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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 26

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Twenty Six

  We arrived back at Momma-C and R-daddy’s hotel suite early Sunday morning. They were still at home, taking care of some last minute details.

  Grandma Edie had a meeting to attend. We shared farewells and hugs. Then, g-mom and I curled up in the same bed and took a nap together. The dark shades were drawn, not even a shadow could be seen.

  Although we had a wake-up call set for 3:00 p.m., Momma-C came rushing into our bedroom in a panic. She opened the curtains and the sun blinded us. It was only 10:45, but our rest was over.

  My dresses for the Warming had been delivered from Boston. Rubbing my eyes, I walked out into the living room area trying to discover what was happening. That’s when I ran into a mountain of cardboard.

  “I didn’t even need to use this many boxes when I moved into my sorority!!” I exclaimed.

  “Well, Shandra did say to expect boxes…” g-mom stated as she stretched.

  “But, she didn’t say it would be a moving truck’s worth!” Momma-C announced, incredulously.

  “Maybe, some of this is Ember’s or Fallon’s…” g-mom said.

  “Nope, it says Krista on all the labels…at least, the ones that I can see,” R-daddy told us.

  “We’ll need a week to sort through all of it…” g-mom remarked, humorously.

  “We’ve got until 6:00 tonight…” Momma-C revealed the obvious.

  “No fears…I’ve accomplished seven days of activities in less time. We’ll make it,” g-mom told her.

  “I think I’ll pop back home. Zander and I will get ready there. The one box with both of our outfits is waiting in the lobby. There’s not enough room in this suite for two additional bodies and all those dresses…” R-daddy comically added. “We’ll be back in plenty of time to pick you ladies up.”

  The boxes were plainly labelled. We sorted them before we unpackaged anything. In total, the designer had made me six separate outfits. Two were for the Warming. Two more were designed for the royal celebration. One was to be worn during the Ay’sha Heritage dinner party Grandma Edie was going to hostess. The last two were marked “Wedding Day” ceremony and “Wedding Day” reception.

  Even though we only had two outfits to contend with, it took nearly an hour to get my body into the first dress. Admiring myself in the full-length mirror, I was sparkling like a sunburst.

  “I’m glad I asked R-daddy to rent us limousines with tinted windows. You would blind the other drivers on the road riding in that spectacular outfit in a convertible…” Momma-C said with a giggle.

  Outfit number two had just as many, if not more, gems and jewels. It also had coins dangling from the fringes on my shirt. I spun around and listened to them jingle like bells. This particular outfit had some seriously blinged-out short-shorts to wear underneath it. I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I performed two backflips to test out the top.

  “Could either of you see my bra?? My brothers won’t know I have on shorts underneath the dress. They shoved me into Haven-hot-water after Friday’s musical performance. I’m lookin’ for a little sisterly payback,” I told them, jokingly.

  “I could see your pretty pink under-wires. So, I’m sorta leanin’ towards the no acrobatics in a way too revealing dress. That’s the kinda payback they might not survive,” g-mom revealed.

  Momma-C nodded and smiled, wordlessly. She suddenly seemed upset.

  “Alright, I’ll give them a pass this one time. Don’t worry, Momma-C, I won’t do anything you wouldn’t want me to do,” I said, guessing that she might be worried about me pulling a prank in the middle of the Warming.

  She shook her head and covered her mouth with her hand, obviously still upset.

  So, g-mom changed the subject.

  “That fine little Boston dress gal really outdid herself…” g-mom stated.

  “I love them, too…” I agreed.

  But, Momma-C didn’t make a comment. Instead, she bolted into the bathroom and locked herself inside.

  G-mom and I didn’t know what to make of her reaction. I didn’t damage the outfit by doing gymnastics. But, that was the only thing I could come up with. I’m sure the dress cost plenty.

  I was back in my street clothes by the time Momma-C rejoined us. Prepared to show her that the outfit is fine, she waved her hand to dismiss it. Her eyes were glassy and red-rimmed.

  “I’ve got to go home and get ready, myself. You look beautiful in those outfits, baby…just amazing. I love you both. We’ll be back at 5:00…” she said before she was whisked away.

  “A quick swing by Momma-G’s will hopefully help us sort through what’s upset Momma-C’s apple cart…” g-mom said before calling Command and requesting a transport to Momma-G’s location.

  This would wind up being a wasted trip because whatever is going on is obviously affecting her, too.

  Daddy-Jax was pacing outside their bedroom suite. He never does well when his wife gets upset. But, she refuses to talk to him about what has her distraught. Falling apart, he attempted to get out of g-mom any possible reasons for this dramatic turn of events. G-mom didn’t have any to give to him. So, he sent us to Sunridge hoping we might find the answer with R-daddy.

  “The most I can get outta Celeste is that her mom is up-in-arms over something. She’s not planning on telling me, or anyone, what it is.

  “Sorry, but I can’t even venture a guess. It’s not protocol for me to call Priscilla. She’ll be busy getting Scarlett ready. It’s hazardous for me to call Brad, out of the blue and start asking questions. Besides, he might not be clued in right now and I don’t want to be the one to stir the pot…” R-daddy explained.

  At a loss, we called Grandma Edie. She joined us through a hologram after stealing away to the ladies room.

  “I need to finish this meeting if at all possible. What’s up?” she asked.

  We did our best to quickly explain what we knew and told her about them being upset.

  “Let me call Tabby. I’ll get back with you in a minute…” Grandma Edie told us.

  Five minutes later she reappeared, looking extremely concerned.

  “Liz, I might have to join you on this. The Reigns’ found out Krista performed a lead in a musical and felt slighted because they weren’t invited.

  “So, Pricilla called Laurel-Anne and curtly requested that she bring any pictures or videos she might have of her granddaughter’s singing performance. And, if she would quote, be kind enough to do that, unquote, then…and only then, will Pricilla share hers that they took at Thursday’s game.

  “Laurel-Anne got her nose out of joint because no one invited them to come and see Krista cheerleading. I suppose further discussion revealed we had a luxury skybox with plenty of seating…yada yada,” Grandma Edie stated.

  “Well, Gayle and Jax didn’t think they could get to her game at all. It was a last minute thing for them. I sorta helped arrange it as a surprise. They were so disappointed about being left out and not seeing it. So, I called in a couple of markers from a few poker games.

  “It’s not Gayle’s fault. She didn’t even know she was getting to go. Surely her mom realizes that she wouldn’t invite them to something she wasn’t going to be at…” g-mom revealed, guiltily.

  “I’m in the same boat with Celeste. She has a standing, previous commitment on Fridays’ that she can’t get out of. I told Rave to keep it a secret from her because I didn’t know if I could make it work out. I called in a favor or three, so she could go. But, I didn’t find out until right before we were leaving for the show that Melody could cover for her.

  “Pricilla and Brad were in Boston having Scarlett’s dress fitting, yesterday. It was an all day and night event from what I can gather. Shandra is making her wedding gown, along with all the other dresses. So, they couldn’t make it to the final performance on Saturday, even if we had invited them…” Grandma Edie said.

  “Well, I guess the surprise is on us…feels st
rangely like an egg-type substance…” g-mom stated.

  “Yep, our sweet sure enough managed to sour…” Grandma Edie commented.

  “Maybe, we could call and explain how…” g-mom said but grandma interrupted her.

  “Won’t do a bit of good. Gypsy grandparents are always looking to out-do each other. It’s a fierce, and albeit ridiculous, competition. We can expect both sides to be resentful, even if they do share pictures and stories. Not a great way to start off this Warming fiasco.

  “I don’t know how I’ll do this, but I have to cut this short. I’ll see if Pricilla or Laurel-Anne might be willing to wave a white flag with my matriarch intervention…” grandma told us.

  Her nervous tone made me realize that she didn’t believe any kind of flag would be forthcoming. And, her meeting can’t go on without her…

  “Don’t leave there, grandma. I’m the source of contention. If any white flags will be flying, it’s gotta be me getting everyone saluting. I have a plan to fix this…” I said the lie with confidence.

  I had no idea how to make this right.

  I didn’t know my immediate family was at my game. And, honestly I wouldn’t have thought to invite any of my extended gypsy family members, anyway even if I had known about the others being there.

  Grandma debated with me, but eventually she capitulated. She resumed what she was doing. Somehow, I had persuaded her that I had a plan of action in the works.

  G-mom wasn’t convinced of anything. She waited until we were alone before she reprimanded me for bold-face lying.

  “It’s not exactly a lie, g-mom – not really. I’ll do something to smooth these ruffled feathers. I promise…” I vowed with one hand up and the other hidden, with my fingers crossed behind my back.


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