For the Record
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Cameron, Elwen (son of DC), 3, 68, 194, 197, 198, 201, 295–6, 336, 592; birth (February 2006), 108; interest in politics, 682, 687
Cameron, Florence (daughter of DC), 143, 160, 194, 197, 198, 547, 592; birth, 194–5; at Chequers, 247; grabs Queen’s necklace, 372; and DC’s departure from Downing Street, 693, 694
Cameron, Ian (father of DC): physical handicap, 16–17, 176–7, 201; finances, 16, 661–3; working life, 17–18; hard-work ethic, 17–18; personality, 17–20, 48; and DC’s cannabis smoking, 24; and DC’s leadership run, 81; death (8 September 2010), 201–3, 372; Mossack Fonseca leaks, 661–2
Cameron, Ivan (son of DC), 2, 59–61, 102–3, 296, 381, 439; birth (8 April 2002), 66–7; diagnosed with Ohtahara Syndrome, 67–8, 232; happy memories of, 68, 75; medications and treatments, 69–74, 227, 378; and genetic testing, 70, 232; and social care, 71–2; special needs education, 73; death (February 2009), 74–5, 608; funeral, 75
Cameron, Mary (mother of DC): finances, 16; personality, 19, 20, 301; and DC’s schooling, 20; and DC’s cannabis smoking, 24; political forebears, 25; and DC’s leadership run, 81; and death of Ian, 202–3
Cameron, Nancy (daughter of DC), 3, 68, 194–5, 197, 201; birth (2004), 71; watches PMQs, 244; at Chequers, 247; left behind at the Plough, 248; and Nick Clegg, 294; and Tuscan holiday, 295; starts secondary school, 553–4; interest in politics, 592, 678–9, 682; school trip to France, 691
Cameron, Samantha (wife of DC): pregnant with Florence, 3, 194, 198; DC consults during May 2010 negotiations, 11; influence on DC, 12–13, 50, 53, 195–6; accompanies DC to Buckingham Palace, 12; given Valium by Ian Cameron, 20; background, 48–9; accepts DC’s marriage proposal, 49; and food, 49; at Stafford selection meeting, 51; ability to see big picture, 57–8, 81, 93, 122, 438–9; votes for Ken Clarke (2001), 57; in New York on 9/11, 58; opposes Iraq War, 59–60; birth of Ivan (8 April 2002), 66–7; role at Smythson, 66, 195; impact on of Ivan’s illness, 68–9, 71–2, 74, 296, 439; and Ivan’s headstone inscription, 75; and DC’s leadership run, 81, 86; on ‘the man under the car bonnet’, 93, 193, 438, 660; and DC’s 2007 conference speech, 107; and 2010 television debates, 128; issue of where to live during DC’s premiership, 136, 143; and home in Downing Street, 143, 195, 198, 678; role of PM’s wife, 195–6, 341; voluntary work, 195; Tuscan holiday, 294–6; at royal wedding (2011), 371; at Balmoral, 372–3; on equal marriage, 438–9; on male sexual indiscretion, 558; and DC’s ‘no third term’ pledge, 592; and DC’s decision to resign, 681–2; launches fashion business, 691; packs for Downing Street departure, 694–5
Cameron, Tania (sister of DC), 18, 369
Cameron Direct events, 126
Canada, 147, 664
Canary Islands, 612
Cancer Drugs Fund, 231, 697
cannabis, 22–4, 82–3
Cantlie, John, 538–9
caravans, 352, 356–8
Carlton Communications plc, 49–50, 53, 81, 112, 114, 254–5
Carney, Dr Mark, 437, 685
Carrington, Lord, 680
Carswell, Douglas, 117, 557
Cartlidge, James, 60, 242
Case, Simon, 376, 656
Casey, Louise, 210–11
Casey, Nigel, 616, 637
Cash, Bill, 51, 331
cash-for-honours scandal, 94–5
Casson, John, 269, 335, 411, 454, 456, 460, 465, 645
Catalonia, 556
Cavendish, Mark, 379
Cayman Islands, 489
Celtic Manor golf resort, Cardiff, 528–9
Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) think-tank, 96–7, 188
Chamberlain, Joseph, 304
Chamberlain, Neville, 33
Channel Tunnel, 609–11
Charles, Prince, 23, 369, 374–5, 490–1, 590
Charlie Hebdo terror attack, 595
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 73
chemical weapons, 449, 451, 453–4, 458–66
Chequers, 201, 246–8, 396, 620, 639
Cheyne Day Centre, 73
Chhabra, Ramesh, 177
Chilcot Inquiry, 689
child benefit, 189, 367, 636–7, 643–44, 647
Child Poverty Act, 206
childcare, 367, 569
Chile, 147
China: DC’s visits to, 26–7, 158–60; opium wars, 26–7, 157–8, 160; rise of, 145, 147, 157–8, 397; and G20 group, 151, 158; and ‘global imbalances’, 152; ‘commercial diplomacy’ with, 156, 158–9, 620; DC’s policy towards, 158–60, 493–4, 620; human rights record, 158; and intellectual property, 158; path to greater pluralism, 159; cyberattacks on UK, 427; and Syrian conflict, 450; and Dalai Lama, 493; investment in UK nuclear power sector, 493; Osborne visits (2013), 493; Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank, 587
Chinook helicopters, 163, 165, 175
Chipping Norton, 23, 55, 66
Chope, Christopher, 309
Choudary, Anjem, 422, 424
Christianity: ‘church tax’ (2012), 352, 356–8; Catholics and the succession, 382; and equal marriage, 440–2; Pentecostalism, 571; fundamentalist, 597
Churchill, Winston, 6, 162, 172, 200, 372, 456, 676; chair at 10 Downing Street, 197, 198; and NHS, 205; trees planted at Chequers, 246; state funeral, 416
City of London: French view of, 148; financial services, 181–2, 333–4, 336, 401, 631; tax revenues from, 181–2; DC’s regulation of, 190–1; and DC’s renegotiation, 631, 645
City Technology Colleges, 220
civil liberties lobby, 426
civil service, 134–5, 212, 215, 241, 452–3, 500, 686, 687, 692
Clark, Alan, 34
Clarke, Ken, 5, 34, 46, 112, 138, 321, 555; leadership election (2001), 57–8; leadership election (2005), 79, 82, 85; on BMA, 230; and 2012 reshuffle, 388; and 2014 reshuffle, 505, 508
Clegg, Nick: after 2010 election, 1, 4–10, 12; personal qualities, 4, 225, 362–4; rapport with DC, 7–8, 14, 143, 294; and expenses scandal, 118; and 2010 television debates, 128–9, 132, 563; as deputy PM, 139; ‘Rose Garden’ press conference with DC, 140–1; and human rights in China, 158; and withdrawal from Afghanistan, 168; ‘Quad’ meetings, 185–6, 225; and austerity policies, 186–7; tuition fee pledge (2010), 225–6, 348; as partner during coalition, 241; and phone-hacking scandal, 259, 264; and Leveson recommendations, 264–5; and Libya intervention, 279, 284; and AV referendum, 290–1, 293–4; and police reform, 300; and European Union, 320–1, 338, 348, 400; and ‘Omnishambles’ Budget (2012), 348–50; Lords reform Bill, 362–4, 366; and coalition relaunch (2013), 368; and post-2015 coalition possibility (2013), 368; at royal wedding (2011), 371; and free speech, 425; and Syrian conflict, 451, 460, 463, 465; debates with Farage (2014), 513; supports air strikes against ISIS, 543; and Scottish independence referendum, 552; coalition ends, 568; resigns as Lib Dem leader, 579–80
climate change, 90, 154, 158, 214–15, 483, 487, 490, 621; reality of global warming, 91; and Thatcher, 205; UK as renewables capital of the world, 214–15, 698
Climate Change Act, 215
Clinton, Hillary, 280, 523, 690
Clooney, George, 342
‘Coalition Agreement’, 141, 321, 365
‘Coalition Programme for Government’, 141, 225, 229, 288, 321; boundary review linked with AV referendum, 289, 291, 362
Coates, Sally, 220
COBR, 278, 371, 411, 424, 476, 532, 539; and Libya crisis, 273–4, 280; and riots (2011), 296, 298–301; and Woolwich terror attack, 419; Tunisian terror attack (June 2015), 595
Coe, Sebastian, 376–7
Cold War, end of, 28, 36, 269, 417, 591
Collier, Sir Paul, 618
Colombia, 147, 481
Commonwealth, 145, 147, 382, 390, 490–2
Commonwealth Games, 370
Communications Data Bill, 426
Communities and
Local Government Department, 211–12
complementary medicine, 374
Confederation of British Industry (CBI), 675
Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) group, 534
Conservative Party: opponents of coalition, xv, 8–10, 237, 246; modernisation of, 1, 54, 56–7, 63–5, 79, 91–4, 108, 204–16, 237–9, 252, 304, 316, 570–1, 578, 696; 1922 Committee, 11, 14, 61, 102, 235, 237–9, 248, 338, 444, 581, 603; finances, 30, 61, 94–6, 121, 347, 498; social/gender/racial make-up of, 34, 56, 64, 93–4, 156, 315–16, 578, 696; fall of Thatcher, 35–7; ERM as proxy in war over EU, 41; candidate selection process, 50–1, 54–5, 94; ethnic minority MPs, 56, 64, 93–4, 156, 578, 696; female MPs, 56, 64, 93–4, 578, 696; leadership election (2001), 57–8; and aspiration, 64, 80, 96–7, 223, 236, 474; leadership election (2005), 78–89; leadership election rules, 78, 686–8; 2005 conference, 87; adaptation as key to success, 92, 236; ‘Leader’s Group’ of donors, 95–6; 2007 conference, 106–7; civil liberty vs national security factions, 110; and financial deregulation, 111; 2008 conference, 112; reputation for selfish individualism, 205; social reform record, 205; 2011 conference, 209; 2006 conference, 227, 439; party management during coalition, 235–41, 245–6, 248–9, 444–6; rules for leadership challenges, 235; as broad church, 236–7, 321; groups and cliques, 236, 444; hierarchical divide under DC, 237, 245–6; 2010 intake of MPs, 238, 321; whips’ office, 239, 248; 2010 conference, 240–1; invitations to Chequers, 246; and AV system, 290–4; pro-Union, 304; and UUP, 305–6; revival in Scotland, 315–16, 557; shift to Euroscepticism, 321, 324, 331–3, 339–40, 406–8, 700; opposition to Lords reform, 364–7; 2012 conference, 396–7; and equal marriage, 438–44; 2020 Group, 444; political cabinet for MPs, 445, 582; and Syrian conflict, 457, 464–5; scrapping of national membership, 498; and 2014 European elections, 511–14; danger of breakaway party from the right, 512; and Scottish independence referendum, 548, 550; 2014 conference, 557–60; British Nigerians in, 571; equality of opportunity not outcome, 591; 2015 conference, 593–4; and EU referendum process, 624, 626; Fresh Start Group, 645; choosing of EU referendum sides, 650–7; and EU referendum campaign, 670–4, 681; leadership election (2016), 686, 688–9
Conservative Research Department (CRD), 32–40, 63, 64, 305
ConservativeHome website, 252, 445
Constantine, Bob, 366
constitutional reform: and coalition negotiations, 6, 9–11, 14–15, 288, 365; Alternative Vote (AV) system, 9–11, 14–15, 288–90; recalling of MPs, 288; Fixed Term Parliaments Bill, 289; Lords reform, 360–7. See also referendum on AV (2011); referendum on Scottish independence (2014)
Conway, Derek, 115
Conway, Zoe, 590
Cooper, Andrew, 63, 440, 457, 548, 551, 678
Cooper, Yvette, 588, 590
Corbyn, Jeremy: and PMQs, 243–4; votes against anti-ISIS air strikes, 544; 2015 leadership contest, 588–90; becomes Labour leader, 590–2; 2015 conference speech, 591; as ‘white-flag-waving pacifist’, 602; as ‘terrorist sympathiser’, 603–4; and EU referendum campaign, 671–2
Cornerstone Group, 236
Cornwall, Duchess of, 375, 590
corruption: in Italian politics, 157; and FIFA, 160–1; widespread, 161; in Afghanistan, 170; in Egypt, 271; and global poverty, 481–4; in South Africa, 494; in Ukraine, 522; in Russian sphere of influence, 528; in Iraq, 538, 543; in Nigeria, 545–6; Mossack Fonseca leaks, 662. See also expenses scandal
Corus steel, 127
Coulson, Andy: in DC’s opposition team, 13, 108–9, 117–18, 121–2, 124–5, 252–4; and Laws crisis, 240; and phone hacking, 252–3, 256–7, 259–60, 265–6; Downing Street role, 254, 256–7, 259–60; resignation, 257; convicted of phone hacking, 265–6
country sports, 360–1, 373, 590
Courtauld Institute, 19
Cox, Jo, 674–5
Crabb, Stephen, 313–14, 505, 508
Craig, Daniel, 378
Craig, Father Gillean, 441
credit ratings agencies, 433, 434
Crewe and Nantwich by-election (2008), 109–10, 209
criminal justice system, 4, 96–7, 124; Michael Howard’s reforms, 46–7; detention without trial period, 110; police reform, 226–7, 298, 300, 302, 394; falling crime levels under DC, 227, 697; expedited trials of rioters (2011), 299; and prisoners’ right to vote, 508–9. See also police force
Croatia, 337–8, 609, 616–17
Crosby, Lynton: and 2005 election, 77, 496; London mayoral election (2008), 109; and 2015 election, 496–7, 562–4, 569, 572–3, 576; dislike of TV debates, 563; dislike of poster campaigns, 566; and EU referendum, 626–7, 673, 678; and DC’s renegotiation, 643; and leadership election (2016), 689
Cross, Anna, 533
Cross, Helen, 70
Crossrail, 189, 472
Crouch, Tracey, 464–5
Crown Estate, 370
Croydon, riots in (2011), 299
Cruddas, Peter, 292, 354
Cummings, Dominic, 222, 507–8, 659
Cunliffe, Jon, 335, 337
Cunniffe, Jess, 501, 554, 593
Cunningham, Fiona, 507
Cuomo, Mario, 495
Curtice, John, 576, 679
Czech Republic, 119, 322, 653
Dacre, Paul, 252, 253–4, 666, 667
Daily Mail, 252–4, 510, 615, 666–7
Daily Telegraph, 102, 252, 254, 255, 353, 393, 518; and expenses scandal, 116–17, 240, 504
Dalai Lama, 493
Daldry, Stephen, 377
Daley, Tom, 379
Daly, Father Edward, 306, 308
Darling, Alistair, 114, 318, 325, 548, 550, 552
Darroch, Kim, 452
Davey, Ed, 385
Davidson, Ruth, 315–16, 557
Davies, David T.C., 313
Davies, Philip, 332
Davies, Quentin, 105
Davies, Professor Dame Sally, 232–3
Davis, David, 5, 38, 93, 301, 307–8; and 2005 leadership election, 78–80, 82, 85, 86, 87; background, 79–80; forces by-election, 110, 500
Davos, World Economic Forum, 398, 413, 415
Dawlish, 476–7
Dawson, Alex, 241
Day, Jon, 452
de Gaulle, Charles, 338
De La Rue, 282–3
Dean (village), 2, 55, 66, 130, 246, 557–8, 575–6
decentralisation and localism, 211–12, 502–3, 699. See also devolution
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 154–5
Deighton, Paul, 375–6
dementia, xvi, 231, 354, 495
Dementia Research Centre, 354
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), 303, 305, 309, 312, 564, 603
Denmark, 628, 638, 641
derivatives and financial instruments, 152, 190
Desert Island Discs, 314
development and aid policies: 0.7 per cent target, xvi, 186, 467, 480, 485–6, 530, 532–3, 617–18, 689–90; and DC’s visit to Sudan, 101; Project Umubano, 105; global malnutrition issue, 381; humanitarian effort over Syria, 467, 611, 617–18; and DC’s conservatism, 479–80; reform of aid sector, 480–1; governance as destiny, 481–4; and commercial diplomacy, 481; Prosperity Fund, 481; Millennium Development Goals, 482–3; DC co-chairs UN panel on global goals for, 482–4; aid to ‘fragile states’, 482, 486, 612; Open Government Partnership, 482; gender equality, 483; DC’s ‘annual conferences’, 484–5; family planning, 484–5; ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG 16), 484; lives saved/transformed by, 485–6; cuts in deaths from disease, 485, 698; International Citizen Service scheme, 485; quick responses to natural disasters, 486; and Somalia, 486, 690; DC’s ‘three Ts’, 487–90; G8 summit (2013), 487–90; ‘The Challenges of Globalisation’ (2007 speech), 487; and Ebola virus, 532–3, 698; Paul Collier’s work on, 618
in Scotland, 53, 314–17, 556; in Wales, 53, 313–15; 1970s referendums on, 287, 625; arrangements as incomplete and unstable, 303–4; and Northern Ireland, 303, 308–12, 698–9; Tory opposition to in 1990s, 304, 314–15; Calman Commission, 316; ‘English votes for English laws’ issue, 555; respect agenda, 556–7, 698; and Tory modernisation, 699
Diana, Princess, 369, 370
digital technology, xv, xvi; and foreign policy, 144; UK’s lead in, 212–14; ‘open data’ mission, 213; e-commerce, 214; internet regulation, 266–7, 426–7, 605; and Olympic Park, 382; tech companies, 426–9; Communications Data Bill, 426; retaining of data, 426, 428; cyber-security defence, 427; WePROTECT, 427; need to be proactive over security, 429; making the world smaller, 533; in 2015 election, 566; and European single market, 631