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For the Record

Page 92

by David Cameron

  Dimbleby, David, 130, 573, 576, 679

  disability: stigma attached to, 17; and social care, 69; special needs education, 73; Major’s legislation on, 205; and 2012 Paralympics, 380–1; DLA replaced with PIP, 660–1

  Disability Living Allowance (DLA), 660–1

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 6, 24, 205, 217

  Djibouti, 485

  Dodds, Nigel, 603

  Doha Round, 153

  Douglas-Home, Alec, 127, 362

  Dowden, Oliver (Olive), 116, 128, 241

  Dowler, Milly, 257, 259

  Draghi, Mario, 431, 437

  Dress for Success, 195

  drug policy, 26, 56; abstinence-based rehabilitation, 123, 208; failures in, 123, 207–8

  Duggan, Mark, 296, 297

  Duncan, Alan, 282

  Duncan, Ian, 316

  Duncan Smith, Iain, 4, 60, 84, 105, 199; becomes Tory leader (2001), 57–8; fall of as leader, 61–2, 235; and CSJ, 96, 188; as work and pensions secretary, 138, 188, 389–90, 505, 509, 583, 586; and Universal Credit, 188, 389, 583; rejection of gay couples’ right to adopt, 438; and EU referendum, 655–6, 661, 673; resignation during EU referendum campaign, 661

  Dunlop, Andrew, 317, 552, 553

  Dunn, Anita, 127–8

  Dunwoody, Gwyneth, 109

  Ealing Southall by-election (2007), 105

  Eastern Partnership Conference (Lithuania, 2013), 521–2

  Ebola virus, 532–3, 698

  economics: free market theories, xvii, 25, 92; ‘What Price Unemployment?’ (IEA pamphlet), 25; ‘fiscal stimulus versus deficit reduction’ row, 150, 152; ‘global imbalances’, 152; case for austerity policy, 179–81

  Economist, 234, 434

  Economists for Free Trade, 667

  economy, British: public debt under Labour, xv, 111, 113–14, 180–1; problems in late 1980s/early 1990s, 35, 39, 41–2; impact of ERM membership, 41–2; Lamont’s post-ERM policy, 43–4; supply-side reform, 43, 182–3, 191, 430; growth in 1990s, 44, 53; importance of public spending, 44; and Tory policies at 2010 election, 122, 125, 127, 132; coalition spending cuts, 140–1, 172–5, 177–80, 183–9, 193, 226–7, 432; and Britain’s global influence, 145; ‘commercial diplomacy’, 146, 156, 158–9, 381, 431, 481; ‘fiscal stimulus versus deficit reduction’ row, 150, 152; UK as foreign investment capital of Europe, 156; Spending Review (October 2010), 179, 189; economic growth under Labour, 181–2; north–south division, 181, 502–3, 580, 699; ‘monetary activism’ policy, 182–3, 191–2, 430–1, 437; UK as start-up capital of Europe, 183; Emergency Budget (June 2010), 185, 188; knowledge economy, 223; 2013 Autumn Statement, 225; ‘Omnishambles’ Budget (2012), 347–58, 433; as DC’s biggest test, 430–7, 696–7; lack of growth (2010–13), 430–7; 2012 Autumn Statement, 432–3; DC’s speech at Keighley (2013), 435–6; 2013 Budget, 436, 475; ONS revises data (2013), 436; growth figures become positive (2013), 437; lack of living standards recovery, 468–72, 560; post-2013 recovery, 468–72, 477–8; cost-of-living figures wrong, 477; ‘Long Term Economic Plan’ (LTEP, 2014), 496–7, 499, 501, 503, 565, 569–70; Spring Budget (2014), 503; and failures of globalisation, 512; March 2015 Budget, 564–5; South-East Asia trade mission (2015), 587–8; 2015 Autumn Statement, 621; contribution of EU workers, 634

  education system: grade inflation, xv, 219; Labour’s legacy, 3; ‘pupil premium’, 6, 208; nursery provision, 26; Blair’s policies, 53–4, 218, 220–1; special-needs education, 73; Tory policy in 2005 manifesto, 77; DC as shadow education secretary, 78–9, 218; progressive conservative approach, 92, 217–21, 233, 553–4, 605, 691, 697; DC as teaching assistant in Hull, 102; grammar schools, 102, 219, 252; Future Leaders programme, 124; Free Schools, 127, 220, 397, 604, 691; and austerity policies, 189; Balfour and Butler’s achievements, 205; DC’s reforms, 208, 217–19, 233, 397, 506–7, 553–4, 605, 697; private schools, 217, 219; literacy levels, 218–19; targets and bureaucracy, 218; 1960s ‘cultural revolution’, 219; Assisted Places Scheme, 219; academies programme, 220–1, 397, 507, 553–4; City Technology Colleges, 220; Converter academies, 221; DC’s support for phonics method, 221, 392; National Curriculum, 221; ring-fencing of schools budget, 221; Sponsored academies, 221; TeachFirst scheme, 221; private operators running state schools, 473; Lancaster House Reform Summit, 506

  Edward, Prince, 21

  Edwards, James, 20–1

  Egypt, 269–71, 273, 278, 448, 606

  Electoral Commission, 624–5, 657

  electoral system: DC’s views on, 6, 291–2; Alternative Vote (AV) system, 9–11, 14–15, 289–90; Bogdanor as authority on, 31, 291; favours Labour in 2010, 132, 288; boundary reform, 288–9, 360, 362–7, 495, 497; first-past-the-post and small parties, 289; DC opposes proportional/preferential systems, 291–2; ‘No2AV’ campaign, 292–4. See also referendum on AV (2011)

  Elizabeth II, Queen: DC ‘kisses hands’ (May 2010), 12; visits DC’s school, 21; at Chequers, 247; visit to Ireland (2011), 310; and US presidents, 340; ‘annus horribilis’, 370; celebrates sixty years on the throne, 370, 375; as longest-serving monarch, 370; PM’s weekly audience with, 371–2; at Balmoral, 372–4, 547–8, 551–2, 590–1; and horse-racing, 372; Olympic opening ceremony, 377–8; and Scottish independence referendum, 547–8, 553, 555–6; DC visits after 2015 victory, 579; DC visits after EU referendum, 684; DC and family visit at end of premiership, 694

  Elliott, Matthew, 292

  Emin, Tracey, 197

  Empey, Reg, 308

  employment policy: new jobs created under DC, xvi, 207, 468, 565, 696–7, 700; minimum wage, 53, 468, 565, 570, 585, 586; Work Programme, 207; zero-hours contracts, 559, 565; and low wages, 586; Working Time Directive, 647

  Emwazi, Mohammed (‘Jihadi John’), 540, 598, 600

  energy bills, domestic, 469–72

  English Defence League (EDL), 424

  Ennis, Jessica, 380

  Environment Agency, 476

  environmental policy: carbon emissions, 6, 214–15; and Tory modernisation, 90–2, 204, 578; ‘shoe chauffeur’ incident, 91; and DC’s policies in opposition, 96; DC’s policy towards, 214–15, 472, 621, 698; renewable schemes, 214–15; UK as global green-tech hub, 214–15; DC’s as greenest ever government, 214, 472, 495, 621; offshore wind farms, 214–15; subsidies for green technologies, 214; and Prince Charles, 374; and development goals, 483; UN Climate Change Conference (Paris, 2015), 621; UK as world renewables capital, 698. See also climate change

  Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 155–6, 606

  Ethiopia, famine in, 479, 481

  ethnicity and race: and Witney Conservatives, 55; minorities at Westminster, 56, 64, 138, 156, 578, 696; and Tory modernisation, 92–3, 138, 156, 570–1, 578, 696; British Muslims, 98, 138, 606; and 2011 riots, 302; Tory focus at 2015 election, 570–1, 578

  Eton College, 16, 22–4, 506–7

  ‘Europe: A Community not a Superstate’ (Lamont and DC pamphlet), 42

  European army proposals, 647, 666, 702

  European Central Bank (ECB), 323, 329–30, 332–3, 403, 410, 431–2

  European Coal and Steel Community, 401

  European Commission, 99, 325, 328, 330, 334, 402, 415, 631–2, 639, 641; process for appointing president, 514–16; Spitzenkandidat system, 514–16, 702; financial services portfolio, 518–19; and red tape, 630–1

  European Conservatives and Reformists Group, 85

  European Convention on Human Rights, 84

  European Council: euro crisis meetings, 320, 325, 328–30, 333–9, 431; meetings of, 320, 327–8, 517–18; banking union proposal, 410; and appointment of Commission president, 514–15, 517–19; at Ypres (2014), 517–18; and Ukraine crisis, 526–7; and Ebola virus, 533; and migration crisis, 611, 613–14; and DC’s renegotiation, 627, 637, 642–5; DC’s final meeting, 688

  European Court of Human Rights, xvii, 110, 280, 421, 508–9

Court of Justice, 428, 509, 629, 653, 660

  European Parliament, 151, 514–16, 518–19, 629–30

  European People’s Party (EPP), 84–5, 99, 149, 322, 473, 515–16, 519, 638

  European Research Group (ERG), 236

  European Union (EU, formerly EEC): Thatcher’s Bruges speech (1988), 35, 402; ERM as proxy in Tory war over, 41; concept of political union, 42, 401–3, 628–30; Tory ‘banging on about’, 65; and 2005 leadership election, 84–5; need for referendums on treaties, 84, 119, 322, 403; DC’s referendum pledge on Lisbon Treaty, 119–20, 404; Lisbon Treaty, 119–20, 320–2, 326, 332, 404, 514, 629–30; ‘European Constitutional Treaty’ (2004), 119, 322, 403–4, 700; DC’s ‘referendum lock’ policy, 120, 321, 324, 404–5; and Britain’s world influence, 145; and Labour foreign policy, 145; DC’s first European Council meeting, 148; budget cut (2013), 149–50, 339, 414–15; Turkish membership issue, 155–6, 668–9; and Libya crisis, 277–8; coalition policy on, 320–1; DC vetoes Eurozone treaty (2011), 320, 337–9, 401; ‘A8’ countries join (2004), 322, 412, 633; Romania and Bulgaria join (2007), 322; Social Chapter, 322, 324, 335, 338, 403; UK opt-outs, 322, 326, 403, 623, 632, 701; qualified majority voting, 325; UK exceptionalism, 326–7; Commons rebellion over (2011), 331–2; single market, 333, 402–3, 410, 413, 630–1, 634, 646, 660, 701; DC’s referendum pledge, 339–40, 398–400, 405–13, 513–14, 622, 700–1; sanctions against Iran, 344; origins and history, 401–2; Britain joins (1973), 401; British problem with greater integration, 401–3, 628–30; ‘ever-closer union’, 401, 629–30, 638, 640, 645, 647, 653, 701; Treaty of Rome (1957), 401, 629, 638, 645; free movement of people, 412–13, 513, 559–60, 619, 632–7, 640, 670; and Syrian conflict, 456–7; TTIP deal with USA, 488; and Ukraine crisis, 526–7, 531; and migration crisis, 611–14, 616–20; semi-detached membership not an option, 646–7; supremacy of UK law issue, 653–4, 657; referendum as inevitable, 702

  Eurostar, 472

  Eurozone: flawed framework of, 42, 322–3, 328–9, 609, 635; and Merkel, 100, 329–30, 332–6, 338–9, 342, 431; and British interests, 320, 324–7, 330, 333–40, 400–1, 405, 628, 631–2; DC’s view of, 322–3, 400–1, 405, 408, 628, 631, 635; credit and housing bubbles, 323–4; established (1 January 1999), 323; ‘Stability and Growth Pact’, 323–4; Blair’s policy on, 403; Britain’s opt-out, 403, 632, 701

  Eurozone crisis, 1, 183, 192, 296, 309, 322, 431; interest rates during, 42, 323–4, 328–9; and Merkel, 100, 329–30, 332–6, 338–9, 342, 431; and British interests, 320, 324–7, 330, 333–40, 400–1, 405, 628, 631–2; DC’s policy on, 320, 329–30, 333–40, 400–1, 405; cause of, 323–4; bailouts, 325–7, 332–3, 405, 631–2; European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM), 325; European Stability Mechanism (ESM), 325; north–south divisions, 327–9; and rise of populism, 328, 330; and Obama, 333–4, 342–3; and UK immigration, 412–13, 609; ECB intervenes (2012), 431–2; and rise of UKIP, 560

  Eustice, George, 86, 252

  Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), 33, 35, 40–2, 44–5, 84, 323

  expenses scandal, 115–19, 240, 253, 504, 509

  Extremism Analysis Unit, 425

  Extremism Task Force, 424–5

  Eykyn, George, 305

  F35 Joint Strike fighters, 175, 178

  fake news, 266–7, 699; Russian mastery of, 525, 527

  Falkland Islands, 153, 175

  Fall, Kate, 13, 36, 121, 439, 501; and DC’s leadership campaign, 81; on DC’s Tory opponents, 237; and PMQ preparation, 242; and conference speech preparations, 396; and EU referendum, 679, 681

  Fallon, Michael, 391, 509

  families and marriage, 4, 64, 83, 92, 123; adoption policy, 61, 97, 209–10, 438; family breakdown, 64, 97, 209, 210–11, 585, 593; importance of marriage, 209, 439, 585; Marriage Allowance proposal, 209; Troubled Families programme, 210–11; Children and Families Act, 210; equal marriage, 342, 390, 438–44, 495, 560; childcare for working parents, 367; civil partnerships, 438–40, 442–3

  Farage, Nigel, 511–13, 560, 569, 579, 659, 674, 678

  Farah, Mo, 380–1

  Farnborough Airshow, 687

  Farr, Charles, 606

  far-right extremism, 330, 424, 511, 690; Front National (France), 330, 514, 560; and 2014 European elections, 514; and migration crisis, 619

  Farron, Tim, 672

  Faulkner, John, 23

  Faull, Jonathan, 646

  Featherstone, Lynne, 440

  Feldman, Andrew, 80, 81, 138, 679; and Tory finances, 30, 95–6, 121, 498

  FIFA, 160–1

  financial crash, 2, 111–15, 150, 152, 487, 702; and levels of debt in UK, xv, 111, 113–14; recession following, 1, 114; bank bail-outs, 111–12, 192; and monetary policy, 112–13, 182; DC’s response to, 112–15, 132, 182–3, 189–92; regulatory changes following, 152, 189–92

  financial services, 181–2, 333–4, 336, 401, 631

  Financial Stability Board, 437

  Finkelstein, Daniel, xiii–xiv, 63, 242, 261, 389, 439

  fintech, 214

  First World War, 309–10, 370, 392, 459, 517–18, 687

  fixed exchange rate systems, 41–2

  Fletcher, Tom, 147, 148

  Fletcher, PC Yvonne, 275

  floods (2007), 105; (2014), 476–7

  Foges, Clare, 396, 411, 416, 501, 559, 575

  food banks, 470–1

  foot-and-mouth disease, 105

  foreign policy: under Blair, 54, 146; ‘special relationship’ with USA, 59–60, 100, 145–7, 340–2, 466; DC’s overseas trips as opposition leader, 98–101; and 2010 television debates, 129; amount of PM’s time devoted to, 141–2, 144; and coalition government, 141–2, 144–54; DC’s approach to, 144–54, 479–94; personal bonds with foreign leaders, 144, 147–51, 153–5; and building of democracy, 145–6, 268–70, 272–3, 285–6; Bush–Blair neo-conservative doctrine, 145–6; geopolitical power shift from west to east, 145, 397; Labour government successes, 145; ‘commercial diplomacy’, 146, 156, 158–9, 381, 431, 481; ‘Lancaster House Agreement’ with France, 148; Middle East Peace Process, 150, 155, 533–6; DC and China, 158–60, 493–4, 620; ‘international rules-based system’, 158, 520–8, 529; arms sales to autocratic states, 271; pragmatic judgements over democracy, 272–3; and Saudi Arabia, 272–3; excessive ideology as unhelpful, 273; Iran, 343–6, 526; cabinet divisions over Syria, 451–2; DC meets Putin at Sochi (2013), 454–5, 523; 2013 activities, 487–94; CHOGM in Sri Lanka (2013), 490–2; and Burma, 492; DC apologises for Amritsar massacre, 493; Eastern Partnership Conference (Lithuania, 2013), 521–2; towards Russia, 522–8, 530–1; ransoms to terrorists, 539, 542; strategy against ISIS, 540–5; and DC’s second term, 620; Xi Jinping visits UK (2015), 620. See also Libya; Syrian conflict; Taliban; Ukraine

  Forth, Eric, 34, 63

  Fox, Liam, 5, 93, 274, 280, 396, 509; and 2005 leadership election, 79, 82, 85; as defence secretary, 137, 173, 176

  France: and free trade, 153; lowering of retirement age, 189; and Arab Spring, 270, 274–5, 279–81; and Eurozone crisis, 330, 333, 336, 338, 342; Front National, 330, 514, 560; and wealth tax, 351; Paris terror attacks (November 2015), 429, 601–2; and Syrian conflict, 449–51, 619; and Ukraine crisis, 526–7, 530–1; and Ebola virus, 532; Lyon terror attack (2015), 595; and migration crisis, 613. See also Hollande, François; Sarkozy, Nicolas

  Francis Crick Institute, 189

  Fraser, Andrew, 548

  Free Schools, 127, 220, 604, 691

  Free Syrian Army (FSA), 448, 451, 453, 600

  free trade, 99, 149, 150, 152–4, 343, 488

  Freedom of Information Act, 116

  Freer, Mike, 364

  fuel crisis (2012), 347, 354–6

  Fukushima power plant, 278

  funding of political parties, 94–6

  Future Leaders programme, 124

  G4S, 377

  G7 (Group of Sev
en), 587

  G8 (Group of Eight), 145, 149; in Muskoka (2010), 150–1, 155, 168; in Northern Ireland (2013), 285, 455–8, 487–90, 698; at Camp David (2012), 342–3; at Gleneagles (2005), 480; suspends Russia, 526

  G20 (Group of Twenty), 145, 273, 330; in Toronto (2010), 149–53; in South Korea, 225–6; in St Petersburg (2013), 523–4; in Brisbane (2014), 528, 564

  Gaddafi, Muammar, 271, 274–5; advance towards Benghazi, 275–80, 286; and no-fly zone, 276–7; refuses to leave Libya, 283; defeat and execution, 284–5

  Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, 278

  Gallagher, Tony, 692

  Gates, Bill, 484

  Gauke, David, 436

  GCHQ, 142, 298, 419, 427

  Geddes, John, 518

  Geldof, Bob, 479

  gender: education of girls, 19; women at Westminster, 56, 64, 93, 578, 696; women in workforce, 92; pay gap, 93; women in DC’s shadow cabinet, 93; royal primogeniture rules ended, 382; and development goals, 483; female genital mutilation (FGM), 483–5, 605; forced marriage, 483, 605; family planning, 484–5; Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, 485; DC’s female special advisers, 501–2; female ministers in 2015 government, 582–3

  general election (2010): days following, 1–14; result, 1, 2, 132–3, 288–9; Tory planning for, 121–2, 125–6; Tory policies, 122–5, 127, 132; Tory campaign, 126–30, 132; DC hit by egg, 126; and Mirror’s chicken, 126; television debates, 127–9, 132; Tory manifesto, 127; DC’s tour of Britain, 129–30; election night, 130–1; in Wales, 313

  general election (2015): non-white and female Tories elected, 94; in Wales, 314; long-term planning for, 495–504, 564; ‘Long Term Economic Plan’ (LTEP, 2014), 496–7, 499, 501, 503, 565, 569–70; ‘Team2015’ deployable force, 498; regional tour days, 499–501; regional strategy, 499–503; DC’s team, 505; Tory tax promises, 559; Tory poster campaigns, 562–3, 566; DC not confident of majority, 562, 576; and March 2015 Budget, 564–5; Tory campaign, 565–7, 569–74; Labour campaign, 565; Labour’s Scotland problem, 566–7; Messina’s voter targeting, 566; online campaigning, 566; DC’s ‘at home’ broadcast, 567; DC’s tour of the four nations, 568–9; opinion polls, 569–70; DC confuses West Ham with Aston Villa, 571–2; Tory campaign rethink, 572–3; DC’s planning for potential outcomes, 574–5; ‘the EdStone’, 574; exit poll, 576; results, 576–80


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