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The Blind Duke

Page 14

by Emma Brady

  "Are you trying to say something Mother?" She was not the type to be subtle about anything.

  "I'm just wondering if maybe you are settling for less than you deserve."

  Thomas laughed. "The most favored girl in London is less than I deserve?"

  He felt the swat of her hand on his arm. "Just because people admire her doesn't mean she's perfect. Everyone has faults and everyone has talents."

  "Yes, she has admitted to snoring. I think I can overlook that."

  "I thought you might have been interested in another young lady. Attraction can be a hard thing to hide," said his mother.

  That was something he intended to correct, starting with tonight's dinner. Sarah would be his main focus. If he would be spending the rest of his life with the woman, he should get to know her better. Beauty alone wouldn't create a happy marriage.

  "Lady Sarah is who I'm courting," he said with conviction.

  There were more people in attendance than Thomas expected and when they were all crowded into the tiny dining room, making it hard to separate the voices. It would be difficult to have a conversation of substance with anyone.

  "Have you been to the British Museum this season, Lady Sarah?" He hoped his voice was loud enough to be heard over the other conversations. Unfortunately it had been too loud because the hostess answered him instead.

  "I can only imagine how many times she has been dragged there by her cousin." Lady Harris chuckled. "Miss Noble often wastes her time doing such things."

  "The exhibits there are hardly a waste of time." Thomas had never been there, but he had heard enough to trust his statement was correct. "They hold a great deal of knowledge about the rest of the world."

  "What does she need with more knowledge? She would have done better working on her appearance, but it is too late for that now. A man doesn't look for knowledge in a wife."

  "Only a simple man would..." He was unable to finish his sentence because he had been kicked in the shin from underneath the table. "Not all men want the same things. Some find intelligence attractive in a woman."

  "Nonsense, if that were true Miss Noble wouldn't be such a failure in society." Lady Harris laughed.

  Thomas could feel his own anger at hearing the Lady Harris describe Eloisa in such a way. She only had one season that went badly and that could hardly be a failure. Many fine ladies required a few seasons to land a husband, it was not unusual. If not for the tragedy of her mother Eloisa could have been married the next season.

  "Her cousin on the other hand has all the qualities a man like you would appreciate," Lady Harris continued, oblivious to the simmering anger she stoked within him. "She is an obedient girl and would make a comfortable home."

  The lady sounded like she spoke of a pet, not a full-grown woman. No wonder Sarah believed all men were shallow creatures, when she heard things like this all around her. It made him want to defend his entire gender.

  "Not all men want things easy. Sometimes a challenge is more rewarding,” he said, which was met by laughter from the others at the table.

  "Nonsense. Men are lazy creatures and need to be cared for," said Lady Harris. "It's a woman's job to see to their needs. That's what I did for my late husband."

  Thomas wanted to point out that her husband had died at an early age, but he didn't get the chance.

  "The duchess has taken quite a shine to Lady Sarah and invited her to visit frequently," said Eloisa, her voice sounding full of false cheer. "My cousin is learning a lot about society from her. No doubt she has the right kind of knowledge to be a good wife."

  It was a smart move bringing Thomas’s mother into the conversation. It reminded him to mind his manners even if he felt justified in not doing so. The Duchess wouldn't approve of him being rude for any reason.

  "I'm glad to hear that." said Lady Harris, who took another bit of her food and crunched the food with her teeth. "Lady Sarah comes from a good pedigree. A quality name is important."

  His mother was as diplomatic as ever. "I think that both ladies are delightful company and I have enjoyed the time I spent with them this season."

  "Yes, I imagine Lady Sarah will miss the company once she is married and her cousin is gone," said Lady Harris. "Which might be quite soon if rumors are to be believed."

  "I don't plan to leave the moment she is married." Eloisa gave a nervous laugh but no one else joined in.

  "Why not? There won't be anything else for you in London once you are no longer her chaperone."

  Lady Harris sounded confused. The silence that followed made Thomas uncomfortable. If Eloisa wasn't going to answer, then he would answer for her.

  "If Miss Noble were able to stay until the end of the season she might also receive some offers of marriage." That was a logical reason to him.

  He heard chuckling circle around the table.

  "That's what her dear mother thought when she first brought the young girl to London years ago, but she was a complete failure. I doubt the extra years have changed that." Said Lady Harris.

  "Some women just need a chance to mature."

  "Men aren't looking for maturity in a woman, they want beauty." He could hear people murmuring their agreement. "Sadly, Miss Noble comes up short in that regard. She must find another way to be of use in the world."

  Thomas couldn't believe what he heard and with the woman sitting in the same room. He couldn't be the only one getting offended on her behalf but no one else spoke up to defend her.

  "My cousin does not come up short in any regard," Sarah finally said. "You have no place to judge, especially considering your own failing looks."

  He wanted to applaud but his mother would not approve.

  "I think you should give Miss Noble more credit, since she has been doing well in society this season. Many people have found her charming." Thomas added.

  "Including yourself?" This time Lady Harris had a tone of suspicion.

  "Yes, I have found her to be both charming and helpful during my courtship this season." Thomas wanted his focus on Sarah to still be evident. "I can't imagine I'm the only one. If given a chance, I believe Miss Noble could make a good marriage for herself."

  "You admire her a great deal,” now Lady Harris sounded like he was guilty of something.

  "She deserves a little admiration."

  "Is it just admiration?"

  Thomas couldn't believe the audacity of the woman. Implying that he was in the wrong for appreciating Eloisa when they should all see her for what she was infuriated him. It made him so frustrated that he could hear the ice in the glass he held jingle as his hand shook.

  "The admiration she deserves." He said.

  "At one time her mother thought so too, but she was disappointed. Eloisa was never able to fit into society. It's for the best that her father took her abroad." Said Lady Harris.

  The rest of the room remained quiet while the two of them exchanged words. They were putting on a good show and it would no doubt be spread all over town tomorrow. This was not the impression he hoped to make when he left for the night.

  "So you think she should leave the city again?" asked Sarah, her voice strained from her outrage. "Just force her out with your harsh words and cold attitude."


  It was the first time since the discussion started that Eloisa said anything. It was said quietly, but with force. Her tone was calm and reserved, like she was.

  "We don't have to let her slander you," said Sarah.

  "Lady Harris can state her opinion. This is her house and her party," said Eloisa.

  "That doesn't give her the right to lash out at anyone she chooses."

  "No, but it does give us the right to leave."

  Thomas listened as the ladies shuffled out of their seats. People were whispering a little too loudly to be polite. They were in awe of the fact that they would dare leave in the middle of dinner. Even the hostess herself stuttered in her shock. Thomas smiled at their dramatic exit.

  "The nerve of that
upstart." Lady Harris banged her hand on the table, making the china flutter. "I knew I shouldn't have invited her, even if her cousin is so popular. That thin family connection doesn't give her the right to behave like that."

  "I think it was your behavior that was out of line. She handled it a great deal better than I would have." He was surprised to hear his mother rising from her seat. "I believe I am finished for the evening. Thomas?"

  "Of course." He was glad to be cutting this horrible evening short.

  "Why do you have such concern for a woman you didn't even notice the first time you met?" asked Lady Harris, the timber of her voice changing.

  "I know how much Sarah cares for her cousin. If she's going to be my wife, I care about her family too," he said.

  "Most men wouldn't bother." Lady Harris spoke slowly, letting her voice echo in the quiet room. "Perhaps you have a more personal interest in the poor girl."

  "That would be despicable." Thomas ground the words out through clenched teeth. "I would never insult either woman like that."

  "I understand a man has things he keeps from his wife. I knew my own husband kept a bit of skirt on the side. A lady knows to look the other way." The entire room laughed at that crude comment. Thomas wondered how he had ever felt like one of them.

  "Not all men are the type to stray from their wives. Some understand loyalty and have wives who deserve it." It was a sharp blow that Thomas knew hit its mark when he heard Lady Harris's intake of breath as he left.

  Just outside the dining room he paused. The scent of oranges gave her away. She must have heard everything that was said after she left the room. If she didn't want him to know she was there he wasn't going to call her out. He would just let her sort through her feelings like he was doing with his.

  Chapter 15

  THE KIND THINGS THOMAS had said in her defense played in Eloisa’s thoughts all the next day while she and Sarah were shopping on Bond Street. Normally she would rather spend the day locked away in her room with a good book and her own mind. It was by sheer force that Sarah dragged her out into the world, convinced Eloisa needed something cheerful after the disastrous dinner party.

  With her mind able to think of nothing else, Eloisa was still surprised to run into Thomas on the street outside Sarah's favorite dress shop. He walked along with his friend, Lord Fullerton and almost walked right past them. The ladies said nothing to catch his attention, but something made him stop and turn towards them. Within a few minutes the Viscount suggested they enjoy a sweet ice together and took Sarah's arm to lead the way. Thomas didn't seem disappointed that he would be taking Eloisa’s arm instead.

  "I hope this means that we are no longer to be enemies?" He tipped his hat back to give more light to his face. She was surprised to see him wearing one for the first time.

  "I have decided to accept your surrender. It wouldn't be kind of me otherwise." She couldn't help but tease the man.

  "I would wave a white flag if I had one, but this will have to do."

  He pulled the handkerchief from the breast pocket of his expensive dark navy suit and gave it a few flicks of the wrist. The bright red satin was the opposite of contrite and it made her laugh. Then he smiled at her in that wolfish way that made it hard to breath.

  "Your friend is in good spirits today." Eloisa tried to fight the awkward feeling in her stomach with easy conversation.

  "He had a prosperous night at the tables. That always puts him in a good mood."

  "I heard Lord Fullerton had a gambling problem," said Eloisa, hoping she wasn't going to offend him.

  "It's not a problem, it's his income. He's one of the many people blessed with titles but no way to support them."

  "His family has no money?"

  "Not anymore."

  She remembered what Lord Fullerton had told her about needing to find an heiress. When Eloisa looked at Lord Fullerton, she didn't see a man who was desperate for money. He didn't have the air of a hunter about him that she was accustomed to in those who were hoping to marry into money. Alex was the kind of man who could make a girl happy if he wanted to. She hoped his financial problems wouldn't force him into a life that would make him unhappy.

  "Are you feeling bad for him now?" Thomas asked, once again proving he had a gift for reading her thoughts.

  "I just don't like the idea of anyone being forced to sell themselves, man or woman," said Eloisa.

  "Comparing Alex's situation to your cousin's is not exactly the same. I'm going to make her happy."

  "No, but they are similar enough to be disappointing."

  It was the way their society was built. It was shameful for a person in their position to find real work, but they could buy and sell each other like goods at a market.

  "I wouldn't worry too much about either of them." Thomas placed his hand over hers and even through the gloves she wore the warmth touched her. "Alex is a crafty one and will find a way out of his current dilemma. Sarah is also a lot smarter than people give her credit for and I don't think she will be forced into something she is against."

  "Have you forgotten about our plan so quickly?"

  Thomas chuckled. "No, but she's hardly being forced. We are helping make the decision easier for her. She's too strong to go easy."

  Strong was not a word Eloisa often thought of to describe her cousin but now she saw how it could fit. Sarah looked like a delicate flower but had never wilted under the pressures of her parents or society. She always fought for those she loved and Eloisa was grateful to be one of them.

  "You have gotten to know her well in the past few weeks. That will help make you a happier couple." Eloisa was relieved to know they wouldn't be getting married as strangers.

  Alex and Sarah had stopped to look at something in one of the shop windows, leaving Thomas and Eloisa to walk alone. She hated to admit it, but that delighted her. Having the undivided attention of a man like Thomas made her feel like the woman she had always wanted to be. He made her feel pretty and that was not something she had expected.

  "I never got to see my parents together often." He said. "I'm not sure I knew what makes a couple happy in marriage."

  "Love and companionship."

  "I thought the two were mutually exclusive."

  She laughed. "It does seem that people find one or the other, but I believe you can have both. My parents did."

  A moment of silence passed between them and Eloisa swallowed the tears that so often came when she thought of her parents.

  "We had better let the other two catch up to us. The ice shop is just around the corner." He gave her a chance to collect herself before anyone else noticed. It was another act of kindness she wouldn't have expected from him.

  Standing there with him, Eloisa noticed that they were drawing the attention of so many people around them. Woman walking by would try to be subtle, looking at him from beneath their hats or behind their hands. They still couldn't hide the fascination and desire they had for him. She was uncomfortable being his companion when he got that kind of attention.

  "You’re being quiet," he said.

  "I'm sorry. I was gathering wool, nothing to be worried about."

  "If you’re lost in thought, I'm not worried, I'm frightened. You can be dangerous when you’re thinking."

  He flashed her that glittering smile that made her knees week. Only this time she wasn't the only one being dazzled by it. At least two women nearby sighed out loud from the sight of it. One of the women caught her eye and gave her a nasty sneer. Eloisa knew she wasn't the kind of woman people expected to see with the duke and it made her blush to see their reaction.

  "I hoped to get a laugh out of you. Has something upset you?"

  There was a worry wrinkle between his handsome blue eyes. She didn't want tell him, but lying was not a skill she had mastered. "There are a lot of people taking notice of us. They don't approve of your choice in company."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "A lifetime of knowing when I'm being judged
and found lacking."

  If Sarah stood there, instead of Eloisa, there wouldn't be as much judgement from people. Sarah would look like she belonged by his side. The two of them would be equally admired. Eloisa found she no longer want to be standing so close to him under the public's watchful eyes and attempted to remove her arm.

  "Don't tell me that you are affected by their opinion. What happened to the defiant woman from last night?" Thomas had a tight grip on her hand where it rested on his elbow, refusing to let her put more distance between them.

  "There are people staring," she whispered through clenched teeth.

  "People are always staring at me. I'm a duke and a rather handsome one, not that you noticed."

  He smiled but she didn't find the situation funny. "They will start to talk. It should be Sarah they see you with, not me."

  "I doubt standing with her cousin on a busy street is going to be good gossip. Talking isn't scandalous enough."

  "I can think of a half dozen ways they can twist it into a better piece."

  During her first season Eloisa had learned how creative gossips could be. She was never important enough to be the target of those women, but she heard what they said about the others. One girl was so embarrassed she cried in the middle of the ballroom. The memory was still vivid enough to make her shiver.

  "Then let them tell a story. We are friends and I'm not going to be ashamed of it." Thomas was still smiling at her like he thought it was funny.

  "I didn't think a man with your reputation would understand how to be friends with a woman."

  "You taught me everything I know."

  This time she did laugh. It was impossible to be serious when Thomas worked so hard to be funny. He deserved his reputation as a charmer. She took a deep breath and forced the tension to leave her body. It was a nice sunny day and she was in the company of someone she enjoyed, so she shouldn't let the attention ruin it.

  "I think I have talked your cousin into buying the most ridiculous hat," said Alex, as the other two finally joined them again. "The thing had a live bird living inside of it."


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