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Enforcer (Spartans MC)

Page 4

by Tiffany Casper

  I made it two blocks before I was tackled to the ground. Something heavy was laying on me and I couldn’t breathe. I began trying to fight, I was throwing my arms back and scratching at whatever I could and even bringing my legs back. I saw a fist come at my face however; my aim must have proved true to someone’s region because the person laying on me rolled off of me in pain.

  I jumped up and started running again as fast as my legs could carry me. Since they were much larger they covered a lot more ground and then in a split second I was grabbed from behind, spun around and got punched right in the nose. I felt my nose break and blood began pouring everywhere. I kept kicking no matter how bad I was in pain.

  Catching one of the men in the shin and another in the balls I had them cursing. It wasn’t until the biggest man of all came over with something in his hand.

  I saw a white cloth being handed off, I watched crime shows I knew what was coming next so I tried to fight even harder but my strength quickly faded and my energy had run out. As the cloth was pressed to my nose I remember hearing someone yelling ‘Yo Fuckers!’ then all went black.

  The sounds of muffled voices were hitting my ears as I slowly began to wake up. Also the beeping noise was starting to get on my last nerve. My right foot hurt and when I tried to move it, I found that impossible. My nose also hurt something fierce. I felt a strip on my nose like a nose bandage. I chanced opening my right eye slowly it was painful at first but then the pain quickly subsided. Looking around I noticed first of all I was in the hospital

  “Hey there, glad to see you’re awake. From what I hear you put up one hell of a fight.” The woman speaking to me looked like a freaking fairy.

  She had a cute pixie cut and she was just a tad bigger than me and I also noticed she had on a black leather vest. What I liked was that she also had on a flannel like me. It was the black leather vest that had me about to begin to start freaking out.

  And then in came a huge older man with the same black leather vest and a word that said President on the right side of his vest. Oh lord, heaven help me.

  “Darlin’?” Wait his mouth didn’t move.

  I looked to my right and oh my god! I have never had an out of the body experience but in this moment I did.

  He was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He had dark black hair that was similar to the color of a raven’s wing. His eyes, my god they were a shiny crystal blue same as his the ladies. Must be his mom I thought.

  Where I thought the older man was huge, no. He was tiny compared to the man who just walked up. I bet he had to turn sideways to fit through a freaking door frame.

  What I hadn’t realized was that I said that last bit out loud. Judging by the smirk and the giggles that erupted, whoops.

  “You’re about right dear. Now let’s try to get you into a sitting position.” She reached down to the controls on the hospital bed and hit the button that slowly raised me up to a sitting position.

  Then the lady was gentle yet forceful helping me to move forward and then I felt hands under my arms helping to lift me up and scoot me back

  “There I imagine that is better. Are you hungry?” My body answered her for me when my stomach growled.

  “Sorry, I guess that is a yes.” All she did was smile and get up and walk out the door. I imagine they headed to a cafeteria or even to the nurses station.

  The older man following the lady and then the younger man sat down on the bed beside my legs.

  “Can I ask you something?” He nodded.

  “Can you say ‘Yo Fucker’? I mumbled out that curse word.

  Seeing what I was about he complied and then it was then that I recognized his voice. He is the one that came to my rescue.

  I threw my good hand over my mouth as tears welled into my eyes.

  Not letting me be upset he reached over, grabbed me like I was a freaking feather and sat me in his lap. The smell of something marvelous, the warmth, feeling safe was too much for me to bear.

  I broke down.

  Chapter 4

  She broke his heart with all of the crying she was doing. He was rubbing her back trying to console her. Fuck he had never consoled a crying woman before, though he hoped he was doing it right. He also hoped her being in his arms wasn’t paining her any. He didn’t know what all she had endured before he got there.

  While they had all been waiting for her to wake up he had run into a threat to the club. He had scouted him out the week before and then this morning he headed to the man who was trying to set them up for a bust with drugs that weren’t even theirs. They wouldn’t find his body.

  He then had had to run to the club and knock some sense into two newer members thinking they were all that and back talking one of the ole ladies. They didn’t like the beat down he gave them and they damn sure didn’t like having to wear a dress for the day.

  “Darlin’ you gotta stop. Ain’t nobody going to hurt you here, your safe.” I whispered in her hair.

  Sniffling she seemed she was close to being done and then she tensed.

  “I’m so sorry!” She scrambled off my lap back to her sitting position. The look on her face showed embarrassment.

  “No need darlin’. We all cry every now and then. The fact that you did cry shows your hurt and you’re not afraid to show weakness. Some say you never show weakness but it is what makes us human.” He had said.

  “What all has happened? You didn’t get hurt, did you?” The fact she asked him that meant so much to him. He wasn’t revealing that to her though, probably not ever.

  “Well when I was driving by I saw you running. It wasn’t until I saw those men come running after you that I slammed the brakes in my truck. I tried to get to you before they put that cloth to your face but I had to take out two guys who came out of that van. Wish I would’ve gotten to you sooner. Maybe then you wouldn’t have ripped skin on your knuckles and your fucking ankle wouldn’t be broken.” I said. Still pissed at myself for not getting there sooner.

  “Please don’t think that! The fact that you stepped in and stopped those men means more to me than you can possibly ever believe.” Hearing stories about her mom and her upbringing was probably true.

  “Normally they don’t put gowns on you with long sleeves. Who do I have to think?”

  “It was nothing.” I said.

  “So I’m guessing you know about my past huh?” She looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap, embarrassed maybe?

  I placed my finger under her chin to lift her face to mine.

  “Nothin’ to be ashamed about darlin’ your scars are your warrior marks. Your still here, your still breathin’ you don’t ever let your past define you.”

  “Amen.” My parents walked back in with six sandwiches. Two ham, two turkey and two roast beef.

  Like the mother she is she offered the pick to Paisley,

  “I’ll take whichever y’all don’t like.” She said with a smile. Here it comes. I quietly chuckled.

  “Listen to me young lady. You have just been through one hell of an ordeal. You need energy and your strength back now, Ill not ask again.” She raised her eyebrow.

  “I’ll take the roast beef, please.” My mother handed the sandwich to her and she herself took the ham and then gave the turkey to my dad and the last two to me. We both had them demolished before they even finished their one sandwich.

  “Paisley, how are you feeling?” In came the Doctor. If she kept making anymore googly eyes at my dad and me my mom was about to go full metal jacket on her ass.

  “Better. My ankle hurts but my nose not so bad.”

  “You should’ve said something. I never would’ve gotten on you about the sandwich if I had known.” And she wouldn’t have. My mom may be a hard ass sometimes but she does it because she cares deeply for those around her.

  “Totally okay, I promise.” She told my mom. She looked sincere too.

  “Good, I’ll give you something for pain in a moment. I’m going to check a few things and after
that you are free to go. Now you may or may not want them here for this part of the conversation. It’s about what had to be done when you were brought in.” As he was saying all of this he shined his flashlight in her eyes and checked her flexibility in her hands and the strength in her left foot. He looked at her face and saw she understood full well what the doctor had said. Expecting her to ask us to leave I got up and headed for the door.

  “They can stay Doctor. If it wasn’t for that man over there, I don’t know where I’d be. Besides I know what you are referring to and it never happened thankfully.” She sniffed and looked straight at the Doctor.

  Instead I walked back and plopped my ass back on her bed. I was her guardian until she no longer needed me to be so they could suck it.

  “Since you have been here overnight the test that was preformed when you came in came back negative. They toxicology report showed a small trace of Chloroform in your system but other than that everything looked well. Your nose is sprained and should be better in a week or two, just keep ice on it. Your ankle is fractured in two places. You need to go and see a podiatrist in one to two days and have a cast put on it. I’m going to get you that medication and fill out your release paperwork.”

  With that being said he walked out of the room and after my dad kissed my mom on the forehead he followed the doctor out to take care of the paperwork.

  My mom the ever astute had to ask when we all saw that Paisley had blanched when the doctor told her she could return home. I got up sensing that my mom wanted to talk to her and knowing how my mom works she sat down in the spot I just vacated.

  “Paisley, I know this is none of my business but can you please tell me a little about what happened that night before my son was able to get to you?”

  I saw her visibly cringe and take a deep breath.

  She opened up about how she had fallen asleep while reading a book and then being woken up to the front door being blasted open. She also told is about her mom with the black eye and the busted lip came running to her and then how her mom threw herself behind Paisley. She also told us she ran and locked her door and then opened her window. Then she followed that by telling us her mom had tried to move her aside so she could get out first. I could tell in her voice when she said she hit her mom back that she was proud of herself like it was the first time she has ever done that. Then she said that when jumped down from her window that was when the sharp pain hit her ankle but she didn’t let that stop her. What had a lot of us tensing was what came next; she said she heard her mom yell, ‘She’s a virgin. Take her instead!’ She explained how they caught up to her the first time and she got one of them in the balls then of how she got up and ran and that was the part where I came in.

  “Well seeing that your mom is a piece of shit you will be coming home with us. We have a spare room that has your name on it. I’ll not have you argue young lady.”

  My mom stepped away then and I saw her dabbing at the corners of her eyes with a tissue. My dad then returned and his face was beet red with a snarl he blew out. Yeah he had heard the whole fucking thing.

  “I feel so embarrassed. I don’t even know all of your names and look at what y’all are and have done for me.” Shit really, I thought.

  “Well sunshine, my name is Thomas Garrison but everyone calls me Garrison or Dad or Pres, this lovely little lady is my wife and the shitheads mother Lilly. This shithead here is my son Malcolm or Mac. Whichever.”

  “You’re to call me Malcolm.” I said. That definitely received eyebrow lifts to that comment.

  “Nice to meet you all, I’m Paisley.” She was being so sweet and so respectful. Nice change from prison life.

  “Paisley there’s something I gotta tell you. It’s about why I was even on your street in the first place.”

  I then exclaimed to her about how her great Uncle Albert had been killed in prison and that he had left all of his belongings to me. Also he had asked me to keep an eye on you, I wasn’t sure what all he meant but now I’m glad he did.

  “So am I Malcolm. So am I.”

  Chapter 5

  Going back to that apartment that I shared with my mom to grab my things was going to be hard. I hoped she wasn’t there. I was thankful that Malcolm had come and acted when he did. I wasn’t sure what to think about my great Uncle Albert asking him to keep an eye on me; however I sure am glad that he did. There really is no telling where I would be.

  Well regardless, if she is here I now have three people at my back that I am truly thankful for.

  Pulling to the curb he shut the truck off and then climbed down and came around. He reached through the back open window and grabbed my crutches and as he was doing that I opened my door.

  “Next time you wait for me to open your door.” He said with all seriousness. Dang, okay I thought. My inner self did the happy dance. If I could have him remain a friend for the rest of my days I would be truly happy.

  He helped me down easily then handed me my crutches we all slowly made our way to the apartment. Looking up as we rounded the corner I was mortified.

  The front door was still caved in and lying on the floor. There was now gang signs and crap all over the brick on the outside. Peering in she could see my stuff strewn about the apartment.

  “Oh no!” She yelled.

  “Stay here.” Malcolm said before he looked around, reached behind his kutte and shirt and brought out a weapon as did his dad and they entered the apartment.

  Lilly came over to me and put her hand on something under her flannel and kept a watch around us.

  After a few moments they both returned with grim faces.

  “What? What is it?” Malcolm walked over to me and said,

  “Darlin’ I don’t think you need to go in there. Can you tell me where your birth certificate and social and stuff are?”

  “It should be in a shoe book under a panel in my closet near the right side.” I sighed and looked down at my feet. What was I to do now? He left and entered the apartment with his dad staying outside.

  As if sensing I was in turmoil, Lilly wrapped her arm around me.

  “Don’t you worry about it Paisley. We got you.” I teared up some more when she said that.

  I don’t know if they didn’t think I heard them when they said ‘Fucking pitiful, her mom’s room wasn’t fucking touched just hers. There wasn’t a piece of clothing that wasn’t ripped to shreds or a paper that wasn’t torn to fucking pieces’ I decided to keep my expression the same. I then also felt Lilly tense up beside me and then she smiled at me.

  Seeing Malcolm returning with my box and my book bag was a relief I guess. I should be glad that it hadn’t of been messed up. In it was my birth certificate, social, saved money from the library and a few pictures from my childhood I wanted to pass down to my children.

  Turning away we went back to the cars and climbed in, Malcolm assisting me and then closing my door after he handed me my box. After he got in the truck I asked,

  “Malcolm, would it be okay if I asked a friend of mine to come by your house? She has no clue what has happened and she is probably freaking out.”

  “Yeah, here’s my phone. Call em. You can text them the address.” HE handed it to me and I smiled at the picture of the three of them on his back ground.

  I dialed Harpers number and she answered,

  “Joe’s hoe shack, you got the dough we got the hoe.” She said happily. Any time she didn’t know the number she answered with that.

  “Yeah I need a five foot one, brown headed female. Chop, chop.” I said.

  “Paisley?!” She yelled so loud I had to pull the phone from my ear.

  “Yes Harper.” I then told her what had happened and I heard ‘What?’ so many times it was unreal. After agreeing about ten times to text her the address after I had gotten settled did she finally let me off the phone.

  Handing him back his phone I said ‘Thanks’ he nodded and then kept on driving forward. I hugged my box closer to me.

out at the scenery, it was an area I was unfamiliar with.

  Although seeing a beautiful deep grey stoned house with crimson shutters that we had pulled into the driveway of had me feeling so out of place it wasn’t even funny.

  Sitting there I waited for him to round the front of the truck, same as he did before he grabbed my crutches, opened my door, reached in and slipped his hands to my waist and lowered me down. He even grabbed ahold of my shoe box and book bag and carried them for me.

  Upon entering I tried not to let my jaw drop but it was difficult. The walls appeared to be a light shade of beige with various pictures on the walls of a family and what appeared to be bikes. Looking around even more I noticed all of the furniture was black in color. Furthermore the coffee’s legs were what appeared to be handlebars.

  The kitchen was just as the same with the black appliances and the marble counter tops but I loved the splashes of crimson built in throughout the entire space.

  “Your room is this way.” Lilly said as she headed down a hallway near the kitchen, I followed and was stunned.

  The room was a light purple and the furniture was a soft grey. The bed was possibly a full size; there was a desk, a dresser and a long floor length mirror. I walked in and sat down on the bed, hugging the box that Lilly had carried in for me.

  “Paisley, don’t you worry. We will take care of all of this.” She hadn’t been lying either.

  That night we had all gathered around the television which was a first for me and ate a yummy dinner with steaks and potatoes and watched The Longest Yard with Burt Reynolds. That night after I had a shower with Lilly’s things and dressed in some clothes Lilly couldn’t wear anymore with long sleeves, I was sitting on my bed when a knock came on the door.

  Malcolm peeked his head in the door, “Can I come in?” he asked. I nodded.

  He sat on the bed and rested his arms on his knees.

  “Do you remember in the hospital when I told that your great Uncle Albert had asked me to watch out for you and I had met him in prison? You never asked why I was in there.”


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