Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 43

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Mhm.” He takes another sip from his drink as he stares me dead in the eyes. I know what he’s doing. Widow is practically begging me to say some shit, so he can plummet me into the ground. Jokes on him, though. The only one losing in that fight would be him. It’s not that I care who Amara fucks, but I’m her brother. It’s my job to keep her safe and that includes her heart. The thing about Widow is that he is famous for his heartbreak techniques and I don’t want my little sister to be just another notch on his belt, or his next victim.

  “Where’s my father?”

  “You know Roman. I’m sure he’s out and about doing his usual things.” He smirks as he says it, telling me that he’s up to something

  “Stop playing games.”

  “I’m not the one playing, seems like you sure are though with the way you just tossed in your cut like a little bitch.”

  “Say it again.”

  “Say what, how you picked a girl over your family and how I think it’s bullshit. Where’s your loyalty?”

  “At least I know how to choose a girl. All you know how to do is toss them aside like their fuckin’ garbage,” I seethe, clenching my fists, knowing all too well how this conversation is going to go if we both don’t stop soon.

  “Yo, man. Chill.” Booger interrupts us, and I’m hoping his ass would’ve just stayed out of our business.

  “Get lost, this doesn’t concern you”

  “Shit, ain’t nobody ever talk to me like that. Only my momma, and you sure as fuck ain’t my momma.” Booger snickers, and I just can’t help it. I ball my fist up and swing it right into his face, the motherfucker shakes his head and then laughs. “You’re gonna wish you didn’t do that,” he hisses as he charges for me, but a small little Latina jumps right in the middle, and fuck does that man stop.

  “Boog…no. It’s not worth it. They fight over his sister, because Widow sticks his tool in many boxes. It doesn’t concern us, come?” Camila tells him, she runs her hand up his chest. His eye contact not breaking from hers.

  “You are really damn lucky I have the hots for you, cupcake,” Booger says to Camila, who’s face flushes bright red.

  “I thought I told you to stay away from her.” Fist’s voice booms from where we had all just come from a few minutes prior.

  “It should be me telling him to stay away, not you Fist.” Camila snaps before she walks out of the front door. Shit, I never took her for a girl who loses her temper, but I must have seriously misjudged the girl.

  “Just got off the phone with the other Prez’s, and we’ve got a plan. Church in five minutes, and you’d better make sure all the brothers are here.” Fist hollers out to the group of us. Luckily, most of us had stayed in the clubhouse and as Fist disappears back into the room where we hold church, I see brothers yanking out their phones. There’s no doubt in my mind that they’re texting the few who had left to get their asses back here as soon as possible.

  I don’t waste my time making it back into the room, it’s not like I want to be anywhere close to Widow right now. Thank fuck he isn’t a Reaper so he isn’t privy to our conversation. The minutes pass by slow, far too slow for me. Normally I can be quite patient, but today is not one of the days that I can be.

  “Listen up, each and every one of you. This isn’t gonna go down quite like I expected it, but it’s gonna fucking go down the way it has to.” Fist explains as Tex shuts the door, signifying that church is in session.

  “Reed doesn’t have anyone to send, apparently there’s some shady shit going on with the Skulls. Didn’t dive too deep into it, but he lost two of his men to some mafia shit and is questioning loyalty. We’re not gonna meddle in it, but I told him whatever he needs we will be here for him, after our own shit is settled of course. The Raiders and the Sons are sending five men each from their charter to Vegas, where Rage always seems to be held up. They’re going to send an additional five each for every charter that the Demons have and watch. If they see Rage, or anything fishy they’re instructed to act. Damon, I want you to go down to Vegas. This is not only personal for me and my brothers, but for you too. Dracus, Bolt and Tex are all gonna go with you. Your father has also agreed to lend a few helping hands, Widow, Cobra and Chaz will be going down as well. I heard Zeus himself may go to Vegas. He’s got quite the bone to pick with Rage too, and y’all better keep in mind he is a sick fuck.”

  “Now as far as the Bears go, Reapers…we’re going to get through this mess with Rage first and then we’re fucking acting. We have to let one storm calm before we drive straight into another. I want you watching the Bears, I want to know where they go, what they do, who they fuck and what time they shit. That is how close I want you to follow their habits. Tank did not die in vain, and we will avenge him. Now, does anyone have any news on the Bears that I could use to my advantage?”

  I glance around the room, looking at each brother and notice how Kade, the normally outspoken one is suddenly quiet. Bingo. “Kade, care to share?”

  He furrows his brows as he looks right at me. “Prefer not to.” This grabs not only Fist’s attention, but everyone else’s.

  “What do you know, son?”

  “I know a lot of shit, but doesn’t mean I’m gonna tell you.”

  “We’re at war, Kade. This isn’t the time to keep secrets that could help us.”

  “I’m not gonna use someone as a bargaining chip for your bidding, whether I agree with how much I hate the Bears or not.”

  “It’s the fuckin’ girl, isn’t it?” Zane asks, crossing his arms over his chest, staring at his brother.

  “Maybe,” Kade confirms.

  “You in love with some sweet butt from the Bears?” Fist laughs, looking around the table for an answer that only Kade can give him.

  “No, not a sweet butt. Just Grizzly’s daughter.”

  Fuck. I didn’t see that one coming.

  Chapter 23

  She loved him, and he loved her. But it was never that simple.



  “What the fuck did I do, Kit-Kat?” Kade groans, running his hand over his face, he paces back and forth before me. I’ve never seen him this nervous before, not once, not even when we were little did he ever act like this, so it just makes me wonder what the hell happened in church.

  “I’m not really sure since you haven’t told me, but it’d be great if you could just flap your jaws for a minute, so I understand what’s going on” I say, trying to get a smile from him but it doesn’t work.

  “Remember the girl I told you about?”


  “Yeah, well I may have told Dad who she is.”

  “Okay…what am I missing here? Why is that a problem?”

  “…cause’ she’s Grizzly’s daughter.”

  I gasp, forming my mouth into an “o”. Well, I wasn’t expecting to hear that from him.

  “I know, I already know what you’re fuckin’ thinkin’. She’s the enemy’s daughter and all that shit, and yeah, she is, but she isn’t bad. Trust me, she is not as rotten as her fuckin’ father, Kat. She isn’t anything like him. Hell, I don’t even think she’s his daughter and from the way he treats her…I doubt he is.”

  “I’m not thinking anything, but I can tell you how annoyed I am with you making assumptions. If you say she’s not like her devil of a father then I believe you, but you don’t have to tell me that shit. I think you already know that, though, so I’m just wondering why you’re wasting your breath giving me a whole speech on how she’s nice. Obviously if she’s with you then she has to be a good girl, and all I really care about is if you’re happy. Are you?”

  Kade seems taken aback by what I’ve said, he smiles and nods his head. “Yeah, never really been this fuckin’ happy before. Mom always told me when I was little that I’d meet a girl who’d turn my entire world upside down, and dammit if I haven’t found her.”

  I know that I should probably take a moment and talk to Kade about her, seeing my cousin this ha
ppy makes me want to smile, but I already know that things couldn’t have gone that well. “What did your Dad say about it?”

  Immediately Kade’s smirk dissipates into thin air. “He told me to get the fuck outta church, so here I am.”

  “He’s just in shock, it’ll pass,” I tell him, going over to the swing on the porch, I take a seat next to him.

  “You don’t know that, Kat.”

  “I don’t know a lot of things, but most of the time I end up being right, so you’d better just shut your mouth and listen to me.” Kade wraps his arm around me at my words, holding me snug against him he presses a kiss to the back of my forehead.

  “You know, who would’ve known what kinda trouble you and I would’ve stirred up if you were here. You’ve always been my best friend, you know that?”

  “Of course, I do. Don’t be too loud, though. You’ll hurt Zane’s feelings.” I laugh into his shoulder, thinking about how much I would have loved to have been home, to experience all of the things that I know I missed. “Are you gonna tell me about the plan?” I ask, needing to know what to expect. There’s no doubt in my mind that they’ve been discussing what to do about the Bears and the Demons. Two wars headed right at us. I don’t know how the hell we’re going to handle them both, and at the same time…we’re strong…but we aren’t that strong.

  “Dad’s been calling in favors with a few of the other MC’s. Looks like Damon, and all your Dads are going to Vegas, plus a few of the boys from the Brotherhood and Zeus and a few of his guys from the Sons of Gods are meeting them there too. From the sounds of it, everyone else is staying up here to face off with the Bears, but who knows if that’ll happen while they’re up at Vegas. We don’t know. I’m guessing Dad isn’t gonna tell me jack shit though seein’ as I’m dating Ivy.”

  “He doesn’t think you’re a rat, he knows better.”

  “You should’ve seen the look on his face, Kat. I’ve never seen him that disappointed in me before”

  “I’m sure he wasn’t disappointed, Kade. He was probably just shocked. There’s no way in hell that he’s disappointed in you, and with how much he preaches about being happy and putting family before anything else, he’s gonna tell you to follow that heart of yours. He will never make you choose between the Reapers and her.” I think about what I’ve just said for a moment and take in a deep breath. This hits too close to home. I just have to remember; my Uncle is not Roman. He’d never make Kade do what Damon had to.

  Chapter 24

  Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. –Marcadangel


  “I don’t like that you’re going back there,” Kat blurts out to me the second I walk into our bedroom. Her arms are crossed, and she’s biting her bottom lip in the way she usually does when she’s nervous. I can’t say that I blame her for not wanting me to go, but if I don’t…no, scratch that. If we don’t – Rage could come here and fuck us up far worse than he ever has before. There is no choice in the matter. It needs to be done, and it fucking will be.

  “We have to go, baby. I know I don’t have to tell you that, either,” I murmur against her temple as I pull her into my arms, holding her as close to me as humanly possible. This girl needs to remember she is safest with me, in my arms or not I will never allow anything to happen to her. Part of me protecting her means that I need to leave her for a short time, to handle the devil himself, Rage.

  “I don’t want you to go…” Her voice is soft, coming out in an almost whisper. Surprisingly, I can make out what she’s said, sounding like a sad little girl.

  “And I don’t want you to be hurt ever again, so I have to go. I’ll be fine, Kat. Trust me, we will all be okay. There are going to be plenty of allies with us and we have to do this. If we don’t go now, we may never have the opportunity again. You know if we wait….a whole bunch of shit could go south and none of us are going to sacrifice that.”

  “A whole lot could go wrong with you going too.” She points out, and I can’t help but smirk. Kat has always been a smart cookie, too smart for her own damn good. I take her face, holding her firm in my palms, looking her right in those glossy eyes.

  “Listen to me, sweetheart, ain’t nobody ever gonna keep me from you again. No way in hell am I going to allow it, so you’re just gonna have to trust that I know how to handle myself, that I’m gonna come right back here, home to you. ‘Cause I will kill any motherfucker who tries to keep me from you. You know that? I will always be with you, until the moment I breathe my very last breath.”

  Kat yanks my cut and brings my lips crashing into hers. I guess I didn’t really realize exactly how much my words were going to mean to her, but I meant every fuckin’ word. I love this girl more than anything, and someday soon I’m gonna tell her.

  I slide my hands under her ass, lift her up and shove her into the wall directly next to her. A picture frame rattles and she giggles into our kiss, boy does that giggle get me going more than anything else. I’m rock hard under my jeans and want to pound into her sweet little pussy more than I ever have before. I want to claim her, dump my seed inside her and fill her the fuck up. I want to mark this girl, taking her in the most primal of ways. I take my hand and travel slowly up her legs to the sweet spot between them, toying with her lips, gently tracing my fingertips over them.

  Her little lace panties are no match for me, I slide my hands under the thin material and rip them right off of her, causing her to gasp. I bite down on her bottom lip, tugging, growling at my little minx. Never do I want her to feel alone, to worry about anything. That’s all my job, all she has to do is be happy, and I’ll do my best to make sure that she always is happy.

  Kat fiddles with my button until my jeans are free, she’s quick to work the zipper down and grabs my cock forcefully. She mews and purrs as I kiss her back with a ferociousness that I’ve never unleashed with her before. I’ve always been so gentle with her, and tonight that ends. No longer will I be gentle and sweet, I’ll act however I feel like it and take her body in ways that will only make her feel safe. Never will she doubt my love for her, because she will feel me every single time she tries to take a step.

  I line my cock up at her entrance, forcing my way in, she screams in delight. Her hands move up my body, clawing into my back with each thrust in and out of her. My cock throbs, needing to come already but I won’t. It doesn’t help that I’ve been thinking about her all day, thinking about her pussy closing in around my cock the way it is right now.

  She presses her lips against my neck, sucking the skin in her mouth, biting down harshly. I hiss against her forehead, decreasing my speed, making sure that she feels every slow agonizing movement. If she wants to tease, I can most definitely play that game.

  Kat sinks her nails further into my back, digging so deep I can feel her cutting into my skin. It only eggs me on more, wanting her to milk my cock, sucking everything that she’s stirred up inside me. Fuck, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t do this slow and teasing shit cause all that’s doing is teasing me.

  “Dammit, Kathryn,” I groan as her pussy squeezes my cock.

  I ram into her, shoving my body firm against hers, her body pressed into the wall, so she can’t move an inch even if she tried. I rock my hips against her, sliding my cock in and out of her wet pussy. Her pleasure is evident as she comes, squirting her essence all over me, that’s when I lose it, allowing everything I’ve been holding back to comes barreling out of me into her.

  Marking her.

  Taking her.

  Claiming her.

  Kat is all mine.

  Chapter 25

  She walks with storm in her heart and battle in her eyes. –Nicole Lyons


  Late last night I had snuck out of bed and met up with Fist, needing to know the details of when the few of us were to leave. He had all of us sit down and talk about our plan, the group of us agreeing that it would be be
st for us to leave as soon as possible. The quicker we left, the quicker we could handle things. We opted for leaving in the middle of the night, knowing very well that it would most definitely piss our women off. Until we left, I had completely forgotten that Widow would be making this trip with us. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes the second I saw him mounting his bike, but he’s a good shot. He’ll be helpful on this trip, of that I’m sure. I just need to put my personal feelings aside right now. He’s a good friend, but I just can’t shake the feeling that Amara is going to get hurt. I know him too well, and I know my sister loves to hide that heart of hers really well, but regardless she still has one, even if she tries to act like she’s this stone-cold bitch.

  It took us a long ass day of driving over fourteen hours, but we finally made it to Nevada. It wasn’t Vegas, but we were pretty fuckin’ close. We had to wait for both the Raiders and the Sons of Gods men too, they could be here as early as tonight or tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we took the time we had as our opportunity to rest, trying to prepare as much as we could for the battle ahead. No matter what we do, I know that there’s no real preparation for the chaos that we will be heading into. Personally, I think we should strike at night, around three in the morning when everyone is settling into bed. If we can keep quiet and slice throats, it’ll make a lot less commotion. I’m just unsure if everyone else is as good with a knife as I am.

  We stopped off at some shitty little motel right next to interstate fifteen. It wouldn’t even take us forty minutes to get to the Demons clubhouse, it sat just a few miles outside of the Vegas city center. Close enough to stir up trouble, but far enough away for some good old privacy too. Dracus, Bolt and Tex opted to share a room by themselves, which seemed a little odd to me. I couldn’t help but wonder which man was sharing a bed with another, but I’m not looking to dive into that situation. Shit, it’s a little odd to have three ol’men and one ol’lady if you ask me but times are changing and seems they have been for the last few decades, apparently. That meant I had to share with Widow, which I’m not exactly too keen on.


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