Book Read Free

My Truth My Time My Turn

Page 4

by Shelia E. Bell

  Seeing Isabella’s kid running around his house almost every day, gave him the desire to see his kid.

  He dialed Mariah’s number again.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to see my son.”

  “Let me say this to you one more time. Leave us alone, Hezekiah. I don’t need you messing up my life a second time. My husband and kids are back. I’m making a change in my life for the better. As far as the law goes, this is his kid, legally, anyway. He’s forgiven me and he’s accepted Jude as his own. So please, let it go Let us go. You can stop putting money in my account if that’s what it’ll take for you to leave us be. I don’t care anymore. I just want to be left alone.”

  “You didn’t want to be left alone when you sent that fake Will to my wife.”

  “That’s because I was still stuck on stupid back then. But all that’s in my past. I had an affair with you, got pregnant, lost my husband and my kids because of it. But God forgave me, my husband forgave me. I’ve been given a second chance and I’ve moved on.”

  “Seems like if you had moved on like you say you have, you would have stopped accepting my money. You would have told me this a long time ago.”

  “My husband and kids have been back less than a year. And no, I didn’t go out of my way to tell you. Why should I? I figured the least you could do was pay me for tearing my life apart, and Jude is your son. Just because you haven’t tried to be in his life doesn’t mean you shouldn’t provide for him. Anyway, you’ve been fighting your own demons, Hezekiah. And I came to the realization that my son didn’t need to be part of your mess. I didn’t like being some knock off then and I won’t be a knock off now. Not to you. Not to any other man. So please, leave us alone. I’ve moved on with my life. If you insist on trying to see Jude, I promise I’ll make your life a living hell. I know some of your dirty little secrets, Hezekiah. Remember that.”

  “Are you threatening me, Mariah?”

  “No, I’m making a promise. Now, goodbye, and please don’t ever call my number again.” For a second time, she ended the call.


  “I'm ready to accept the challenge. I'm coming home.” LeBron James

  Fancy sat across from the table watching and listening to Stiles talk about his decision to return to Holy Rock as associate pastor.

  “I prayed about it long and hard. Considering Pastor’s health and aging, and my desire to stand behind the pulpit of Holy Rock again, I guess you can say the decision was made for me. I just hope I’ve listened and heard God correctly.”

  “I think you made the right decision.” Fancy picked up her glass of diet soda and took a couple of swallows before sitting the glass back on the table. “I know it’s going to be good for Holy Rock and for Pastor too. Many of our long time members who were there when you were pastor can’t wait to see you grace the pulpit again.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

  “It’s not like I’ll be preaching every Sunday, but I must admit, it does feel good to be back. Just knowing that I have another opportunity to make Pastor smile again and of course continue to do God’s will, makes me one grateful man.”

  Fancy nodded in agreement. “Well, looks like you’re done eating, so what do you say we head on over to Holy Rock. That son of mine has been texting me like crazy asking where we are.”

  “Didn’t you tell him we were going to stop to have some lunch?”

  “Yes, I did, but he’s anxious to get this ball officially off the ground, and I can’t say I blame him.”

  Fancy insisted on covering the check. After paying, they left the restaurant and headed to Holy Rock.

  “Welcome, Pastor Graham. Good afternoon, Sista Fancy,” the front office receptionist greeted them as they entered Holy Rock.

  Eliana saw them approaching and called Khalil in his office to let him know Stiles and Fancy had arrived. Once that was done, she got up and walked around from behind her desk. “Welcome back to Holy Rock, Pastor Graham. Pastor Khalil wants you to wait in the small conference room. He’ll be with you shortly. I’ll take you there.”

  Fancy threw up one hand. “No need, Eliana. I’ve got this.”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am, but Pastor Khalil asked for you to give him a few minutes. He’s in a meeting.” Eliana returned to her desk with an unpleasant look on her face while Sista Mavis strained to hear every word. Her desk and the other admins’ desks were behind a glass petition. They could see anyone who came through the front doors and hear most of what conversations transpired.

  “While we wait on him to get free let me show you to your office,” Fancy said to Stiles. “Come this way.” She turned, looked at him, and waved him toward her as she walked up the hall. “Oh, Eliana, when the pastor is done, will you tell him we’ll be in Pastor Stiles’ office.”

  “Yes, I sure will, Sista Fancy.”

  After Fancy and Stiles walked up the hallway and were out of sight, Sista Mavis approached Eliana’s desk.

  “He’s good looking isn’t it?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Pastor Stiles is one good looking man, isn’t he? And you know he’s single. He needs a good woman. I know you’re young but in this day and time, age ain’t nothing but a number. I believe you would make him a good wife. God knows that poor man has had his share of bad luck.”

  “Yes, he’s handsome, but I’m not interested in Stiles Graham.” Eliana stood, picked up a stack of folders off her desk, walked six feet, and put them inside the file cabinet.

  “Humph, I think you’ll have a better chance at snagging him rather than Pastor K.”

  Eliana turned around, rolled her eyes at Sista Mavis, and then sat back at her desk. “I don’t know what you’re insinuating, but I have no interest in Pastor K, as you call him.” Hearing what Sista Mavis said was rattling. Was it that obvious she had feelings for Khalil?

  “Chile, please, I wasn’t born yesterday. Even a blind woman could see you got a thang for that boy. And I can’t say I blame you. He’s just as good looking as his daddy and his uncle, but he’s not ready to settle down. That boy may be the senior pastor of this church, but he’s still got wild hairs all up…well you know what I’m saying. You seem like a decent girl. I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt. Take my advice; set your sights on someone attainable. And it’s sho not Pastor K. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Thanks but no thanks for that bit of advice. And I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, Sista Mavis, but I don’t discuss my personal business with my co-workers. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to lunch. I’ll forward the calls to you. Oh, and Pastor Khalil will be in and out the remainder of the day. He has quite a bit of ground to cover with Pastor Graham to get him settled.”

  Sista Mavis shook her head. “You young folks don’t want to listen, but you do you, boo. Do you.” With that being said, Sista Mavis waltzed back to her desk.

  “I should have known it was something about dude,” Khalil said as he looked at the image of Detria and Winston again. “And that wench, Detria, is nothing but a snake. Did you hear anything they said?”

  “Nah, but they didn’t act like they were strangers. I can tell you that. I don’t know what’s up but we need to find out,” Xavier said. “I don’t want Ma being messed over by this guy. It’s bad enough she’s forced to deal with Dad and all of his drama.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m going to get to the bottom of this, but I can’t right now. Eliana said Ma and Stiles are here. You have the paperwork he needs to read and sign?”


  “Keys to his spot?”

  “Yea, I got you. Everything is straight. I’m just curious about this dude, Winston, and of all people for him to be with, Detria?”

  “Like I said, let me handle it. And don’t say a word to Ma about this.”

  “You know I won’t.”

  The brothers walked out of Khalil’s office and headed up the hallway.

  After dismissing Sista Mavis’ remarks, Eliana went outside and sat inside her ca
r for a few minutes before driving to the nearby strip mall where there were several restaurants and a deli. She chose the deli. After placing her to-go order, she returned to her car with her food and sat inside of it eating and thinking about what Sista Mavis had said. No way was she interested or attracted to Stiles Graham. She’d seen the man a few times and he seemed to be a nice man, but he was about the same age as her parents. She wasn’t into older men and especially men with as much baggage as she’d heard he had. No, she was not going to let anyone or anything keep her from building a strong relationship with Khalil.

  Taking a bite of her veggie sandwich and then her fries, she thought about how Sista Fancy had all but brushed her aside like she was nobody—all because of her brother’s relationship with Xavier. How could she control what two consenting adults did? Somehow, Fancy seemed to think she could. There was a time Fancy acted as if she liked Eliana but that wasn’t the case now. What could she do to get Fancy back on her side? It wasn’t rocket science, the fact was the closer she got to Fancy, the better the odds of getting Khalil to be all hers.

  She finished eating her lunch and returned to Holy Rock. Driving up in the church parking lot, she spotted Khalil, Xavier, and Stiles getting into Xavier’s car. Eliana already knew what the plans were for today. They were going to take Stiles to the house they’d leased for him. She was the one who had helped Khalil decide on it after he had been shown several houses. This one was located about seven miles from Holy Rock. It was a spacious four-bedroom brick bungalow in an upscale and quiet neighborhood. She believed he would like it. Holy Rock was also providing Stiles a ‘company car’ at his disposal for whenever he was in Memphis, plus many other perks.

  After they drove off, Eliana remained in her car until it was time for her to go back inside. The day was still going to be a long one. There was an afternoon staff meeting where Stiles would be officially welcomed, and later the ministerial and office staff was supposed to join Pastor Khalil and Stiles for dinner. She couldn’t wait until it all ended. Hopefully, afterwards, if it wasn’t too late, Khalil would want to see her. Most of the time she came to his house because it was more private and out of the sight of his brother and her brother. Not that Khalil cared, or at least he said he didn’t, but with a garage at his house, and it being inside a gated community, there was far less chance of nosy people seeing their comings and goings.


  “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20

  Dinner with Stiles and the staff was fun and informative. Stiles enjoyed all the special attention he received. He was made to feel truly welcome. He laughed, talked, got reacquainted with the staff and met the ministers and their wives or significant others.

  His phone rang during dinner. He looked at the screen. It was Kareena. He ignored the call and instead shot her a quick text to let her know he was at dinner with the staff and would get back with her later.

  “Stiles, tell the truth, do you like the spot we picked out for you?” Khalil asked.

  “Yes, I love it. And it’s not too far from Holy Rock, which makes it even better. It has more than enough space, the neighborhood is great. I have no complaints. None at all. God is good.”

  “Oh, yes he is,” Fancy cosigned.

  “Well, if you have any concerns or if we’ve missed anything, just let Eliana know. She’ll be your administrative assistant as well. Sista Mavis will be her backup.”

  Stiles looked at the attractive young lady and showed his approval with a smile and a nod. “Yes, she told me. I promise not to be difficult, Sista Eliana.”

  “I’m not worried about that,” Eliana said. “I’m sure I’ll have no problem working with you.”

  Sista Mavis chuckled and then said, “You’re going to love her. She’s such a sweetheart. So smart and talented. I can’t believe no one’s snatched her up.”

  Eliana shot an eye at Sista Mavis and a fake smile. “In God’s timing.”

  “That’s right, baby,” one of the ministers’ wives said.

  “I’m sure whoever God blesses to come into her life will be a lucky man,” Fancy said, much to Eliana’s pleasant surprise. Butterflies flurried in her belly as she quickly looked at Khalil.

  “I agree,” Khalil said.

  At the end of dinner, Fancy told Stiles she would drive him home. They were going to go pick up his leased vehicle the following day.

  “Ma, Xavier is going to take him. It’s getting late. You can just go on home.”

  Fancy gave Khalil a side eye. “Oh, okay. But I don’t mind.”

  “I know, Ma, but I got it,” Xavier said.

  When Stiles arrived home and entered his new space, the first thing he did was take off his shoes. After that he stretched out his long arms and released a roaring yawn. It was almost nine thirty. It had been a long day and he was beat. He looked around the house and made himself familiar with it. The second bedroom was made into a home office. The third bedroom was a man cave, and the fourth was a guest room. His master bedroom was spacious and relaxing. All of the furniture was to his liking and everything was arranged perfectly. All he needed to do was unpack his luggage but he would do that later. First things first. He went into the living room, sat down in the high back chair and exhaled.

  Removing his cell phone from its holder, he called Kareena.

  “Hi, there? Were you sleep?”

  “No, not quite. How did everything go?”

  “Good. I was given the royal treatment. I felt welcomed and my spot is sweet.”

  “Sounds good. I’m glad it’s working out for you.”

  “Any fires to put out at Full of Grace today?”

  “No, everything was business as usual.”

  “I’ll have Eliana to send you my schedule when I get to the office tomorrow.”


  “Yes, she’s Khalil’s administrative assistant, but she’s going to report to me as well.”

  “Okay, that’ll be fine.”

  An uncomfortable silence filtered through the phone.

  “Ummm, well, I guess I’m going to call it a night. I’m exhausted and I have another long day tomorrow.”

  “Okay, no problem. I’m going to do the same. Call or text me if you need me, Stiles.”

  “Sure thing. Gnite.” He ended the call. Thoughts of Kareena saturated his mind. Why did he let her walk out of his life? What was wrong with him? He practically pushed her into the arms of River. He didn’t care how good of a man River was, Stiles wanted Kareena for himself.

  His phone rang, yanking him from his thoughts.

  “Are you settled in?” Fancy asked.

  “Yes, but I had some phone calls to make first.”

  “Well, I just wanted to say it again. Welcome back.”

  “Thank you, Fancy.”

  “I want you to call me if you need anything. I don’t come in the office everyday like I used to.”

  “Is that by choice?”

  “Somewhat,” she said. “We didn’t talk about it at lunch but Khalil feels that it’s time I do me. You know what I mean?”

  “I think I do.”

  “He’s doing well in the ministry. Things are moving in the right direction. And he and Xavier have things running pretty smoothly. Khalil doesn’t want me involved as much because of the situation with Hezekiah.”

  “Speaking of my brother, any word from him lately?”

  “No. All I know is he’s out on bond. We did find out he lives somewhere in Arlington. At least, that’s what we were told. I don’t know how much truth there is to it.”

  “How do you feel about it?”

  “About what? Him living in Arlington or his arrest?”

  “His arrest?”

  “I don’t know, Stiles. I mean, I don’t wish that for anybody. Me and Hezekiah know what it’s like to spend time behind bars. We did six years. Six years away from our kids, our family. Yes, I know it was because of our own making, but it’s s
till something that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Maybe I shouldn’t feel the way I do about it, but I do. I haven’t said anything to the boys about my feelings. I mean, I was the one who was in their corners when they talked about reporting the embezzlement. I just don’t know. Part of me feels guilty about it and the other part; well the other part of me doesn’t know how to feel.”

  “That’s understandable. I’ve told you before, love doesn’t just disappear at the drop of a dime, especially when you have the history you and Hezekiah have. It just doesn’t work like that. Believe me, I know from experience.”

  Fancy listened in silence. She could feel Stiles’ sincerity over the phone. “Are you still in love with Detria?”

  “What? Detria? Heck, no!” Stiles yelled before he knew it. “Sorry, but no way. I have regrets about the way things turned out for me and my first wife. You would've liked Rena.”

  “I remember seeing her. She was a beautiful woman. Have you ever thought about trying to get back with her?”

  “Nah, she’s moved on with her life. Has a husband and a bunch of kids. Plus, after the Jubilee Tragedy she made it clear my family was not welcome in her life. I can’t say I blame her. Not only did I hurt her when we were married, but for her parents to be slaughtered by the woman who I learned was my mother? That’s a whole other painful memory she has to deal with. Then my sister and her husband were killed too. I don’t know how much more my heart can take. It literally aches with the weight of grief. Now my father may be in the first stages of dementia. My brother, your ex, doesn’t want anything to do with me.” Stiles paused. “Look, enough about me. That’s not the road I was intending to go down. I just want you to know that I understand, Fancy. That’s all I’m saying. Now that I’ll be in Memphis more often, I hope we can spend more time together.”

  “Me too. I think we need each other to lean on.”

  “Yea, but you got dude in your life. What’s his name?”


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