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The Blind Duke

Page 15

by Emma Brady

  "Sounds like something my uncle would hate," said Eloisa.

  "Exactly the point I made to convince her to buy it."

  As the four of them laughed, Eloisa felt a tug on her purse strings. She glanced behind her and saw a young boy cutting it free. She yelled and that got everyone else's attention.

  "What do you think you are doing?" Alex grabbed the young boy by his shirt collar and hauled him up.

  The boy didn't look frightened, but stuck out his chin like he didn't owe them anything. When Alex went to reach for the purse, the little rascal wiggled free and darted out into the crowd. Alex took off after him, but so did Thomas. Eloisa watched as he used his cane to lead him safely across the crowded street. Carriages almost ran him over and she felt her breath catch. Eloisa couldn't imagine what he thought he could possibly do in this situation.

  Looking around, she saw that Sarah was frozen in shock with her hand covering her open mouth. None of the other people walking up and down the sidewalk even notice what happened. She was afraid of what might happen if the boy led them into something dangerous all alone.

  "I can't just stand here; I'm going after them. You go get help in case they manage to catch the thief." Eloisa told her cousin.

  Pulling up the hem of her skirts, Eloisa went running off in the direction the men had disappeared. As much as she wanted her purse back, she'd rather no one die over it. There wasn't enough in there to risk their safety. She followed them to the other side of the road and almost got run over by a passing carriage for her troubles. Hack drivers in the city were careless about looking for pedestrians and could be dangerous.

  The men were still a long distance in front of her when they turned down one of the narrow alleys between two shops. Cursing the two men for wanting to be heroes, Eloisa sped up her steps. Nothing good ever happened in an alley. As she rounded the corner she found she was right and the young thief had led the gentleman into a trap.

  "How many are they?" she could hear Thomas say.

  "Only four," said Alex.

  "That's hardly a challenge."

  Alex laughed, but he didn't look confident. "Easy to say when you have that fancy stick of yours."

  Eloisa watched as Thomas twirled his cane nimbly in his hand. Clearly it was not just used to guide his way. As one of the men approached he used it to knock the man's legs out and landed the villain on his back. That was when the chaos broke out. Eloisa couldn't stand to watch and hid her eyes behind her gloved hands.

  As she listened she heard the sound of grunts and moans mixed with the whacking of bodies. When she finally looked up again, there were two of the bad guys on the ground and one wrestling with Alex. Thomas fought the other with his cane in a way that reminded her of fencing. His clothes were rumpled and dirty but he looked in better shape than the brute he was up against.

  "You're that fancy gent who fell off his horse a few years ago and went blind." The villain laughed. "Now you think to beat me with your dandy stick there?"

  "I'm just as able as I was with my eyesight."

  "An invalid always thinks so," the man spit out of the corner of his mouth.

  He was in the midst of laughing at his own joke when Thomas swung the cane upwards to hook him under his jaw, closing the windpipe and making him choke for air. Then another blow to the back of the head knocked him down. The thief laid in the dirt unconscious while Thomas went over to assist Alex with the last one.

  This final thief was a surprise. Smaller than the other two he attempted to climb Alex like a tree and bring him down closer to the ground. Thomas could risk swinging his cane at the man without hurting Alex. While he tried to pull them apart the thief pulled his cane from him and struck Thomas across the face with it. She watched him fall and when he didn't get back up immediately, Eloisa ran out from where she hid.

  Without a thought she ran screaming at the little rat looking man. She didn't even have a weapon to use besides her own two hands. The man was so surprised to see a lady in a frilly hat and skirts attacking him he didn't even fight back. It gave Alex the chance to get free and knock the man out.

  Now that the threat was gone, Eloisa felt sick to her stomach when she saw Thomas lying there still. When she knelt beside him, Eloisa realized that the silly man was still clutching her purse to his chest to protect it. He must have grabbed it from the man before getting struck down.

  "Are you mad?" she whispered in his ear. "They could have killed you over that and it wouldn't have been worth it."

  "I'm the hero. That makes it worth it." That was the only thing he said before his eyes closed again.

  She understood that he would try to impress Sarah every chance he got, but this took it too far. It wasn't even her purse that was stolen. He would need to be more careful that he only took risks like that for his intended bride. Otherwise they were wasted efforts.

  Chapter 16

  WARM HANDS BRUSHING against his bare skin was a pleasant way to wake up, even if his face felt like he had been beaten with a rock. His shirt had been removed while he slept and those hands were running over every inch of his chest that they could reach without rolling him over. One deep breath told him who it provided the sweet torture. Eloisa was being both gentle and thorough with her task, making it that much more difficult for him not to move.

  The last thing he remembered was that criminal hitting him with his own cane and being knocked to the ground. Everything after that was a blur, including how the girls managed to get him to the comfortable sofa he was laid out on. It hurt to breathe, so he guessed a couple ribs were broken and the rest of him was fairly bruised. There was no telling how his face faired without touching it and that would require too much movement.

  It was quiet enough in the room that he could hear her anxious breathing and no one else. That meant they were alone while she petted him. His level of arousal shot up more and he grew hard in the cotton pants he still wore. Her hands stilled on skin just above the edge of his trousers. He knew what it was that caught her attention.

  "Would you like to check that part of my body for injury as well?" he said. Her hand snapped back and she pulled away from him. "I should have kept quiet."

  He heard his mother in the hallway, yelling something at one of the servants. Thomas quickly closed his eyes and pretended he wasn't awake. He didn't feel like answering the long list of questions she would be asking him. Hopefully Eloisa would know to play along with his scheme.

  "How bad are the injuries?" his mother asked as soon as she was beside him.

  "Aside from the head injury he must have suffered?" said Eloisa, speaking softly.

  "I couldn't hear you, what did you say."

  "I think he's going to be fine."

  He felt his mother's hands running across his face and it didn't feel the same as when Eloisa did it. The cuts and swelling hurt but he didn't flinch. Thomas forced his face to hold still, without giving away any expression. Then he heard a tremble in his mother's breath. Considering how badly he was hurt the last time he had an accident, the minor bruises he had now were a relief.

  "Will you stay with him until the doctor arrives?” his mother asked. “I'm going to make sure his room is in order before we move him up to it."

  Eloisa didn’t before answering. "Of course."

  Eloisa wouldn't want to be alone with him but she didn't want to upset his mother either. It took substantial willpower to keep from showing a victory grin. Once he heard his mother shut the door, he let it loose. He could feel the frustration emanating from her.

  "You should have relieved her concern by letting her know you were doing well," said Eloisa.

  "From the feel of my face I'm not sure I am."

  "You’re awake and breathing, so I think you’re fine."

  After he risked his life to capture her thief, he thought she would be more grateful, or at least less difficult. She acted like what he did was stroll across the lawn to get her purse back.

  "I believe the polite response is thank
you." Thomas said.

  There was a short pause. "Thank you."

  Thomas wondered if he had heard it at all, she spoke so softly. He knew better than to test his luck by asking her to repeat it. He tried to move into a sitting position but the pain seared through his stomach and he moaned. Once again those seductive hands were on him, pushing him back by the shoulders until he was back to his original place. They could have moved away after that but she chose to continue holding him.

  "There will be none of that until after the doctor has seen you," she said.

  "I'm being held hostage in my own home?"

  "Yes or your mother will hurt us both."

  Not even the reminder that his mother was in the house could cool the heated thoughts he had at that moment. Her proximity made it too easy for him to feel a lock of her hair against his neck and her warmth above his body. His hands moved to wrap around her thin waist and pull her down so that they were pressed together on the sofa.

  "What do you think you are doing?" she didn't sound alarmed.

  "Making it impossible for me to get up. That is what you wanted, isn't it?"

  Without space between them, he could feel the way her breathing quickened and her heart thudded in her chest. It hurt to have her weight on top of his sore body, but not enough to give up the sweet feel of her. Sometimes you endure the pain for the pleasure you got.

  "If you think I won't slap you because of the bruises, you would be wrong."

  "I think you won't slap me because you enjoy the teasing as much as I do."

  "Is that what this is?"

  A tease was a promise that was unfulfilled. Having her soft body in his hands without being able to strip her naked and explore it, felt like it fit the definition. The pain of his restrained desire surpassed the damage done by those thugs in the streets. Thinking about what he would like to be doing with Eloisa kept his mind off the places he hurt.

  "Don't they say a kiss can make it better?" He ran one of his hands up her back until he felt the softness of her skin above her collar.

  "They say that to children, not grown men."

  "We could still see if it works."

  As weak as he was, she could have pushed away from him with ease but she didn't. She softened against him and her hands were now gripping his shoulders for support. There was only sweet compliance in her now as she let him kiss her as slowly and deeply as he pleased. His mouth nibbled at her lips until he heard soft whimpering noises. Without being able to see her face, Thomas found it easy to read her reactions like a book. It excited him to be with a woman who held nothing of her emotions back.

  From their position on the sofa Thomas didn't have to reach far to find the buttons along the back of her dress. Most young ladies would protest being undressed in the middle of the day, but Eloisa was always surprising him. She gave him no resistance, even when the top of her dress was loose enough to hang from her body. The delicate feeling of her chemise under his fingers felt like a victory.

  It only took a slight tilt of his head for him to trail kisses down the length of her neck to where the tops of her breasts were exposed. She arched upwards, thrusting them closer to his mouth. They were not large even to be a problem hovering over him. Every inch of her was smooth and warm to his touch.

  Trying to get a better angle to reach them, Thomas shifted his weight to one side. Unfortunately Eloisa wasn't expecting that and went tumbling off the sofa. He tried to get up and offer his help but with a groan he gave up that attempt. He didn't need her to punch him again to know moving was a bad idea.

  "I can't believe it happened again." He could hear her mumbling her thoughts out loud.

  "What happened?"

  "You took advantage of the situation to get a quick thrill. I told myself to be more cautious after the last time, but I guess I wasn't listening to my own advice."

  "I wasn't the only one involved here. You never told me to stop." Thomas got tired of always playing the villain in this story.

  "You made it impossible to say anything. When you touch me I can't even think."

  That was the kind of thing men always wanted to hear. Thomas knew she was angry but the smile on his face was unstoppable. He felt a surge of male pride.

  "Don't look so smug about it. It's not attractive."

  "I'm reacting to the pain. Perhaps it has made me a bit soft in the head." He wouldn't stop grinning if he could.

  He heard her mumbling something about softening his head some more but he couldn't hear it clearly. He heard her struggling with her gown and knew she wouldn't be able to fasten it alone. Still, the woman was too stubborn to ask for his help.

  "I can't believe you did that with your mother in the house. What if she walked in and found us like that?" There was panic in her voice.

  "My mother knows me well enough not to enter a room without knocking first."

  "She thinks you are knocked out."

  "Then she would be happy to see the life in me."

  He laughed because he could almost hear the sound of her frustration with him. It was just too easy to get her riled up and he found it amusing. His imagination went wild thinking about what her expression would look like or the gestures she made.

  "It might not bother you to be found in a compromising situation, but it bothers me. My reputation could be ruined and it would put an end to your current courtship." Eloisa said, as he heard the rustling of her putting her clothes back in place and taking a seat in a nearby chair.

  That bit of reality took all the fun out of it. If Sarah knew what had been going on she would reject him permanently. That would leave him with nothing to show for all his efforts.

  "My apologies. I got carried away and wasn't thinking clearly."

  "I don't think either of us was." It sounded like she wanted to say more but they were interrupted by the arrival of his mother again. This time there was no way for him to hide that he was wide awake.

  "My son!" his mother exclaimed before rushing across the room.

  Thomas barely had enough time to prepare himself before she pulled him up into a firm hug. Sharp pain came from his ribs but he didn't want to ruin the moment for her.

  "I'm alive Mother, so stop squeezing me," he said, without sounding angry.

  "I was so frightened about you. I'm holding you to be sure I'm not imagining you sitting here." He could hear the emotion threatening to spill out in her voice.

  "I should let you two be alone." Eloisa's voice was across the room now. "I'm sure my cousin will be happy to know you are feeling well."

  That was her way of reminding him he forgot who he was supposed to be courting. "I hope to visit her as soon as I am able."

  "She will be looking forward to it."

  Thomas felt like the room had the warmth pulled from it when she left. He was no longer smiling and his pain was worse. With a groan he struggled into a sitting position, but couldn't make it to stand. His mother fluttered around him making clucking noises.

  "I can't believe you did something so foolish," she said, now that the concern was gone she could be angry.

  "It's a man's job to rescue a lady in distress."

  "Not a ...." She stopped herself before she said the words but he already knew what she meant.

  "Not a blind man." He never realized his own mother thought of him like that. "You don't think I can still be a real man."

  "I never said that."

  "You thought it loud enough for the blind man to hear."

  Thomas felt frustrated and angry. This whole time he thought it was society that doubted him, but now even his own mother thought of him as damaged. Finding the perfect wife might not be enough to change all those opinions.

  "I know you are highly capable," said his mother. "I watched you learn how to do everything you did before the accident. You're even breaking hearts like before. I just want you to be careful."

  "With the fights or the hearts?"


  She felt guilty for what she sai
d and he knew she would take it back if she could. Sometimes the truth just slipped out when the defenses were down. He shouldn't let her feel worse.

  The two of them had been silent for too long when she spoke. "Did you perform this act of heroism to impress Lady Sarah?"

  "Not entirely." But partially.

  "I don't think she's the type to fall easily for a hero." His mother as opening the door and he heard the jiggle of a tea set along with the delish aroma of baked scones. "Your courtship of her is going well. I think she will be accepting your proposal soon."

  "Good." Within a couple days he hoped.

  "Are you sure you are making the right choice."

  "I thought you approved of Lady Sarah."

  He listened while his mother sipped her tea. She deliberately avoided an answer. He wasn't used to her holding things back. It made him lose some of his appetite.

  "I like the young lady very much. I just wonder if she's the right woman to make you happy," his mother finally said.

  "She is exactly the type of woman to be with me."

  "The old you or the new you? Don't forget that you are not the same man you were before, and I'm glad for it."

  Thomas thought about the man he had been and felt torn. Part of him missed the life he used to have, which was endless fun and entertainment. Then he remembered the poor decisions he made that led to his downfall. He didn't want to go back to being that kind of fool.

  "I find I'm suddenly exhausted." Thomas felt the need to be alone.

  His mother made a fuss about him going up alone but he insisted on it. It was important he continue to do for himself. Thankfully the injuries he had were enough to put him into a deep sleep that kept him from his own thoughts.

  Chapter 17

  WHEN THEY LEFT THE duke's house, her nerves had been rattled to the core. First she was frightened by what had almost happened between them and then she was afraid of her own reaction to it. Seeing him hurt had stirred things inside her she thought she would never feel again, things she didn’t want to feel. It was only made worse by the teasing he gave her while they were alone. She came dangerously close to forgetting that the reason he was in her life was to marry her cousin.


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