door to wash my hands.

  “Happy to be of service.” She does a little bow, and in that moment I decide that I really like Sutton.

  When we make it back to the table, a few people are talking to Knox. Harris stands and puts his arms around my waist. “Let’s dance.”

  I look around the bar. “No one else is dancing.” People are sitting or standing by the bar, talking to friends.

  “We’ll start the trend.” He takes a few steps away from the table, his arms still around me, so I’m forced to move with him. Harris spins me around and pulls me into him, holding me as he moves to the music.

  “You see, trendsetters.” A few other people start dancing as well. I lock my eyes with Harris’s and smile. I’m really starting to fall for him.


  “You’ve never dated anyone here? Not even in, like, elementary school?” Harris looks at me over his cup.

  “Nope.” I shake my head.


  “Weird, I know, but I never really found anyone here attractive.” I shrug, pretending it’s no big deal.

  I know it has to be odd hearing that. Who doesn’t even attempt to date? I always stuck to myself and my few friends. Between the name teasing and being the mayor’s daughter, I was considered a goody-two-shoes. I guess I was.

  Besides, once I got older, I was never Poppy to them, I was always someone they could use to get to my dad, to better their careers. The few good guys in town are already taken, or they’re more acquaintances than romantic possibilities.

  “It’s good for me, no ex-boyfriends to compete with,” Harris winks.

  “You’re impossible.” The cold beer in my glass cools my hand.

  Today, he’s seeing the town from another perspective—seasonal beer tour. We rented bicycles and have been riding from bar to bar, trying the different seasonal beers that were released for the fall.

  When he dropped me off at home last night, I promised to spend the day with him. I knew exactly what to do when he asked what else he had to see around Everton.

  “What do you think of this one?” I ask, eyeing the beer.

  “It’s good. The pumpkin flavor is strong.”

  “Yeah, we’ll have to try the cider when we stop at Hoppy Moose Ale House. They make it themselves with local apples.”

  “Can’t wait.” Harris reaches for my hand resting on the countertop. “I’m really happy we decided to give this a real chance.”

  “Me too,” I grin, staring into those beautiful blue eyes swimming with a combination of happiness and desire. I’m lost in them as I search beyond the surface, trying to read what this is between us.

  My head snaps to the door when it opens, interrupting the spell Harris’s eyes were casting. People are buzzing around town, enjoying fall before the snow comes. Families are out and about, couples and friends spending time together. It’s a magical time in Everton before the quiet of winter hits, although snow never really stops this town completely.

  I roll my eyes as I face Harris again.

  “Lucky us,” he mumbles as Patrick enters the bar with some friends. All of them part of the let’s-seduce-Poppy-and-win-a-bigger-ego-and-some-cash club.

  “Ignore them,” I whisper, leaning into him.

  Harris’s jaw ticks, but he keeps his focus on me. I stroke my thumb over his hand as we stare at each other.

  “How about we move on to the next bar?” He leans in and whispers in my ear. I shiver and nod, not in the mood to deal with the jerks in this town.

you do this?” Harris calls out beside me as he releases the bicycle handles and pedals down the sidewalk without steering.

  “No,” I laugh, my eyes widening in awe and fear. “I’d fall right over.”

  “It’s not that hard. You just have to maintain your balance.”

  “I doubt that’s all it takes.” I shake my head, gripping the handles.

  “Give it a try,” he encourages me.

  “If I fall, I’m blaming you.”

  “If you fall, I’ll give you a kiss and make you feel better.”

  “Worth falling just for that,” I murmur.

  “I heard that.” He arches an eyebrow and gives me that crooked grin that makes my body tingle.

  I roll my lips in between my teeth and look straight ahead to make sure there are no pedestrians in my way. I tentatively let go of the handles and pedal, but immediately the front wheel turns a bit, and I latch on to take control again. My heart racing, I let out a relieved sigh.

  “You have to try again.” He shakes his head. “That was barely an attempt.”

  I do my best teacher-glare, but he laughs and stops riding to watch me.

  “One more time.” I hold up a finger. When he nods, I try again. I barely get the pedal to make a full circle and feel unsteady on the bike. Gripping the handles, I shake my head.

  “That’s as good as I’ll get.”

  “You almost got it.” His positive outlook makes me smile.

  We continue biking over to the next bar, and I take in his profile—straight nose, strong, defined jaw, and full lips. He must know how handsome he is, and yet he isn’t conceited. I really like that about him. His humility is astounding, considering he’s lived in big cities his entire life, surrounded by many of the rich and famous. It speaks volumes of his character.

  “Are you starin’ at me?” He catches my eyes and winks.

  “You’re cute,” I shoot in his direction.

  “And you’re beautiful.” He blows me a kiss, and I sigh. I could get used to this.


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