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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 27

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Gypsy families are complicated and keeping up is grueling. I now, understand why my mommas’ made certain lifestyle choices…why they are so overwhelmed…and why they chose to keep me away from this for as long as possible.

  Ay’sha children are constantly placed under a tremendous amount of pressure. From clothes, to actions, to guarding their image…it’s a never ending cycle. My mommas’ are (for the most part) separated from this consuming pressure. But, it finally dawns on me that unless they are willing to completely cut themselves off from their families of origin, that this stress will be lifelong.

  For Scarlett and Dylan, this overpowering strain is their reality. They must be desperately in love with each other to be willing to subject themselves to this…this…madness to the millionth power. I am ready for an extended vacation in a nice padded cell with a complimentary IV drip of whatever “happy mental juice” a doctor could prescribe me. And, I have only been at this dutiful gypsy daughter thing for a few days.

  The two gypsy lovebirds are from families that are opposed to seeing them wed! That’s insanity…

  I would have continued to obsess about their overwhelming ordeal, but I had less than four hours to deal with my own.

  Somehow, I have to make amends between my two sets of warring grandparents. The Rhineharts’, and every other blue blood, will be looking to my royal grandparents for cues on how to behave at the Warming. If they walk in already feeling slighted, the party could swiftly crumble into an all-out war zone.

  “Alright, little girl of mine…I’m gonna let that whopper of an untruth slide for the time being. I’ve got faith that you’ll figure out something, but you’ll have to solo it. I’m sorry, but we’re both on our own.

  “We’re working on a severe time-crunch and I’ve got some turbulent waters to settle with your two 100% gypsy mommas’. They can’t show up to hostess in their current mental mindset. I’ve got about an hour apiece before I have to get dressed…” g-mom revealed.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m sorry I lied, but grandma was ready to drop everything and…” I tried to explain, but she interrupted me.

  “The minutes are ticking, sweet Bunny Baby. Let’s file guilty explanations in with our other wasted efforts and get moving.

  “I’m going to work with your Momma-G, first. Your Daddy-Jax is in a state of panic. That’s a very dangerous frame of mind for him to be in. She’s the only one who can level him out…

  “Hopefully, I can still those waters and have enough time to smooth the rough patches with your Momma-C, too. Your R-daddy isn’t prone to panic over Momma-C, but the pressure’s building. It’s hard to see your soulmate getting repeatedly tossed through the emotional wringer…” she told me.

  “I love you…we’re gonna make it through this…” I replied with as much assurance as I could muster.

  She took off to find Momma-G and I paced the room, trying to think of something. Thirty minutes later, I had a tentative plan that was reliant on too many different people. Sadly, it was the best I could come up with.

  Scarlett and Dylan should be the center of attention tonight at this Warming. But unfortunately, I need it more than they do – at least, temporarily. So, the bride and groom-to-be would have to share their limelight for a few minutes or get forcibly shoved out of it. I don’t have another choice available.

  The stage would already be out at Blitzed because of the buffet. So, that was one problem down. I decided not to count the ones I’m still facing or I would need g-mom to smooth me out…no time for that.

  Using spiritual travelling to arrive at a public place is risky because I can easily get caught “materializing”. But, I don’t have time to drive around, finish everything, get ready and make it to the venue. So, anyone who witnesses my surprising arrival will have to just figure out what happened the best way they know how.

  Sending a blanket text, I asked my squad to meet me in the gym at 4:00. I used the terms “urgent” and “emergency” in the message, telling them I’ll have to explain when I get there. My cell phone was blowing up with replies. Everyone agreed to meet with me. My squad would be in a complete panic by the time they arrive, but the details would have to wait.

  G-mom used her sources and helped me select four songs. Then, I had Command trans-verse me to a store where I could download digital Karaoke songs and burn them to a high-quality disk. I don’t know anything about the sound system at Blitzed, so I needed to come prepared with both.

  The five text messages I sent to Audrey were still unanswered. So, I started dialing her number. But, it went straight to voicemail.

  This can’t be happening!

  Desperate to find Dante of Dark Matter, I had Command trans-verse me to the band’s last known address. But, they are evidently, no longer operating out of the storage facility. Their unit has been emptied.

  I need to get Dante’s permission to use some of his equipment, currently locked up at Blitzed. So, finding them is imperative. All bands are possessive about their equipment. Dark Matter had sacrificed for theirs. I assume they will be even more tight-fisted about letting me use it.

  But, the way I figure it, Dark Matter owes me one for getting their career started. I don’t normally demand payment for a favor…especially one that the other party didn’t agree to. Dante didn’t even know I had set things in motion for their massive fan base until after it happened. Sorry, drummer-boy, but being polite and politically correct is out the proverbial window. Someone in that band is going to agree to let me use a microphone and their speakers – period. Otherwise, I will rip down their rising star with extreme prejudice. I started their climb and I can reverse it…

  Feeling powerful, and not to mention desperate, I talked myself into using my diva card if I had to. But, I have to find them before I can use any type of card. Because I didn’t know any of the members, I would need to track down Audrey.

  “That cellular number you have requested for tracking is either out of service, powered down or the battery is insufficient to operate the device…” was the text message Ava’shay Command sent me.

  “Why didn’t I get Dark Minded Dante’s number while I had a chance???” I yelled at the sky in frustration.

  Then, I started giggling. Making up nicknames should be left to the experts – like my niece. I didn’t know what type of mind Dante has and I shouldn’t be insulting it, regardless.

  Plus, I had no reason to have his phone number stored. What would I have told Audrey about demanding it?

  I want your man’s number because I might need to use him later…

  I winded myself laughing.

  After trans-versing secretly into the restroom at Blitzed, I discovered something terrible. Mr. Gray has a state of the art, motion sensitive security system that is even wired in the windowless facilities!

  The police were on the scene within minutes. I jetted back to the storage building before being discovered and arrested. So much for getting into their personnel files and finding some contact info for Dark Matter.

  I didn’t know how to get in touch with Nigel Gray or Sebastian Race. And, I doubted they would give me any of the band’s phone numbers, anyway. They would probably assume I’m some crazy groupie looking to stalk them like celebrity prey.

  Finding Dante and asking for that favor is critical. Besides not having time to round-up the necessary equipment on my own, I know less than nothing about quality microphones and speakers. A simple Karaoke/DJ set-up won’t do in this instance either. The building is huge. It will be filled to capacity. And, I need this performance to be better than a concert at an Amphitheater.

  The club is going to be filled with gypsies…wall-to-wall…judging eyes…staring right at me…and only me!

  Suddenly frantic, I managed to shove aside my overwhelming fear of singing in front of that many people. I persuaded myself to only cross bridges when I get to them…
and, I would remind myself as necessary.

  Justifying my breaking-and-entering by blaming the shoddy lock the storage facility kept on their office, I discovered nothing that would help me find Dante.

  Next, I went on an all-out mission to locate Audrey. I managed to find her dad, but he was too drunk to be useful. Her cousin and his friends were still in county lock-up courtesy of Becca’s call to the police. She means business when it comes to safety…Tray would applaud her efforts.

  Although I didn’t know any of them when I started my search, I ran down Audrey’s friends and acquaintances. None of them had seen her in days. And, none of them knew how to get up with Dante.

  I turned to my large network, but that wound up a total bust. I even accidentally created more turmoil for myself when some of my buddies realized that I had an inside connection to Dark Matter. Then, I was fielding requests for introductions and obtaining autographs. Everyone wants to be part of the ‘in-crowd’…

  My iPhone beeped into infinity with nothing useful on the other end. Four o’clock was drawing near. So, I prayed and started searching every place I knew Audrey had been. The last place I checked was the house she was supposed to have moved into.

  Her boxes were sitting on the front porch, damp from a recent rain. And, they were opened as if someone had been going through them.

  “Where’s Audrey?” I demanded as I stormed inside.

  “Who’s that? And, who are you??” an unknown girl questioned me, startled.

  “That’s her stuff getting damaged on the porch!” I exclaimed without telling her my name.

  “One of the other guys moved those boxes out there, not me. I’m starting to rethink this living situation. Like I’ve told everyone else who’s been searching for that girl, what’s her name, I didn’t meet her. She never slept in the bed or stayed a night, if the rumors are in any way accurate. I don’t know and I don’t care to know.

  “Don’t take this wrong, but to my knowledge, we live our separate lives in this house. I don’t even know the guy’s name I paid my rent to. But, I’m asking for my security deposit back the next time I see him,” she offered and stormed off the same way I arrived.

  It wouldn’t do any good to follow her. She didn’t know anything helpful. And, my alarm sounded. Without bothering to look around, I sent Command a request to trans-verse me to my school’s gymnasium.

  Placing my Audrey worries on the back burner, I went in to meet my squad. As suspected, my Cheer Babies were frantic from my request. They bombarded me with inquiries.

  “Quiet down and I’ll explain. I need to ask a huge, massive, astronomically big favor of each of you. Before you answer, I want everyone to know that I won’t be mad if one or all of you say “no”. In fact, we’re gonna vote by secret ballot because I don’t want anyone to feel pressured. I’m stuck in a horrible situation and I need your help to get out of it.

  “My family’s in town for an engagement party. I’m a gypsy, as I’m sure you all realize. That’s why I’ve changed my appearance, etcetera. Gypsy families are incredibly large. I’ve just met some of my extended family members this last week and the intros just keep on coming.

  “A few of them arrived earlier in the week and they got an invite to our game. But, others of them didn’t. You all know how difficult it was to find tickets and I’m talking about a large, large number of family members.

  “At any rate, those members who didn’t get tickets were offended. If any of you have difficult family members then, you’ll be sympathetic. I didn’t know that anyone in my family was coming. Or, I could have had Zack pull some tickets out of his top hat or just let them in through the locker room entrance. That’s a sidetrack…sorry. The game’s over and I’ve got what I’ve got for the fallout.

  “So, here comes the favor. I know we’ve been working exclusively on our regional routine the last month. And, we haven’t been practicing for anything else really. We’re on break and I promised you could all have a full week off and I’m interrupting it…” I rambled.

  “Hey C.B.C., don’t mean to interrupt whatever it is you’re saying, but the favor is…” Will stated, cutting to the chase for me.

  “Sorry, again. This is a lot to ask. I was wondering if you, and the rest of the squad, would be willing to perform our national’s routine tonight, around nine tonight…” I said and held my breath in anticipation.

  “You mean ‘regional’s’, right?” Z.Z. asked.

  “No, I do mean nationals,” I replied.

  “National’s…national’s…as in this year’s nationals’??” Piper questioned, astounded by my request.

  “Yes, I want us to perform this year’s national routine. I need to do something spectacular to appease my slighted family members. A routine that no one on earth has seen before should do the trick.

  “This is something I’ve never revealed, but my routines are all structured with heavy gypsy influences. This year’s national routine has a bunch of steps and sequences that will be familiar to my family, both immediate and extended.

  “I incorporate those moves because frankly, it makes me feel like they are cheering with me. I’m close to all of them and I miss them, tremendously. Now, you all know my secret to choreographing a championship winning routine…” I revealed, sharing my personal life out of necessity.

  “So, you’re saying you’ve been secretly turning us into cheerleading gypsies?” Tess asked me and I couldn’t read her facial expression.

  “In a way, yes…”

  “Gyp-zzzeees have got style, squared and perfected. Woo-wee, you think I’m about to be missin’ out on that fashion show? I’m so in, I’m already there…” Zahara declared.

  “Thanks, Z.Z.. But, like I said, we aren’t going to vote vocally or through a show of hands. This is a massive scale favor I’m asking. If anyone wants to decline then, I promise I will understand. I won’t try to persuade you to change your minds either. I’m hoping, even if we decide not to perform nationals, that you will all, at least consider performing our regional routine again. Only my two sets of grandparents will be allowed to video the performance, no matter what. I can promise that they won’t share it on websites or with anyone else, at all until after the actual competition.

  “We’ll be taking the stage at Blitzed. After our one performance, whichever one, you can all stay for the party. You can even invite one guest, each. But, they won’t be able to get in until we leave the stage because you will have to accompany them. Guests should be eighteen or older, please. Any underage partiers will get a wristband. No minors drinking alcohol – period. I.D.’s are required.

  “The food will be gone by the time your guests arrive. The buffet is getting put away at 8:30 because we need the space. But, squad members are welcome to arrive when it starts at 6:00. Just remember, save the big eating and drinking for after our performance. The caterers will have to-go containers if you want to save something for later.

  “It goes without saying that no one should consume a drop of alcohol until after we’re finished, too. The aerials are very dangerous. But, don’t worry about missing out on the party. The free bars will be open until 2:00…” I started to reveal the details and Jarron raised his hand to ask a question.

  “Did you say free and bars, as in no cost, plural??”

  “Yes. Remember when I said I have a large family…I meant it. The DC Strip will be blocked off tonight to accommodate us. You will each get a pass and I will give you one guest pass to deliver after we perform. You can hop clubs at your leisure. But, it’s safe to assume the police will be parked at both ends of the Strip waiting to fill a year’s quota in one night. Don’t drive intoxicated! If you skirt by the police, just remember, I have eyes everywhere. I will find out if you put yourself and others in danger. I will get any of you a safe ride. So, come find me. I’ll be staying at Blitzed for the duration.

  “Also, gypsies are rowdy, prone to
bragging and starting fights. Please, walk off if anyone says something that rubs you the wrong way. If you choose not to, or the alcohol chooses for you, expect to be escorted off premises and not so, nicely. You can text me for a ride, but don’t expect me to get you back in or to pony up bail money, if you wind up in the pokey…” I warned them.

  “Any chance Ice Man will be that escort??” Drevaugh asked me.

  “An excellent chance, because party or no, he’s still the head of GZ security…”

  I answered several more questions, told everyone the dress codes and offered a few additional warnings.

  “You’ll notice the voting cards have boxes to check. No jokes about feeling like middle schoolers. Everyone has the same black ink pen and I want everyone to mark the ballot with an “X” so no one can tell who marked, what.

  “I’m sorry I’m not giving you that break. And, I’m sorry for asking for such a large and impromptu favor. Oh, and if you feel like we’re not ready to perform our national routine, check no to doing…” I offered guiltily before Jarron, ever so politely, covered my mouth and escorted me outside the gym.

  “Really, C.B.C.…you’ve gotta learn to chill at some point. It’s a favor you’re asking for…not a prison sentence you’re deliverin’. And, any party invite that includes free booze should more than balance the scales…” Jarron stated.

  “Go! I’ll hush and let you fill out your card…”

  “I’m not checking anything. You already know who’s got you covered, sis. But, I will collect the others…” my spotter said.

  He kissed me on the cheek before he went in to collect the ballots.

  They voted unanimously to perform our national routine. I was both happy and severely nervous about their decision. We haven’t practiced for nationals in over a month. But, I didn’t have any time left to run through it for a refresher either – not if I want to get myself ready. And, I didn’t feel right asking them to stay behind and practice without me. However, my incredible squad would come through for me, yet again…

  “We’re gonna change out and practice for a couple of hours. We’ll stretch…we’ll be ready…” Piper told me before she ran into the locker room.

  “Jarron…” I said, preparing to explain.

  “I know, you’ve gotta get sandblasted, dipped in hot oil, practice walking around in diamond studded stilts and do whatever torturous else it is that you gypsy girls do to get ready. I’ll supervise practice and let you know if anything’s shaky. We’re ready…” he told me.

  He and I spend several hours each week working one-on-one. So, he’s right about us. Still, I was feeling bad about springing this on them. And, Jarron read my thoughts.

  “Hey, stop that! Go and listen in on that locker room chatter. Those girls are more excited than a day-one lottery winner. I know you’ve been tied up, but this campus has been buzzing about this secret, private party. The football team’s been employed to work security, but they’re not sharing details…confidentiality agreements. Your family’s more private than a pack of hermit monks…

  “Your invite just put this squad on the university’s social A-list for the duration. You just made their day…and mine…and Karin’s, too. She’s already got our outfits in mind...just in case you asked us.

  “So, quit it and hit that road running. Don’t forget your away game outfit. Can’t have you tumblin’, or me trying to catch you, in that crazy, lumpy get-up you’ll be anchored into this evening. I know, for sure that you won’t be showing in those plain blue jeans and worn out Chuck’s. Those would kinda work for me, but I’m not thinkin’ you’d survive your g-mom or grandma, dressed like a mere native in the middle of grand-hoopla central…” he said, comically and ducked into the gym before I could respond.


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