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Royal Deceit, Love Worth Waiting For

Page 3

by Sara Greene

  Riza, Vanessa and Azam travelled to the airport in another limo and Azam gurgled when he saw so many planes and jumped when one took off with a roaring noise. “That my son is your jet,” said Riza pointing out the royal jet to Azam. Azam looked wide eyed at the golden jet which twinkled and sparkled in the sunlight.

  They boarded the jet and Hamiza was astonished to see Riza step into the jet carrying a baby in his arms and followed by an abhaya clad woman or girl, she could not tell.

  Hamiza I hope everything is in order for Prince Azam,” said Riza. Hamiza nodded. “Yes Your Highness,” she said looking astonished.

  Vanessa spun round when she heard Riza call Azam by his title. Riza lifted an eyebrow. “Did that come as a surprise to you?” he asked. Vanessa said nothing but turned away. After all Azam was a prince indeed or so she thought, but it looked as if she was not sure herself, which surprised her no end.

  Vanessa dropped in to her seat as Riza sat opposite her holding Azam, as he strapped his seat belt and nodded to Vanessa that she strapped hers.

  Vanessa had not spoken a word since she boarded the jet and her silence drew curious looks from the in-flight staff, especially Hamiza who was dying to find out who this woman was. Whoever she was the staff knew that she was the mother of the baby who now frolicked in Riza’s arms, gurgling and playing with him.

  Hamiza pushed a trolley of food, which Vanessa saw contained cereals and fruits mashed to a pulp which was obviously for Azam.

  She reached across to prepare the cereal and serve the mashed fruit, but Riza stopped her. “Hamiza will do that. You just relax,” he said. Vanessa clenched her teeth and she was happy that the veil covered her expression.

  “Would Madam like anything to eat?” asked Hamiza. Vanessa nodded and pointed to the fruit. She was wondering to herself why she did not speak. Riza looked at her amused. “You can speak Vanessa,” said Riza grinning. Hamiza spun round in surprise. “Vanessa, did the King mention Vanessa?” thought Hamiza to herself. Vanessa clenched her teeth and balled her fists.

  Hamiza looked at Vanessa and smiled. “Hello Vanessa,” said Hamiza “This is indeed a wonderful surprise.” “Hi Hamiza,” croaked Vanessa, her voice barely heard. Back in the galley Hamiza and her assistants were whispering about the baby. “He is so cute and looked just like His Royal Highness,” said Shanaz. “Shush, keep your voice down Shanaz,” snapped Hamiza. “But then who is the baby’s mother?” asked Aleesha. “It is very obvious that the mother of the Prince is Vanessa,” said Hamiza. “But then what will happen to Queen Mumtaz?” asked Shanaz. “She is so sweet, but I always see her in deep thought and there is sadness in her eyes that I just cannot fathom.” “Well, mind your business Shanaz and let’s get on with our work. We are paid to work for royalty, but not paid to pry into their private lives,” said Hamiza who was fiercely loyal to the royal family.

  Vanessa dozed in her seat and jumped when she heard Azam yell. “I think he is hungry,” said Riza handing Azam to her. “You could take him to the room at the back of the plane and feed him there. Hamiza will show you to the room,” said Riza beckoning to Hamiza.

  After Hamiza had settled Vanessa and Azam in the room she turned to face Vanessa. “Van I don’t understand this,” she said. “There are so many things that have happened that I don’t understand either Hamiza,” said Vanessa as she prepared to feed Azam. She struggled with the abhaya and Hamiza smiled. “You are still not used to this attire,” said Hamiza, which was more a statement, than a question, thought Vanessa.

  Vanessa nodded as Hamiza efficiently removed Vanessa’s veil and then opened the top two buttons of the abhaya, which made it easy for Vanessa to feed Azam. “Thank you Hamiza,” she said. Hamiza stood looking at Vanessa. She shook her head, turned on her heel and left the room. Vanessa sighed in relief as she did not want to answer unasked questions which she saw in abundance on Hamiza’s face.

  Much to Vanessa’s relief Azam fell asleep. She gently placed him on the bed and then button her abhaya. She had watched Madam Farzana put on her veil and she was surprised how efficiently she did it too. Looking into the mirror she giggled. “Oh Vanessa, what have you gotten yourself into?” she asked looking at her reflection in the mirror.

  Vanessa jumped when she heard Riza voice. “Are you playing Snow-white?” asked Riza stepping into the room.

  Vanessa looked at him nonplussed. For a moment she did not know what he meant and then it struck her that he was referring to the fairytale snow-white.

  “Oh no I don’t think I would be as beautiful as snow-white was,” she said.

  “Vanessa why do you always want to put up a fight. I didn’t see you do that last night when we made love,” he said.

  Vanessa’s faced turned a bright pink as her body remembered his caresses and kisses of the previous night.

  “Your body still craves for my touch doesn’t it habibti?” said Riza, as he moved closer to Vanessa.

  Vanessa backed away from Riza, to find that she had backed into the wall of the cabin-room and Riza was looming in front of her. “I have always wanted to make love to you when you were dressed in an abhaya and now I feel myself being drawn toward you habibti,” he said as he took off her veil and flung it on to the bed.

  “Don’t Riza, you will wake up Azam,” said Vanessa her voice sounding more like a squeak.

  “You did not say that to me yesterday when our son lay on the sofa, while we made love,” said Riza.

  Riza very slowly unbuttoned the top of her abhaya. He did it so slowly and the way his fingers brushed her skin sent her spiraling with want that Vanessa could have screamed. Riza pushed the abhaya off her shoulders and it dropped to the floor in a heap of satin. She stood before him in only her panty and bra, her luscious mounds bulged over her bra as the bulge in Riza’s pants grew to double its size. Her nipples strained against the lace of her bra that Riza could see them well enough that he wanted to tear the bra away from her body and suck on those luscious nipples so heavy with milk for his son. Vanessa felt her groin tightened as Riza threw off his robe and stood before like a Greek God, the full length of his cock pointing at her.

  “Oh Van, you look so beautiful and sexy,” groaned Riza as he pulled her to him pressing his lips on to her. Vanessa moaned as she felt his cock nudge her stomach.

  Vanessa felt dizzy with want as she felt his cock encircle her naval. “Riza.” She moaned against his mouth.

  “You want me don’t you Van. Admit it habibti admit it that you cannot live without me, you cannot live without making love to me,” he whispered as he massaged her nipple between his index finger and thumb. Vanessa’s legs grew weak and she nearly stumbled to the floor.

  Riza continued massaging her nipple with is left hand, as his the fingers of his right hand travelled down her stomach and snaked its way to latch on to her nub which was not out of its hood and quivering for his attention.

  Riza began to run his index finger along her now wet cunt and Vanessa’s legs buckled as she tightened her thighs entrapping his fingers within as he pulled and squeezed her nub literally sending her rocketing into space.

  “Oh Riza, please……please….I want you inside me,” she whispered. “In time Van in time,” he said.

  He insert two fingers into her vagina and finger-fucked her until she came in torrents, her juices running down his hand. “Oh Riza,” she moaned. “Do it to me once again.”

  Riza carried Vanessa to the huge double bed and placed her gently at the far end so as not to disturb Azam.

  The mattress dipped as Riza knelt beside her and nudged her thighs open with his knee.

  Vanessa’s thighs parted revealing her wet, wet cunt. Riza dove between her things and licked her juices that were still trickling down her thighs. He then inserted his tongue into her vagina. Vanessa clutched at the satin bed sheets as she trashed her feet high up in the air. She moaned and moaned for him to enter her. Reaching to open the bedside cupboard Riza pulled out a condom and draped it over his cock. Then in one t
hrust he was inside her fucking her like crazy as her boobs bounced. She made a wonderful sexy sight as she pinched her own nipples. It was too damn erotic as Riza groaned and growled shooting his load inside her.

  They lay panting as Riza lazily nipped at her nipple. He turned to watch her as she dozed. He then got up and walked to the bathroom, where he took a long shower, thinking of how he was going to explain Azam’s presence.

  Chapter 7

  The jet touched down in Zemaba the following morning. Azam looked cute and adorable in a blue romper. He had won the hearts of Hamiza and her staff and they were all in love with him.

  Vanessa was a bundle of nerves as she stepped out of the plane right behind Riza, who was carrying Azam.

  A limo was parked next to the plane with its doors open. Once they were in the sanctuary of the limo Vanessa turned to Riza. “How are you going to explain Azam to your family and elders in the palace?”

  “I will tell them that Azam is my son....and that you are his mother,” said Riza his voice smooth as silk.

  Vanessa shook her head.

  “That’s Makhtar City,” said Riza. He wanted to make her feel at ease. Vanessa looked in awe at the city as it gleamed from the desert, like a polished, sun-drenched diamond in the sand. She saw rich people, families pushing baby strollers on the sidewalks. It had to be ninety degrees Fahrenheit, from the blast she had felt while walking across the airport tarmac to the waiting limo. She knew it would take her a long time to adjust to this heat. It was so different from the rainy, gloomy weather of London.

  The limo sped through the open gates of the palace and Vanessa gasped when it came to a halt before a sprawling marble building, shining and glistening in the sun. “Oh it’s so beautiful,” said Vanessa as she looked up at the palace. She looked at the towering Arabian fantasy of the palace that stood before her. It was as if she was in a dream and she had to pinch herself to know that she was looking at the real thing. “It’s just like you said it would be.” “I am pleased that you like it Vanessa, as this where you will live from now onward,” he said. Vanessa’s eyes grew wide.

  As they entered the palace Vanessa was surprised to see that there were not many people about. Servants scurried away when they saw Riza, as he walked along with corridor his robes swirling around him and Azam in his hands.

  A young man of about twenty five years had followed them from the limo and Vanessa was wondering who he was.

  As if sensing her thoughts Riza turned to the young man. “Salem I would like you to meet Vanessa Bowing. Van this is Salem my chief of staff and Salem I would like you to show Miss. Bowing to her suite of rooms, please” said Riza as he introduced the young man to her.

  Salem looked at Vanessa with clear interest and Riza was quick to grasp that the other man had a new found interest in Vanessa.

  “On second thoughts I shall show Miss Bowing to her suite,” said Riza as he swept past Vanessa and Salem. Vanessa looked apologetically at Salem and turned to follow Riza. Salem looked at the retreating figure of Vanessa and knew from her name that she was not Zemabian, but very English.

  Riza headed to the west wing with Vanessa close behind him. She was panting trying to keep up with him as he strode completely oblivious to the fact that she was almost running behind him. She surely did not want to get lost in this maze of corridors.

  Riza opened a heavily gilded door and stood aside to let Vanessa enter. Vanessa froze in her stand as she gasped at the luxury that lay all around her. “Holy cow is this for me,” thought Vanessa as she stared wide-eyed. Vanessa walked on unsteady feet. “Is this where I will stay with Azam?’ she asked. Riza shook his head. “This is where you will stay alone. Azam has his own nursery which is on the East Wing alongside my suite of rooms,”

  “Oh but you cannot do that Riza. He is my son too and I need to feed him,” said Vanessa in panic. “Azam will be brought to you when he is hungry,” said Riza and Vanessa did not fail to catch a note of finality in his words.

  “You bastard, you bastard Riza,”’ said Vanessa between clenched teeth. “I think you should give up using that word all the time habibti,” he said softly as he ran his index finger down her chin and Vanessa flinched at his touch. She looked around in despair. There was no way out for her now. He had known all the time that Azam would be separated from her.

  There was a gentle tap on the door and Mumtaz walked in. She smiled at Vanessa, but did not know whether Vanessa smiled back because of the veil that covered her nose downward.

  “It is so good to see you Van,” she said.

  Vanessa nodded and looked down at her feet.

  “Mumtaz will you take Azam to his nursery. I have asked Adilah and Shanaz to be on hand to take care of him,” said Riza.

  Mumtaz looked nonplussed. “But shouldn’t Azam be close to his mother?” asked Mumtaz. “Will you do as I have told you Mumtaz and don’t ask me questions I don’t want to answer,” said Riza sternly and Mumtaz picked Azam who was crawling on the carpet and walked out of the room.

  Vanessa watched them leave and her shoulders shook as she sank to the floor and held her head in her hands. “Why are you doing this to me Riza?” she asked sadly. “I have my reasons and like I told Mumtaz you too are not to ask me questions for which I will have no answers to give you,” said Riza as he swept out of the room his robes bellowing around him.

  Vanessa spun round when she heard the door click. She ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked from the outside. She was a prisoner in the castle of Zemaba. She wondered aimlessly around the room until she came to stand in front of a mirror. She looked at herself attired in the abhaya and anger surged through her, as she ripped the abhaya of her body and stood only in her panty and bra. She then yanked her suitcase off the floor and flung it on the bed. She picked out a denim and t-shirt. Padding to the bathroom she had along cool bath. When she came out of the bathroom she was surprised to see a trolley of food. She kicked the trolley and it rolled toward the wall all the silverware clanking and making a huge din.

  “You should be more respectful to the food that is given to you,” said Riza. Vanessa jumped when she heard his voice. “What the hell at you doing in my room?” she spat out.

  “Is that they way you speak to the King of Zemaba?” asked Riza lazily.

  “King? You bastard you are no bloody King. You are a bloody dictator. I think Hitler would have been more human that you,” she shouted.

  Riza lifted an eyebrow and laughed. “I don’t think Hitler would have taken nicely to your wayward behavior,” he said laughing.

  Vanessa picked up a silver food cover and flung it at him, which he caught deftly and grinned.

  “I cannot live here like this. I want to go back to London,” she cried.

  “No one is stopping you Vanessa. You could leave even now, but, remember, but Azam stays here,” said Riza wagging a finger at her.

  “No” she whispered. “Azam goes with me. I am his mother and he needs me.” “Says who?” asked Riza.

  “Oh for God’s sake Riza get real. I am Azam’s mother and he is still on my milk,” she said.

  “Oh, babies can be weaned off breast milk. He could start taking solids now that he almost five months old,” said Riza. Vanessa had not thought of that and she shivered at the thought of losing Azam.

  “I shall not leave without Azam. He goes with me and that is final,” said Vanessa stamping her foot like an errant child.

  Riza ignored her. “If you stay here you will have to get used to been more civilized and behave yourself without acting like a kid,” said Riza as he rose to leave the room.

  “And Riza please give me the key to my room,” said Vanessa stopping him.

  “Oh give you the key?” he asked questioningly. “No Vanessa, I am not that foolish. When it is time for you to feed Azam, one of his nannies will come for you. You can be with our son in the nursery only if you decide to behave yourself and act more mature, rather than like a kid,” he said as he swept out of t
he room and she heard the click of the lock.

  Vanessa walked around again and then sat on the bed. “How in heaven’s name am I going to leave this place,” she said to herself.

  The aroma from the food on the trolley made her stomach rumble. She got up and padded to the trolley opening all the dishes. The food was mouth-watering and Vanessa’s stomach growled in hunger. She realized that after she had had a snack on the plane she had eaten nothing. She served herself and then sat at the window. She was surprised at the amount of food she consumed.

  Half an hour later she heard the door unlock and a woman a little taller than Vanessa stepped in smiling.

  “I am Shanaz and I have come to take Madam to the nursery. It is time for Prince Azam’s feed,” said Shanaz as she smiled shyly.

  Shanaz was a little taller than Vanessa, but she suspected that she was the same age as Vanessa.


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