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Pretend You're Mine

Page 13

by Francisco, Fabiola

  After drinking a few more beers and eating lunch at our final stop, Harris and I return the bikes to the closest bike station. Biking under the influence is not recommended, so we stick to walking around town.

  “I had fun today,” Harris says as he holds me by the waist.

  “I did, too.” I wrap my own arm around his waist and look around town. “Seems as if everyone is out today.”

  “Yeah, it’s definitely busy.”

  A few people wave and smile at us as we walk around. The streets are buzzing with pedestrians as the townspeople enter shops and chat with friends.

  “Hi, Poppy.”

  “Oh, hi, Mrs. Martin.”

  “That’s a handsome young man you’re with,” she winks.

  “Mrs. Martin, this is Harris. Harris, this is Mrs. Martin. She works at Town Hall with my dad.” I introduce him to the older woman.

  “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” Harris smiles.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Mrs. Martin looks at me with a wide grin. “I’m so happy you’ve decided to allow yourself the companionship of a man, dear. The whole town is buzzing about this. We were starting to worry about your needs.”

  Oh, Mylanta.

  Someone needs to shut her up. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks and look at the ground. “And you,” she points at Harris, “are one lucky man. You better treat her right, or you’ll have a whole band of us older women coming after you. We aren’t gentle,” she warns.

  “Oooo-kay.” My eyes burst open. “Thank you, Mrs. Martin, I think. We gotta go.” I drag Harris away all the while he lets out a full belly laugh.

  “I like her.”

  “That was so embarrassing.” I hide my face against his shoulder.

  “I think it’s sweet that they’re watching out for you.” He kisses the top of my head. I peek up at him and catch his boyish smirk.

  “They’re insane.”

  “Well, a little insanity is good for the soul.”

  “If you say so.” I lift my eyebrows and shake my head, beginning to walk again.

  When I spot Sundae Bliss, I skip. Harris looks at me with furrowed brows, and I laugh. “Do you want ice cream? It’s on me.” I point to the ice cream shop.

  “How can I say no to that smile? But I’m paying.” He gives me a warning look.

  I roll my eyes and shake my head. “We live in a world with equality. I could buy you ice cream,” I argue as we walk into the shop.

  “You could, but I want to treat. You’re my girlfriend, and I like taking care of you.”

  My stomach flips, and I hold in my squeal. We haven’t really talked about a label, and I haven’t put too much thought into it, but hearing him call me his girlfriend wakes up the butterflies that have been dormant for an unacceptable amount of time.

  “What do you recommend?” Harris asks as we stand in line, staring at all the flavors displayed behind the glass case.

  “I love the cookies-n-cream and their mint chocolate chip. Honestly, all of the flavors are good. They make their ice cream here, so it’s super creamy and not in that mass-market kinda way.”

  Harris looks at all the flavors with careful assessment. “I’m going to try the coffee chocolate chip.”

  “Good choice. What else?”

  Harris’s eyebrows pinch together. “That’s it?” He tilts his head.

  “Oh, boy,” I shake my head and frown. “I don’t know if this is going to work out if you’re a simple ice cream kinda guy.”

  “My taste in ice cream isn’t going to be a deal-breaker. Show me your ways.” He pulls me into his side and stares at the flavors.

  “I always get cookies-n-cream with mint chocolate chips and sprinkles. Make it a sundae.”

  “Sprinkles?” His eyebrows raise slowly on his forehead, and he bites back a chuckle.

  “Every time I come here, it’s like my inner-child comes out to play.” I shrug. No shame in my ice cream game.

  “Colored sprinkles or chocolate?”

  “Colored, duh.”

  Harris chuckles and claps his hands. “Okay, how about this? I’ll get the coffee chocolate chip with the pumpkin pecan since we’ve been in a fall flavors mood and top it off with fudge.”

  “Ah, now you’re talking.” I nod in approval. “Phew, for a second there, I thought I was going to have to can you.” I squeal when Harris pulls me by the waist without warning, drawing in the attention of everyone in Sundae Bliss. I squeeze my eyes shut as Harris’s chest vibrates with laughter against me.

  When I look around, some people are staring at us with curious eyes. It’s not as if they aren’t up to date with my love life. Some people need to work on their subtlety. Harris doesn’t mind them, and he holds my hand as we wait for our turn to order. When we finally do, we head out and take a seat on a bench outside of Sundae Bliss.

  “This is really good.” He takes a spoonful of ice cream.

  “I told you. Aren’t you happy you didn’t stick to a boring cup of ice cream?”

  “Yeah, you were definitely right about that. Do you want to try it?”

  “Are dogs the cutest animals in the world?” When Harris lifts his eyes brows, I say, “That means yes, yes, I want to try it.” He chuckles and holds his cup out.

  “Oh, that’s really good. I like the pumpkin. Here.” I reach my cup out so he can taste my sundae. “Wait.” I pull back just a bit. “I need to make sure you understand that I hardly share my ice cream with anyone, so consider yourself lucky.” I nod once and give him the green light to taste it.

  “I am lucky, and not just because you share your ice cream with me.” The way he looks at me with gentle eyes warms my heart. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me that way.

  “I want to know everything about you, Poppy.”

  “Okay,” I nod.

  “So, you didn’t date anyone here while growing up. When did you have your first kiss?”

  “You’re just going straight in, huh?” I laugh, licking away ice cream from the corner of my lip.

  “What can I say? I’m curious.” Harris shrugs and continues eating his sundae.

  “My first kiss was in college. I was a late bloomer when it came to all that, and you’ve seen the choices around here. How about you?” I dip the spoon into my cup, mixing the two flavors and sprinkles until the ice cream is soft.

  “I was in the eighth grade,” Harris says between bites.

  “So, you were an early bloomer,” I state.

  “Not really. It was a game of truth or dare. It was five seconds of pressing our lips together. I’d say my first real kiss was in high school about a year after that.”

  “How many girlfriends have you had?” I tilt my head and observe him.

  Harris closes one eye as he thinks and scratches his chin. “I want to say five.”

  “You want to say?” I furrow my eyebrows.

  “Well, I’ve dated a couple girls that didn’t work out as full-fledged relationships, but I’ve only had one serious girlfriend when I was in college.”

  “What happened?” Curiosity about his past sneaks up on me.

  “We went our separate ways. She wanted to move to New York to work, and I wanted to stay in Tennessee,” he shrugs. “It wasn’t like we were at the point of marriage or anything, and we were so young still,” he explains.

  “That makes sense. I’ve only had two boyfriends, both in college.”

  Harris nods, looking at his ice cream as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world. I chew on my bottom lip as I wonder what’s going through his mind. The little dating experience I have is limited to my four years at college, away from this town and its people. I’m thirty, I was twenty-two when I graduated and came back home. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out my situation.

  “I’m not, you know…as experienced as you might be… It’s been a while since I’ve had any…you know,” I stutter and stare at my own cup, the ice cream melting, and my heart pounds in my chest. I’m so embarrassed hav
ing to tell him this, but I guess we should get it out of the way. “Might as well stamp me with a born-again virgin seal,” I chuckle nervously.

  “Poppy.” He places his hand on my bobbing knee.


  “Will you look at me?”

  I finally lift my head in his direction, the spoon in my hand still making swirls in the ice cream.

  “I don’t care about all that. I care about you and spending time together. The amount of partners you’ve had isn’t going to push me away. I like you, and hell, a part of me is happy you haven’t run around having sex with strangers. I know it’s not fair of me to think that way, but it’s how I feel,” he shrugs.

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  “Babe, right now, it’s just you and me.”

  I breathe a little easier and smile. I always feel less than other people when I compare my love life to theirs. I shouldn’t care. I’m happy I’ve never done anything that made me feel uncomfortable or that I’ve regretted, but I still feel weird that I can count on one hand the number of guys I’ve kissed and had sex with.

  “Are you ready to go?” The corner of Harris’s lip tilts up.

  “Yeah, it’s starting to get cold.” We stand, and Harris takes my ice cream cup with his and drops them in the trash can. He holds his hand out, and I link my fingers with his, keeping him close by as we walk back to my apartment.


  “Do you want to come in?” Poppy turns to face me, her back against the door.

  I take a step closer to her, kissing her quickly before saying, “Yes.”

  Spending the day with her has been great, and I’m not ready to go our separate ways. I know she’s nervous about taking the next step, but I’ll wait until she’s ready. I’ve never been one to focus solely on sex when it comes to a relationship, and I won’t do that now. Poppy is special.

  We walk into her apartment, and I take it in. A couch divides her kitchen from the living room, facing a television that sits on a white-washed TV stand. A bookshelf stands against the wall, filled to the brim with books, and she has a few picture frames hanging on another wall. It’s cozy and very Poppy.

  “I like the fireplace.” I look at the brick wall opposite the one with the bookshelf.

  “It’s my favorite feature in the house. I love brick. So, this is my place,” she waves around even though I’ve already been looking around.

  “You love to read, huh?”

  “Yeah, I could spend hours curled up on the couch with the fireplace on and just read.”

  “It sounds relaxing.”

  “It is. I’m kinda a homebody,” she shrugs and bites her lower lip. I want nothing more than to remove her lip from her teeth and taste her myself.

  “Do you want something to drink?”

  “I’m okay. How about we sit?” I motion my head toward the couch.

  Poppy’s smile brightens her face, and she takes a seat on the couch, waiting for me to join her. As soon as I sit, she curls into me. “Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun.”

  “I did, too.” I stretch my arm around her shoulder and keep her body close to mine. Her sweet smell invades my senses like it’s been doing all day—vanilla and flowers, I think.

  “What would be your ideal day?” she asks, looking up at me from her eyelashes.

  “Right now is pretty ideal—a beautiful woman, a comfortable couch, and just the two of us.”

  She shoves me and giggles. “Flirt. I’m being serious. What would make your day the absolute best?”

  I take a moment to think about her question. “Spending time outdoors—maybe going for a hike, eating some amazing barbecue, and being in good company.”

  “You’re easy.”

  “I’m a simple guy,” I shrug. I appreciate the little things. With a demanding career, slowing down and enjoying life means a lot more than it might to other people.

  “It’s a good thing I’m a simple gal.”

  “Very good, indeed.” I kiss her, finally giving in to the desire to taste her. Her lips are sweet as I run my tongue along the seam. Poppy opens for me instantly, shifting her body so she can kiss me back.

  My tongue moves with hers, and she melts into me, wrapping her hands around my neck. I nip her lower lip and angle her head to deepen the kiss. Poppy moans and the sound shoots straight to my dick, making it aware that a very sexy woman is with me.

  My hands wander up and down the sides of her body, around to her back and gripping her ass before making their way up her back. Poppy pushes into me, her kiss growing with intensity as her tongue strokes mine with more purpose.

  I groan and hold her to me. When she moans again, I bring her over my lap so she can straddle me. It takes her a total of point two seconds before she moves her body over mine, and her lips kiss me with wild abandon. My hands roam with purpose, coming up to her breasts and palming them.

  Poppy’s nipples are hard against the fabric of her sweater, and I pinch each one. I’m greeted with a loud groan that encourages me to continue. My hands sneak into her sweater, feeling her smooth skin against my hands.

  “Oh, God,” she whispers and moves her lips from mine, trailing kisses down my jaw to my neck. Her hips grind against my dick, and I’m trying hard to be a gentleman and let her lead the pace, but when her lips suck the skin right below my ear, I thrust up.

  Poppy sucks my neck harder, her breathing labored. I bring my hands around to her stomach and trace a path up her ribs until I’m met with her perfect tits. I cup them through her bra, running my thumbs over her nipples, and she squirms.

  “That feels so good,” Poppy moans against my skin.

  “You feel amazing,” I reply, dry-humping the hell out of her like a horny teenager. Although, I’d bet there isn’t anything dry about her at the moment.

  “Yeah,” she sighs and takes my earlobe between her teeth. I hiss at the sensation of her scraping my skin and close my eyes.

  Keeping one hand on her breast, I move the other back down her stomach and trace the edge of her jeans before hooking a finger inside.

  Poppy freezes over me and stares at me with wide eyes. “Harris?”

  “Oh, shit, too fast? I’m sorry.” I shake my head and move my hand as if her skin were on fire, and I would be its next victim.

  “No, no, not too fast at all.” She gasps, trying to control her wild breathing. “I want to do that and more, but the thing is that Aunt Flo is visiting.” She looks away from me and tucks her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Aunt Flo?” I look around her place, waiting for some older woman to jump out and surprise us.

  Poppy giggles. “She’s not a person. Aunt Flo as in my monthly friend, or enemy, because she’s cockblocking me right now.” She lifts her eyebrows and waits for me to understand.

  “Ooohhh,” realization dawns on me. “Gotcha,” I nod. “That doesn’t mean that these are off-limits.” I lift her sweater and squeeze her breasts. Poppy throws her head back and moans.

  “Or this.” She rubs her palm between us, against my hard cock. Fuck, that feels good, but…

  “Nope.” I shake my head, taking a deep breath. “You see mine when I can see yours.”

  “Ah, we’re back in elementary school,” she teases, but I dip my head and bite her nipple through her bra, and she’s back to moaning my name.

  I remove Poppy’s sweater, letting it fall to the floor and unclasp her bra. I lock eyes with her before staring at her chest. A light pink color covers her skin, and I smirk. Winking at her, I swirl my tongue around her puckered nipple, teasing her. Then, I move and do the same thing to the other one, never actually taking her nipple in my mouth.

  Poppy’s hands grip my shoulders, her nails biting into my skin through my shirt.

  “You like that,” I state. By the way she’s rocking into me, it’s clear I’m affecting her.

  “Mmhmm…” She closes her eyes and arches her back, inviting me to do what I want with her body.

  I bite the swell of her
breast as I hold them in my hands and rub my thumb over her nipples. “Harris,” she moans.

  “I love hearing you call out my name like that.” She’s all breathy and full of need, a need only I can satisfy.

  “You’re a big tease,” she says.

  Without replying, I lick her nipple and then suck it into my mouth. Poppy goes wild, her hips moving of their own accord. I kiss along her chest until I land on her other breast, making sure it gets the same attention. I don’t want her to get jealous.

  I look up at Poppy with my lips wrapped around her nipple and almost fall apart at the sight of her above me—eyes closed, plump lips parted, hands digging into the back of my scalp, and hips rocking back and forth as if she were chasing an orgasm.

  “This feels too good.” Her eyes lock on mine, and her normally light aqua is darkened with heat and passion. Gone is the fun-loving woman, replaced with a wild desire that turns me the fuck on.

  I thrust up into her, and she throws her head back on a groan.

  “I can feel you against me, and I think I’m going to…” She closes her eyes, her cheeks reddening.

  Suddenly, I’m determined to make her orgasm through our clothes. I move with purpose, taking turns nipping and sucking her nipples. Goosebumps fill her skin as she tightens her hands on my shoulders, barely holding on. Her body trembles as I rub my hard dick against her pussy. I wish it were the real thing, I wish I were inside of her, but this will do for today.

  “Harris,” Poppy screams my name, and I thrust hard, scraping my teeth along her sensitive skin before sucking her nipple. A shiver runs through her, and she loses it. Poppy having an orgasm is the most sensual experience, and it is through our clothes without actually fucking.

  “Oh, God,” she calls out again. Poppy’s lower-body moves, rubbing along my dick at the perfect angle, and she tenses. My name is a prayer leaving her lips, and I want to get down on my knees and worship her.

  “Holy…” Poppy stops moving her body, but she keeps herself pressed against me. My cock is begging for its own release, but it will have to wait until later.

  When her eyes seek mine, an intensity passes through us. I bring her head down and smash my lips with hers, tongues swirling, and I kiss her with the hunger of a starved man.


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