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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 32

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Gypsies know how to, and really love to, party. The Warming will be an all-night affair. The complimentary bar will end at 2:00 in the morning, but the celebration and dancing will carry on until the sun makes an entrance.

  My moms were still emotional from our performance. They were milling through the crowd, seeking out my squad members to thank each of them, personally.

  Although I did begin cashing in rain-checks, I was also cautiously watching Poppy and Taft Rhinehart for signs of impending trouble. I had no idea what I would do if they got into a dispute, but I couldn’t seem to stop spying.

  Even when Scarlett came over to see me, I kept them in my line of sight.

  “Thank you for my secret gift. Haven is so cute that my parents couldn’t get upset with me or Dylan. She kinda suggested that she didn’t get to see our first dance because she’s ver-tic-u-lara-lee challenged. I know she was on someone’s shoulders because I waved at her. And, I also know you were the mastermind behind the stage dance because Quinn told me.

  “I wish I could marry Dylan and go home with him tonight. His mom’s been real nice to me and I think she’s gonna be okay with our marriage. At least, I hope she is.

  “I just couldn’t wait! I gave her the gifts I selected and made my speech. She almost acted like she was going to cry. That’s a good sign, don’t ya’ think?” Scarlett asked me.

  “Sure, I think that’s a good sign of great things to come. And, you’re welcome for the secret gift. I wanted you both to have another chance to be in the limelight…this is your evening.”

  Her words provided me with, yet another consuming worry. Meemaw was sitting at the same table as Natrice. But, they were talking to members of their own gypsy persuasion. I didn’t see any gifts in front of Dylan’s mom. My Poppy hasn’t offered a toast to the groom or his family yet either.

  I thanked my current dance partner and excused myself to the ladies’ room. I didn’t need to do anything in particular. So, I counted to fifty and planned to make a beeline for that table. Those stubborn moms obviously need some help getting a dialogue started. And, I…

  “You are feeling healthier, I see. Shall we, my lovely youngest daughter?” Daddy-Jax asked me to dance, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I would be delighted, daddy…”

  “While we are out here together, I would like to ask you for another favor…”


  “Close your eyes and let’s take a trip together. The party goers are slipping into the background. The music is playing, quietly. You are completely relaxed, allowing me to support your body weight. You have no desire to use your voice to respond to me. You only wish to listen. We are now dancing in a world of our own…” he offered, channeled and I felt it happen.

  “We have precious few minutes for a father/daughter dance. And, I want your undivided attention while we share it. You have made your parents very proud this evening, as always. We love you from the depths of our souls’. It is a place you have yet to visit. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, it is the one space in your heart that your R-daddy and I pray you will wait to unlock until you are much, much, much older.

  “We prefer that you have a doctorate or doctorates, if you would rather, from a Vaydem or Ava’shay college. We further prefer you explore every corner of every intriguing realm and then spend several hundred years with your family beyond earth’s borders before you venture into marriage and parenthood. Now, our “daddy preferences” are clearly known. I would also ask that you bear them in mind, when I make our next request.

  “You have done more than your fair share of worrying and clearing the air this evening. You are our only single gypsy daughter. It is time for you to leave the concerns in your parents’ hands’ and be free to enjoy the festivities with your contemporaries. I assure you, my beautiful girl, we are quite capable of handling even the worst imaginable scenario you can envision.

  “Let me add this. G-mom has made us aware of the video presentation you and she created. It has been scheduled at a specific time and is being sufficiently handled. We will man your phone, in case one of your friends’ requires a safe ride. You have no further worries. Your R-daddy and I will take care of everything…including you…” he told me.

  Our trip ended and we were back inside BlitZed, dancing. I wanted to say so many things to him, but my voice was not under my control. So, I placed my head on his shoulder and let him feel me relax against it. The song ended, but I wasn’t ready to let him go. I kept my head right where it was and my eyes firmly closed. We danced together until the DJ switched to hip-hop.

  The caterers had set up a small buffet in a dressing room for me and my squad. The other members had found it right away, but there was still plenty of food leftover. My grandparents’ each shared their videos with us.

  “We nailed every stunt, perfectly! Fair warning, my Cheer Baby Captain, we voted and decided we only need three practices a week, from now until the competition…” Jarron revealed, looking over my shoulder.

  The few other Cheer Babies in the vicinity banded with him and started begging.

  “I don’t remember calling for an election! But, I’m not interested in mutiny. So, in honor of my gypsy heritage, let’s make a deal. I’ll suspend all practices for the next three weeks and we’ll only perform our basic cheers at games. We’ll spend twenty one glorious days running wild like self-liberated convicts on a mission. Then, we hit it hard, six days a week and an extra hour on top of our normal practice time on those days…”

  In the end, no compromise was necessary and no real bargain took place. I gave them more than what they demanded. They got my twenty one offered days of total practice freedom and when we resume, we will cut back to three times a week. My Cheer Babies were ecstatic that they came out on the winning end of the bargain. Jarron tossed me skyward to show his appreciation. His guarding duties and his cheering commitments have both been interfering in his personal life. I just gave him back time to reestablish his relationship with Karin.

  Little did he know that it was my daddies’ he should be thanking because my generosity was fatherly-generated. They had zapped me with a channel that makes me more carefree than I would be taking a fistful of Prozac. My squad could have easily convinced me that practice isn’t necessary, ever, for any reason.

  I’m glad they didn’t discover that!

  Although I can attribute most of my amazing evening of wonderful freedom to my dads’ channeled gifts, I knew some of the liberated fun was coming from inside me. I allowed my gypsy girl to take over. I flirted and giggled with every Ay’sha guy I found interesting. I ate forbidden foods I haven’t ingested since I started cheerleading. The sugar rush gave me the jitters and a nasty headache, but I kept right on eating. I danced with, what felt like, every guy in the building. Then, I started pulling gypsy males into the club from the street to dance with me, too. I rarely drink alcohol, but I consumed cocktails until my eyes were floating.

  While I unleashed my inner-gypsy and had a ball, I was being closely watched by all the male members of my family. They would keep me safe, not only from the advances of my enamored suitors, but also from myself. I actually answered in the affirmative to about eight or nine different marriage proposals because I was so swept up in the moment. I didn’t know any of their names so I couldn’t be in love with them. I was gypsy-free and exploring the Ay’sha world both inside and outside of me.

  Between the alcohol, a thousand bodies jammed together, and my dancing, I was scorching hot. My skirt was taped to my skin and pinned to my shorts. But, I somehow finagled my way out of it – much to my brothers’ horror. I was dancing in nothing but short-shorts and a mid-rift shirt with gold coins clinking together, dangling from the fringes. The rest of my outfit, tiara and my high heels were with my moms’…neatly stacked on their table.

  I would later learn that my brothers w
ere forced to swear a blood oath that they wouldn’t remove the effects of what my dads’ offered, do and/or channel anything that would interfere in my fun. They could only intervene if a boy attempted to touch my body or lead me away. So, they got to stand by helplessly and watch as I stripped down to my short-shorts to cool off while my dance partners cheered me on from a comfortable distance.

  I don’t actually remember how I got out of my skirt. But, I did it with no help from anyone and without removing a single safety pin either. That’s when my brothers’ put their heads together. They needed to figure out a way around my parents’ that didn’t violate their sworn promise. And they did it!!

  A wind that was colder than a blizzard surrounded me on the dance floor. I suddenly went from spinning through the volcanic tropics, to locked and shivering in the deep freeze. I was so incredibly cold that I completely sobered up.

  “Hey, it’s not a channel…just a helpful touch of Vaydem elemental wind…a gift from me and your brothers…” my Boo-bear declared through our tether.

  Zander was in on it with Tray, Jaysen and Reid!

  Four smiling and extremely satisfied faces were smirking at me from the shadows. I couldn’t help myself. I fell over laughing at their sinister and rather ingenious plot.

  “I give! You win!! I love you all!!! Now find me something to wear, along with a hat, gloves and a winter coat. But, no helmets or chastity belts…or…I’ll tell…our mommas’…” I stated between my clattering teeth.

  The wind followed my every movement. And, my dance partners started complaining about the possessed air conditioner in BlitZed. My brothers randomly high-fived each other and Zander was right there with them – celebrating.

  I switched to soda and eventually to water, when my stomach protested my overindulgence. It wouldn’t have done me any good to keep drinking anyway. There are evidently no alcoholics living in igloo-friendly environments…

  The party was still going strong at 3:30 in the morning. Small children were sleeping in laps, but no one had left the club. In fact, it felt like more people had piled in. I was currently dancing in the middle of my Cheer Babies when g-mom turned on Lucille and started telling everyone to quiet down for a minute.

  My squad stopped socializing, instantly. They were gathering their things and saying goodnight. I realized they were being encouraged to go home, via channel. The Warming would be a private “gypsy only” affair from this point on.

  G-mom is getting ready to present our gift. The photographs that will display on the screens are noticeable antiques. My grandparents mainly live in realms that nearly halt the aging process. So, although they have aged somewhat, they still look hauntingly identical to the way they appeared on their wedding days’. My squad would need straightjackets if they happened to see those photos because there is no rational explanation for them.

  I went over to sit with my parents’ and siblings to watch the picture show with them. Grandma Edie pulled me into her lap. She has no idea that Aunt Tabby helped us and that this gift is partially for her…

  “Thank you, baby. I’ll thank Liz and Tabby, too…” she replied to my thoughts.

  “I already forgot you could do that! I ruined the surprise…” I told her, upset with myself.

  “It’s still gonna be a surprise. You just gave me a small heads-up that I need to be paying close attention…”

  “The channels R-daddy and Daddy-Jax’s smacked me with still have my brain slightly befuddled. Did my great-grandparents make it yet??”

  “Speaking of…” she replied and all eyes turned to the entrance.

  Grandma Edie’s parents entered the club and a hush fell over the crowd.

  Poppy Bradwell took the mic for the first time all night. He climbed up on the small platform near the hidden stage to announce their arrival.

  “We are honored tonight by the presence of Kellum Emory and Breena-Susanne Arroway. Parents of high Ay’sha matriarch, Embree-Anna Arroway…” he announced.

  The men stood up to show their respect. The women clapped. And, my Grandma Edie gripped her wedding band and winced from the pain when Poppy neglected to add her married name.

  “Welcome to the Reigns’ Family Feast given to celebrate the marriage of our daughter, Scarlett Rosalee to Dylan Sheffield Rhinehart, oldest son of the royal Dom Taft Dylan Rhinehart. Thank you for accepting our invitation to join us in a traditional kindred Warming…”

  My great-grandfather acknowledged his words by nodding. My great-grandmother also nodded and looked down, demurely.

  “I love you, grandma…we’re gonna get through this,” I said in my thoughts and she pulled me closer to her.

  My dads’ completely withdrew their channels to me, so I would be coherent. G-mom climbed up and stood beside Poppy on the platform. The rest of us were sitting in a tight huddle, as one united family. We were bracing for whatever might happen next.

  Then, g-mom would break the ice like only she can…

  “Thank heavens, you two made it just in time to see it! We’ve got seats saved for you, right down in front because that’s where honored guests typically park it. You folks move it over…you’re about to get company.

  “That’s right, Kellum was it, and Breely-Sue, don’t be shy. Just comon’ down…the seats are nice and toasty. Groom-daddy Taft, be a dear heart and get them a drink. Or better yet, pop the cork on that rare bottle of champagne I’ve got chilling behind the counter. Was saving it for a breather afterwards, but I’m all about sharing it with the parents of her mighty greatness – Edie Quinton. Never met a better person and I’ve made the acquaintance of lots of people. The parental couple of the hour has finally graced us and that’s cause for something intoxicatingly bubbly. Wouldn’t you all agree??” g-mom inquired and looked at the crowd, expectantly.

  Puzzled, but feeling the social pressure they cheered again.

  “We’ll hold our glasses ‘til the end of the movie. Once it’s over, I’ll let Bradwell raise that toast to the fine young couple celebrating those nuptials. Bride Daddy Brad’s been keeping those sentiments close to the vest, waiting on you fine folks to arrive.

  “I’m ready…you’re ready…we’re all ready to get this show on the road. So, hang on to your hats, gents and ladies, hang on to your honeys. As our family proudly presents an unfolding mystery like nothing you’ve ever witnessed…” g-mom declared, perplexing everyone in the crowd in the process.

  She’s using her own, really good advice. G-mom complimented grandma’s parents. She manipulated Poppy into offering his toast, forcing the issue. She even gave the crowd an excuse for why he hasn’t done it yet. She didn’t introduce herself, but everyone assumes my great-grandparents know all about her. That means she is someone they should know, too. Pretending is their only option until they can figure out what family she represents.

  Ha-ha Poppy Con Dom you just got bested by perplexing g-mom-speak…

  Grandma Edie buried her head in my hair, trying to muffle her laughter as she listened in on my loony thoughts…

  G-mom turned off the microphone and took it with her. She had a glass of champagne in one hand and Lucille in the other when she happily wedged herself in between grandma’s parents. My whole family started snickering.

  Aunt Tabby picked out the music for the movie. She said it was a special dedication for grandma from Lukas. I recognized the song. It’s a modern recording called “One Step”. G-mom was concerned because she knew it wasn’t played at their wedding or even an anniversary celebration. But, Aunt Tabby promised us that Grandma Edie would get the message and know precisely how she got it.

  Screens around the club lit up as the PowerPoint started. Pictures of Poppy and Meemaw’s wedding faded into photos of Taft and Natrice Rhinehart at the altar exchanging vows. Both couples got to see slides of their wedding receptions’ and various anniversary festivities. The two celebrations were not so different.

  Then, the pictu
res scrolled to Grandma Edie on the day she married Grandpa Lukas.

  The first was a close up of his happy face. It reveals just how handsome he was. Lukas Quinton stood larger-than-life. His chiseled features defy description.

  I only saw these pictures on the small computer screen. They didn’t do him justice and they certainly didn’t look like they look now!

  I leaned forward as if that would give me a better view. I couldn’t seem to focus on anything beyond the light around his body. It looks like a heavenly angel was living inside of him!

  The next picture was a close up of grandma walking through the grass to meet him underneath the flowered archway. She was illuminated too. She looked so indescribably ecstatic that my heart ached to be there with her. I was desperate to go back in time and experience whatever magical thing happened to make them both glow like heavenly beings.

  My grandma was shaking from the emotions as her soulmate came to life on the ginormous screens.

  The next picture displayed…

  “He’s taking my hand…and leading me…into eternity…” grandma whispered.

  They radiated with such a blinding brilliance…I could barely see their forms.

  The next…

  “We light the unity candle in silence…to honor the Creator’s eternal love…and our eternal devotion…words are not needed…”

  Those have to be angels floating around you…there’s no other explanation…

  “Our vows were spoken, together…one fated line at a time…he makes me a promise…then I make him one in return…”

  Neither one of them belongs to this plain, ordinary world…they belong to a paradise…immortal…

  “Now we kiss…to seal our fate…a symbol that forges our love for the world to witness…”

  No man has ever loved a woman the way he loved her…it’s just not possible!

  I had no idea how I came by that knowledge, but it was true nonetheless.

  The pictures went away too quickly and I almost felt like crying.

  I loaded the photographs into the PowerPoint presentation. I watched it from beginning to end. But, it didn’t emotionally level me until I experienced it while sitting in my grandma’s lap.

  Aunt Tabby could only collect six pictures of grandpa and grandma’s wedding day in the small amount of time we gave her. Those few seconds of fade-in’s were the most profound moments I have ever felt.

  I turned to my grandma to find some type of answer.

  “One day, soon I’ll unlock the depths of my spirit and let you explore for it, yourself. Thank you for that wonderful gift. It’s one of the best I’ve ever been given. I love you, sweet-hearted little baby girl of mine,” she whispered.

  “You’re so welcome. It doesn’t even come close to showing you how much you mean to me. And I love you, my other g-mom…” I softly replied, out loud.

  The movie ended with a fade-in of Dylan on the right side of the screen and Scarlett superimposed on the left. It appears as if they are standing face-to-face, smiling at each other. A big red heart formed around the image. The caption read, “The future…a repeat of happiness…past…congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Rhinehart…”

  Judging by their reaction, the crowd was pleased with the presentation. Feeling sentimental, they called for a speech.

  Poppy hesitated, looking at g-mom to find out if she planned to rescue him. It dawned on me that he had no intention of offering his traditional toast. Stubborn!

  G-mom handed him Lucille before she whispered something in his ear. I’m sure it was direct, but clever.

  Wiping sweat from his brow, Poppy reluctantly took the platform.

  “That was a fine presentation. Let’s give my daughter, Celeste and the rest of her family a hand for a gift, worthy of a traveler…” he announced, slighting the royals in the process.

  The traditional gypsies whistled and applauded while the royals awkwardly held their wall of resentful silence.

  “Excuse me, sweetie girl. He just issued me, my curtain-call…” grandma told me before she walked up to join him.

  She grabbed a microphone from the cart, although she didn’t actually need it to be heard. When Grandma Edie gets mad, people two counties over can hear her lecture.

  “Scoot over, Bradwell but watch the edge. That first step’s a doozie…” Grandma Edie remarked and he moved over quickly.

  “And, I agree with you. That was a fine presentation. I would also like to thank my loving family members for giving all of us that gift. It truly is worthy of any proud gypsy…”

  Royals clapped and said, “Hear-hear…”

  The traditional folks stood, trying to make a louder commotion.

  They continued to cheer and applaud. Then, everyone called for an encore showing.

  Grandma exchanged a look with Bradwell Reigns. Hopefully, she made her point because g-mom is way too close to the line of fire…

  “Sorry, gypsy family members of mine calling for a repeat, but like the love of a soulmate that photographic presentation can only happen, once in a lifetime. Oh, speaking of once in a lifetime occurrences, we have been waiting all night to hear a toast from the father of the beautiful bride and our host. We’ll hear it in a minute…

  “Pappa and mother, it’s good to see you after so many long years. We are all honored that you could join us. We’ve also been holding off on a great many things, waiting on your arrival…

  “We’ll catch up and I have some special acquaintances I’ll be excited to make for you…just as soon as Dom Bradwell offers his proud Ay’sha toast to Scarlett and Dylan…” she stated, shoving Poppy into the hot seat.

  The crowd seemed to be holding their breath…waiting to react. I held my breath with the others, prayed and casually made my way to g-mom. I would grab her and rush toward the closest exit if things go wrong.

  “Thank you, Embree-Anna and all my honored guests for patiently waiting for this traditional toast. I raise this glass tonight for my gorgeous baby, Scarlett Rosalee. Since the moment I held you in my arms, you have brought me nothing but joy. So, you deserve nothing less from this night forward…” Poppy stated and then, he hesitated as he looked at Scarlett.

  The moment of truth is here. I crawled over to g-mom and sat on the floor in front of her. Nervously, she and I waited for him to continue.

  Poppy glanced at grandma once more, before he turned to address his guests.

  “Let’s raise those glasses’ folks…

  “May Scarlett, the daughter we share, show herself to be a good, clean, virtuous wife to Dylan and wise, loving mother to his children, like her mom raised her up to be…

  “May my new son, Dylan show himself to be a loyal and supportive husband that should be respected and obeyed by Scarlett…

  “And, may his many children follow in his footsteps and make him proud to be called, father…

  “Scarlett, we’ve raised you into a fine young lady. Do us proud…

  “Dylan, you are a true noble Rhinehart…that’s what you were born to. But, when you marry our daughter, you’ll also be a chosen traveler son of the Reigns’ clan. We expect you to make us just as proud as you do your own parents…” Poppy offered and everyone toasted.

  “The party’s back on. No wars brewing. No feelings injured. One more bullet dodged. We’re getting pretty good at gypsy navigation. Wouldn’t you say?” I asked g-mom in relief.

  “I’d say we’re not actually navigating anything. It’s more like we’re being pulled down by three strong streams of rippling undertows and bailin’ the vessel with our Barbie-sized pails. But, as long as our noses stay surface level, we’ll accept the rest that’s soaking wet…” g-mom responded.


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