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Coming Home

Page 11

by Alexia Chase

Stepping inside the door, Lucas stares up at my sister. Her hair is pulled up into a loose ponytail, and she’s wearing leggings and an oversized t-shirt. She looks like warmed over death and he’s gawking at her like she’s the most gorgeous person in the world. It’s a no brainer. He’s totally in love with her.

  Nicole stops on the stairs. “I told you not to interfere.”

  “Hey, I didn’t.” I raise my hands in defense. “He came here on his own, but for a doctor, he’s a real dumbass.”

  Lucas arches an eyebrow and purses his lips. “Thank you.”

  “Trey?” She glares at me.

  “Hey, you be the judge. He thought I was Trevor.” I smile at her. “Now, that’s all the interference I’m doing.” I snatch up Molly and head to the kitchen.

  As Nicole and Lucas descend the stairs, we stand there waiting for them – Aaron, Leah, and myself. Aaron and I stand on each side of Leah with cocked back heads and blown out chests.

  At this point, it’s total overkill. They’ve been upstairs for over an hour. After the first bed squeak, I put in my earbuds and spent the time texting with Natalie. There’s no way I want to listen to my youngest sister get repeatedly plowed by the good doctor.

  Leah, on the other hand, stands with one hand resting on her hip and the other at her side. She focuses all her attention on Nicole. “Everything okay between you two?”

  Nicole nods and smiles. “Perfect.”

  “Good.” Leah’s smile mirrors that of Nicole’s. She backhands both of us in the stomach, steps forward, and puts her arms around Nicole and Lucas.

  Lucas stands still and stares at us to gauge our reaction. We shrug, turn on our heels, and head into the living room.

  Leah says, “Women run the world. You don’t need to worry about them anymore. If Nic is happy, and I’m happy, you’re golden.”

  “Good.” He clears his throat. “Not that I was scared or anything. Your brother punches like a girl.”

  “Screw you,” I call from the living room. “Just because you’re a doctor doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass. Besides, I wasn’t trying to hurt you. By that point, it was clear you cared about Nic.”

  “He does hit like a girl,” Leah calls out in a singsong voice.

  “Kiss my ass, Leah. Why don’t you go into the kitchen and cook us some dinner?” I dig my cellphone out of my pocket.

  “Bite me.”

  Natalie: When will you be home?

  Seeing her call the house I’ve lived in for years her home, pleases me more than anything. Well, more than anything that isn’t physical. She knows plenty of things that satisfy me.

  Me: It shouldn’t be long. I think Nic and Lucas have worked everything out.

  Natalie: Wonderful. I’m so happy for you. Don’t keep me waiting too long. I got something I think you’re going to like.

  My heart skips a beat. What did she get?

  Me: Whips? Chains? A swing?

  Natalie: Maybe a swing and some restraints.

  Holy fuck. My cock twitches, and I fall into the oversized recliner. Lord, she’s going to kill me. I might drive off the highway on the way home from lack of oxygen in my brain as it’s all settled in my crotch.

  Leah leads them into the living room. “Take a seat and let’s get to know each other better.”

  Lucas sits next to Nicole but leaves a few inches between them. It’s clear that even though they’ve had sex in the house, he doesn’t want to be any more disrespectful.

  “Fuck.” Aaron cringed and stared at the ceiling. “I think we heard enough to know them intimately.”

  Leah slides into the sofa next to Aaron and elbows him. “If he opened his windows, he would probably be able to hear us.”

  Aaron throws his arm over Leah’s shoulders and pulls her to his side. “True.”

  Fuck. “Can we talk about something else besides sex? I’m feeling like a third wheel.”

  Even though Natalie has been living with me for the last couple of weeks, I’ve not told my siblings we’re together. I’m not ashamed of her. I’m saving her from the shitshow of my family. Once they get their claws in her, we won’t have any time together. They’ll be talking non-stop about babies, weddings, and girl’s nights out.

  “Quit being cranky. Just because you aren’t getting any.” Leah grabs Aaron’s hand and laces her fingers through his.

  “Oh, I question whether he’s not getting any.” Nicole inched closer to Lucas until their legs were touching. “Trey was at the hospital seeing Natalie Westbrook when I passed out.”

  My jaw tightens, and I shove off the sofa. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Trey and Natalie sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G.,” Nicole sings while bobbing her head back and forth.

  “Motherfuckers are so fucking immature.” I glare at them and roll my neck. Once my neck pops, I grab my jacket off the back of the sofa and sling it over his shoulder. “You guys suck.” I walk to the doorway, turn around, and flip them off. “Later.”

  The joke’s on them. When they find out we’re living together, they’re going to be pissed off they didn’t know. I whistle as I head out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The white stick lays motionlessly on the counter between the white porcelain sinks. From the bedroom, the clock ticks as each second goes by. Five minutes is so fucking long.

  This is longer than any five minutes I’ve ever endured. Well, at least since I was a kid, waiting for the bell to ring so I could break free from class. However, this test is the most important one I’ve ever taken.

  “Can we look yet?” Trey frowns and leans against the wall. He’s trying to be nonchalant, but the fidgeting of his foot belays his nervousness.

  “It’s only been three minutes.” I cross my arms and pace the floor.

  A slow grin curves up his cheeks. “I guess we could have sex while we wait.”

  I cock my head and give him a pointed look. “You’ve only got two minutes in you?”

  “Shit, baby. I could cum in seconds looking at that pouty mouth of yours.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “You’re awful.”

  “I’m a lady bits killer.” His grin wrinkles the corners of his eyes, and he drags me into his embrace.

  When his large arms surround me, I sink into his hard, solid body and sigh. The scent of wood and spice fills my body with need. Seriously, he is a lady bit killer. It is ridiculous how perfect things have been since we got back together.

  Well, except for that stupid thing where he puts the toilet paper under on the roll. It’s about to be a deal-breaker, but I’m betting a few more rounds of naked Twister, and I’ll win that battle as well.

  His mouth presses against mine, and I close my eyes. Contentment and joy fill my entire being. I can’t wait for the sun to come up each day to see this beautiful man beside me. He’s beyond stunning.

  As his lips trail kisses along my jawbone, my nipples tighten. At some point, I’m not going to want to jump his bones twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but it might not happen until I’m in the nursing home.

  A giggle escapes my lips. Shit. It would be like him to sneak into my room and corrupt me with his wicked ways, even when we’re eighty years old.

  “Are you ready?” His husky voice vibrates against my ear.

  “God, yes. I’m always ready.”

  “I know,” he smirks. “But, I meant, are you ready to read the results?”

  “Oh, that.” I blink, and some of the haze from his kiss disappears. “I’m ready.”

  He releases me and grabs my hand. “Whatever the result is, we’re in this together.”

  “One hundred percent.” I nod. No matter what, happens, I will never make the mistake of leaving him again. Not that it would matter. He’d hunt my ass down and drag me back home.

  Slowly, we step to the sink. Two lines. Holy cow. My heart slams against my ribs, and my knees go weak. Oh, my God. What if something happens? Don’t go there. You’re not in the
same place. The stress isn’t there. You’re happy. Everything will be fine. Crap. My stomach clenches.

  “Babe?” Trey places his hands on my face. “Everything will be fine. Got it?”

  “Yes.” I nod and exhale. The trembling in my legs stops, leaving just my hands shaking. “It’s going to be fine. I’m good.” Everything will be fine. I’m having a baby with Trey. Everything is perfect.

  I laugh and jump into his arms. His hands clasp my thighs as he holds me against him.

  “Wow. This is a big deal.” He carries me into the bedroom and deposits me in the middle of the mattress.

  The ceiling fan rotates in a slow circle above me as he climbs into bed and rests his hand on my belly.

  “Natalie Westbrook, will you marry me?”

  I roll my head in his direction. “Of course, I’ll marry you. We’ve talked about it a hundred times.”

  He digs his hand into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a black box. Leaning up, he rests his elbow on the mattress. “I was finally able to pick it up yesterday but wanted to wait until today. I was praying we were pregnant so you would feel obligated to marry me.”

  “Idiot.” I smack him in the chest as tears fill my eyes. “I would have married you either way.”

  He winks and pops the box open. “Thankfully, I’ll never have to find out if you would have turned me down.”

  My mouth drops open. I tilt my head and glance from the ring to him and then back to the sparkling diamond nestled inside the white pillow. “Wow.”

  “Too small?” He grins.

  “Nothing about you is too small. That thing is going to catch on everything.” It’s at least a two-carat pear-shaped diamond. The cut and color are pristine as the light shines off it in all angles. “Somebody’s going to cut my finger off and steal the damn thing.”

  “Shit.” He snaps it shut and moves as if he’s going to put it back into his pocket.

  “I’m kidding.” I grab at the box and roll over on top of him. “You’re going to have to protect me.”

  He sobers. “Always, Babe. I love you more than life itself. I’ve spent the last twelve years waiting for you to come back to me. I wasn’t living. I was existing. The second I saw you behind the desk in the ER, my heart started beating again. You own me body and soul.”

  “God, you’re beautiful.” I cup his face and kiss his lips. When I lean back, I shake my fingers in front of his face. “Let’s make this shit legal.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  For a Thursday night, the bar is packed. Of course, a large group of people is here to help Natalie and me celebrate our engagement.

  Leah and Aaron are chatting with Nicole and Lucas, who has turned out to be a pretty good guy. Hey, I can’t fault him for wanting to step out of the way for Nicole to be with her baby daddy. Although, it’s disgusting, he thought that person was me. Thankfully, they’ve straightened everything out.

  To my left is Lillian and Colton. They’ve been talking non-stop to Savannah and Travis about shopping, weddings, and babies. Savanah’s baby. We haven’t shared our news yet.

  I’m going to be a father. Finally. Three weeks ago, we went to the doctor and found out everything is going great. The doctor reassured us there is no increased risk of miscarriage at this point.

  Natalie was under a lot of stress during her first pregnancy and is happy and healthy this time. No matter what though, I’ll stand with her. This time. Next time. Every time.

  Even if she can never carry a baby to term, it doesn’t matter. We’ve already discussed adoption as an alternative. Hell, even if it does work out, adoption is still on the table.

  When she glances at me with those big green eyes, my heart swells. It seems impossible to be happier every day, but I am.

  Behind me, the door chimes as someone comes in. Natalie’s face drops as if she’s seen a ghost.

  I twist to see who came in. Clive Westbrook. As usual, he presents like a disheveled homeless man. Although I haven’t seen him in years, he’s always looked the same. The instinct to grab Natalie and drag her out of the bar and away from him is overwhelming.

  However, before I can take one step toward her, Lillian and Colton flank her and all three of them give him a death glare.

  “Look who’s here,” he slurs and weaves over to them. “My long-lost spawn. Satan’s spawn.”

  “Dad, get out of here,” Lillian snarls and throws her arm around Natalie’s shoulders.

  “Hey.” He waves his arms in a circle. “This is a public place. Right? Right?!” The second ‘right’ is yelled out at the top of his lungs, grabbing the attention of the rest of the customers. The din in the room quiets for a second, and then everyone turns their focus away from us and the steady noise of the bar returns.

  “Nobody fucking answers around here,” he mumbles and moves closer. “What do we owe the pleasure of this group gathered here today?” His red bloodshot eyes take me in, and he stops in mid-step.

  Shit. I’m impressed he can string together that long of a sentence. Especially drunk. His hair is standing on end, and his t-shirt is torn and disheveled. His eyes are glassy as his gaze flits around the room. “Hello, Clive.”

  Leah, Nicole, and their men move toward me.

  “Trey.” He loses his balance and grabs a chair. “So, you’re back sniffing around my daughter.”

  “We’re getting married.” My entire body tenses. I’m not above knocking a drunk man out if necessary. He comes around Natalie, he’s got another thing coming.

  “Humph. You didn’t ask for my permission,” he smirks. “I might not give it.”

  “Dad.” Natalie inches forward.

  I instinctively cut her off by stepping between them. There’s no way he’s touching her.

  She glances up. “Stop. I can handle this.”

  “He touches you, and his face is going to hit the floor.” My jaw tics as the words fill the air around us.

  “Motherfucker, I’ll kick your ass,” Clive trips as he lets go of the back of the chair.

  “Shit, Clive. You’d fall flat on your ass before you could get your hand into a fist.” An old man wearing dingy jeans and wrinkled grey t-shirt snickers from the bar.

  “Kiss my ass, Jedd.” Spit flies out of Clive’s mouth as he glares at the man butting into our beautiful family get together.

  “Get a life.”

  “I’m dying,” he mutters.

  “From cirrhosis of the liver,” Jedd snorts.

  “From cancer, you asshole.” Clive’s eyes narrow into tiny slits.

  “Bullshit. You’ve been fake dying from cancer since I met you ten years ago. You’ve pulled that shit so many times ain’t nobody believing it anymore.”

  Natalie’s eyes spark with anger. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Shit.” He rolls his eye. “Like you fucking care.”

  “For the love of God, you lied about dying to get me to come back.” She shakes her head, but then she smiles. “Thank you.”

  “What?” Clive’s face scrunches as if he doesn’t understand what she’s saying.

  “Thank you for lying and getting me to come back. I could almost love you for it, but all I feel for you is pity.” She moves to me and I place my arm around her back.

  Thank God. Some of my tension eases when she’s near me. I need her by my side to make sure she and the baby are safe.

  “If you wouldn’t have come up with this pathetic story, I wouldn’t be here, right now. With my family. Marrying the man, I’ve loved since I was a teen, and having his baby.”

  “Oh, my Gawd.” Tears fill Lillian’s eyes, and she grabs Natalie into her arms while jumping up and down. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to meet my little niece or nephew.”

  Natalie grins, and givers her sister a bear hug. “I’m so happy.”

  “Congratulations.” Aaron and Travis slap me on the back, and everyone starts talking at once. Within seconds, rounds of shots are being brought in by th
e waitress, and we toast to wonderful things to come.

  From the corner of my eye, I catch Clive slinking out the door. I’ll never like the man. He’s a total prick, but he’s the father of my fiancé. Without the cocksucker, she wouldn’t exist. I guess I should appreciate the universe for his existence. Nah, he’s still an assbag.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “I’m so excited.” Leah places her arm around my shoulders and squeezes me. “My two sisters having babies. Now, I won’t be the only one with sagging tits.”

  “You are gross.” Nicole wrinkles her nose and makes a face at Leah.

  “You just wait. Pregnancy boobs are the bomb. Baby sucking all the life out of your boobs is not so good. But…” she sighs and releases me. “The kids are awesome and the men waiting on you hand and foot because you’re giving them this awesome gift – that makes it all worth it.”

  “Are you nervous?” Nicole asks.

  “Scared spitless. You?” I shake my head. “I don’t know what in the hell I’m doing.”

  “Me, either.” She laughs. “It’s insane. I feel like my brain is zapped, I’m exhausted all the time, and I can’t get enough dick.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining.” Lucas ambles over with a cocky swagger.

  “So, I’ve heard,” I smirk.

  “What did you hear?” His eyes narrow in question.

  “Trey said something about a crazy sex session at Leah and Aaron’s house the other night.”

  “Fuck.” Nicole’s face turns beet red, and she throws her face into Lucas’ chest.

  “I told you we needed to go to my place.” Lucas wraps his arms around her.

  “I know. This is so humiliating.”

  “Whatever.” Leah rolls her eyes. “If you didn’t care at the time, why care now?”

  “Because.” Her voice is muffled against the fabric of his shirt.

  Trey joins us. “What are you talking about?”

  “Sex,” Leah, Lucas, and I say in unison.

  “My favorite topic.” He waggles his eyebrows, grabs my hand, and tugs on it. “Come here.”


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