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Coming Home

Page 6

by Alexia Chase

  “What’s meant to be is meant to be. There’s a thirteen-year age difference between Travis and me. Most people are weirded out by the age-gap, but the heart wants what the heart wants.” She shoves out her hand. “By the way, my name is Savannah Fletcher. Nice to meet you.”

  “You also.” I clasp her hand in mine. “My name is Natalie Westbrook.”

  “I hope to see you again.” She smiles and releases my grasp. “Follow me. I’ll let you out.”

  “Thanks.” I let her lead the way. At the last second, I glance back to the doorway I came through. I’m such a chicken shit. I should have stayed and talked to him. But what do I say? Forgive me for ghosting you? Marry me? Risk losing another child with me?

  I look down at the little angel in Savannah’s arms and swallow a sob. Damn it. I want Trey’s baby so bad. “I’ve got to go. Thanks for letting me stay here.” I rush through the door and jog to my car.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You can run, Princess, but you can’t hide.” I press my lips together and jerk my jeans over my thighs and fasten the buttons. Her incessant desire to ditch me is starting to peck at my ego. But hell, if I’m going to let her win.

  Grabbing my t-shirt off the floor, I shove it over my head and give one last glance at the bed. Without much effort, I can hear her pleading voice begging for release. And her laughter rolling down my spine as she forgot to hold tight to her demons. “You’ve held onto those, too long.”

  I shake my head and walk through the office and out into the bar.

  “Trey.” Reegan’s bright blue’s eyes light up as he runs full steam ahead toward me.

  “Hey, little guy.” I scoop him up and swing him into the air. He giggles uncontrollably as I toss him above my head and catch him. “What have you been doing today?”

  “Helping momma.” He grins and places his arms around my neck.

  “I bet you have,” I smirk and study Savannah as she counts money and places it in the deposit bag.

  “Oh, he’s been a big help.” She rolls her eyes.

  Travis’ wife is a hell of a woman. She’s sassy as all get out and gives him a run for his money.

  I sit Reegan down, and he scurries off to his stash of toys behind the counter. “Baby asleep?” I walk behind the bar and gaze at the Nayla laying down snuggled inside the portable crib.

  “Yep. She went down about thirty minutes ago.” She arches an eyebrow. “Right after your lady snuck out of here.”

  “Don’t remind me,” I growl and move back around the structure and plop on the stool.

  “Oh.” She tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and leans her elbows on the wooden surface. “She ‘the one?’”

  I roll my neck to ease some of the tension. The scent of stale cigarettes still fills the space, but it’s not as strong as the night before. It is underscored by the overwhelming smell of lemon cleaner. “Yeah, she’s ‘the one.’ I’ve never gotten over her, and I don’t think she’s gotten over me.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” She tilts her head and arches her eyebrows to her bangs. “Lots of mind-blowing sex always helps. It broke down all of Travis’ bullshit walls.”

  “Woman.” Travis ambles across the wooden floor while glaring at his wife. “Quit talking shit about me, or I’ll take you over my knee.”

  “Please, Daddy. I’ve been a naughty girl.” She giggles and bats her eyelashes.

  “Wench.” He swings her off the ground and plasters a toe-curling kiss on her lips.

  Their love and sexual chemistry practically sizzle in the air. I’d be jealous, but I felt the same spark last night. I’m going to have what they have. I just have to figure out how to get it.

  Savannah slides down Travis’ body, and then, she turns toward me.

  Travis crosses his arms. “What are you going to do?”

  I rub a hand over my face and through my hair. “What else? Panty melting kisses, hot sex, and happily ever after.”

  “Ah.” Savannah fans herself and blinks back tears. “That’s so fucking sweet. And to think…” She glares darts at Travis. “I had to chase after him.”

  “You didn’t have to chase me that hard so stop trying to drum up sympathy. I was afraid your dad would drag you away and send you to a convent.”

  “You’ve got a point.” She smacks his ass and scoops up Reegan. “Watch Nayla. I’m going to take Reegan upstairs and get his breakfast. When he goes down for his nap, I expect a good tongue lashing for all my past sins.”

  “You better watch it, or I’ll knock you up again.” He winks at her.

  She gives him a saucy grin. “Too late.”


  “Yep, I found out this morning.”

  “Shit.” I shake my head. “I should leave. You don’t need a third party when finding out you’re having another baby.”

  “Don’t go. Sit down. This is getting to be old hat.” He walks over to Savannah and kisses her lips. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too.” She caresses his face. “Now, help Trey figure out what to do with his lady.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Travis shakes his head as he saunters back to me. “The woman drives me nuts. She’s going to make me an old man.”

  “Nah, she’s keeping you young.” I shove my hands in my pockets and remain standing. It’s time for me to leave. They have more important things to do than worry about my love life.

  “What’s the deal with the gorgeous fox from last night?”

  “Man, she annihilated my heart when we were in high school. She up and disappeared without a word.”

  “Ghosted?” He whistles, “Wow.”

  “Yeah. Last night, she explained what happened. She found out she was pregnant and went to her grandmother’s house. Her dad is a real cocksucker. He used to pretend he wasn’t trying to hurt her when he shoved her into walls.”


  “Yeah,” I sigh. “She wanted to make sure I didn’t give up my scholarship to take care of them.”

  “That’s a lot to take in. What happened to the baby?”

  “She lost it when she was three months pregnant and went through a depression for months.”

  “Shit.” Travis shakes his head and crosses his arms. “That sucks, man. I can’t imagine Savannah losing a baby.”

  “I wish she would have told me.” I roll my neck to ease some of the tension, but it doesn’t help. It is not easy talking about the baby we lost. “She didn’t come back because she assumed by then I was angry and had moved on. I’m not going to lie, I was livid, but I never moved on. She’s always been the only woman I ever loved.”

  “Do you still love her?”

  My stomach dives to my feet. If I can’t convince her to give us another shot, I’m going to be gutted, yet again. Can I live through it a second time? “Yes, I still love her.”

  “Don’t let her get away. I almost pushed Savannah away because of our age difference. It was stupid. I loved her and couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. But I was terrified I’d ruin her life.”

  “She looks ruined.” I snort.

  “Oh, she’s ruined all right, and I’m going upstairs to destroy her again in about twenty minutes.” He laughs like he’s the funniest person in the world.

  “Asshole.” I punch him in the upper arm.

  He sobers. “I’m serious. Break down all her defenses. Don’t let her doubt your love or what you’re willing to do for her. Once you convince her, she’ll spend the rest of her life thanking you for being the stronger one.” He walks over to the crib and scoops up their nine-month-old baby, who nuzzles against his chest and falls back asleep. “I’ll owe Savannah for the rest of my life.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  The door gives off a loud squeak as I pull it open. Shit. Be quiet. Behind me, the sun casts a slight glow and illuminates the opening of the porch. The rest of the room is in darkness. Can I be lucky enough to get inside, gra
b my bags, and get out of here?

  I stumble over something in the middle of the floor, and the bright light of the ceiling fan snaps on. Fucking boots. I kick at them and steady my shoulders. This should cap off an already peachy morning.

  My father stands inside the kitchen threshold with an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth. “Whores go to hell.”

  I bite my tongue and swallow the copper taste. Don’t engage the monster. It’s what he wants.

  “Good morning, Father.” I brush past him and into the hallway.

  His bony fingers grasp my forearm. “Don’t you have something to say?” He reeks of alcohol and his swollen belly appears more pronounced today.

  Does he ever stop? “No. I don’t have anything to say.”

  “You keep giving it away for free, and no one is ever going to make an honest woman out of you.” He releases my arm and laughs as if what he said was from a stand-up comedy routine.

  “Dad, my personal life is none of your concern. Worry about yourself. You’re not looking good.” One thing I will never regret is leaving here when I discovered I was pregnant. There was no way I’d subject a child to his miserable treatment of other human beings.

  A wave of sadness envelops my body. His depression would have been better treated by a professional rather than by a bottle of whiskey. The disgust evaporates and all I’m left with is pity. Thankfully, I had Gram there for me when I was heartbroken. She helped mend me and keep me from hitting the bars.

  “Girl, I’m dying. I ain’t ever going to look good. The cancer is killing me.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish it could be different for you.” I walk to the spare bedroom and toss my suitcase onto the threadbare blanket. It hasn’t been my bedroom in twelve years. While I pity him, that doesn’t mean I deserve to be subject to his cruelty.

  He leans on the doorframe and glares as I open the dresser drawer and grab armfuls of clothing. “You just got here. Where are you going?”

  “I’m staying with Lillian.” At least, I hope she’s still open to me bunking there until I get my own place. Trey. My mind fills with his gorgeous smile and giving spirit. Don’t. I’m not staying with him.

  Do I want to? My hand stills with a pair of jeans dangling in the air. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. I drop the jeans into the bag and toss everything else inside with no care for wrinkles.

  “You’re a bitch. To think I asked you to come to stay with me in my final days, and you can’t even do that.” His bloodshot eyes water with anger, and he sways against the door. “You are no better than your whore Mother or that cunt of a sister of yours.”

  “Enough!” My jaw tightens, and I slap my hands on my hips. “You’re my father, so obviously it bothers me that you’re dying. But I’m not going to stay here and be subjected to your insults. You’re a very sick and depressed man. I wish you would have gotten help years ago.” I shake my head and throw my remaining items inside the case. I’ve got to get out of here before I get sucked into his hell.

  “Whatever.” He waves his hands in the air and rolls his eyes as if I’m talking about voodoo, rather than his mental health.

  I snap the suitcase shut and lug it off the bed. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “Don’t bother.” He snaps and marches away from the door as he officially dismisses me. “Consider yourself out of my will.”

  I snort. Shit. He’s never had anything. The only way he’d have money is if he found a winning lottery ticket or stole it off an unconscious person outside the bar. All his money went to booze or blowjobs.

  Glancing around the room, I take in the space I grew up in. The walls are dingy from smoke and dirt. They probably haven’t been touched since I left.

  I press my lips together and march through the door, weave through the living room. This time, I miss the boots. I won’t be back in this pit until he’s gone. I should feel regret, but the only emotion I experience is relief. I can’t wait to be back outside of these four walls for good.

  The door slams behind me, and I take in a large chest full of air to clean my nose and lungs of the despair that surrounds my father like the dirt cloud around Pig-Pen on Peanuts.

  Chapter Fifteen


  As I climb the stairs to my sister’s townhouse, I toss up a quick prayer of thanks that the lamplight in the front window is on. I wasn’t looking forward to hanging out in my vehicle, waiting for her to get up.

  The neighbors would have called the police if I hung out too long. I could have called her, but I didn’t want to wake the kids up. They’re light sleepers, and my sister is always struggling for that last ten minutes of rest.

  I lightly knock on the door and shift from foot to foot. The dew on the blue painted door glistens in the pale sunshine. It has the makings of a beautiful early fall day.

  Several seconds later, the deadbolt snaps, and the door swings open. Lillian beams brightly with her curly red hair pulled high on her head. Her jeans and canary yellow t-shirt show off her well-maintained physique. “Morning, Sis. About time you showed up.”

  “I tried.” I lug the suitcase inside and sigh loudly. The living room is warm and cheery. Along the walls are displays of family photos, and the leather sofa and chairs are intimately clustered together to give out that homey feel.

  The tension in my shoulder’s eases for the first time since walking out on Trey.

  “’A’ for effort. ‘S’ for stupidity.” She points to the space by the couch. “Drop your stuff there for now. I’ll make up the guest room.” She eyes me and tilts out her chin. “You look like you could use some coffee.”

  “God, yes.” I shudder and follow behind her to the kitchen. The aroma of coffee, bacon, and eggs fills the space. As my gaze lands on the stovetop, my mouth waters. The fluffy eggs and crispy pieces of bacon mock me.

  “Hungry?” Lillian moves to the coffee pot and pours me a mug of coffee.

  “Starving.” After she hands me the delicious brew, I inhale the fragrance and sip a small mouthful of the drink to keep from burning my mouth. Heaven.

  “What happened?” She collects a plate and fills it with food.

  “He was an ass as usual, so I left last night.”

  She jerks around to face me. “Where did you go? Don’t tell me you slept in the car.”

  “No.” My face fills with heat. The brown tile floor is impeccably clean. How does she keep the white grout so tidy?

  Her eyes narrow into little lines as if she’s thinking about shaking me, and then, she rolls her neck. The popping sound kind of freaks me out. Her poor kids don’t stand a chance. “Do. Not. Change. The. Subject.”

  “Fine.” I press my lips together and wave my hands in the air. “I went to the bar to hide out. Not to get drunk. I saw Trey, and we slept together.”

  “Whoa. Hold the phone and slow that shit down.” She drops the plate in front of me, and the eggs bounce into the air.

  “Hey.” I glare at her. “I’m hungry. Don’t ruin my food.”

  “And, I’m nosey here.” She grabs my upper arms and gently shakes me. “Give. Me. All. The. Dirt.” Her eyes glow as a smile curves up to her cheeks. “I know he’s hot with clothes on. How does naked Trey look after all these years?”

  Colton Slater, my sister’s husband, ambles into the room with his thumbs hooked into his belt loops. “Who’s hot?”

  “Dear, you’re hot, but I’m getting the scoop here. Natalie did the horizontal tango with Trey last night.”

  “I see.” He walks into the room, grabs a piece of bacon, and pops it into his mouth. Once he swallows, he moans. “Delicious.”

  “Thank you.” She winks at him.

  They both turn and watch me as if they can read my mind.

  “Fine.” I shrug and feel intense heat flood my chest and across my face. “It was good.”

  “Good? Pft.” She rolls her eyes. “Deets. Oral? Anal? Missionary?”

  “Oh, gross. I’m not telling you that.” I push my chair back. F
uck. I’m hungry. I scoot the chair back under the table. I’m not leaving without eating.

  “Reverse Cowgirl? Yourself on The Shelf? The Little Dipper? The Hot Seat?” Colton’s eyes widen with each term as if he’s waiting to hit on one that will stick.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. We had oral sex and did The Cowgirl position. Does that make you happy?”

  “Very happy.” My sister crosses her arms. “The real question is. Did it make you happy?”

  I stab my fork into my eggs and lift the utensil to my mouth. “Yes, it made me happy. But I left.”

  “You fucking left him again?” She looks at me like I’m the stupidest person she’s ever dealt with.

  “Yes. It was nothing. Just two people letting off some steam and getting over the past.” I blink back tears. “You can’t go back.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Finally. I close my eyes. After two days of stopping by the ER only to leave when she wasn’t there, I’m relieved to see her again. A part of me has been a little worried she not only snuck out of my bed but ditched town again.

  When she glances up, her eyes widen, and a slight flush covers her cheeks. She pulls open the window. “I’ll be with you in a second.” She motions to the woman and young boy in the chair beside her.

  “No hurry. I’ll be right here.” My meaning is twofold. I’m not going anywhere until I get these damn itchy stitches out of my arm, and I’m not leaving without talking to her.

  The waiting room is empty except for one man who’s asleep, leaning against the wall. He’s either been there a long time, or he’s waiting for a patient to be discharged.

  I could take out my own stitches. I’ve done it before. However, they gave me an open invitation to return to the hospital to have them removed, and I’m not passing up the opportunity to see her again.

  The window slides open. “I’m busy,” she whispers.

  I step to the window and grin. “And, I’m here to get my stitches out.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widen, and her face flames beet red. “Shit. This is embarrassing.” Turning to her computer screen, she types in something. “They’ll be with you in a moment.”


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