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Loving the Hellhound

Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  Kyle kept testing his binds careful not to raise the suspicion of his captor. He didn’t want the guy to start carving him up before his Clan arrived.

  The rogue turned and stared at him with a crazed look in his eyes. Another side effect of using stolen magic is that it starts to attack the new host like a foreign body. The first to go will be his ability to reason followed by intense paranoia, not something Kyle was looking forward to.

  “Maybe I need to send them another picture to get them moving faster.” Florian walked up to Kyle and raised the knife to Kyle’s face. He didn’t flinch or look away, he wouldn’t give this animal the satisfaction. “Maybe I’ll remove an ear, or a nice long slice across your face.” He laughed as he placed the knife at Kyle’s ear and made a downward cut across his jaw from his ear to his chin. The slice opened up and blood flowed down his neck and began to cover his leather and was really staining up his white t-shirt.

  He glanced down and cringed at the sight. It looked like he’d been gutted based on the amount of blood. Kyle couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually bled. He didn’t think he ever had. It hurt like a bitch, he knew that much and he hoped that Vadin didn’t see him like this. He didn’t want his mate anywhere near this madman.

  Florian took another picture and sent it off. Kyle assumed it was to Calum. He looked directly at the camera and showed no weakness, he didn’t want anyone to think he wasn’t handling this. Just as Florian was about to give him a matching scar on the other side of his face, sounds were heard to their left. Florian spun on his heels and then moved to stand slightly behind Kyle with his knife pointing at one of Kyle’s eyes.

  “Whoever you are, show yourself before I blind this fucker.” Florian yelled. Calum stepped out of the trees with Forbes and Angus behind him. “Did you bring the boy?”

  “He’s coming.” Calum lied with the calm of a man who knew exactly what he was doing.

  “He better be, you have nine minutes and if he doesn’t arrive, I start carving up your boy here.” Florian laughed and his insanity was beginning to show. “Once I have Archie, I will control the dragon clan and my cousin’s useless coven. No one will cross me with Archie hanging in the balance.”

  His ramblings sounded possible if you didn’t analyze them too closely. No way would the Clan or the Coven release a child to this lunatic. He acted like he had the upper hand, but all he had was one dragon that he could hurt and a clan of dragons that were planning to kill him. This was shaping up to be one of the worse plans ever, and Kyle was very thankful.

  Kyle felt the magic falling away but did not want to alert Florian in case he took a poke at his eye. Kyle didn’t want to go through the next few centuries with only one eye. He moved his hand so that Calum could see that the magic was wearing off. A few more seconds and Florian’s ability to harm him would be over.

  Mace and Rule came out of the trees on either side of Calum and walked up to stand next to Forbes and Angus, respectively.

  “Mace, Rule, how good to see you.” Florian mocked. “Have fun chasing your tails these past two days?” He laughed. “You have no idea the power that I have and how I can use it.” He moved the knife closer to Kyle’s eye and pretended to twist it. “I have the power to subdue dragons.”

  Vadin came out of the trees, passed the others standing there and walked right up to Kyle. His hound was outraged at the sight and he could not stop himself. He saw Kyle move his hand and knew he was gaining control.

  Florian seemed confused for a moment and then began to threaten. “Where is the boy? Bring him or this one will bleed some more.” It was then that the reality of the situation seemed to dawn on Florian. The bleeding from the first cut should not have stopped, but it did and the wound was healing itself.

  “Fatal miscalculation.” Kyle told him coldly as the chains fell away. It was that moment that Vadin released his hellhound. He shifted into the most fearsome creature to ever walk the earth. Kyle had no basis for comparison except perhaps a large werewolf in half shift, but massively more muscular and fangs that looked to be the size of tusks. This was a hellhound, this was his mate, he couldn’t be more pleased.

  Vadin’s large paw with claws like razors snapped out and pulled Kyle away from Florian. He held him close with one arm while keeping his eyes on his prey. Kyle stroked Vadin’s muscular hairy chest and assured him of his well-being. “Damn, you are beautiful, my mate.” Kyle gushed and Vadin gave him an answering squeeze and then tucked Kyle behind him.

  He moved towards Florian in a rush and grabbed him before he even had a chance to think about running. “Vadin, what the hell are you?”

  “Your worst nightmare, bitch.” Kyle snorted. “I know it’s cliché, but I just had to say it.” The dragons along with the two vampires, moved up to stand with Kyle as they watched the Hellhound strangle the rogue. He had him lifted off the ground and was shaking him about like a rag-doll.

  “Vadin!” The tone was commanding and everyone turned to see who was the owner of that voice. They watched Master Chamberlin walk with purposeful strides towards the beast and his prey. Vadin stilled and turned to look at his Master.

  “Drop him.” The Master ordered and Vadin complied. Florian hit the ground and began to cough and grab at his throat. He managed to push to his feet and looked up at his cousin.

  “That stupid beast nearly killed me.” He spat and Kyle made an aggressive move towards the idiot. Vadin stepped in his way and pulled Kyle back into his arms as Vadin shifted back into his vampire form.

  Florian finally looked unsure as he glanced around at the faces that surrounded him. “I’m a Chamberlin, Augustin, you can’t let them harm me.” He didn’t sound at all certain of that claim and for good reason.

  “No, it is not their place to deal with you, it is mine.” With that Augustin reached out and in a flash, Florian’s head was separated from his body, shocking disbelief still evident in his expression as death enveloped him. Augustin dropped Florian’s head to the ground next to his body and turned to regard the others as he took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands.

  Alrick walked over to the body and in one breath incinerated it. Nothing left but ash. “Thank you.” Augustin said and Alrick nodded as he took his place back beside his Chieftain. Augustin stood in front of Calum and spoke his desires. “Now that the true threat has been eliminated, perhaps we can discuss a visitation schedule for me with my little cousin. He will be coming into his vampire nature soon and he will have questions that need answers. I would like to provide those for him. Also, I’d like to discuss this new development with Vadin and your man Kyle.” He ended with a broad smile and Calum reciprocated as they both cast their glance over to the two in question. Vadin was stark naked but Kyle was being careful to stand in front of him effectively keeping Vadin’s most important parts covered from prying eyes.

  “Come back to the Lodge with me and let’s have a sit down.” Calum lead the way as they all left the clearing.


  Vadin brought Kyle back to his room at the Inn. He didn’t want to have to put up with a house full of people at the Lodge. Kyle had offered but immediately saw the wisdom in returning to the Inn.

  Alrick had lent Vadin a pair of his sweats and a t-shirt that he kept in his saddle bags for emergencies, since they were close in size. Vadin didn’t relish trying to make his way back to the Inn in the nude. He hadn’t shifted into his hellhound in decades and he knew that it was a shock to his friends but the got over it quick. The dragons weren’t in the least fazed by his display. The calm acceptance of his Coven family and his dragon family was more than he could have ever hoped for.

  He ushered Kyle inside and locked the door before taking his coat off and then the bloody t-shirt. “We need to get you cleaned up.” He said as he, once again, checked the wound on Kyle’s face. “Completely healed. Does it hurt at all?”

  “No, not a bit.” Kyle smiled and relished the attention. Vadin started the shower and striped off t
he rest of Kyle’s clothes before leading him into the bathroom and helping him into the shower. Kyle just went with it knowing that his hellhound mate needed to take care of him, it was instinctual. He was pleased when Vadin stripped down and joined him in the shower. His mate was a picture of perfection and he quickly began to cover that beautiful body with his hands and mouth.

  Vadin just about died out there in that clearing on the mountain. Seeing his cherished beloved covered in blood and at the hands of that animal was more than he and his hellhound could handle. He would not let Kyle out of this room or out of sight for a very long time, maybe never. The fact that it was his fault did not set well either. If he hadn’t left Kyle, he wouldn’t have gone off following the piece of shit up into the mountains and he wouldn’t have gotten captured. Fuck, he was never letting this man go, never.

  Kyle slipped a wet soapy hand across Vadin’s shoulder and down his back pulling him close in the process. Vadin reciprocated by running a soapy hand down Kyle’s chest and began massaging his cock and balls. Kyle pressed his hips closer. “Fuck yeah, don’t stop.” He breathed against Vadin’s shoulder as he pressed his face into the crook of his neck. “Fantastic.”

  Vadin couldn’t fight it, he had to taste. He slid to his knees and pressed his face into the side of Kyle’s groin drinking the scent and the pleasure of the experience of having his beloved so close. He continued to caress the hard length of Kyles cock, stroking harder and harder and faster and faster until he felt Kyle tremble and arch into his touch.

  He feels that Kyle was on the edge but before he fell Vadin took him deep, trading his hand for his eager mouth. Vadin sucked hard, feeling Kyle’s engorged cock throb between his lips made his own arousal flare, but he needed this first. He needed this satisfaction, this moment.

  Kyle was swamped with a heady pleasure the threatened to knock him out. Never had he experienced anything so forceful, he was reeling from the sheer wantonness. This was true chemistry. He was falling for this mysterious vampire with hellhound tendencies. He moaned loudly and thrust deep into the warmth of his mate and came hard. His head was swimming as suddenly he felt a sharp bite followed by a fresh wave of excitement and he came again, and again.

  When his head finally cleared enough to move, he looked down at the god kneeling at his feet. His eyes were blazing and his lips were parted and he panting ever so erotic. If he had it in him, Kyle would have come again just at the sight of his gorgeous mate.

  Vadin finished bathing his beloved and helped him out of the shower and dried him with a big fluffy towel. Hugging and kissing him thoroughly through the process. “I will protect you with my life and I will always put you first. Kyle, I am so sorry for leaving you, I will never forgive myself for being so childish and weak.” The admission tumbled from his lips and his eyes turned misty as he stared at the man in his arms who was his life. He was begging for forgiveness and he was begging for understanding and most of all for trust.

  Kyle was taken aback by Vadin’s words not realizing the depth to which Vadin was taking responsibility for everything that happened. Kyle held him close and lead him out the main room and they sat together on the edge of the bed at first and then Kyle scooted back onto the bed and motioned for Vadin to come to him. They lay there for several minutes just holding one another.

  “None of this was your fault. We had a misunderstanding which was bound to happen, we just met and were trying to get to know each other. I wasn’t upset, you didn’t hurt my feelings. You had to leave, you had to be alone for a while. You did nothing wrong.” Kyle rubbed circles on Vadin’s back and shoulders as he spoke softly to him.

  “I left you and that animal took you.” Vadin’s voice grated on the words.

  “You had no way of knowing that would happen. I’ve been following you guys for a couple of days and nothing happened. This was just bad timing and honestly, he got the drop on me because I wasn’t paying attention.” Kyle admitted and kissed Vadin’s lips which were so hard and soft at the same time.

  “I’m sorry I walked away and didn’t explain myself first.” Kyle was going to respond to that but Vadin cut him off. “Let me finish, I need to tell you this.” Kyle laid back and gave him his complete attention.

  “I never knew my father. I know he was a hellhound, my mother told me when I started manifesting characteristics that were not completely vampire. In my birth coven it was considered an abomination to have sex outside your species and it was especially frowned upon to procreate from such a union.” He took several deep breaths as the pain of the memory came flooding back, but it didn’t stop him.

  “My mother hid the fact that I was not all vampire until it became impossible to do so. One day I shifted unexpectedly, and all hell broke loose. They took my mother, and they killed her in front of me.” Kyle held him tight but did not speak. “I was a child, I couldn’t help her, I couldn’t save her. They tried to kill me too but nothing they used hurt me. They were afraid of me and in the end sold me to the coven in Switzerland. They told them I was ill born and poorly bred. They didn’t tell them I was a hellhound that came out later.” He raised up on one elbow and looked Kyle in the eyes. “I couldn’t save her and it has haunted me for a long time.”

  “You were a child.” Kyle stated.

  “I was useless.”

  “You were a child.” Kyle reiterated and cupped his cheek and kissed him with all the love and tenderness he had for this magnificent man. He pulled back and stared into his mate’s vulnerable eyes. “You survived, and that was what your mother wanted. You survived and lived a good and honorable life. I know she is happy.”

  Vadin took Kyle’s words and prayed that they were true. It would take time but he was confident that he would get beyond the pain. “And now I have you, my beloved to love and honor.” Vadin kissed him and rolled Kyle onto his back. The kiss grew deeper and more voracious by the moment. Kyle pulled Vadin closer and began to rub his hardening cock against Vadin’s muscular, hairy thigh. Vadin pulled back to reposition himself and give Kyle better pressure play.

  “I don’t deserve you, baby.” Vadin stated as he ground his hard cock against Kyle’s.

  “Yes, you do.” Kyle smiled and took his lips once again ran his fingers over Vadin’s close-cropped hair and held his head in place as Kyle plundered his mouth. Vadin held him by the shoulder and eased Kyles thighs apart to settle between. He began a slow thrust as his tongue played with Kyles and they slowly learned each other’s sensitive spots and turn-ons.

  Vadin couldn’t hold out any longer, he had to be inside his beloved, he had to claim him as his own. The need to claim slowly overruled every other thought in his mind. “I’m going to claim you, baby.” Kyle did not respond simply moaned and thrust his hips upwards for more friction. He raised his legs to encircle Vadin’s narrow hips and tilted to expose his channel to Vadin’s exploring hand. He circled the tight area with his thumb adding pressure a little at a time until his thumb popped through the outer ring. He was rewarded with another sexy moan and Kyle began to chant his hips against the intrusion, taking him deeper.

  “You are so tight, so hot, so moist for me.” Vadin was surprised and delighted by the ease with which they connected and the love he felt growing between them with every passing minute. His beloved was his is equal and his partner in life. No longer would Vadin be alone, he had his Fated love by his side. They would go through life together. He waited centuries for this man, and it was worth every minute.

  Kyle moved, pressing to force Vadin’s invading digits as deep as they would go, but it wasn’t deep enough. He was stretching and preparing him with such care and concern and Kyle felt like the most precious of lovers. His mate was showing him his love and his heart. As a boy, back home, Kyle dreamed of this man without knowing this man. He knew his mate would be strong and commanding and would also provide the calm caresses that he needed. Vadin was his perfect match, his perfect lover.

  Vadin kissed him thoroughly as he lined up the head of his c
ock with Kyle’s now stretched and ready opening. “I’m going to claim you now and forever more you will be my beloved and I will be your mate. We will be one, together, forever.” With that short address and promise of the future, Vadin drove deep and hard into his beloved, feeling the warm tightness envelope him.

  He felt Kyle tighten his legs and hold him inside as he adjusted to the size. Vadin slipped his hands under Kyle’s shoulders and lifted him for another possessive kiss. Kyle wrapped his arms around Vadin and seemed to melt into their embrace. When Kyle relaxed, Vadin began a slow rhythm of first shallow thrusts and that gradually became deeper, harder, faster as their combined hunger demanded more.

  Kyle held fast as Vadin pounded his ass so hard that if Vadin wasn’t holding onto him, he was sure he’d be skidding across the bed. Just to reassure his mate, Kyle kissed his ear and whispered hotly. “Harder, I need it harder.” Vadin immediately obliged and Kyle found himself nearly passing out from the pure pleasure of the experience.

  Vadin let it all loose, everything he felt and wanted from his beloved. He drove deep and held as the most sensational climax of his life exploded within him and lights danced before his eyes. He struck quickly, sinking his fangs into the rapidly beating pulse at the base of Kyle’s throat and drank for his beloved. He felt Kyle stiffen and then felt the seed spreading between their bodies and Kyle came hard, holding his breath and digging his fingers into Vadin’s shoulders. It was exquisite.

  Vadin withdrew his fangs and licked the wound closed, leaving a gorgeous scar of ownership on the dragon’s shoulder. It would remain for all time for everyone to see and respect. Kyle Keith, dragon warrior belonged to Vadin Labont, vampire, hellhound commander.

  They lay there for a while gathering their themselves and coming down from a sexual high, the likes of which was unparalleled. Kyle held him close land Vadin shifted to his side but brought Kyle to cradle his head on Vadin’s chest.


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