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Heaven Sent (Lupine Bay Book 1)

Page 14

by Maribel Fox

  “None of that,” he says, sucking on my neck, making me dizzy, breathless, wild. “You’ll get everything you want, babe. Don’t you worry.”

  I might be empty for the moment, but it’s not for long. Seamus moves up behind me, his body warm and hard, lean and muscular. He presses against me and he feels huge nestled in the cleft of my buttocks. I groan, and grind back against him, loving the way he hisses in response.

  “Gods,” Seamus murmurs, hands tight on my hips. I’m not sure how he’s going to fit, but there’s no time for worrying about that now when I just want him and he’s mine for the having.

  Seamus’s warm, chiseled body is pressed against my back, and Kush is at my front, his fingers sliding down my belly, dipping between my legs to stroke my clit as his lips take mine again.

  My knees spread apart, inviting Seamus in, practically begging for him in the only way I can while I’m tongue-wrestling with Kush and he’s gently pinching my clit, making me gasp and writhe. Seamus presses himself against my entrance and his hands circle my hips, massaging my ass as he stays there, driving me insane. I can’t take it. I can’t stand the teasing anymore. If I don’t have one of them inside me soon I think my brain might actually break, so I push my hips back. I push my hips back against Seamus, and we groan simultaneously as the thick tip of him slides in, a sigh slipping past my lips to Kush’s. Kush twists one of my nipples between his fingers, the spike of subtle pain sizzling straight to my clit where his other fingers are busily keeping me on the verge of a massive explosion.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” Seamus groans, hands tight on my hips. Never mind that I’m the one that’s going to die if I don’t come soon. He slides further in. Further and further. Inch by inch, stretching me, filling me — not just with him, but with these impossibly amazing sensations. Seamus fills me and presses against pleasure spots I didn’t even know I had.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Ava,” Kush says, his voice hushed enough that I actually believe him when he says it. I didn’t even realize that my hand’s around his cock, stroking him the way he’s stroking my clit, but now I look down between us and see his head shining with precum again and I’m overcome with the need to have him in my mouth. To make him groan with a swipe of my tongue.

  To be filled by them both.

  “Holy shit,” Kush grunts as I dive back down on him, lips sliding over his length, tongue swirling around him. I watch as his balls tighten in response to the sudden rush of sensation, and Kush thrusts his fingers in my hair, trying to hold himself back, trying to keep from face-fucking me. I want to tell him not to. I want to tell them both not to.

  I don’t want gentle right now. I don’t feel gentle. I want wild and crazy. I need it.

  Seamus bottoms out inside of me and it’s the most amazing feeling I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never felt so full, so complete, so powerful.

  Powerful enough to ask them for exactly what I want.

  I pull back from Kush to look up at him, then back at Seamus.

  “Fuck me,” I say. Not a request or a question. A demand. They want to call me a queen? Well I’ll act like one.

  The moment the words are out of my mouth, I’m back on Kush, determined to feel him hit the back of my throat even though he’s been holding back.

  Seamus doesn’t need to be told twice. He thrusts hard enough that everything goes white for a moment. I’m not sure if a single thrust can cause a mini-orgasm, but if it can… Holy shit.

  I keep moaning, and soon Kush is in on it too, both of them fucking me from opposite ends, seesawing back and forth. It’s incredible. It’s nothing but pure pleasure. Total bliss. No room to think about literally anything other than how these two magnificent men are using me — or am I using them? Maybe we’re all using each other.

  It starts building inside me again, only it’s different this time. Bigger. Bigger than anything I’ve ever felt. They’re working on the same rhythm, Seamus filling me just as Kush leaves. And then, it shifts. Then, they’re both filling me at the same time and the thing that was building explodes.

  I scream — or as close to that as I can in my current situation — as this crazy huge orgasm barrels through me without pause. It floods every nerve in my system, every vein filled with sizzling electricity.

  “Fecking hell,” Seamus groans, swelling inside me, his fingers digging into my hips so hard I’m sure he’s going to bruise. But I don’t care. I don’t care at all because everything feels so good. “Ye should feel how damned tight she is,” he says, withdrawing nearly all the way, making me tremble at the loss. I’m so wet, so slick, that he’s able to move just an inch back and forth, effortlessly, slowly, the mixture of our arousal leaking from me with every tiny thrust.

  “You offering?” Kush asks, also withdrawing until just the tip of his cock is in my mouth. Seamus has my hips, Kush has my hair, and I can’t force either one of them to give me more right now.

  “Mmmm,” I mutter, trying to convey my impatience.

  “What d’ya say, doll? That hungry little pussy want another big cock filling it up, fucking you while you’ve still got another man’s cum inside you?”

  I groan. It’s so filthy and I know it should feel so wrong, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t feel wrong with them at all. It feels so fucking right that I just want it. I want it so much. I flick my eyes up at him and slide the tip of my tongue along the slit at the tip of his cock.

  “Oh shit,” Kush grunts, fisting my hair, eyes fluttering for a second. I’m pretty sure if he was standing his knees would’ve just gone weak, and that knowledge makes me feel sexy as fuck. I might need to learn how to dirty talk to keep up with these guys, but at least I’ve got a couple tricks up my sleeve.

  “Think she’s keen,” Seamus chuckles, pulling out of me finally, but not moving before he slides against me, dragging his dick along my clit, tendrils of pleasure branching out from that one little movement. Then Seamus is moving out of the way — or he tries to. I grab his thigh and pull him back.

  “Where are you going?” I ask coyly, no idea who this seductress is that I’ve suddenly become. I got around a bit in high school, yeah, but this is… Well, I’m betting it’s a lot of pent-up frustration coming out.

  Kush’s fingers slide inside me effortlessly as I lean forward and lick Seamus, the heady mixture of the two of us spicy and sensual.

  “You’re fucking perfect, Ava,” Kush mutters, his fingers stroking my insides, making my thighs quiver as I pant, needy for more while I’m trying to clean off Seamus. He’s making it so damn hard to focus, though.

  “Kush,” I grunt, frustrated. I go as far as grinding my ass against him before he pulls his fingers out and replaces them with his dick.

  All at once he slams into me, filling me, making me scream.

  “Fuck!” I cry, falling forward into Seamus. Seamus who’s already half-hard again and responding to my touch like it’s magic. I can’t stop, though. I can’t stop stroking him, licking him, watching how each thing makes his muscles twitch, his abs ripple, his balls tighten. It’s fascinating and I’m sure I’ll never get enough of it.

  But now’s not the time for studying with Kush fucking me so hard I can’t even keep my eyes open.

  “That’s it baby, feel that tight little pussy stretching for me, I know it wants to come. Don’t you wanna come, Ava?” Kush asks, voice low and husky as his fingers slide around to my clit.

  “Yes,” I pant, clutching at Seamus, fingers digging into his thighs. “Yes, fuck yes,” I cry as my muscles flutter around him, the first bright spark igniting deep inside me.

  Seamus’s hands cover my breasts, and his voice is a growl when he says, “Come for us, Ava.” That bright spark flares into an atom bomb, everything flaring white, everything stilling for a frozen moment of time before the tsunami carries me away. It feels like my orgasm is never-ending, and then Kush is clutching my hips, slamming into me one last time, all three of us slowing together.

  My muscles are flu
ttering and rippling around Kush still, and Seamus pulls me up into a wild kiss that slowly demurs as we catch our breath. Both men are gasping by the time they’ve pulled back from me, and I’ve gotta admit, it makes me feel like some kind of sex goddess or something.

  We all collapse onto the rug in front of the fire without saying anything, all of us panting, struggling to catch our breath. I’m in between the two of them, head on Seamus’s shoulder, legs tangled with Kush’s, and I’m content to stay here as long as I’m able.

  Kush’s lighter flicking breaks the silence, and I pick my head up enough to see him with a fresh joint and a very satisfied grin.



  Kushiel’s enjoying himself again. I can smell that the moment I walk into the B&B after conceding my efforts in the wood. The pungent smell of marijuana hangs heavy in the air, and then I hear giggling.

  That’s not Kushiel.

  Alert and suspicious, I follow the sounds of Ava’s melodic laughter into the common room.

  The sight greeting me there is surprising, to say the least.

  Ava is nestled between Seamus and Kushiel, all three of them nude and passing around a marijuana cigar. It isn’t hard to figure out what happened here, and a flash of jealousy rises up in me.

  Not for the other men having her — I can hardly blame them for seizing the opportunity we’ve all been hoping for — but jealousy for their lack of decorum. For the heedless way they’re able to enjoy themselves without considering consequences or blowback from family members.

  There was a time when I would have been right there with them, getting high, sinning until dawn.

  Those days are behind me. I no longer have the freedom to enjoy my life as I see fit. I am now another servant of Hell, whether I like it or not.

  It’s not without good reason, I remind myself, clenching my jaw, my fists, every muscle in my body tight at the reminder.

  “Raj!” Ava says, noticing me before the others. She moves quickly to grab a nearby blanket, pulling it up over her supple breasts, concealing perfect dusty pink nipples from me. In the glow of the firelight her face warms with embarrassment, and I can see her mind working, struggling to come up with some explanation.

  She doesn’t understand, of course. Likely she thinks my reaction, my grim expression, is due to jealousy, related to monogamy or an equally archaic human ideal. There’s none of that, though. I have shared women with both of these men in the past. Following one’s basest desires rarely leaves room for propriety.

  “I have failed to remove the sword from the stump,” I say, eyes traveling the length of her smooth legs, up the inside of her thigh, to the hem of the blanket that’s covering the sweetness I only got a glimpse of.

  A pulse of heat surges right to my cock at the thought of tasting her, making her squirm with my tongue until she’s begging for more.

  “That where you been?” Seamus asks. “Missed the fun.” He grins, knowing exactly how he’s pressing my buttons, I’m sure.

  Ava flushes deeper and smacks him lightly before taking the pot cigar he offers her. She takes a drag, blows out a long puff of smoke and smiles at me.

  “Maybe I can get it out for you later,” she says grinning. There’s a shift in her, a change that I’m not sure is related to the drugs, the sex, or something else.

  Her Fae magic perhaps? It’s radiating off of her now like she’s a light bulb. Seems she finally stopped fighting it.

  “Perhaps,” I say stiffly. “Thought you should know. Enjoy your… fun,” I say, leaving them to their debauchery. As much as I’d love to join in, it isn’t in my power. I don’t have that freedom anymore. Not when I may have to abandon her — or worse, betray her — to suit my superiors. Orders are orders, and those who fail to follow them don’t live long in Hell. Despite my misgivings on my situation, I do enjoy being alive and would like to maintain that state for as long as possible.

  That means being a dutiful little serf no matter where that puts the crosshairs. That means not allowing myself to get to the point where I’ll have misgivings about doing what must be done in service of Hell.

  Before I can doom myself more than I have, I head to my room and stoke the fireplace to life, sitting in the large armchair in front of it, pondering. The sword, the Fae, Ava… All of it is a mystery. And one I’m tasked with solving for the sake of my family. After the way things with Lili went, I can’t let them down. It would help if I had more of an idea of what I’m dealing with, though.

  Hours pass, and I am alone in my room, watching the fire slowly dwindle, only to kindle it again. Returning to Hell without that sword is not something I’m eager to do. I’m not sure who I’m dreading facing more — my superiors, or my parents.

  As terrible as having no status is in Hell, I struggle to believe it can be worse than having the title and position so many crave. Hell operates on a strict caste system; castes which are ever-changing and fluid thanks to the unending list of transgressions and infractions that the upper circles use to indict the rest. It is a tricky game to curry favor with the right people, never knowing when they may fall out of favor themselves. It’s a game I’ve never had interest in participating in.

  But when Lili disappeared… Well, my father is only able to do so much on his own. Not enough to protect my parents from the malevolence of those entitled enough to demand the House of Seven Flames contribute more. As much as I may not care about the games and necessities of Hell’s upper circles, I know that it was something Lili was passionate about. If for nothing else, I commit myself to this cause in her honor, her memory.

  It’s the least I can do, after forcing her to shoulder all the burden for so long. Perhaps if I had not been such a layabout…

  It’s late when there’s a knock on my door.

  I’ve been in my own thoughts for so long, only the sound of the crackling fire to interrupt them, that the knock pulls me out, almost like ripping me out of a dream-state. I look at the door, eyes narrowing with suspicion before I cross the room and open it.

  “Ava,” I breathe, surprised to see her in front of me. She’s dressed this time, in a t-shirt and shorts that barely extend past the hem of it. Her hair is wild and free, a mess of flaxen waves and curls. Rumpled though she looks, she’s absolutely stunning.

  She looks down, twists the hem of her shirt in her fingers. “Hey… Um… About earlier—”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation,” I say.

  She looks up, blue eyes wide and bright. “It’s not… I didn’t want you to just…” Her teeth dig into her bottom lip and she heaves out a heavy sigh. “You’re not upset?”

  The worry weighing on her shoulders is evident, and I offer her a small smile and a shake of my head.

  “No, Ava, I’m not upset. Would you like to come in?”

  That seems to surprise her even more than my lack of being upset, but she accepts the gesture and steps into my room with me.

  “You seemed… mad when you saw us, and I thought…” Ava trails off, standing in the room awkwardly. She looks at the armchair, then the bed, and decides to sit gingerly on the edge of the mattress.

  I sigh. “There are many things about my past you don’t know.”

  “Like what?”

  “It is difficult to explain,” I say, frowning. I expect Ava’s reaction would be similar to the others, wondering why I even bother working for a cause I’m clearly not invested in. I don’t expect her to understand.

  “Try me,” she says, wiggling in place, the wide neck of her t-shirt slipping off her shoulder. I can see the places on her neck where the other two have been sucking her delicate flesh, probably making her squirm and moan. My mouth waters at the thought of doing the same, but I restrain myself.

  Ava’s expectant look fades, eyes dimming as she looks away.

  “Sorry, it’s none of my business… I just wanted to apologize, and I’ll leave you—”

  “Ava, stop,” I sigh, stepping in front of her before she stands from the
bed. “I will tell you if you wish to know. Not sure what it’ll help…”

  Ava sits back on the bed, tucking her smooth, shapely legs under herself.

  “It’ll make me happy, does that count?” she asks brightly, shoving a shimmering curl behind her ear.

  For more than you realize, I think, holding back a sigh. I’m doing a terrible job of not getting attached here. Absolutely atrocious.

  “There was a time when I lived a life similar to that of Seamus and Kushiel. I lacked responsibility, drive, purpose. We caroused and wreaked havoc where we could, never a care in the world.”

  She frowns, her forehead wrinkling along with the bridge of her cute nose. “What happened?”

  I sink down onto the bed too, also on the edge of the mattress but the opposite edge from her. Distance; I have to keep my distance.

  “Things changed. My family needed me to step up and be responsible,” I say, eyes following the ridge of her collarbone as it disappears under the slanted neckline of her shirt.

  “Sounds familiar,” she says, her frown deepening.

  Ava moves closer to me, her hand hesitantly reaching out to lay on my thigh. “Believe me, I know what that’s like. Giving up being a teenager to raise my little brother wasn’t exactly on my to-do list.”

  I frown and nod. Of course Ava and I have that in common. Somehow I’d failed to make the connection. Making connections with Ava is not what I should be doing, no matter how easily it seems to come.

  Telling her more about me, deepening this emotional bond we’re already fostering against all my better judgment, seems more reckless than anything else I’ve done thus far.

  Getting more involved with Ava is bound to end poorly.

  And yet…

  She’s watching me with wide, earnest eyes, plump lips slightly parted, and I find myself telling her everything before I even make the decision to.

  “My sister was always the responsible one of us. She joined the ranks of Hell to serve, earning my family the status they needed, leaving me free to sow my wild oats,” I say, voice soft and ragged. Rougher than I expect it to be.


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