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Loving the Hellhound

Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  Vadin was shocked that Kyle, his beloved had so easily accessed his deepest and darkest secret. It was a memory that had remained silent and denied for so many years that he’d begun to believe it had been a terrible nightmare rather than a true event.

  “Who else knows?” His voice was so cold as he struggled to maintain his composure that Kyle visibly recoiled at the sound, but he couldn’t stop himself. The memory was a weakness, a defect and he would never be that vulnerable again, he would never be that boy again.

  “No one, only me. I didn’t include it in the report. It was too personal, and I also purged it from all digital records. It can no longer be found.” Kyle threaded his fingers together and dropped his head to stare at his hands. “I didn’t want to keep it a secret from you that I knew, but perhaps I should have.”

  Vadin wanted to reassure Kyle but the storm in his mind was demanding he leave before he said something he might regret. “I have to go.” He stated too sharply and abruptly stood and left the bar never looking back.

  Kyle watched him leave and did not speak or try to stop him. He’d given plenty of advice to others in regards to the needs of their mates, but now he had to heed his own advice and give his mate the time and space he required. The fact that Kyle knew Vadin’s past turned out to be a very sore spot and Kyle would have to wait now for Vadin to return to him. He could not interfere or demand attention until Vadin was ready to give it.

  “Fuck.” He said as he got up and was about to leave when something caught his attention out of his peripheral vision. He quickly sat back down and picked up his drink as if finishing it and glanced to his right. Moving through the crowd by the door was Florian Chamberlin. Vadin had just left, how did he miss the vampire’s scent. Hellhounds were masters at following a scent trail, yet it appears, that he missed him entirely.

  They were ordered to not interfere, but no one has caught sight of this rogue in days, so he was reluctant to just sit and do nothing. He pulled out his phone and sent Calum a quick text while never taking his eyes off the rogue.

  “Follow him.” Was the answering text. He kept watch until Florian finished his drink, spoke briefly with the bartender and then left. Kyle followed him at a distance as he made his way out the back door and through an adjacent vacant lot. He appeared to be heading to the apartment building the vampires had searched yesterday.


  Vadin went back to the Inn but did not join his friends. He went to his own room to lay down, telling Rule and Mace he wanted to rest for a few hours before resuming their search. The truth was, he needed time the get his head straight. That shit hadn’t come forward in so long he thought for certain that it was lost forever.

  It was the shock of his life to have his beloved state it so clearly and with such calm as if it hadn’t been the source of all Vadin’s nightmares and inadequacies. His beloved knew right off that he was a hellhound and also knew his most guarded secret. Even Augustin did not know of Vadin’s birth coven or the terrible things that took place there and he trusted Augustin above all. He vowed to go to his death never speaking of his birth place again. His beloved knew it all.

  Trebor had written it all down like a good little spiritual leader. The fucker could have helped, could have intervened, could have done something, but he did nothing. He wrote it all down so Vadin’s beloved could find it and experience Vadin’s greatest failure. He raked his hands down his face and groaned loud as his hound began to react to his suffering. His beloved knew of his greatest weakness. The groan turned to a howl, he managed to keep it low but the pain his hound was experiencing was difficult to control.

  The memory was upsetting but so was walking away from his beloved. He’d left Kyle sitting alone in that disgusting bar. What must he be thinking? With another loud groan slash growl he threw his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. He’d been lying there for the better part of an hour and there was no rest to be had. He might as well go back to work, that fucking vampire rogue needed to die, today.

  He put in a call to Augustin and let him know their progress, which wasn’t much. He agreed that the search should not be so difficult considering the rogue has never left the area, based on his scent being present. Vadin also informed him of the existence of Archie Chamberlin, also known as Archie Cutler-Keith. He was excited by the news and thankful that the dragons had saved him and were providing him a good life. He decided he would contact the Clan at a later date to discuss possible visitation. Vadin felt satisfied having provided his Master with some joy. Vadin didn’t tell him about finding his beloved, he wasn’t ready to share that news yet. He needed to fix things with Kyle first.


  Kyle followed the rogue through the apartment building. He didn’t go to any specific apartment, just in the front and out the back. His scent didn’t smell right either. It was there and gone and then back again like a flickering light. It felt wrong, but he continued to follow.

  He ducked through a row of trees and began to ascend the mountain covered in evergreens. Kyle pulled out his phone and sent another quick text to Calum giving him his location and status before continuing his pursuit. Calum texted back that he’d contacted the vampires and gave them the location.

  Kyle was hopeful that he and Vadin would be able to talk some more after the rogue was taken care of. Kyle’s dragon was growing very fond of his hellhound mate and he wanted him near. He wanted him to know that he’d never judge him, there would only be unconditional love for the rest of their lives. Kyle felt the bond of love begin to grow the moment Vadin’s lips touched his and he knew it would only grow deeper and more powerful with time.

  He and his dragon wanted to get to know him and find out his likes and dislikes and what makes him laugh, all the important things. He also wanted to find out what that magnificent body looked like naked and sweaty. He wanted those dark eyes trained on him and those calloused hands touching him. That thought had his dragon almost purring.

  As much as Kyle wanted his mate with him, he also understood Vadin’s need to be alone. He would though, at some point, need to talk about it. Talking was healthy. Things were always so much more traumatic when you kept them between your ears. Get the trauma out of your head and into the sunlight and its power over you would lessen.

  Kyle was an avid reader of all self-help books. He started picking them up when they first became popular in the fifties. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was his first and still his favorite. Kyle was so deep in thought about his mate that he failed to see the trap that had been set for him. He felt like a complete and utter fool when the chains swung down and enveloped him. It looked like he would have some processing of his own to do.


  Vadin was just leaving his room when Rule and Mace raced up to him. “The Dragon Chieftain just contacted Master Chamberlin and told him one of his dragons is tailing the rogue. He has eyes on him.” Mace thrust the phone with the coordinates at Vadin who scanned them quickly. He handed the phone back, and they all ran for the SUV.

  The area pinpointed was several miles out of town and in a wooded area at the base of a mountain. They knew the area well, they’d searched it thoroughly, or so they thought.

  “What time did the dragon report to his Chieftain?” Vadin asked. “How far are we behind this?”

  “The call went to Master Chamberlin twenty minutes ago, I assume the dragon leader called as soon as he received the report so we’re looking at probably no more than a half an hour.” Mace was giddy with the news. “We are finally going to put a nail in this fucker.”

  “Yeah, I was beginning to think we’d lost our touch.” Rule joined in. “No fucking rogue ever eluded us for this long.”

  “I don’t think he’s just a rogue vampire.” Vadin decided to share his thoughts. “His scent is all off, as I’m sure you’ve notice. I think he may be cloaking or throwing his scent or perhaps the mystical is involved. Florian is not above using any means necessary to achieve his desired ends.”

You think he’s partnered with some sort of mystic?” Rule, who was driving turned to look at him.

  “No, he would never partner with anyone. He either purchased what he needed, or more than likely stole it. Be careful and use your shields, we don’t know what his skills are.” Vadin was certain that magic was involved somehow.

  Their shields were developed by the coven mystic and it prevented magic from harming them. It didn’t stop magic from screwing with their perceptions but it wouldn’t be able to physically destroy them. He thought their mystic should have been able to do better, a flimsy shield was hardly worth the effort, but you use what you have.

  “Which dragon is following?” Vadin felt a twinge of concern spike through his system and he was instantly worrying about Kyle.

  “We had the brothers, Forbes and Flynn following us earlier and the dragons seem to be operating in shifts, three per-day so I’d say based on the time, that it is either Forbes or Flynn.” Rule reasoned out a plausible answer to Vadin’s inquiry.

  That information should have put Vadin’s mind at ease but a tense uncertainty remained. It might be left over guilt from having left his beloved behind as he ran off to lick his wounds. He regretted that action and would apologize as soon as they finished killing that rogue bastard, Florian Chamberlin. Fuck it all, he just wanted to be with his beloved.

  They parked the SUV at the base near the tree line and headed up. They moved fast and stayed alert but there was no scent to follow. There was no vampire scent and no dragon scent, if the dragon had come through this way, he must be cloaking his scent. That thought again caused a spike of uneasiness. Kyle had cloaked his scent when he entered the Federal, but the dragon following this asshole rogue was either Forbes or Flynn not Kyle.

  “I’m getting nothing, just like before.” Mace was frustrated and Vadin couldn’t blame him.

  “Let’s do another loop of the base and then call it in. I want to talk to Calum Keith.” Vadin announced and headed back down the mountain with Mace and Rule close behind. There was nothing there to pick up, not a trace of anyone being in the area, but those were the coordinates that were sent.


  Kyle tested the restraints, but they weren’t moving. The chains held him secure, like a net and prevented him from shifting. They were enchanted and were made of iron. Iron enhanced any magic imbued upon them. The spell was powerful but would not hold him indefinitely. The power of a dragon could not be overwhelmed for long. He looked around and saw the vampire he’d been following standing off to his left leaning against a tree.

  “Go ahead and struggle, I find it entertaining.” The man said and laughed before straightening and walking towards Kyle. “The chains won’t hold you for long, but long enough to do you damage, if I so choose.” The man barked another humorless laugh. He then walked closer and reached out and took Kyle’s phone from his pants pocket. Kyle was helpless to stop him.

  “I’m going to make a call and if your leader does as he is told, maybe you will not be harmed, to badly.” He glanced up at Kyle who stood a good three inches taller than the rogue. “I can’t kill you, but I could take your eyes and I could leave you with marks that would never heal. The spell makes you vulnerable and helpless.” He laughed again.

  Kyle was not amused by the idiot but understood his words were true and judging by his character, he wouldn’t hesitate to do what he threatened. Kyle didn’t respond to the taunts and did not ask questions because he knew it would be useless. This man was loving the sound of his own voice and if Kyle just let him keep talking perhaps he would learn something useful.

  “Those hapless vamps are around here somewhere.” He talked as he scrolled through Kyle’s phone. “I had them practically chasing their tails yesterday. The magic I stole from that Mage is marvelous, I knew it would help me gain the upper hand with you guys, but I never knew everything I could do and to whom.” He stopped on a number and dialed. “That delicious little Mage did not die in vain, or maybe he did.” Another cackle of laughter before he began issuing orders into the phone in his hand. He spoke softly and then snapped a picture of Kyle, obviously an incentive to getting whatever it was he wanted.

  “You have one hour and then I will begin to carve up your friend here. Don’t keep me waiting.” He finished and stuck the phone in his pocket.

  Well of course he’d be a phone thief along with everything else. Kyle was just thankful he didn’t stop to scroll through his texts. It would give him plenty of leverage with one of the hapless vamps he spoke of earlier. Kyle desperately did not want Vadin getting into the middle of this mess. Yes, he’s an assassin and a hellhound and well able to take care of himself and others, but he is first and foremost Kyle’s mate.


  Vadin and his men were standing next to the SUV and Vadin was about to call Calum when suddenly a good portion of the dragon Clan apart from Ewan, Bryn and Kyle was standing a few feet in front of him. They could not disguise their shocked expressions and waited for an explanation for their unexpected presence.

  Calum walked directly up to Vadin with a look of barely suppressed rage. “Have you found them?” He barked.

  “No, we searched the coordinates that you gave but came up with nothing. There is nothing to follow and no scent and no physical evidence, no prints no trail.” Valin reported. “We are under the assumption that the rogue is using magic.” He just threw it out there to get the dragon’s take on it.

  “Yes, he is using magic, he admitted as much.” Calum responded and took a step closer to Vadin. His stare was beginning to be of concern.

  “You’ve spoken to him?” Vadin was shocked.

  “Yes, and we don’t have much time. He gave us an hour.” Calum was being cryptic and Vadin did not appreciate it.

  “Why are you talking in circles?” Vadin questioned, clearly agitated.

  Calum signaled for Vadin to follow him as he turned and walked a few feet away from the group. Vadin’s confusion grew as he followed, it was obvious that he wanted to speak to him out of earshot of the others, but why? They stopped and Calum turned to regard him directly.

  “He has captured one of my men.” Calum stated.

  “How is that possible?” Vadin was at a sudden loss as to how anyone could capture a dragon especially a rogue vampire, they just don’t possess the power to do so.

  “I’ll explain that later, it has to do with magic, unfortunately. He has given me one hour to give him what he wants or he will harm the captive. He can’t kill him, but he can do him grave bodily harm.” Calum continued to explain.

  “What does he want?”

  “His son.” Calum waited for understanding and he saw it on Vadin’s face. “You are aware of Archie?” Vadin nodded.

  “That’s not an option. You can’t give him that boy, Florian is a psychopath.” Vadin appealed.

  “He will never get his hands on Archie. My entire Clan would forfeit their lives before that happened. Florian killed Archie’s mother, he drained her and left her for dead. He will never have Archie.” Calum made himself crystal clear before capturing Vadin with a stare that seemed to go right through him.

  “You need to know who he is holding.” Calum spoke softly this time. “He sent me a picture as proof.” Calum reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he brought up a photo and handed the phone to Vadin. “Normally, a dragon can sense such magic, it has a tell, but he must have been preoccupied.”

  Vadin stared down into the face of his precious beloved wrapped in chains and his heart stopped. “Kyle.” The name was a painful whisper. Of course, he was preoccupied if he was half as agitated and confused as Vadin, it was no wonder he was so easily captured. He continued to stare at the image as his hound fought for dominance. His hellhound wanted out. The thought of his beloved helpless and in the hands of that madman was shredding his control.

  Calum reached out and put his hand on Vadin’s shoulder and suddenly Vadin calmed enough to speak. The reaction confused him for a mome
nt but then he realized Calum was Kyle’s Chieftain, they were connected, so Vadin also felt that connection.

  “I’ll go alone.” Vadin handed back the phone and turned to leave.

  “I know who Kyle is to you, but you can’t go alone. I know he belongs to you, but he belongs to us too. We are his family.” The possessive part of Vadin tensed at the claim but he did not react.

  “Tell me what the chains are doing to him and why can’t he break free?” Vadin needed information and a plan. He glanced around at the men standing there and saw men ready to do whatever it took to get Kyle back. He looked at Mace and Rule and saw sympathy in their eyes but also a deadly resolve and he could work with that.

  “Your rogue has gotten hold of the magic of a Mage. He enchanted the iron chains and they will hold Kyle for a couple of hours. That’s why he gave me an hour to comply. He can’t kill Kyle but he can do him bodily harm.” Calum concluded.

  “So, he’s threatening bodily harm if you don’t produce the boy.” Vadin spoke for clarity and Calum nodded.

  “He could do him permanent bodily harm that would not heal once the magic subsides. He could take out his eyes, he could remove body parts. He couldn’t remove functional parts like his brain or his organs but he could take an arm or a leg.” Calum continued and Vadin thought he would lose his mind.

  “How much time do you have left?”

  “Twenty-five minutes.”


  Kyle watched as the rogue paced back and forth in front of him. He had a knife in his hand with a large, thick blade. He played with it as he paced. Kyle could feel the magic that was binding him begin to weaken. The rogue didn’t know that once the magic was taken from the original host that it instantly began a slow process of degrading which was hastened by its use. He may have misjudged how much time he had to receive his demands and get away before the dragons descended.


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