Book Read Free

A Fresh Start

Page 10

by Lexi Bissen

  “I know what a date is,” she interrupts. “I’m wondering why you’re asking me.”

  “I like you?” I say, but it comes out more like a question in my confusion. After the talk we just had, I figured she understood she’s different for me.

  “What did you have in mind?” she asks, biting that full lip I love.

  I stick my hands in my front pockets and prepare to pull some shit out of my ass. I still have no idea what we would do. I don’t know this town and I sure as hell am not asking Dan for advice. “I was thinking we could go to dinner. Maybe an Italian place. Figured that was a good bet because everyone likes Italian.” She nods in agreement. “Then, if you wanted, we could hang out at that beach area we were at last week.” I throw my head back and groan. The beach and an Italian restaurant, that’s the best I could come up with?

  Ronnie shakes her head and gives me one of those big smiles she has. “You didn’t have any of this planned, did you?”

  I throw my hands up in the air and drop them at my side. “What do you expect? I don’t know anything in this small town. The best I had was guessing you had an Italian restaurant.”

  Ronnie laughs and the sound resonates deep within me, stirring around unknown emotions. I love it.

  “We do have one Italian restaurant. It’s nothing to write home about, though. I’m pretty sure the family who owns it serves frozen TV dinners.” I scrunch my nose up at the thought. Nothing about a frozen dinner sounds appetizing.

  Since that plan is shot, I have nothing. “Well, then, how about you just tell me what you usually do when you go out on a date.”

  Ronnie’s face drops. What did I say? “You know what, let’s just forget about this whole date thing.”

  She goes around me to leave, but I grab her by the arm and turn her to face me. I’ve never dealt with an upset female before and I have no idea if I’ll say the wrong thing, but I can’t let Ronnie leave like this and blow off our future date.

  I rub my hands up and down her arms, attempting to soothe her. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?”

  “It wasn’t what you said exactly. It’s just…ugh, this is so embarrassing. You’ll laugh and think I’m some kind of loser.”

  “Whatever it is, I’m sure it isn’t that embarrassing. Just tell me. I promise I won’t laugh at you,” I say, hoping I can keep my promise.

  Ronnie averts her eyes. “I haven’t exactly…been on a date.” The last part is so quiet, I almost don’t hear her.

  I start laughing and Ronnie punches me in the shoulder. “You said you wouldn’t laugh, you jerk. You can definitely take my answer as a no.”

  I abruptly stop and grab Ronnie’s wrist. “Wait, I’m not laughing at you.” She squints her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. “The truth is, I was freaking out over asking you out because I actually do like you. Plus, I’ve never asked a girl out before. You’re sort of the first.”

  Now, it’s Ronnie’s turn to laugh. “I find that hard to believe. You’ve probably been with tons of girls.”

  “I didn’t exactly have to take them out on a date.” As soon as the words come out of mouth, I want to run in the other direction. Wrong thing to say to the girl you like.

  Her face drops. “Oh.”

  “So, what do you say? Want to pop our dating cherries and be each other’s first?” I ask, wanting to get the thought of me and other girls out of her head.

  Ronnie lets out the smallest of smiles, trying hard not to laugh at my joke. “Yes, I would love to.”

  Was that a yes? Did she really just agree to go on a date with me?

  Before I can say anything to her, she points her finger at my chest, and says, “But you’ll have to come up with something for us to do. And get creative, I have high expectations.” She walks around me to unlock the door, and this time, I let her. Just before Ronnie walks out the door, she turns back to me. “Have a nice day, rock star.”

  As much as I love my job, I wish I didn’t have to work for so little. It’s Friday night and the entire football team decided to come into Chili’s after winning their game. That means I get to serve a group of rowdy, dirty, overgrown teenagers. We have to have two servers for them and just my luck, Allen isn’t working tonight so I get the new girl, Jenny. She’s only had a week of training and still isn’t familiar with the menu, but she’s fast when running the food from the kitchen.

  I take the tables with the seniors because I know how these boys can get. They are always flirting with the waitresses and I don’t want to let them loose on the sixteen-year-old girl. Walking up to the two tables they’re occupying to deliver their drinks and take some orders, I stop and the conversation dies, all eyes on me. I really wish Allen were here to take this table.

  Will, the linebacker, leans back in his chair and gives my body a long look. “Well, hello there, Ms. Ronnie. Are you going to be servicing us today?” How original.

  I roll my eyes and set the cups and pitcher of water in front of him. “I’m here to take your order, that’s it. I’m really not in the mood to deal with all of this,” I wave my hand in front of his face, “tonight.”

  He holds his hands up in surrender. “Fine, fine. I get it. I’ll control myself and give you my order.” Pulling out my notepad and pen, I wait for him to continue. Will looks at his menu and then back up to me. “I’ll have…you, tonight, in my bed.”

  All the guys at the table laugh and slap him on the back. I drop my hands at my sides and wonder how much trouble I would get in if that pitcher of ice-cold water just happened to land on top of his head. It would probably get me fired, but it would be worth it. Before I can decide between my job and making Will look like an idiot, Sean throws a ketchup bottle at his head. I can always count on my brother to be there for me.

  Will looks over at Sean, stunned. My brother’s nostrils are flared and his breathing is heavy. All the guys at the table stop laughing when they see it was Sean who threw the bottle. “Say one more fucking word to her and I’ll kick your ass.” And no doubt he would. He’s done it before.

  Will nods and ducks down in his chair. “Yeah, man. Sorry, I was just messing around.”

  “I don’t give a shit. Now, apologize to her,” Sean says, pointing his finger at me.

  Will apologizes for his comments and goes back to looking at his menu. The rest of the guys who were laughing at his “joke” follow suit.

  I prepare my pen and paper to take everyone’s order, but Sean waves me over, grabbing my attention. “We’re all just going to take burgers to make it easy on you, Ron.” I write down nine burgers.

  Just before I’m about to walk away, Will speaks up again. “Wait, I don’t eat meat.”

  Sean rolls his eyes. “Fine, eight hamburgers and one pussy-burger for Will.” That not only gets the table laughing, but me too. Serves Will right for messing with me.

  I head to the kitchen to give the cooks the order and then check on my other tables. After I make sure everyone has new refills and is happy with their food, I stop by the bathroom so I can check my phone.

  I don’t have any new messages, but I decide to text Allen to let him know how much I hate him for not working tonight.

  Ronnie: I need you! The team stopped by and it’s only Jenny and I tonight

  He replies right away. He’s probably at home watching Netflix, the lucky guy.

  Allen: I’m sorry, Itty. I would come down there and help, but I’m already in my jammies. You know that means I’m done for the night.

  Ronnie: But don’t you <3 me? I would come help you.

  Allen: The night mask is on…

  Ronnie: Never mind. You’re not leaving your room tonight.

  Allen won’t leave the house unless he looks perfect. Once he’s home for the day, there is no getting him to come out. He’d have to do his hair, which takes forever, and go through which outfit to wear.

  My phone goes off in my hand and I expect another message from Allen, but it’s from my brother Jerry. We rarely hear
from him, so these messages instantly bring a smile to my face.

  Jerry: How much do you love your big brother?

  Ronnie: Who? Sean? I mean a little, but not all that much.

  Jerry: Ha ha. Smartass. You know what I mean. Guess who has a surprise for you?

  The last surprise he had for us was that he joined the Army and was off to boot camp after high school. I’m hoping this one is a good surprise.

  Ronnie: You know I hate guessing games.

  Jerry: Fine, I won’t make that big brain of yours work too hard. Your favorite brother is coming home for Thanksgiving.

  Ronnie: What?! Are you serious? You’re really coming home?

  It’s been over two years since he’s been home. I jump up a little at the thought of seeing him after so long.

  Jerry: Yep! I’ll be there for six days. I want to surprise mom and dad, that’s why I’m telling you now. I messaged Sean, too. Figured between the two of you, y’all can help me out.

  Ronnie: Of course. I’ll go request off now for work. Which I have to get back to. Love you! Can’t wait for you to come down here

  Jerry: You’re going for employee of the month with texting at work. Lol. Love you, too, little sis. I’ll talk to you later.

  With my brother’s news, all of my annoyance is gone. I can’t wait to see Jerry. Going from talking and seeing someone every day to one visit in two years and the occasional phone call is hard on my entire family. I can still hear my mom crying some nights because she misses him so much.

  Tucking my phone away in my apron pocket, I make my way back to the kitchen. The cooks are finishing up the burgers for the team, so Jenny and I pile our trays up and head to the table. After we make sure the guys have enough food and Will gets his special burger, I cash out my other customers and help Jenny do the same with hers.

  There’s a lull after the rest of our tables clear out and I don’t expect anyone else to come in tonight since we close in under an hour, so I start cashing out the extra registers while Oliver, the bartender, cleans his area. I have Jenny check on the guys and listen to make sure they are behaving themselves with her. She’s young and sweet—too innocent of a girl for those boys to mess around with.

  Just as I’m closing up the last register, the hairs on the back of my neck tingle as someone breathes against me. Twirling around, I let out a small gasp, finding Gibson standing there, smiling down at me.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  He takes a step closer, trapping me with my back against the register. “I came up with what I think is a pretty damn good date.” He puffs his chest out, seeming proud of himself, and that makes me want to know what he has planned for us.

  I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrow at him. “You do, huh? Well, lay it on me then. I’d rather be the judge of this damn good date.”

  He shakes his head at me. “Sorry, no can do. I have to keep the mystery up. Can’t be giving away all my secrets.”

  “So, you came all the way down here to tell me you can’t tell me what we’re doing tomorrow night? That seems pretty rude and makes you a major tease.”

  Gibson comes a little closer and puts his hands on my hips. He’s been a lot more touchy feely since I agreed to go out with him on Monday. During the week, he found small ways to touch me, whether it was laying his hand on my lower back or putting his arm over my chair at lunch. The hand holding and public affection is all foreign to me.

  “I actually came down here to get your number. I realized I didn’t have it when I went to text you about tomorrow.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to tell me about our date?”

  He squeezes my hips and comes just a little bit closer, pushing my crossed arms against his stomach. “I’m not. But Allen told me I should inform you on what to wear and shit like that. Didn’t want you showing up in a ball gown if we’re going to a shack.”

  “Because I have a ball gown just laying around, waiting for me to wear it.”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know what girls keep in their closets.”

  “All right then, rock star, what would you like me to wear tomorrow?”

  “You really want me to answer that?” he asks with a smirk.

  I smack his chest. “You perv. What kind of clothes should I wear tomorrow? Shoes, too. If we’re going outdoors, I don’t want to wear flip-flops.”

  “Flip-flops are fine, if you want. It’s nothing like hiking or anything. I was only going to suggest you dress in something comfortable, and the less clothing, the better.” I roll my eyes. “I’m serious this time. It’s hot as hell here and we’ll be outside.”

  “Fine. Basically what I wear most days. Got it.” Sounds easy enough.

  “What do we have going on over here?” Dammit. How could I have forgotten Sean was here? No one knows about my date with Gibson besides Allen and I’d rather keep it that way. The less people who know, the less likely my parents, mainly my dad, will find out.

  Gibson backs away from me and I take a step to the right, putting more distance between us. “Nothing. We were just talking. Gibson was wondering if we were still open to order food.” I clear my throat and turn back to the cash register.

  “Didn’t look like nothing. Looked like the two of you were getting pretty close.” I wish Sean would just let this be. He doesn’t need to be a jerk when I’m around a guy. “We warned you about this guy. He’s nothing but trouble, Ronnie.”

  I roll my eyes at my clueless brother. “Trouble? And how would you know this, Sean? Because of a bunch of pictures and what people say in magazines and online? You know better than anyone that a picture can be read wrong and rumors ruin people’s lives. Don’t judge Gibson on what you’ve seen other people say about him.”

  I grab Gibson’s hand and pull him out the side exit, away from a shocked Sean and angry looking Rodger. Once we make it to the front of the building, I turn around and face Gibson.

  “Now you see why I haven’t dated before. Even if there were a guy in this town I would say yes to, I’d have to deal with my brother and my dad. They would never approve of any guy.”

  Gibson nods in understanding. “I get it. I don’t have a little sister or anything, but I’m sure he’s protective of you. I just don’t understand why his friend is always there, right behind him.”

  Would now be the wrong time to mention the relationship Rodger and I had over a year ago? I’m sure I’ll have to tell Gibson sometime if we lead into a second or third date, but I don’t want him to judge me for the decision I made last summer. I decide to explain as little as possible to him.

  “Something happened between us last summer and I guess he thought it was more than it was. Being around you is bringing out the jealous side of him, I guess.”

  “I thought you said you hadn’t dated?” Gibson asks.

  I gnaw on my bottom lip, thinking of a way to explain my previous relationship with Rodger without sounding bad. “We didn’t exactly…date.”

  Understanding shows on Gibson’s face. “Got it. So, now he’s pissed I’m around you?”

  “Pretty much.” I look at my watch and see we close in twenty minutes. I need to get back to cash out the team. “I have to get back to work, but what time do you want me to be at your house tomorrow?”

  “Six work for you? And I’m sorry about you having to driv—”

  “No need to apologize. I’d rather drive than you get in trouble for it. And six is perfect.”

  I turn to go inside when Gibson grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. He plants a soft kiss on my lips and then slowly breaks away. It’s nowhere near the kiss we shared last weekend, but it’s perfect for this moment. I turn around to make sure Sean can’t see us, but Gibson stops me by directing my face toward his with his hand on my cheek.

  “They can’t see us, I already checked. I just couldn’t go until tomorrow without tasting you again. A week is way too long.”

  “You know, for a bad boy who’s never dated, you’re pretty roman

  “It’s a new trait I’m discovering I have. I wouldn’t get used to it though, not sure how long it will last.” His face is so close, I can smell the mint of his gum.

  Before I realize what I’m doing, I move up on my tiptoes and plant a hard kiss on his lips. I love the way his lips feel. That lip ring in particular. It’s cold against my bottom lip and it makes me want to lick it. I pull back before I do just that. I don’t want to get too carried away when my brother is right inside.

  “I have to go,” I say.

  He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone. “Number first.”

  I dial my number so I have his as well and return his phone to him.

  “So, tomorrow at six?” he asks me.

  I nod. “I’ll be in the beat up truck.”

  He laughs at my lame joke. “I’ll see you then.”

  I watch Ronnie as she walks back into the restaurant, her perfect ass swaying from side to side. As soon as she disappears, I turn to head back toward Dan’s and grab my phone from my pocket. I have a long walk ahead of me and after this past weekend, need to handle some shit that should have already been dealt with. Unfortunately, my dad has been in Europe for his latest tour and I knew I wouldn’t be able to reach him until now.

  After hitting the number, ringing fills the line. I wipe my hand across my forehead to clear the sweat. This heat sucks. Not even walking five minutes and I’m already sweating my ass off, but it was worth it to see Ronnie. Just as I’m about to hang up, my dad’s deep voice comes through the line.


  “Hey, Dad, it’s me,” I reply, not the least bit interested in actually talking to him. After Sean and Rodger mentioned my arrest, I went to some of the popular gossip websites. My dad said he had his PR person handling everything with keeping my name out of the press and that he paid her more than enough, but it seems like the twit couldn’t do her damn job.

  “Gibson, I was going to call you tomorrow. I just got in a couple days ago and was trying to settle in first.” I roll my eyes at his bullshit excuse. He had no intentions of calling to check in with me, but I’m used to this and that’s not the reason I’m calling now.


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