Book Read Free

Double Fated (Book One)

Page 34

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty Four

  My family dinner ended at 7:30. For my parents and my siblings though, the fun was just getting started. I waited in the hall before asking Command to trans-verse me.

  “With K & dad. Can it wait?” Jarron reminded me through a text.

  I had forgotten that he specifically asked for tonight off. He finally agreed to stay where he was, after I threatened to forward a copy of our discussion to Karin.

  Going home or back to Willow’s parked car is not an option. I am currently under extreme gypsy scrutiny. My partial striptease in the wee morning hours did not go unnoticed by Poppy. Even after the skirt and over-shirt came off, I still had on more apparel than some of the other girls. They had walked in wearing less and revealing more skin. But, when an Ay’sha Dom starts seeing clothes being ripped away from a dancing female relative, he evidently gets nervous. Poppy stationed a car full of guys to watch my house and another car to follow me anywhere I go.

  I am well aware of any unfamiliar cars in my neighborhood. My brothers have drilled cautious and continual observation into me. By now, it’s second-nature.

  Gypsies don’t have the ability to veil or cloak themselves from view. But, they don’t need that skill because they have the incredible and uncanny ability of being able to hide in plain sight. Even though I never catch a glimpse of the actual gypsies, I know they are watching, regardless.

  HaZed is already opened for business. But, I had enough of the party life to last me for one lifetime. I could hardly tolerate the thought of meeting my sisters there at 9:00. Sitting in the noise for ninety minutes, alone was something I plan to avoid.

  In order to kill time, I asked Command to send me to Audrey’s house. Her roomies are completely self-involved. If one of them keeled over and died, the others would step over the carcass. Materializing on the front porch, the only thing I had on my mind was searching for clues to her whereabouts.

  When the lady shrieked and passed out, I wasn’t prepared for it. I automatically screamed too. Fortunately, I also dove for her limp body on reflex. She fell into me, uninjured.

  “Oh…please…I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there! Are you awake, Miss?? Please, come back around,” I shouted and shook her.

  Sure enough, not one of Audrey’s housemates came outside to see what the commotion was about. They turned up their music and closed their curtains.

  “I’m…what…what happened?” the woman asked as soon as she was roused.

  “I rushed up on the porch and scared you. I’m so, so sorry…I didn’t mean to. Let me help you up. Here, have a seat. I’d offer to get you a drink or something, but I don’t live here. Are you okay?” I questioned her.

  “I…I think so. You didn’t ‘run up’ though…you…”

  “I’m swift and stealthy. Comes from having too many, overly protective older brothers. Had to learn those skills or my social life would be non-existent. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for frightening you,” I offered and would keep rambling to distract her from my Star-Trek-type arrival if necessary.

  “Well, those brothers’ of yours would have a better chance of catchin’ lightnin’ in a R.C. bottle…” she said with a strong Southern accent.

  “I’m Krista Stewart…Audrey’s friend,” I told her.

  “How’d you know I was here for Audrey?”

  “She has your accent and R.C. Cola is a Southern thing. I’m originally from North Carolina.

  “You must be her Aunt Angie. She’s told me lots of great things about you…”

  “When’s the last time you saw her?” Angie inquired without addressing anything else I said.

  “It’s been awhile. She’s sent me a couple of texts, but I haven’t actually seen her in a few days…”

  “None of those jokers in there even know who she is. But, if they don’t know her, how come they got her personal stuff strewn all over their porch!” she exclaimed loudly.

  “I know it seems odd, but they really don’t know her. They don’t even know the name of the guy who takes their rent money. She hasn’t been living here anyway…”

  “Big city mess…that’s all this is. I’ve come a long way to see that girl. Drove up on a tank of gas I can’t spare. Made it to the motel, but I walked from there. I was plannin’ on parkin’ myself on this porch until she showed her face.

  “So, she’s not comin’ back here…that’s some fine how-do-ya’-do. But, I’m not goin’ back home until I lay into her…” she stated, angrily.

  “I’ll do my best to find her tonight. If you’ll tell me what motel you’re staying in, I’ll bring her to you. Is there something else I can do for you in the meantime? Do you need a ride?”

  “I’d rather walk. It’s better for the troubled soul…” she told me.

  Digging through Audrey’s boxes, she pulled out pictures of Tucker. She shoved them in her pocket and started kicking the cardboard in frustration. I stood silently while she vented.

  “Sorry…I just can’t go through this again. First, it was her momma and now, Audrey’s done with her kid too,” she remarked.

  “She’s not done with Tucker! What are you talking about??” I practically yelled.

  “See for yourself…”

  She tossed the letter over to me. It was the most callous note I have ever read. The few lines I got through said she wanted a clean break from her past and was tired of the dead weight. And, she didn’t care to ever see Tucker or her aunt again. My eyes blurred from tears when I got to the part about Angie using ‘the kid’ to get a free ride on welfare. I couldn’t read anymore.

  “That’s what’s goin’ on. Course it ain’t much to know because it’s not my Audrey writin’ it. Whoever wrote it is some kinda unfeelin’ monster…her Pop or that no-account Lester. But, it’s not, my Audrey Bell,” she said and started sobbing.

  We walked to the closest restaurant. By the time we sat down, Angie had pulled herself back together.

  “I left Tuck with an elderly neighbor. He’ll be real good, but I need to get back. I’ve never left him before, not with anyone.

  “He gets the mail from the box. He’s real proud that he can reach it without my help – ya’ know. And, the kid made me stop cookin’ dinner to read her letter with him. We don’t have cable or anything. So, a letter from his mom’s a big deal.

  “She sends him stickers, things to color and sometimes, she sends him toys. The letter before that one, she sent him a gift card to the Wal-Mart – fifty whole dollars. He’s still got some of it, too. He’s been savin’ it to buy her something special.

  “She’s a good momma, even though she’s not with us. He calls me momma, but he knows who gave him life. She provides for him as best she can. He’s so proud of his college momma…tells the neighbor kids and his teachers all about her.

  “It was a heaven’s angel that stopped me from lettin’ him read it to me. That’s what we do. My noodles boiled over on the stove and I took that forsaken letter with me. I had to make-up a lie for Tuck. I’ve never had to do that. I waited for another letter and nothing. Tuck cried every day for the last week because he hadn’t heard nothing from her. So, I bought one of those payphone cards and called her no-good Pop.

  “Oscar cussed me and said he wouldn’t tell me nothing even if he knew where she was. I got Lester on the phone later that night. He was drunk and said he just got outta jail ‘cuz Audrey got him locked up. I hung up ‘cuz he won’t help me find her if he’s out for her blood.

  “I don’t get no vacation time from work, but Tuck was cryin’ and I was worried. So, I told my boss I got a family emergency happenin’ and here I am. I’ve got turned around so many times I don’t know whether I’m comin’ or goin’. I can’t be burnin’ my gas money drivin’ for a search, so my feet are killin’ me.

  “That school’s been no help either. Well, her teacher, your one that teaches the art and drawin’, told me Audrey just up
and quit. Lordy-days, I knew that girl was messed up with some low-down homeless music man, but I never thought he’d talk her into abandonin’ everything. I know he’s done talked her into sleepin’ with him without botherin’ to use nothin’. She wrote and told me as much. Said, she’d lose him if she didn’t do what he wants. I had to buy a payphone card with some of her support money to talk her into getting pills at the free clinic.

  “She got some rod put in her arm. Said, she was all bruised up, but she couldn’t have no more babies until they yank it out. I know she’s a man-pleaser. But, I thought she’d had enough sense to stay in that college no matter how bad jealous he gets of her…

  “I guess I thought I’d come up here and find out that homeless guy she’s with was holdin’ a gun to her head and makin’ her write that mess to her son. It’s real bad, I know, but that’s what I was prayin’…that she’s bein’ held against her will by him.

  “I’ve been foolin’ myself all along. Her momma was a boozer. She took off with a no-account drifter. She started selling off her body. She took her other young’uns for the government benefits. I guess she didn’t think Audrey’s Pop would beat on her if that’s all he had left to take care of him…” she offered and finally wound down.

  “She told me about Tucker and you. She loves you both so much. All she ever talked about was going back to Mississippi with her degree and making you both proud.

  “I’ve got a line on where she might be tonight. And, you’re welcome to come but you look completely exhausted. I swear I’ll bring her to you even if I have to tie her up and carry her,” I told Angie.

  She reluctantly agreed. She’s been walking around town for four days, looking for her.

  I excused myself to the restroom. I called a cab and paid our check before I rejoined her at the table. Her Southern pride would get wounded if she thought I believed she was a charity case. I knew she wouldn’t accept any gas money or cash for anything from me. But, she couldn’t refuse a meal that she had already eaten.

  The cab dropped her off at the rundown motel she was staying in. I stored their number in my phone, but I didn’t plan to use it. They charge $2.00 to the room, even for incoming calls.

  The cab driver dropped me off in the middle of nowhere. He looked at me like I had just lost my mind. I had less than five minutes to get to HaZed and a cab ride would take thirty minutes with no traffic.

  Command delivered me into a vacant stall in the restroom. I got a few perplexed and shocking stares from the girls who were already in there, but I didn’t care. Quickly freshening up, I sprayed on some perfume and ran to the entrance. The line stretched way beyond the parking lot. My sisters were near the back. Their frantic text messages let me know they were worried that I had forgot them or couldn’t get them in.

  “I need to see Mr. Gray…” I told the young female bartender.

  “He’s not here, right now…”

  “Then, I need to see Sebastian Race…”

  “Ice Man??” she asked me, incredulously.


  She spoke into her earpiece. Like the cab driver, she looked at me like I was psychotic. I barely had enough time to turn around before he was standing in front of me.

  “Hi, do you remember me?”


  “Right…um, I’ve got friends in line that…”


  “They’re back near…”

  He wordlessly pointed me towards the door. I had to move it fast, to keep him from running over the top of me. The sea of people parted like I was wearing a bomb. He walked and I ran a couple of blocks to my sorority sisters. They were huddled together, talking and flirting with the guys around them. They didn’t see me or Sebastian until we were right up on them.

  “Move out of line…” he demanded as they obediently crossed over the rope in astonishment.

  “You tamed the Ice Giant!” Becca squealed, quietly crouching behind me as we ran toward the entrance.

  “I thought he was mute…” Francie declared, hiding behind Becca.

  “Is he your date??” Neen asked, softly so he wouldn’t hear her.

  “No, he’s a friend of my g-mom’s…”

  I didn’t have time to stop for cash. So, I pulled out my credit card, prepared to pay the ten dollar cover charge for all of us.

  “Clipboard…” he barked at the bouncer standing at the door.

  The guy handed it to him without hesitation. I recognized the bouncer from one of my classes. I smiled at him, warmly. But, he gave us a terrified look.

  Sebastian wrote something before handing it back to his worker.

  Then, he narrowed his gaze as his focus returned to me.

  “What are you waiting for?” he asked, curtly.

  “There are twelve of us here, now. But, there will be twenty six in my party…” I replied and offered him my form of payment.

  “A headcount is an unnecessary delay. The others should report to Devlin and use your name for entry. Disturbing me is no longer warranted. I have work to do…” he told me and walked away before I could even say thanks.

  “That was the scariest thing I’ve ever been a part of!” Becca exclaimed, still in hiding.

  “Personally, I was getting ready to run for it…” Casey informed me.

  “I thought he was gonna bite your head off or something…” Demi told me after he was out of earshot.

  It was fifteen after and Dark Matter still wasn’t on stage. No one in the crowd seemed to notice.

  Although Sebastian must have decided to comp the cover charge for my party, the drinks were not free. The young female bartender was almost as cold as Ice Man until I opened a tab and told her to tack on a thirty percent tip to the total at close. She suddenly thawed and was overly generous with the alcohol.

  I asked for a little umbrella in my water, hoping my sisters wouldn’t notice that I’m not partying. I’m going to need a weeklong break just to have enough strength to take another weeklong vacation. Dreaming of a long, hot soak in the tubs at Hot Springs in my home state, I pretended to be engaged in my sisters’ and their conversations.

  Everyone in my party had arrived and was already tipsy, by the time Dark Matter began performing. That was shocking because it was an hour after they were scheduled to start. At their first break, I fought my way through the bodies to the backstage entrance.

  I had no plans to disrupt Sebastian, again.

  “I need to see Dante, the drummer…” I shouted to the security guard posted at the backstage entrance.

  “No badge, no entry…” he stated loudly.

  “Can I at least get a message to him??”

  “Not my problem…”

  “I’m willing to pay…”

  “I’m into dudes…”

  “I wasn’t suggesting anything like that…”

  “Sure you weren’t…”

  I saw Bruno walk by and I yelled for him. But, the noise was deafening and he had two women attached to each arm.

  “Mind getting Bruno’s attention? He’ll get me a badge…”

  “Look, he’s already tagged the only two he’s getting. There’s no more passes to hand out. You’ll have to get here earlier. I’d suggest ditchin’ the jeans and showing some cleavage if you wanna get noticed…” he offered and then, motioned for me to beat it.

  I have never been inside this building before, so I didn’t know where the vulnerable areas are. But, that wasn’t going to stop me. I’m getting backstage and confronting Audrey. Or if she didn’t come with Dante, I’m going to make him take me to her.

  Of course, I didn’t know how I could force him to take me anywhere. However, g-mom taught me to never sweat the details until I have to. So, first things first, getting by the guards.

  I identified the cameras and counted all 85 of them! They were covering every angle, even some that didn’t make sense. Five were pointed at the ceiling above the stage
and two were pointed at the solid concrete ground in an unoccupied, three walled corner. The corner cams could be almost justified if spiritually gifted people use it as an arrival area for traveling. That didn’t make a whole lot of sense either though, because it would be a tight landing for a woman and impossible for a full grown man.

  The ceiling cams were the most perplexing. There are no visible inlets and the rafters are round. The heating and cooling ducts were made out of flimsy metal that wouldn’t hold any weight. So, those are inexplicable.

  The stage is permanent and doesn’t retract like the one in BlitZed. I didn’t see a single trap door or entry point around the stage itself. But, it had video surveillance at the corners.

  Gray has more than an adequate amount of personnel. He also knows which ones to position in what areas. I can’t have my sisters’ try to distract Mr. Personality at the backstage entrance because they are the wrong gender.

  In the end, I discovered that HaZed is more secured than a government building. I’m sure BlitZed is just as secure, but I didn’t need to pay any attention because I was invited to the backstage area both times I’ve been.

  Still determined to breech the GZE nightclub matrix, I was a gal on a mission. I was headed into the motion-wired bathroom to see if the ceiling had a portal or a loose ceiling tile that I could climb through, when someone grabbed me.

  “Don’t do it…” the young female bartender told me.

  “Don’t do what?” I asked her, keeping a straight face and admitting nothing.

  “Go runnin’ up on the stage. I’ve been watchin’ you investigate it and I figured you’re getting ready to pull a sorority prank. Ya’ know, rush the stage and grab something from the singer or whatever. It’s not safe to do that…especially around this place,” she informed me.

  “I’m Krista, by the way and you are…”

  “I’m Nell…wanna step outside with me while I’m on smoke break?”

  “I’d love to…”

  I followed Nell and she flashed her badge to Mr. Personality. He waved her in, but he stopped me.

  “She’s my cousin, Christie…” she told him and I didn’t bother to correct her.

  Snickering at the irony – guess that name is meant to be.

  “You’re takin’ the flack if she’s caught. Don’t bring me into it. And, don’t leave her back there or let her out of your sight. You come back; she comes back. Or, it’s your job and her bail money…” he told her and waved me through.

  Ladies and gentlemen…it pays to tip handsomely!

  My smug victory turned out to be very hollow. The band members are in, yet another restricted area with two ginormous security guards blocking the entryway. The ornate door at the end of the hall has to belong to Gray. No less than twelve cameras were videoing. Those are just the ones I could count as Nell rushed me to get outside so she could take her break.

  The young and pretty bartender nervously looked around as she smoked fast. Nell is determined to dissuade me from doing something reckless.

  “I’m risking a more sizeable paycheck than you can imagine bringing you out here. So, please listen. I’ve seen plenty of girls get dragged off that stage…all bruised up before they’re taken off to jail. You got a thing for musicians?? Or, did I guess right about a sorority stunt?”

  “Actually, it’s neither. Dante’s fiancée is a friend of mine and I have to get up with her…”

  “Which one’s Dante?”

  “The drummer…”

  “Can’t see him with a fiancée, you’re sure about this?”

  “I was with her when his band tried out at BlitZed…”

  “Well, I haven’t seen him with the same girl, twice. But, I guess he could be keeping her in the dark. Or, maybe she’s okay with his extra-curricular’s since he’s a rocker. I’ve seen about everything…”

  “I’m sure you have. Do you think you could get me back to see Dante?”

  “This badge isn’t zoned for that area. Why don’t you just ask your buddy, Ice Man to let you in?”

  “He’s not my buddy. I just know him through someone. He seems to be having a bad night…” I revealed, remembering how abrupt he was when he left me.

  “I couldn’t tell it…that’s the most pleasant I’ve ever seen him,” she replied.


  “Guy’s got liquid-nitro running through his veins. No one ever voluntarily asks to see him. I watched him snap this guy’s arm in two when he did the same thing. That was a frat stunt. The poor guy was just tryin’ to make pledge. Ice Man doesn’t like interruptions or anything that I know of. He’s dangerous…

  “Sorry, I didn’t give you any warning. But, you were so confident and everything…”

  “No need to apologize. I knew I’d be taking a risk having you call him so close to show time. Well, what was supposed to be show time…”

  “Dark Matter’s gone kinda loco. They let this sudden fame go to their heads is what I’m guessing,” she told me and clammed up for no apparent reason.

  “Yeah, some people can’t handle celebrity status…”

  Nell put out her cigarette with half still left to smoke. Evidently, she decided her break with me was over. I didn’t have time to count anything, at all on the way back through. Dark Matter was performing their second set and the hallway to the dressing rooms had been plunged into darkness.

  Having been under the lights last night, I knew that the band was mostly blind to the audience. So trying to get Dante’s attention while he is playing is not possible. The backstage area is restricted and the employee’s smoking area is fenced in with razor wire.

  Sebastian is no longer an option.

  I considered asking Command if they could do something for me. But, it is nearly impossible to pinpoint a room inside a building for a landing unless I have visited it before. I would likely wind up in the restroom again. But this time the stall itself might be occupied.

  Aggravated at being so close, yet so far away I rejoined my sisters. They hadn’t even noticed my absence. Some of Lyle’s frat brothers were getting rambunctious and entertaining them. With my mind freed, I decided the only way to break in was to go out.

  Except for my shoes, I was dressed casually. Even though they are flats, they also have very slick bottoms. They are perfect for dancing, but hazardous for Parkour climbing. Taking them off, I stuffed them down the front of my shirt. I would scale the wall barefooted and hope there’s enough light at the top to see where I’m stepping.

  The roof posed no problem. The lights were so bright though, that I was too nervous to walk across it. So, I used the very small ledge, my toes were sort of on, as a guide. Then, I used a hand-over-hand method to make my way along the edge, holding on to a small pipe of some kind.

  But, the stupid corner had a large column made out of marble. The pipe I had been using went into the building. There was nothing left to grab, no ledge to walk on and no way to get by it without going back to the roof. The camera positioned at the top was pointed toward the middle.

  There has to be some way to get inside from the rooftop that I can’t see from the inside. The inside cameras had been pointing towards the rafters. The cameras outside where scoping out the middle. And, the roof was lit up brighter than an airstrip.

  My aggravation was turning into outright fury. This fury was both ridiculous and unexplainable. I am illegally trying to gain access to an unauthorized area. So, I have no reason to be this incensed by being thwarted. But, still I am…

  Hanging in one position is much more challenging than moving along the edge. My fingers were protesting my inaction. Climbing down the wall, at least I was in the gated parking lot.

  But, that was no victory. The cameras were pointed in the appropriate directions. My fury continued to rise. I’m stuck hiding in the shadows, unless I want to rescale the wall and go back to the same place I started.

  Feeling bold, I d
id something audacious. I climbed underneath the car I was hiding in front of, slipped out and made it seem like I had just gotten out of the vehicle. Crossing my arms, I strolled swiftly across the lot like I belong there and prayed that my bones would be left intact if I got busted.

  Rounding the corner, no alarms were sounding and I thought I was home free until I slammed into a girl who I thought was my friendly bartender.

  “I’m sorry, Nell. This isn’t what it looks like…” I stammered, trying to think of any excuse for my arrival.

  “Who’s Nell?” the unknown girl asked, helping me up.

  “My girl-girlfriend…” is what popped out of my mouth.

  “She’s not back here…for sure…” another girl stated, giggling.

  “We’re waiting for the band…” the first unknown female informed me.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing too,” I revealed.

  “Um, what about your girl-girlfriend?” another female inquired.

  “She’s with one of them…ya’ know,” I suggested.

  “Can I join you three?” the girl who helped me stand, questioned.

  I didn’t get an opportunity to answer because they all started arguing about who was going to join our threesome. Some unknown time later, Ice Man opened the stage door and out came Dark Matter.

  Dante had three girls physically attached to him, not a one of them was Audrey. The females who had been waiting outside pushed and shoved their way towards the band. Dark Matter’s members stopped to sign autographs and select extra female company.

  Audrey’s boyfriend had invited, yet another female, to join him.

  If I had been in my right frame of mind, I could have formulated a more reasonable plan. Like hailing a cab and following them or even blocking their exit from the parking lot. But, I was irrational from raw anger. It’s never smart to react based on emotions…

  The girls were packed too tightly and refused to move over. A hysterical outburst won’t even faze them. I couldn’t get between their legs either. They were almost as determined to prevent my passage as I was to get by them.

  I wanted to scream, “Hey stupid girls, this is useless worship because they’re getting fired anyway.” But, like the hysterical outburst idea, they have to be able to hear and comprehend me. I’m the wrong gender and I’m not with one of the band members. I’m not even in their vicinity or dressed-to-impress anyone. This is the first time since this whole gypsy thing started that I was regretting not wearing bling and heels…

  Carelessly tossing my flats aside, I did the only thing I could do to get by these stupid groupies. I backed up to the gate and took off running for them like an enrage bull.

  I estimated the gaggle of girls to be about five feet wide. I need ample running distance to successfully make it. If I’m off by any amount, someone will get a pile-driver to the head, but I don’t care right now.

  Reaching my destination, my palms scraped the pavement. But, my body went sailing just as I planned. Turning a perilous triple somersault, I vaulted over their heads. I expected to be landing without a spotter. Preparing for the crash, I remained as limber as possible.

  The girls ducked and scattered, on basic instinct…

  The members of Dark Matter pointed at me in confusion…

  “Holy…” was the only thing the lead singer managed to say before two hands, located behind me, grabbed my hips…breaking my fall.

  Completely focused on a crouching and gawking Dante, I wiggled free from the hands that had saved me – tumbling away.

  “You can definitely join us!” he exclaimed to me, right before I slapped the beejezus out of him.


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