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Royal Deceit, Love Worth Waiting For

Page 2

by Sara Greene

  Vanessa got into the limo and still held on to Azam tightly. “Oh…. Riza, my baggage,” she said turning around. “Everything has been taken care of Vanessa. Your baggage is in the other car which will follow us to the hotel,” said Vanessa.

  Vanessa felt the tears sting her eyes, but she held her head up proudly. She was not going to bow down to Riza. He could have his stooges doing that. “What about my mum and Aunt Molly?” she asked. “They have not even seen Azam.” “I have arranged another car to bring them to the hotel. They would have already arrived at the hotel by now,” said Riza. “You think of everything don’t you, you bastard,” she said between clenched teeth. “You seem to use that word often,” said Riza grinning. Vanessa wanted to slap his face, but she controlled herself. After all he was Azam’s father.

  Riza looked at Azam for a long time. “May I hold him?” he asked softly. Vanessa looked at Riza in surprise and then nodded her head slowly as she lifted Azam off her lap and placed him in Riza’s outstretched hands.

  Azam gurgled and tried to pull the keffiyeh that Riza wore. Riza looked lovingly at his son and Vanessa was surprised to see the tenderness in Riza’s eyes. Tears pooled in her eyes as she watched father and son. Azam looked the picture of Riza. The only thing of Vanessa’s that her son had been her chin. Azam’s happiness was very evident as he gurgled and tried to express himself to his father. It was as if he knew that there was a close bond between him and the man who held him. Or did he feel it?

  Riza held his son close to his chest and Azam did not mind at all being crushed a bit. The limo pulled up outside the Corithia Hotel where Riza had his apartment and Vanessa gasped. “You said we were going to hotel,” said Vanessa. “Well this is a hotel isn’t it?” asked Riza smiling. Vanessa clenched her teeth and stepped out of the limo. Azam was still in Riza’s arms and it looked as the boy had no intention of going to his mother. Vanessa followed Riza into the lobby her blood at boiling point. Vanessa turned when she heard her mother’s voice. “Vanessa darling it is so good to see you,” said Margaret coming toward Vanessa her arms outstretched. “Oh Mum how are you?” asked Vanessa tears pouring down her cheeks. She did not know whether it was the joy of seeing her mother and aunt or whether she was plan sad at the happenings, but still she hugged her mother and then turned to hug Molly.

  “Mrs. bowing may I present to you your grandson,” said Riza as he gave Azam to his grandmother. “Oh he is a darling and a handsome boy, just like his father,” said Margaret as she looked at Riza and smiled. Riza’s heart swelled with pride and Vanessa frowned at her mother. But Margaret was oblivious of Vanessa’s frown as she and Molly were more interested in Azam.

  “He is so beautiful,” said Molly as she felt Azam’s cheek and he looked up at her and smiled his dazzling smile.

  There was a flurry of activity as Riza was in his ceremonial dress and everyone knew that he was of royalty as the insignia encrusted with diamonds which he wore on his robe shone and glittered.

  “Shall we go up to my apartment?” he asked looking at Margaret and Molly who nodded excitedly. Vanessa looked at her mother helplessly as she followed Riza like an obedient little puppy, but anger was building up in her like a volcano that was about to erupt.

  Margaret and Molly were in awe when they entered Riza’s apartment. They had never seen such beautiful tapestries and furniture. Well of course Riza was King of Zemaba.

  “Mrs. Bowing, I would like to ask you to drive some sense into Vanessa about coming over to Zemaba. Azam is my son and I have every intention of taking him with me to Zemaba. I will not let my son grown up in London. He has to feel and breath everything that is Zemaba, as I did,” said Riza looking at Margaret and then at Molly.

  Margaret nodded. “I understand Your Highness,” she said. “Please call me Riza. After all you are the grandmother of my son,” said Riza.

  Margaret nodded shyly and then turned to Vanessa. “Why are you being difficult Vanessa?” she asked. “Mum, what do you expect me to do, Pack up and zip across the skies to Zemaba as if nothing is the matter?” asked Vanessa angrily. “Well what is the matter?” asked Margaret.

  “The matter in hand right now is that His Royal Highness King Riza Al Ahmed is married to Her Royal Highness Queen Mumtaz Al Ahmed,” said Vanessa shaking with rage.

  “But I told you Vanessa that my marriage to Mumtaz was temporary. Just to please our parents,” said Riza.

  “Well Your Highness I did not know that royalty played “house”,” said Vanessa with a sneer.

  Riza sighed and looked out of the window at the expanse of buildings that dotted London’s skyline.

  “Vanessa mind how you speak,” said Margaret looking annoyed.

  “Oh mum,” said Vanessa throwing up her hands in disgust.

  “Mrs. Bowing, we leave tomorrow at ten. Vanessa will stay with me at the hotel until our departure. You could stay over with Aunt Molly if you wish to,” said Riza smiling his dazzling smile that he looked just like Azam.

  “Oh no Riza, we have to get back. We shall come over tomorrow morning to wish Vanessa and you goodbye and to see our little grandson once more before he leaves,” said Margaret.

  “Oh Mum,” said Vanessa. “You can’t leave me here.” said Vanessa spreading her hands.

  “We will see you tomorrow darling,” said Molly as she kissed Vanessa on the cheek. Margaret and Molly left in the limo and Vanessa was left all alone with Riza.

  Chapter 4

  “You do know how to spew your charm don’t you Riza?’ asked Vanessa vehemently. “My charm?” asked Riza with a grin. “I don’t need to spew it, it comes naturally to me and that’s me Van,” he said tilting her chin with his index finger and looking deep into her eyes. Vanessa thought he would kiss her and she unconsciously swayed toward him, but Riza pulled his hand away and walked up to the window surprising her no end.

  Riza turned when he heard Azam yell. “He is hungry, I expect you know that,” said Riza. “You don’t have to tell me, I know bloody well what to do,” she said. “Now if you will excuse me please.” Vanessa stood and waited for Riza to leave, but he settled himself on a sofa and rested his head. Azam continued to cry and Vanessa had no alternative, but to feed her son.

  Riza watched fascinated as Azam latched on to Vanessa’s nipple and sucked on it. “How beautiful is motherhood,” said Riza. Vanessa looked up at him and smiled. This was the first time she had smiled with him ever since she stepped off the plane. “I hope you understand it Van,” he said.

  “I do Riza. Azam is my whole life and I pray you do not try to take him away from me,” she whispered.

  Riza looked at Vanessa and he felt a stirring in his groin. She looked so beautiful with her creamy breasts exposed as his son suckled.

  Azam fell asleep and Vanessa quietly put him away from her nipple. He stirred a bit but went back to sleep. “Where shall I place him?” asked Vanessa forgetting that he breast was exposed. Riza watched her. “You look damn sexy sitting there,” said Riza. It was only then that Vanessa realized that her breast was exposed. She tried to cover herself, but Riza was quicker than she was. In just one stride he was seated beside her cupping her breast and rubbing the nipple that his son has just finished suckling, with his thumb. Vanessa let out ragged breath and shivered. Riza continued to play with her nipple.

  His eyes glittered in his devastatingly handsome face as he watched Vanessa from beneath his half closed eyelids. He put his index finger under her chin and raised her head to meet his gaze. “You are beautiful habibti,” murmured Riza as he pushed her gently onto the sofa. She raised herself and put her hands to his chest and through his robes she found herself running her hands on the hard muscles.

  With a growl, he pushed her back on to the sofa until she lay beneath him. Vanessa closed her eyes when the delicious weight of him pressed against her body and made her shudder in anticipation.

  “Oh how I missed you habibti. How I missed holding you and running my hands down your body. How I missed doing t
his,” he said as he pulled the zip of her denim. Vanessa wriggled out of her jeans. She looked damn sexy with only a thong and her t-shirt with one breast exposed. Riza growled and kissed her hairy mound. Vanessa shivered as his lips touched her and continued its assault down to her nub which was now poking out of its hood. He sucked on it and Vanessa bucked underneath him. Riza looked up at Vanessa her head thrown back and her breasts pointing upwards. His mouth claimed her in a long deep kiss where their tongues explored the contours of their mouths, while his hand travelled down to her mound once again. This time he inserted two fingers into her vagina and finger-fucked her until she came screaming and thrashing.

  “Oh Riza I want you……inside me…..oh Riza please,” she breathed. “There is nothing here I want more than you habibti,” said Riza as he whipped off his robes and stood looking regal with his manhood standing proud and strong. Vanessa licked her lips when she saw how it quivered and nodded. He knelt on the sofa and lowered himself between her parted thighs. The moisture at the juncture of her things glistened as if beckoning him. She gasped when his naked body met hers. Feeling his body against hers, Vanessa drew her breath as she encircled his penis in her hand and guided it to that glistening juncture between her thighs.

  Riza caught his breath as his cock entered her. “Riza,” she begged. “Please.”

  He stopped abruptly and pulled out his cock. Vanessa let out a cry of frustration. She lay there in shock as Riza walked to his bedroom. But then he came back ripping open a condom before rolling it over his throbbing cock.

  Vanessa’s heart went pitter pat as Riza stretched across her once more pressing her down on to the cushions on the sofa.

  His hand wound its way down to her mound as he stroked the bud of her sex. He raised his head and captured her mouth, his tongue exploring the contours of her mouth. “Oh Riza I want you inside now. I don’t think I could hold on any longer,” whimpered Vanessa.

  A moment later, she felt the head of his cock nudge her mound and she reached between them, both to touch him and to guide him into her. Riza stiffened at her touch and then he groaned as she pumped her fist over him once and then twice, before she guided him into her.

  In return he swung her leg over his shoulder and bore into her as he pumped her in frenzy. Her breasts swung in rhythm to his pumping and he caught hold of one and squeezed it that milk sprouted from the nipple. Riza bent and suckled at her breast. “You taste so sweet,” he said. He continued to plunge into her and Vanessa let out a scream as she came in shoots of cum. “Riza……….zaaaaaaa,” she screamed. She lay limp beneath him as he kissed her on the lips and withdrew his penis from her.

  “You are absolutely beautiful Vanessa,” said Riza as he lifted himself off her and padded to the bathroom. Vanessa looked across where Azam was sleeping. He had not stirred one bit when his parents had made love. Or could she call it love making?

  Chapter 6

  The following morning Riza woke to the unfamiliar sound of a baby crying. He sat up and listened. It only then dawned on him that his son was in his apartment. Smiling he threw back the coverlets and walked through the door that connected his room to Vanessa’s.

  “Why is Azam crying?” asked Riza. “I am trying to give him a bath and he hates it,” smiled Vanessa. “Oh just like me. I hated baths too,” grinned Riza. Vanessa looked at him over Azam’s head and smiled. “Do you want any help?” asked Riza. Vanessa shook her head. “I can manage,” she said, as Azam let out another shriek and flapped his hands in the water sending droplets all over the floor. “Now see what you have done,” said Vanessa and Azam grinned at his mother. “He is absolutely adorable,” said Riza as he watched Azam trash about in the water. “But he is wetting the floor,” said Vanessa. “That does not matter. It can be cleaned up,” said Riza still watching how energetic his son was.

  Vanessa handed Azam to Riza after she had dressed the baby. He smelled so nice that Riza could not take his face away from his son.

  “Vanessa your mother and Aunt Molly will be here any moment. You’d better get ready and before them arrive,” said Riza. Vanessa shifted from one foot to another. “Riza, do you want me to go to Zemaba with you? What will happen to Mumtaz?” asked Vanessa nervously. “To answer your first question, yes I want you to accompany me with my son back to Zemaba and for your second question, that does not concern you at all,” said Riza. Vanessa nodded. “But can’t Azam and I live here in London?” asked Vanessa. Riza looked at Vanessa in fury. “Why do you want to stay back in London?” he asked. Vanessa looked down at her feet. “Do you have anyone else here that you cannot leave other than you mother and Aunt Molly?” asked Riza venom spewing from his words. Vanessa’s head shot up. “No…no of course not,” she said.

  “Well Vanessa in that case you’d better get ready,” said Riza as he walked out of the room taking Azam with him. Riza’s mind whirled around Vanessa’s hesitant nature. “Why is she so hesitant to go to Zemaba? Is there anyone here that she cannot leave?” thought Riza as he fed Azam a banana from the fruit basket that had been left on the side table.

  Margaret and Molly arrived at ten. Azam was excited when he saw them. It was as if he recognized his grandmother and grandaunt.

  “Oh there you are my cherub,” said Margaret as Riza handed Azam to her. Azam let out a squeal of delight as he went into his grandmother’s arms. “Oh sweetheart you know grandma?” asked Margaret kissing Azam’s mop of dark hair. Vanessa listened to the commotion that went on in the living room and sighed. She had no alternative, but to accompany Riza to Zemaba. But how he was going to answer questions of the elders was something Vanessa did not know.

  Vanessa changed into a deep blue trouser suit that matched the color of what Azam was wearing.

  She stepped into the living room and Riza looked at her with half closed eyes. “Vanessa I don’t think that is a suitable dress to be wearing on your first day to Zemaba. I have asked Madam Farzana to bring you a few abhayas from which you can choose whatever you like,” said Riza. Vanessa was about to protest when there was a knock on the door and a beautiful woman dressed in deep purple trouser suit swept into the living room with two other equally attractive girls. They carried boxes with them, which Vanessa suspected were clothe boxes. Then it struck her that this had to be Madam Farzana. “Farzana this is Vanessa. You could go into her room at the far end of the house and discuss proper attire,” said Riza. “Yes Your Highness,” said Farzana as she smiled at Vanessa. “You will love the abhayas here Vanessa,” she said pointing to the boxes. Vanessa was surprised that Farzana knew her name. Vanessa tried on several and settled for a deep blue abhaya with sequined work on the bodice. The sleeves were long and had the same pattern of sequins on the cuffs. She looked exquisite as she paraded before Madam Farzana, who clicked her fingers in approval. “You look so beautiful Vanessa, you could pass out as a Queen,” she said smiling kindly. “Oh thank you Madam Farzana,” said Vanessa smiling. “Farzana to you Vanessa,’ said the older woman. Farzana picked out a veil and head-dress that matched the abhaya and put it on Vanessa. “Ah now there you are, everything will be complete when you have tried on these shoes,” said Farzana as she snapped her fingers at her assistant who brought several boxes of shoes and place then before Vanessa.

  Vanessa already felt like a queen although her heart thumped nineteen to a dozen. Something inside made her frightened at all this. Vanessa chose a silver pair of shoes with spaghetti thin deep blue straps, which matched her abhaya perfectly. Once she was dressed Farzana whipped out her smart phone and took several photographs of Vanessa. “This is wonderful. I shall have them printed and put up in my shop,” said Farzana clapping her hands enthusiastically.

  Vanessa stepped out of the bedroom and walked in haltered steps. A she entered the living room Riza turned and stared at her, his eyes drinking in her beauty. Margaret and Molly gasped. “Oh you look so beautiful darling,” said Margaret. Azam looked at his mother and grinned, even though he only saw her eyes. But Riza was sure
he recognized her. “You look absolutely stunning,” said Riza as he came up to Vanessa and took her hand in his.

  The farewells were touching and sad, as Vanessa hugged her mother and Aunt Molly. “I am going to miss both of you terribly and Mum remember to take your meds on time. Aunt Molly I know you will be there to help Mum and keep an eye on her,” said Vanessa as she hugged Molly and the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Azam was watching all this as he sat perched in his father’s hands. “Margaret and Molly, I would expect you in Zemaba sometime next month. My plane will be sent for you, so be ready,” he said smiling as he kissed both of them on the cheek. “Have a safe journey all of you and do call once you get to Zemaba,” said Margaret as she hugged her grandson. “And you little fellow is the one we are going to miss most,” she said.

  Margaret and Molly proceeded straight home in the limo that Riza had booked for them and it was sheer bliss for the two old ladies to be travelling in luxury.


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