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Heaven Sent (Lupine Bay Book 1)

Page 13

by Maribel Fox

  Kinda like Seamus himself.

  I’m in the living room, sitting in front of a fire I’ve stoked to life, feet kicked out in front of me, glass of wine in hand.

  Rue could tell the moment she saw me that something was up. More than I wanted to talk about. And being the amazing best friend she is, she offered to let Ian stay at her place for the night. Ian’s always excited for a chance to be away from my watchful eye, so he was eager.

  Can’t say I’m upset about the alone time.

  Only I guess that’s over.

  I sigh, head falling back on the couch behind me. “In here,” I call, drinking a big gulp of my wine to prepare myself.

  “What’re you doing on the floor?” Seamus asks, floorboards creaking underfoot.

  “Hey man, don’t knock it till you try it,” Kush answers for me.

  “Thank you,” I say, tipping my glass at him with a nod. “Kushiel gets it.”

  Seamus’s mouth twists into a smile. They both come into the room, and I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but it feels like the temperature in here just went up ten degrees.

  “What’s up?” I ask, swallowing, licking my lips, eyes darting from one gorgeous man to the other. Both so different, but both clearly with the same thing in mind.

  Or maybe that’s just in my head. Maybe that’s what I want to be on their mind.

  Get a grip, Ava.

  Seamus moves around the couch and sits down, positioning himself off to one side behind me. Kush takes the other side of the couch, me sandwiched between them on the floor.

  “Got something I’d like to show ye,” Seamus says, reaching into his pockets. “Kushiel, the pictures?”

  Kush makes a face at him. “You’re just gonna… Come on, man. Loosen her up a little first,” he grumbles.

  “What are you guys talking about?” I ask, twisting to look at them better.

  Kush frowns and reaches into his pocket, pulling his hand out a moment later. He sparks the lighter he pulled out, and then I realize what he’s doing.

  “How long have you been smoking pot in my hotel?” I ask with a groan.

  Kush shrugs, puffing on the joint, holding the smoke in. “Was I not supposed to? Here,” he says, passing it to me.

  I look at it dubiously. It’s not like I’ve never smoked pot before. It’s legal, so why not, right? But it’s never really been my thing. I don’t like drinking all that much either, to be honest.

  Right now though, getting high with Kush and Seamus seems way better than getting wine-drunk by myself. Wine-drunk is never a pretty drunk.

  “What’s so bad that I need to be stoned to hear it?” I ask, taking the joint and inspecting it casually. “This is just weed, right?”

  Kush actually looks offended.

  “Just asking!” I say quickly.

  “Never been into the heavier stuff,” he answers for my benefit. I nod and take a small puff off the joint, then another when I’m not sure I got anything on the first one.

  Too late, I realize that I definitely got something off that first one, and now I’ve got more than I bargained for. I cough up a cloud of smoke, tears coming to my eyes.

  “Here,” I cough, passing it to Seamus.

  “Oh, I never—”

  “You never?” Kush asks incredulously.

  I’m still coughing, the joint hot in my fingers. “Can someone just—”

  Seamus huffs and takes it off me, pulling a long drag. “There, ya happy now?”

  “Give it a couple minutes,” Kush says grinning, taking his turn again.

  “You gonna tell me what I need to be so braced for?” I ask, coughing finally under control, an inexplicable smile creeping up on my face.

  “Flowers,” Seamus says, emptying his pockets.

  “You brought me flowers?” I ask, grinning and batting my eyes at him. “I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”

  “If romance is what you’re after, lass, I’d be happy to oblige,” he says, leaning in close enough that his words stir my hair and make my whole body tingle.

  “These flowers are from Underhill,” Kush says, breaking through the moment to pass me the joint.

  “Underhill?” I ask, holding in smoke.

  “The Fae realm,” Seamus says. “And it’s not only flowers. Saw a boobrie on the way back, ‘m sure of it.”

  “A what-ry?” I ask, snickering. Kush laughs too. Only Seamus isn’t amused with our immaturity.

  “Ha ha, aren’t you a regular comedian?” he says.

  Kush and I keep staring at him.


  “The boobrie?” Kush asks.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it. They’re dumb as rocks. Won’t cause any trouble s’long folk stay clear.”

  “What is it?” I ask with a huff.

  “Ye don’t…? Well, no, I s’pose you wouldn’t. Well, boobries are shapeshifters. Normally look a bit like a puffin. They eat livestock, generally, but they’re not too picky if they’re hungry.”

  My jaw hangs slack and I just stare at him.

  “How can you say that’s not a big deal? That sounds like people should know to keep clear of it. We should do a PSA or something,” I protest. What the hell is a livestock-eating bird doing in Lupine Bay? I’ve never heard of such a thing.

  “’Haps if more turn up. ‘Twas only a chick I spotted, reckon he’ll die soon.”

  “How is that better?” I cry, glaring at him. “Isn’t there something we can do to help it?”

  “Minute ago ye wanted to warn against it.”

  “Well, that doesn’t mean it should die!”

  Seamus shrugs, looking over at Kush who’s been very quiet this whole time.

  “I dunno. Never nursed a boobrie chick to tell the truth. Hold on though, why’d you wanna warn people about their dangers when you don’t believe in magic or magical creatures?” he asks, eyes sparkling with mischief. He says it all casual, like the thought’s only occurring to him, but I’m sure it’s a carefully crafted jab at my shoddy armor of skepticism.

  Kush isn’t looking casual at all. He’s grinning like a loon, though that might be the joint that we’ve demolished.

  For a moment I consider protesting, keeping up the act, but what’s the point anymore? This is so far beyond anything I know how to handle that I think it’s probably time I suck it up and accept I need to work with these guys, not against them.

  I groan and drop my head back, looking at them both half-upside down.

  “Look, I’d have to be a blind idiot to keep denying all this evidence,” I say, eying the impossibly beautiful flowers Seamus emptied from his pockets, their petals a kaleidoscope of colors. “But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to become a Faerie Queen or start opening doors to Underhill or whatever else you spring on me.”

  Seamus leans forward, his face hovering over mine. “I want to make one thing very clear — Faerie Queen is not a job or a title; it’s a species, and ye are one whether ye like it or not.”

  He’s so close to me that I’m sure we’re going to end up kissing again from the sheer magnetic force of it. I can see every freckle on his face at this distance, and his scars — there’s so many of them, some so small and faded I’d never see them without being this close.

  “And as far as a door to Underhill…” He licks his lips and it makes me hold my breath, waiting. “Sorry to be the continual bearer of bad news, but I suspect you’ve already done it.”

  “What?” I slide forward, head off the couch cushion, twisting at the waist to face him. “How?”

  “Not sure,” he says. “We need to do more research.”

  I groan and drop my head forward into my hands.

  “Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more today…”

  The couch shifts on Kush’s side, and then he’s on the floor next to me. “Hey, it’s alright. We don’t have to worry about it right now. There’s a lot to take in, and you need to relax,” he says. He starts rubbing my shoulders, and tsks.
  “So much tension here. What’s got you so worked up?” he asks, magic fingers making my muscles turn to pudding.

  “There’s kind of—” My breath hitches as his lips press to the back of my neck, goosebumps breaking out all over my body. I’m done fighting it though. I’m a little high, a little overwhelmed, and so turned on that I’m done pretending there’s nothing going on here.

  “There’s kind of a lot going on,” I sigh, leaning back into him, and Kush groans, his warm kisses traveling over my shoulders as he slowly pushes the straps of my shirt down my arms, unwrapping me like a present.

  “Maybe you’d like a distraction?” Kush asks, his touch fiery, his lips making me dizzy.

  I’m powerless to stop him. It feels too good to want it to stop. I’ve been in a state of constant need for so long now that the promise of what might come is almost too much. I can’t make words come, so I nod silently, hoping that’s enough.

  Kush pulls my top down to my belly button and I gasp, cool air hitting my exposed breasts, one side warmed by the fire’s glow. His lips are sucking on my neck when his fingers wrap around my nipple and pinch, sparks of lightning going straight between my legs.

  I suck in a sharp breath, and my eyes fly open, focused on Seamus.

  Seamus who is still here. Still watching. Do I care? It seems like I should. But then again, it doesn’t appear that the guys give a rat’s ass. Why should I keep worrying about ‘what people might think’?

  I lick my lips, a sly grin forming, sudden boldness bubbling up inside me.

  “You just gonna stay there and watch, or are you gonna come play with us?” I tease, arching back, turning my head to kiss Kushiel.

  There’s no hesitation in his kiss. He’s a man that knows what he’s after, and his tongue plunges into my mouth as I clutch at his golden mane. Kush is demanding in his kiss, so much that I can’t do it backwards like this. He needs my full attention. And before I know it I’m turned around, straddling him, kissing him like my life depends on it.

  Then I’m pulling off his shirt, desperate to get my hands on his skin. The wild energy inside me that’s been begging to come out finally has free reign and it’s off to the races. Kush’s hands are on my waist, holding me firmly in place even though I’m trying my damnedest to grind against him. I can just feel the hint of his hardness through the layers of our clothes, and it’s not enough.

  I’m so lost in the kiss with Kush, that the hands covering my breasts, pinching my nipples, surprise the hell out of me. Then Seamus’s lips are on me too, kissing down my spine, up my neck, nibbling my ear.

  “Oh my…” I pant, my head spinning. I feel like I’m losing my mind. Like this is some kind of dream. “Is this crazy?” I ask, voice shallow and breathy.

  “Only thing crazy is it didn’t happen sooner,” Seamus growls, one of his hands traveling down my stomach. His fingers push into my jeans, right into the wetness between my legs. His fingertip finds my clit and everything is lost except for the electricity of his touch. I gasp and arch back into him, turning to kiss him as his fingers delve deeper.

  “Seriously. Do you know how insane you’ve been driving us?” Kush asks, right before his lips close around one of my sensitive nipples and sucks.

  I moan into Seamus’s mouth, the two of them working together to push me higher and higher. There’s no escape from the rush, the oncoming tide. It’s been waiting for so long, yearning and aching. With both of their mouths on me, their tongues, hands, fingers all playing me like a damn fiddle, I never stood a chance.

  The freight train is coming, and all I can do is grab onto Seamus and hold on for dear life as it takes me away. His fingers never stop, circling my clit over and over again, his lips on mine enough to make me drunk. But then there’s Kush, and his lips wrapped around my nipple, his fingers toying with the other. Neither one of them gives me a break, even as I’m trembling with the aftershocks.

  I feel alive. More alive than ever before. Like maybe all this time I’ve actually been asleep, and I didn’t realize it.

  “You feel her magic surging? I think she’s enjoying this,” Kush says, unbuttoning my jeans.

  “Aye,” Seamus answers, pulling his hand away. I whimper at the loss before realizing Seamus is right behind me. Right behind me. As in, I can feel him pressed against me. I let the two of them push my jeans down my hips, but then I grind back against Seamus, nestling him right between my ass cheeks.

  He growls and grabs my hips. “Careful lass.”

  “Or what?” I ask, feeling feisty.

  He slips a finger under the elastic band of my panties, pulls back, and snaps it. It stings, enough to make me shiver and groan.

  “Sure you’re ready to find out?” he asks.

  “I bet Kush will give me what I want, won’t you Kush?” I ask, reaching for his zipper. Why do they have so many clothes on? “You both need to be more naked,” I pout.

  Kush chuckles and gets rid of his pants, tossing them aside. He turns when he does it, and the firelight catches two raised scars on his back near his shoulder blades. They’re rough and jagged scars, and my thoughts instantly go to what Raj said about his wings.

  My heart hurts at the thought of Kush being maimed like that. I know I’m having trouble accepting all of this is real, but an angel losing his wings… Even I know that’s gotta be a big deal.

  Now isn’t the time to think about that though. Not when he’s naked and I’m naked and Seamus is… Well, he’s not naked enough, but he’ll get there.

  “Better?” Kush asks, breaking the spell. I lick my lips, eyes glued to the tent in his boxers.

  “Almost,” I say, up on my knees, reaching for him, tugging that last scrap of clothing off. I gasp.

  “Always good to get that reaction,” he chuckles.

  I know he’s being a smartass, but I can’t even say anything. His cock is… Well, it’s beautiful. That’s a weird word to use for a penis, I know, but it is. There’s this elegance to the curve of it, and it’s so big.

  I can’t even resist it. Having something that magnificent in front of me. I lean forward and lick the glistening tip of him without another moment wasted.

  Kush gasps. “Ava,” he hisses. I like the sound of his voice strained like that. I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock and his hands go to the back of my head, fingers knotted in my hair, his hips bucking forward as I take more and more of him. He’s salty and sweet, and his reactions make everything about this a turn-on. The way his dick twitches when I hollow my cheeks, the shuddering gasps that slip past his lips, fingers tightening at my scalp as precum coats my tongue.

  “Mmm,” I moan — it’s the only noise I can make with Kushiel’s cock stuffed in my mouth. Seamus’s fingers trace the slick lips of my sex, spreading my delicately, like he’s exploring something forbidden, sneaking a peek at something he shouldn’t. My legs tremble from his teasing touch, and his deft fingers slide over my clit, making my hips jolt.

  He wasn’t kidding about having quick fingers — I can barely think as they blur over my clit, each pass tightening the coiled spring in my core. Kush’s fist in my hair guides me up and down his cock, his eyes locked on mine.

  “You like that, huh, Ava? You like sucking my big cock while my buddy plays with your pretty little pussy?”

  Fuck, I’ve never had someone talk to me quite like that. His words hit my brain and instantly turn to liquid heat pouring between my legs.

  “Aye, the lass likes it,” Seamus growls, his face close enough to me that I feel his warmth breath on my sensitive lower lips. I suck in a breath, eyes fluttering closed in anticipation.

  He blows out a soft breath and I nearly collapse. It’s not what I’m expecting, not what I need, but that warm brush of air over my electrified sex makes me whimper.

  “I think Ava’s got something she wants,” Kush says, stroking my cheek tenderly, the gesture so at odds with how he presses his huge dick all the way to the back of my throat, making me gag. That sweet t
ouch doesn’t really line up with the way his blue eyes flare when I gag and tears spring to my eyes, but it’s Kush, so somehow it makes sense when he gingerly swipes away one of those tears with the pad of his thumb and then tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear — all still with my lips enveloping his throbbing erection.

  “Can’t fathom what it might be,” Seamus says, his lips brushing my inner thigh, the scruff of his beard like sandpaper on the soft skin there. He moves higher up my thigh, his breath warm, his lips soft, his beard rough and—

  I squeak when his teeth nip at me, the bite of pain just enough to make my core flood again. Seamus presses his tongue to my clit and I swear he’s ringing to doorbell to my orgasm, because suddenly it’s fucking there, ready to burst out for him. He swipes his tongue across that little bundle of nerves again, and I groan, nearly collapsing against Kush.

  While Seamus’s fingers slide into me slowly, Kush pulls back until just the tip of him is in my mouth, his beautiful cock glistening with my saliva. God, why is that so hot?

  Seamus’s magical fingers move in time with his tongue, every muscle I have tightening in response to the sudden wave of yes that crashes through me. I’m barely aware of Kush’s hands sliding down my breasts, pulling me up to kiss him as he expertly teases my nipples, my body overwhelmed with everything that’s happening all at once.

  Seamus curls his fingers and strokes a spot inside me that makes everything go white, and I cling to Kush, not able to support myself at all, not needing to because he’s there, his arms supporting me, his tongue stroking mine in tandem with Seamus’s.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe I’m with them both. But I am. They’re surrounding me, my magic is feeding off of it, and the energy is impossible to resist. I’ve wanted it too much, and so have they it seems.

  “Ready to find out what happens to teasing lasses?” Seamus growls in my ear, shivers marching down my spine. Those shivers all find the same path to my clit, and my sex clenches around his fingers. He chuckles, nipping at the back of my neck.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says. Then his finger leaves me. Leaves me empty and wanting. I pout, and Kush captures my bottom lip with his teeth.


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