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Coming Home

Page 10

by Alexia Chase

  “Hey, beautiful ladies.” Colton breezes in with Aubrey following behind him. He’s wearing a button-up dress shirt, tight black pants, and carrying his suit jacket over his shoulder. No wonder my sister gets all gooey inside over him. He’s smokin’ hot.

  “Hey there, yourself.” Lillian places her arms around his waist. They whisper to each other for several seconds until it gets painfully awkward in the room.

  I shift my attention to Aubrey. “Are you ready to play Barbies and dress-up?”

  “Yep.” She runs to meet me and throws her arms around my waist. “I can’t wait.” She looks up at me and narrows her eyes. “I’m the boss.”

  “Of course.” I rub her head with my free hand and roll my eyes.

  She’s a gorgeous girl with dark black hair like her father, but she has my sister’s freckles on her nose and cheeks. The little pixie is as cute as a button, but a total sass-ass. I hope I’m lucky enough to have a strong, opinionated little girl someday with Trey’s hazel eyes and soft curls.

  “Guess what?” Lillian steps backward and beams at Colton.

  “You bought a new toy?”

  “Well, yes.” She flushes and waggles her eyebrows. “A new swing.”

  Aubrey jumps and claps her hands. “Yeah, a new swing.”

  “Well, not exactly.” She pats Aubrey on the back.

  Oh, fuck. My eyes widen. My sister and Colton are talking about using a sex swing. Oh, Lord. I need a fan. Block that out. Don’t think about it. Shit. I bite my bottom lip. I can’t stop the image from burning into my brain. I’ve seen sex swings in videos, but never in real life.

  I tilt my head and press my lips together. Hmmm. Would Trey be interested in kinky sex? Never mind. Not going to ask. I don’t want to scare him off.

  “I want a new swing.” Aubrey stomps her foot, and her bottom lip pokes out.

  “Daddy will get you a new swing set.”

  “When?” She crosses her arms and glares at the two of them. “I want to see momma’s swing.”

  “No, dear. You don’t.” Colton shakes his head. “Go into the other room and play. I’ll buy you a new swing set like I promised.”

  “Pinky promise?” She sticks out her hand and cocks her pinky finger into a curve. Damn. For a six-year-old, she’s a good negotiator.

  “Yes, I promise.” He hooks his pinky through hers, and they shake.

  “Okay.” She skips and hops out of the room like she doesn’t have a care in the world.

  Colton rolls his eyes. “That’s all your fault.”

  Lillian smiles saucily at him. “You will not complain when you get me hooked up in it.”

  Oh, for the love of God. The ceiling light needs to be cleaned. Maybe, I should grab the extension pole duster and get that thing spruced up. Anything would be better than listening to this conversation.

  He shudders forcefully. “You’re not wrong.” He turns to me. “So, what’s new?”

  Lillian slaps him on the chest playfully. “That’s what I was going to tell you. Trey and Natalie are together. And, somewhere today, she got laid. Not sure where since she’s only been here and the hospital.”

  “God, sister’s suck.” I shake my head and move to the refrigerator with Jaeden bouncing on my hip. He coos and babbles as we move through the room.

  “Shit. The hospital? You let him hide the salami in the hospital?”

  I twist around and smirk, “He hid it damn good and hard.”

  “Oh. My.” She clutches her chest. “God, he’s such a hotty. Tell me everything.”

  Colton crosses his arms and spreads his legs apart like he’s settling in for a long conversation. “Yes. Please, fill us in.”

  “You’re serious?” My mouth drops as I stare at them.

  “Sure.” He shrugs. “I’m getting some swing action tonight. If you can give us any good ideas, we’ll try to fit them in next time. And we would be happy to share some of our more exciting adventures with the two of you. Keeping your sex life from getting stale is important in a relationship.”

  “I hope you mean a sex swing and not swinging – swinging. Because I’m not all about that.” How did we end up having this conversation?

  “Fuck, no. I’m not sharing my lady with your man. He’s too good looking. She might not come back.”

  “Colton.” She glares at him. “I’m not touching another man. I might drool on him for a second when we’re passing out Christmas gifts, but that’s the limit.”

  “God, you two are gross.” I shake my head and walk into the living room. I’ll get a drink after they leave.

  “Where?” Lillian demands.

  Without turning around, I say, “Doctor’s break room. From behind. Hot as fucking hell.”

  “Gawd,” my sister moans.

  “Notes jotted down.” Colton replies from behind me.

  “Fantastic,” Lillian says. “Do you think we have time to stop at the hospital on the way to the restaurant?”

  The rest of their conversation is muffled as I march through the living room. I smirk, “Little man, your parents, are total disgusting horn dogs.”

  He hops on my hip when I say the word ‘dog.’

  “But a sex swing? The idea has merit.” I wink at him. Thankfully, he has no idea what I’m talking about.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  For the fifth time in ten minutes, I pull back the curtain from my front window and look outside. The only vehicles in my driveway are my pickup and the Harley. I snatch my phone off the end table and scan for messages. Nothing. Get a grip. She’s only five minutes late.

  It’s ridiculous I’m this keyed up about her arrival, but I’m unable to rationalize it or stop the anxiety from eating at me. The entire day at work, I was an ass. I spent the day envisioning Natalie disappearing.

  I yank the curtain back again. No movement in the yard. “Shit.” Across the street, a little boy rides his tricycle up the driveway.

  As I drop the blind, I see an SUV slowly inching its way down the street. Thank God. The tension in my back and neck disappears.

  At some point, I’m not going to be waiting for the other shoe to drop, but right now, I’m nervous as hell. I’ve barely been surviving for years – never allowing myself to get close to a woman because none of them were her.

  My gaze sweeps over the living room. Will she like it? Besides family, she’ll be the first woman I’ve allowed inside. She hops out of the vehicle and stands still in the front yard, taking it all in. I’ve spent years fixing every board by hand. My labor of love for her.

  I drop the curtain, and yank open the door. When she sees me, her eyes light up. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It had to take you forever to fix it up.”

  I shrug. It was rough by the time I’d purchased it after completing college. “I had plenty of time. I’ve been waiting for you to come back.”

  She runs up the stairs and jumps into my arms, knocking me back a few inches. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” She splays her hands over my face and presses her soft lips against mine.

  All the worry and fear vanish. She’s home where she belongs. I twist the knob, and she wraps her legs around my waist so I can carry her inside.

  Her eyes are wide in amazement as her attention darts from one wall to the next. I spent months meticulously bringing the hardwood floor and original fireplace back to their glory. She gasps, “It’s spectacular.”

  After she hops down, I lace my fingers through hers and start the grand tour.

  “How many bedrooms does it have?”

  I waggle my eyebrows. “Four.”

  She drops my hand and starts counting on her fingers. “Two beds per room. Besides ours. That’s six kids.” She presses her lips together. “Unless you want one for a playroom.”

  “For the kids?”

  “Nope.” She rubs her hands over her jeans like they’re sweating. “For us.”

  “Oh, really? Now, I’m intrigue
d. What brought on this idea?” I wrap my arms around her, relieved to see the playful woman who’s replaced the sad and apprehensive.

  “Something Lillian and Colton said.” She leans against me and stands on her tiptoes. “They have a sex swing.”

  “Have you seen it?” My brow furrows. Not that I’m getting excited about her sister and brother-in-law getting it on, but I wouldn’t mind using one with Natalie.

  “No, but now I kind of want to.” She giggles and then runs her lips along the column of my neck.

  My eyes roll back into my head, and I groan. God, I love the naughty side of her. Although, she may kill me.

  “When they went out last night, I might or might not have searched the house for their playroom.”

  “Red or purple?”

  She leans back, and her mouth drops open. “How do you know about red or purple rooms?”

  I purse my lips together but don’t answer. Hey, everyone’s heard the craze over the BDSM movies. I haven’t seen them, but I’d have to have been under a rock not to have heard anything about them.

  She smacks my upper arm. “Spill it.”

  “Hey, social media. The memes have been all over my newsfeed. And, Leah and Aaron are total sex fiends. I’m positive they have a red room.”

  Her brow furrows into deep crevices. “Do you think I’m weird for suggesting it?”

  “Not at all.” I press a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I’ll tie you up and pleasure you all day long.”

  She shudders, and her eyes darken. What in the world am I going to do with this woman? She’s going to drive me to distraction. “What do you want to do tonight? Go out to eat or stay in?”

  “Do you mind if we stay in?”

  “I would gladly never leave here again if you’re with me.” I’ve never spoken truer words. I could spend eternity sinking deep inside this gorgeous woman.

  She leans back. “Is it okay if I brought a bag to stay the night?”

  “Of course, I was serious when I said I want to marry you and have a bunch of babies. That would be easier to do if you were living with me, but I understand if you need a little more time before making it permanent.”

  “Nope.” She grins and steps back. “I brought all my stuff.”

  I grab her hand. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious.” Her eyes drop to the floor. “You weren’t kidding, were you?”

  “Natalie.” I place a finger under her chin. “I want you here. And, I will ask you to marry when I find the right ring. Let’s get your bags.”

  “Okay.” She nods as if she’s appeased by my answers.

  I wish I had a ring to make it official, but I don’t want something cheap or not thought out. I want to find something that represents our past and our future. Something which says we’ve always been destined to be together.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The sun streams through the bedroom window, and I blink. Where am I? As the fog lifts in my brain, I remember last night. Hours of hot sex with my beautiful man.

  I roll over. His eyes are shut as he continues to sleep. A lock of his dark hair has fallen over his forehead, and he mumbles. Such beauty. How is it possible one man can be so handsome?

  “Keep staring, and I’m going to ravish you again.”

  The deep vibration of his voice shoots straight to my core. How can I still want him? I shift my hips and groan. My entire body aches from our lovemaking.

  His eyes pop open. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine, but…”

  “You can’t take any more of my love snake.”

  “Not today.” I flop on my back. Another orgasm in the next twenty-four hours and I might die. Is it possible to die from amazing sex? I shudder.

  “I can’t help it. I’m making up for lost time.” He drags me to his side and cups my hip. “But I won’t tempt you.”

  His thick erection is pressed against my belly. “You’re not tempting me? Your cock is practically knocking on me.”

  He closes his eyes and settles into the pillow. “Nope. I’m not tempting you. Don’t be a hussy. You’re the one begging for my dick all the time.”

  Shit. He’s right. I sigh. I can’t get enough of him. I bite my bottom lip. We’ve now had unprotected sex seven times. When is my period due? I count the days. Next week. Could I be pregnant already? It would be a dream come true.

  He flops on his back and stares at the ceiling. “Nicole is pregnant. She’s not telling anyone because the father is a real asshole.”

  “Really?” I lean up on my elbow. I’d seen her on her way out and knew she was okay, hadn’t heard the diagnosis.


  “How do you feel about that?” I run a hand over his forearm. It’s hard to believe the little girl I knew is now a grown woman who’s having a baby. Lord, where has the time gone?


  “Pissed?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “Not about the baby. But because the guy isn’t standing up and doing the right thing. He’s older and has his shit together. It makes me want to junk punch him.”

  “It’s their business.” However, I’m not going to lie. Seeing how protective he is over his family makes me all gooey inside.

  “Yeah. I guess.” He pulls me into his arms. “I want you to know I would have always been there for you if I’d known.”

  “I know you would have.” Tears fill my eyes. Happy tears. Ones that are for the beautiful life we’re going to have. Not for anything in the past. That part of my life is over. “It might not be long.”

  “What might not be?” he mumbles against my neck.

  “A baby. We’ve had unprotected sex every time. And, it’s been my most fertile time.”

  “Are you okay with that?” He pulls back and studies my face. His eyes are filled with worry.

  “Yes, I want to have your baby. I can’t wait to get pregnant and start a family with you.”

  The anxiety on his face instantly disappears, and he grins.

  God, he’s so pretty. I want to curl up inside of him and live forever. Or, have him inside me. My heart skips a beat, and my sex convulses. “Son of a bitch.”

  “What?” His brows knit together.

  “I want to have sex with you again.”

  “Oh, my mission to make you my sex slave has come true.” He lays me back against the pillows. “I’ll be gentle and take care of you.”

  “What about you?”

  He lifts his hand up and smirks. “That’s what hands are for.”

  “Fuck.” My nipples tighten, and I roll my eyes. “That’s sexy too. You’re going to kill me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The doorbell rings at Aaron and Leah’s house as I walk through the foyer on my way to the living room from the kitchen. Where in the hell are Aaron and Leah? Molly, Nicole’s dog, barks and jumps around my ankles. Damn, sassy little dog. Molly and Nicole just might be soul sisters.

  “Trey, can you get it?” Aaron yells from the kitchen. “I’ve got pasta dough on my hands.”

  “Sure, I’ll get it.”

  When the door opens, Lucas, The Worthless, stands on the other side. What in the hell does he want? “We don’t need assholes here,” I grind out while cracking my knuckles.

  Lucas straightens his shoulders. “I need to speak to Nicole.”

  “The fuck you do.” My eyes narrowed into slits. Molly stops digging at my legs, turned to face Lucas, runs over to him, and scrapes her nails into the denim of his jeans.

  “Hey, Molly.” Lucas leans down and scoops up the dog. He’s rewarded with a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

  “Put the dog down.” Aaron steps up to the door.

  Lucas sits down the dog, slowly rises to his full height, and rolls his shoulders. “I just need a moment to speak with Nicole, and then, I’ll be gone.”

  “What do you want with my sister? She doesn’t want to talk to you.” I bite down on my bottom li
p and slipped the skin through my teeth.

  The image of punching him in the gut and leaving him a bloody mess on the front step zips through my mind. My sister deserves someone who worships her like I do Natalie. Not this punk.

  Lucas’ eyes are round as saucers. “You aren’t Trevor.”

  Trevor? I wrinkle my nose and curl my upper lip. “Fuck, no. I would punch the son of a bitch the second I saw him.”

  “He thought you were Trevor,” Aaron laughs and wallops Trey in the upper arm. “The guy is a skinny ass punk. That’s classic.”

  “Screw you.” I lazily unfold my arms and punch Aaron in the pec.

  “Son of a bitch.” Aaron glared at me and rubs the spot where I hit him. “I didn’t whack you that hard.”

  “You laughed because this asshat thought I was a prick Nic dated three years ago. He was a total pansy ass. I had to prove my manhood to you,” I smirk at him.

  Things are starting to make sense. If Lucas thought I was Trevor, he must have thought the baby was mine/Trevor’s. He still should have stuck around and figured things out, but misunderstandings happen. If the man truly has feelings for Nicole, he deserves the opportunity to work things out.

  “Asshole.” Aaron rolls his eyes. “I’ll get her.” He turns and gives Lucas one last death glare. “You make her cry, and we’ll fuck you up. You’ll be the one that needs surgery.”

  But first. I jerk my arm back and slug Lucas in the gut. “That’s for breaking my sister’s heart.” God, I’ve been dying to do that.

  “Fuck,” he gasps.

  “And…” I cuff him on the back of the head. “That’s for thinking I was a cocksucker.”

  “You suck cock?” Aaron laughs hysterically from the stairway.

  “Fuck you.” I flip him off and then turn back to Lucas and roll my eyes. “He’s an asshole. Come in.”

  Lucas sucks in some air. “Maybe I should wait outside.”

  “Nah, man. Come on in.” I wave at him to come inside. “You’re safe here. Leah would kick my ass if I got blood on her floor. Besides, I think you might have made a dumbass decision based on incomplete information.”


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