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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 31

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty One

  “That was the most unselfish and lovely gift a daughter could give to her moms’. How do we thank you?” Momma-C asked me, softly.

  “How indeed, because I am at a loss? Our youngest daughter, your gift…it is…so…so… meaningful,” Momma-G stated, struggling to find the right words.

  “Neither one of you have to do anything to thank me. I know what you’re both feeling because my heart is closely attached to all my mommies,” I revealed.

  Even Quinn stole away from his crazed gypsy beauty fan club long enough to share an embrace with his family and accept their gratitude.

  Zander remained hidden in the alley until I found him.

  “I was terrified of singing in front of that crowd. But, I’m even more petrified of dancing with a hundred wifely hopefuls. I wouldn’t know where to start the sorting process and I don’t want to hurt any girl’s feelings…” he revealed to me.

  “I’ll run all the interference I can. In fact, I’d do practically anything for you this evening. You, Haven and Quinn saved me, but how’d you…” I started to say and he anticipated the question.

  “G-mom the miniature-almighty…”

  “I should’ve known she’d do something to assist me while simultaneously doing everything else she was doing. Someday I’m gonna have time to corner her and make her share how she does that. It took me all day, and through the first half of this party, just to get those microphones to use…”

  “Let’s see. While you were begging, borrowing or stealing mics, g-mom counseled Momma-G, Daddy-Jax and my mom. She even had a word with dad because, although he wasn’t showing it, he was upset that Poppy and Meemaw got mom torn up. It’s stupid…Poppy doesn’t care whether mom is the right person to blame. He’s used to accusing her and worrying with the truth later – if ever. He gives me a headache when I’m with him…running cons. I was sorta shocked you all got back to the room before daybreak with him playing a gypsy game with that mayor…”

  “He’s a senator. And, I was stunned myself…”

  “Didn’t mean to sidetrack on you…where was I? Oh yeah, g-mom also updated grandma and convinced all of your nephews and your niece to learn one song apiece. That way they could be part of the “most awesomest, awesome gift that no one else on this whole planet can give them…”

  “Luke and Mikey were all for it until they took one look at those squealing girls. They hid behind grandma, which is exactly what I wished I coulda done. But, reading between the lines is becoming my specialty of late. That gift was for mom and Momma-G. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my parents…but, my moms’ especially. There’s no fear big enough in all the realms put together that woulda kept me from singing on that stage.

  “Now, those eager gypsy girls are another story, entirely…”

  “Don’t worry…Quinn’s entertaining his and yours and probably some of the other guys’ too!”

  “He’s one cool and fearless little dude…”

  “And we’re safe calling him one, but Mikey, well…that’s also another story, entirely.”

  “I actually believe Mikey Biggs could ‘flat’ his daddy if he had the opportunity. I think Tray’s gonna test his skills on this trip. I can’t wait to see the result…”

  “If Willow discovers that, you can find me ducking behind grandma upon your return,” I offered.

  “If she finds out, Tray won’t have any safe place to hide…not even grandma can stop Willow if she’s motivated and on a protective mommy rampage,” he replied, humorously.

  “I’m gonna miss you…and them, while you’re off on vacation. It’s gonna be a long seven days with no way to contact you,” I told him, thinking about how they don’t take their cell phones.

  “I would say you force us to miss you on an everyday basis, but it’s not my turn to make you feel guilty.”

  “Thanks, I think! I’m not looking forward to when it is your turn. I’ll be saying “goodbye” to college and I’ve worked so hard…” I added, dramatically.

  “I’m gonna miss you too…I always do. I miss you way more than any of the others do, including Ember. Actually, you can combine all their ‘lonely for Krista’ feelings and it doesn’t come close to defining how much I miss you.

  “I’ve never told you that or anyone for that matter. Dad would tell me it’s one of those true things that should only be thought and not voiced. But, I’ve already put it out there and I’m not taking it back…”

  He looked at me with such an intense gaze that I involuntarily gasped.

  “I believe you because we’re in the same situation. I never planned to share that with you either. At least you understand why I pester you with nosy text messages about your life on a daily and nightly basis…”

  “You’re not pestering me. I’m really looking forward to getting you back in the nighttime rotation. Our once-a-week powwows were never enough. But, now that they’re gone, I realize a little something is better than a lot of nothing…

  “Well, I’ve hidden about as long as I dare behind this dumpster. Guess we better get back inside and start fielding prospects…”

  “Not yet! Please, spend a few minutes with me. I can’t text you for my daily Boo-bear fix while you’re away – remember? Just talk…what have you been doing lately? Who’ve you been dating? Does she treat you right?” I asked and would have continued but he started answering.

  “Normally, I’m scheming with Quinn because he believes I have some power over his mom and all other women that he doesn’t. He’s fourteen going on thirty…too much gypsy inside him. Been talking to him since he was born and he’s 97% Ay’sha and his other three heritages get 1% a piece. If we listen to Quinn, he’s ready to date, marry and parent by the time we get back from our trip.

  “Here’s a true something that would terrify everyone in our family and I would only share with you. Quinn actually is ready to date, marry and be a daddy. He’s been ready for more than a couple of years, now. As you know, he’s incredibly responsible but it’s more than that. Tray started raising Ember when he was about Mikey’s age. He loved every second of it too. She was his daughter from word go. Quinn is every bit his dad’s son. He parents his younger siblings…even me, sometimes…and he’s really good at it, like Tray.

  “Okay, I’ve terrified you sufficiently so what’s next. I’ve been out on a few dates with a girl named, Kimber Morrey. Haven calls her K. S. Kimber – stands for kinder and softer – because she’s nicer and quieter than me. She treats me fine. But, she’s scared to meet mom and dad. She calls them the Vaydem Power Couple. I can’t imagine anyone being scared of my dad. Mom’s sometimes a force to be reckoned with, but she wouldn’t turn into a gypsy mom unless I asked to get married or something crazy like that.

  “Don’t you gimme that look of horror. I’ve met my one scare limit on you with the… ‘Quinn’s ready for marriage and a family reveal’, remember?? There’s nothing serious between me and Kimber. I’ve also been out with Denise from down the road and a couple of other girls here and there. You got the 411 on them already from my text messages. So, I would be repeating what you already know…”

  “You just told me their names and where you went…”

  “That’s all there was to tell…”

  “It’d better be! I just found out that none of us can successfully keep a secret from Grandma Edie…”

  “It took you this long to figure that out?? I don’t think you’re getting your money’s worth at that college…” he told me, comically.

  “That’s what my brothers tell me…”

  “You and I are stalling each other…you do realize this, right?”

  “Must you point out everything I’m trying to avoid tonight? Now, we have to go inside and face the overcrowded gypsy population.”

  “We’re not stalling because of that. It’s not that simple. Here, gimme one of your belly rings and I’ll fix our heart rela
ted problem, once and for all…” he stated and held out his hand.

  I removed one of my piercing’s that was filled with his essence and gave it to him. He closed his fist around it and placed it against his chest. He silently mouthed three lines before he dropped the earring back into my hand.

  Although I didn’t see anything happen, the essence was illuminated. It was sparkling like a sunburst trapped inside a glass bottle.

  “Ummm, question for you little Boo-bear of mine. Will everyone be able to see my lit up mid-section or is this light show for our eyes only?” I questioned him as I slid the ring back through the hole.

  “Like your Mikey strength from earlier…it’s a temporary effect. But, it’ll take a few hours to fade. Don’t sweat it…no one will notice anything unusual as long as you wear that outfit until the glow goes away…” he said and laughed.

  “Tray’s gonna destroy it the instant he can get his hands on it, right?”

  “We’ve already made a brotherly pact to use it to start our inaugural campfire this year. Even I think it’s way too revealing. And, don’t gimme that I’ve got on shorts underneath it excuse because that’s only flying with our moms’. That designer didn’t give your brothers’ or your dads’ an inkling of consideration when she patched those tiny squares together and called it your late night outfit…”

  “I’ll admit there’s lots of skin showing. But, I’ll have you all know that I love, love, love this skimpy outfit. It’s the most remarkable and eye-catching thing I’ve ever put on. Too bad, I’m not Quinny-minded and ready to run off with a gypsy suitor to start a family. I could have my pick of the litter in this outfit. My hubby wouldn’t see any of my flaws until well after my talons were sunk into him…”

  “Ya’ don’t say??” he responded, sarcastically.

  He gave me a hand to help me stand up. We needed to rejoin the party.

  “By the way, how does a glowing belly-button hoop fix our heart-related problem??”

  “You tell me…” he thought to me through a communication tether.

  “Please say I’ve gotta think actual words and that you can’t read my mind!” I exclaimed to him, mentally.

  “Words are still required for us to have a discussion – no matter which way we choose to converse…”

  “Just like Grandma Edie, correct??” I questioned him and crossed my fingers.

  “Sorry, but that’s not a ‘tether’ she’s using, Little KK So, better mind your thinking when she’s close enough to listen to your internal debates!”


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