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The Secret History of Food

Page 27

by Matt Siegel

  orchids, 94

  Oreo Os, 50

  Oreos, 149–50

  Oriole Breakfast Flakes, 48

  overfishing, 14, 181–82

  owls, 61n

  Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, 117

  oyster pie, 19

  oysters, 23, 49, 51, 117, 131, 187–88

  Pabst Blue Ribbon, 101n

  pad prik king, 171

  pagan traditions, 126–27

  pain, 172, 175–76

  paleoanthropologists, 12

  Panama, 167

  pancakes, 135, 158

  pancake syrup, 150

  pan coatings, 65

  pancreatic hormones, 166

  paprika, 51

  Papua New Guinea, 173

  Paranthropus boisei (Nutcracker Man), 11

  parasites, 57, 63

  Parker, Arthur C., 55

  Parmentier, Antoine-Augustin, 180

  Parmesan cheese, 51

  parsley, 86, 132

  parsnips, 86

  partridge, 129, 130

  Passover, 52

  pastries, 122, 135

  Patagonian toothfish, 181

  pate, 31, 51

  peaches, 86

  peacock, 129, 132, 164

  peanut allergies, 65

  pellagra, 69–71, 154

  penis water, 81

  pepper, 45, 51. See also black pepper; chili peppers

  pepperoni pizza, 175, 185

  pepper sauce, 129

  pepper spray, 167–68

  PepsiCola, 50, 139, 154

  Pepy II, pharaoh of Egypt, 76

  perch, 130

  Persia, ancient, 83–84

  pesticides, 32, 63, 148n

  Peter Pan (film), 176

  peyote, 84n

  pharmaceuticals, 148n

  pharmacies, 149

  pheasant, 117, 129, 130

  Phelan, Jay, 172, 176

  phosphorus, 63

  Physiologie du goût (Brillat-Savarin), 2

  phytochemicals, 43

  pickles, 65

  pie, 15–20, 27–30, 33–34, 37–38, 43, 135, 140, 178

  pie crust, 19, 27

  pigeon pie, 18–19, 28, 164

  pigeons, 18–20, 129

  piglet, 132

  pigs, 125, 135, 140, 151n, 164. See also pork

  chicken sewn onto, 132–33

  stuffed, 129

  pike, 130

  pine, 25

  pineapple fritters, 51

  pink drink, 147

  pizza, 13

  plague, 181

  plaice, 51

  plastic, 66, 148

  Plato, 52

  Pleij, Herman, 135

  Pliny the Elder, 26, 79

  plover, 130

  Pluto, 103

  poison, 50, 166, 179, 181

  poison ivy nectar, 86

  poison oak nectar, 86–87

  Poland, 70

  pollen, honey sources and, 87–88

  pollination, 85–86, 94–95

  pollution, 64

  popcorn, 60

  Popsicles, 102, 111

  pork, 135. See also pigs

  salted, 128

  pork chops, 130

  pornography, 42, 157

  porridge, 43

  Post, C.W., 48

  Post cereals, 50

  potatoes, 7, 9, 21, 25, 50, 140, 151n, 159, 180–81

  mashed, 113n

  poultry, 64, 184

  POWs, 116–17, 119, 122, 134

  Prego pasta sauces, 152, 153

  Presilla, Maricel E., 165

  prizes, cereal and, 37, 49, 146

  Prohibition, 101–2, 122

  PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil), 6–7

  prostitutes, 46, 136, 175

  Prussia, 180

  Pryor, David, 68

  puddings, 135

  puffer fish, 189

  Puller, Lewis B. “Chesty,” 114

  pullet, 129

  pulque, 173

  pumpkins, 7, 21, 86

  pumpkin spice latte, 148

  punishment, 169–70

  Puritans, 17, 22

  Purity Corn Flakes, 48

  quail, 21, 129

  Quaker Oats, 50

  Quarter Pounder, 182

  Quebec, 158

  quince jelly, 51

  rabbit, 129

  rabbit pie, 19

  racial stereotypes, 48

  radishes, 51, 86

  Ragù spaghetti sauce, 152, 153

  rainbow sprinkles, 150

  raisins, 77

  raspberries, 86

  raspberry jam, 26

  Ratatouille (film), 176

  Rational Grazing (Voisin), 115

  rats, 167

  ray, 51

  Reagan, Ronald, 31

  Real Life Comics, 71n

  Red Lobster, 189

  red pepper, crushed, 175

  red snapper, 189, 192

  refrigeration, 109, 171

  religion, 38–39, 43–44, 84, 127–28

  rhinoceros horn, 51

  rhododendron nectar, 84

  rice, 2, 24, 60

  instant, 150

  Rice Krispies, 49

  Rice Krispies Treats, 49

  rich, 124–25, 128–31

  Ritz Crackers, 102n

  rocket, 51

  Rocky Road ice cram, 102, 110, 193

  Rome, ancient, 26, 74, 77–78, 83–84, 98, 103–4, 124–26

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 72

  rosemary, 51, 86

  roses, 31–32

  rose water, 131

  Rosh Hashanah, 84

  rostellum, 94

  royal jelly, 80

  Rozin, Paul, 170, 175

  Rucker, Darius, 144

  rum, 78n, 174

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 177

  Russet Burbank potato, 159

  Russia, 70, 180

  rye, 24, 78n

  rye fungus, 106

  Sabottiere, 100

  saffron, 51, 93n, 132

  sage, 51, 86

  Sala, George Augustus, 28–29

  Salem, Massachusetts, 22

  witch trials, 78n, 84n

  salmon, 22, 51, 130, 151n, 188

  rock (spiny dogfish), 182

  salmonella, 183

  salt, 3–4, 66, 93, 131, 165

  food preservation and, 81, 128

  sambal, 169

  Sambia mountain boys, 173

  San Blas Islands, 167

  sandwiches, open-face, 185

  Sanitarium (cereal), 48

  Sanskrit, ancient, 5, 164n

  Santa, 122, 126

  sapa, 78

  Satere Mawe boys, 173

  Saturnalia, 124–25

  sauerkraut, 171

  sausages, 112, 133, 135

  Saxon rites, 126

  scallops, 117

  Schiller, Deborah, 170

  Schlaraffenland, 134, 136, 144

  Schwartz, Barry, 155

  scones, 135

  Scotch, 31

  Scotchgard, 158

  scurvy, 154

  seafood, 182, 184, 187–88

  sea holly, candied, 51

  seal oil, 171

  Searle, F.W., 16–18, 33

  sea salt topping, 147

  sea urchins, 182

  seeds, 165–66

  semen, 77, 81, 89, 173

  semolina, 65

  Seneca, 172n

  sex and sexuality, 39, 85n, 94, 94n, 122, 173, 135–37

  shad, 21

  Shakespeare, William, 71–72

  shallots, 51

  Shanahan, Madeline, 126

  sharbat, 98

  shark deterrents, 167

  shark meat, 171

  sheep, 13, 167

  sheep’s kidneys, 51

  sheep’s milk, 84

  shellfish allergies, 65

  Shephard, Sue, 117

  sherbet, 98

  sieges, 103, 105

  Six-Legged Soldiers (Lockwood), 83<
br />
  slavery, 28, 125

  “Slice of the Moon, A” (Shephard), 117

  Smith, John, 21–22, 178

  Smith, Sydney, 92

  snack foods, 64, 68

  snapper, 188

  snipe, 129–30

  soap, 66

  socialization, 12–13

  social media, 173

  Society for the Preservation of the Real Thing, 67

  soda and soft drinks, 64, 68, 110, 150, 170

  soda cans, 86

  sodium erythorbate, 65

  Soil, Grass and Cancer (Voisin), 115

  sole, 130

  Dover, 117

  sorbet, 98

  sorbitol, 65

  sorghum, 86

  South Asia, 64n, 170

  soybean allergies, 65

  soybean oil, 187

  soybeans, 151n

  soy sauce, 65

  space peppers, 169n

  spaghetti plantations, 182

  Spam, 174

  Spanish colonists, 25

  spices, 39, 45, 130–31

  spicy foods, 170–74

  spinach, 51

  Splenda, 147

  spoon, 37

  squab pie, 19

  squash, 9, 21, 62–63, 68, 86

  Squirrel Brand (cereal), 48

  squirrels, 21, 167

  sriracha, 169

  Stanford University, 148, 155

  Starbucks, 147–48, 151, 160, 178

  starches, 2, 65. See also cornstarch

  starvation, 14, 21, 38, 63, 104–5

  State Department, 106

  stevia, 147

  stingrays, 23

  Stone Age, 83

  Storch, Henry, 86

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 27

  strawberries, 86, 92

  strawberry ice cream, 109, 113

  strawberry jam, 26

  Strom, Stephanie, 85

  sturgeon, 129

  sucrose, 165

  sugar, 5, 37–38, 39n, 49–50, 77, 81, 99, 108–10, 131, 152, 165, 183

  powdered, 135

  Sugar Rice Krinkles, 48n

  sugar sparkles, 147

  sugar water, 2

  Sumer, ancient, 74

  sun, 124,126–27

  sunflower oil, 187

  superfoods, 11

  supermarkets, 36, 141, 149

  supertasters, 7

  sushi, 182, 192

  swan, 129, 130, 132

  swan neck pudding, 130

  swan pie, 18

  swan’s genitals, 51

  Sweden, 6


  corn-based, 64–65

  grapes and, 77–78

  honey as, 73–78

  Swift, Jonathan, 73

  Symons, Michael, 160

  syphilis, 45, 50, 180, 192

  Tabasco sauce, 175

  Taco Bell, 66, 151

  Taiwan, 88

  tamale, 68

  Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare), 71–72

  Tannahill, Reay, 1, 128

  Tariff Act (1883), 179

  tarragon, 51

  tarts, 31, 135

  TAS2R38 gene, 6

  taste buds, 7

  taste receptors, 165–66, 174

  tasters, 7

  tea, 24–25, 27, 170

  counterfeit, 40

  tea bowls, 52

  TED Talks, 152

  teeth, 11

  Teitel, Martin, 160

  Temple, Nicola, 11

  teosinte, 60–62

  terrapin soup, 51

  testosterone, 173

  Teutonic festivals, 126

  Texas, 63

  Thai food, 165, 169

  Thailand, 171

  Theocritus, 83

  thiamine deficiency, 168

  Thor, 126

  threat deterrent, 166

  thyme, 51, 86

  tilefish, 189

  toast, 24

  Toasted Corn Flakes, 47–49

  tobacco, 86

  tomatoes, 50, 65, 159–60, 177–81

  tomato sauce, 152–53, 160, 193

  tomato worms, 179

  Torbay sole (witch), 182

  tortillas, 60, 69

  Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne, 33

  Trainspotting (film), 139

  Transylvania, 70

  Treatise on Adulterations of Food (Accum), 39–40

  tree nut allergies, 65

  trigeminal or chemical sense, 165

  Trix cereal, 36n, 50

  Tropicana orange juice, 190

  trout pie, 19

  TRPV1 pain sensor, 165

  True Source Honey, 88–89

  truffles, 6, 45

  Truvia, 77

  tryptophan, 68

  tuna, 188

  canned, 190

  turkey pie, 19

  turkeys, 23, 32–33, 58, 123

  turmeric, 51

  turnips, 86

  TV commercials, 38

  TV dinners, 26

  Twin Peaks, 145

  Ubre Blanca (cow), 115

  umble pie, 20, 130

  Ungar, Peter S., 12

  Unicorn Frappuccino, 151

  Unilever, 102

  Union soldiers, 106

  uni (sea urchin, “whore’s eggs”), 182

  unit bias, 37

  University Brand Daintily-Crisped Flaked Corn, 48

  University of Georgia, 167–68

  upper crust, 129, 145

  US Constitution, 31

  US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 96, 183–85

  US Department of Homeland Security, 63

  US Food Administration, 107

  U.S. Honey Flakes, 48

  US Information Agency, 167n

  US Marine Corps, 114, 116

  US military, 175

  US Navy, 167

  US Supreme Court, 178–79

  vampires, 69–70

  vanilla, 4, 65, 91, 93–97, 101, 119, 167

  artificial, 96–97

  vanilla beans, 96

  vanilla crème, 147

  vanilla ice cream, 93–94, 97, 100, 103, 109, 110n, 118–19, 193

  vanilla syrup, 147

  Veblen, Thorstein, 149

  vegans, 85

  vegetables, 7, 133

  American colonies and, 21, 25

  appearance of, 158

  feasts and, 123

  fresh, 141

  imported, 178–79

  mist sprayed on, 158

  out-of-season, 140

  preservation of, 128

  weight of, 190

  vegetarians, 39

  Vegetius Renatus, Publius Flavius, 104–5

  venison, 23, 129–30

  venison pie, 19

  Venus, 82

  Vermont, 29

  Victorian era, 181

  Vietnam War, 84n, 105–6

  vindaloo, 171

  vinegar, 76–77, 89

  viper broth, 51

  Virginia, 25

  virginity, 85

  Visser, Margaret, 117–18

  vitamins, 37, 157

  A, 192

  B3, B5, B6, 191

  C, 191

  D, 190–91

  fortification with, 190–92

  labeling and, 190–91

  prenatal, 192

  vodka, 65

  Voisin, André, 115

  wabi-sabi, 52

  wallpaper, 66, 167

  Walmart, 192

  walnuts, 25

  war, 103–10, 113–14, 116–17, 119

  Warner, Charles Dudley, 28

  war pigs, 103

  wasabi, 170, 174

  Washington, George, 98–99, 105

  Washington, Martha, 99

  Washington Post, 182

  water, 39

  bottled, 148–49

  chemicals in, 148n

  corn crops and, 63–64

  war and, 105–6

  watermelons, 86

  seedless, 140

  Watson Flaked Corn, 48

werewolves, 50, 179, 192

  West Virginia, 182–83

  wet nurses, 5

  whale meat, 171

  wheat, 9, 24, 27, 42, 58, 60, 108

  wheat allergies, 65

  wheat bran, 42

  wheat germ, 42

  Wheatless Wednesdays, 108

  whipped cream, 147, 158

  whiskey, 65, 174

  White, Ellen G., 35

  white chocolate mocha sauce, 147

  Whole Duty of a Woman, The, 19

  Whole Foods, 181

  whole wheat flour, 42–43

  Whopper, 146

  Wilkin & Sons jams, 155

  Wilson, Bee, 79, 85

  wine, 7, 40, 45, 125, 131–32, 135, 137, 141, 170

  winter feasts, 122–29

  winter solstice, 124, 138

  Winthrop, John, 18n

  Wisconsin, 89

  witchcraft, 50, 179–80

  wolves, 13, 61, 167, 179

  women, 27, 45–47, 58

  woodcock, 51, 130

  World War I, 103, 106–10

  World War II, 103, 113–14, 116–18, 167n, 174

  wounds, 80, 186

  Wrangham, Richard, 11–12

  wreathes, 124

  Wyndham company, 111

  xanthan gum, 65

  xylitol, 65

  Yale University, 149, 175

  yams, 10

  yellow journalism, 48n

  yogurt, 8, 118, 191

  Youngstown, Ohio, 111

  yrchoun (stuffed pig stomach), 130

  yucca, 86

  Yuengling brewery, 101, 110

  yule logs, 126

  zinc, 191–92

  zwieback, 47

  About the Author

  MATT SIEGEL has written about food and culture for such publications as The Atlantic, Fast Company, and The Paris Review. A former English professor, he lives in Richmond, Virginia, with his dog, Waffles.

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  the secret history of food. Copyright © 2021 by Matt Siegel. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

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  first edition

  Frontispiece ©

  Cover design by Allison Saltzman

  Cover photographs: burger, cereal, doughnut, and vanilla © Shutterstock; ice cream scoops and peppers © Getty Images

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.

  Digital Edition AUGUST 2021 ISBN: 978-0-06-297322-1

  Print ISBN: 978-0-06-297321-4


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