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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 33

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Grandma introduced us to her parents. They were cordial, but suspiciously reserved. They didn’t give us a hint about what they wanted any of us to call them. They were even cool towards Haven. My niece would typically turn up the heat until they thawed. But, she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. She lost the fight and her twin wasn’t far behind her.

  Mikey had fallen asleep when the lights were lowered for the presentation. He was curled up in his mommy’s lap. Willow was stroking his hair, staring at him and intermittently kissing his cheeks. She is really going to miss him when Tray takes him on vacation in two more weeks.

  Although my grandma wasn’t forced to teach the crowd a lesson, she still planned to educate her married kids before she excused herself to chat privately with her parents.

  “This is almost over, thank you mighty Maker. And, we’ve pulled together just like we should…I’m so proud of you, my children.

  “My parents are expecting me to grace them, so they can exact yet another pound of my flesh. I don’t know where they’re getting it from this time…oh well, it doesn’t really matter. Listen up…I don’t want anyone interfering. That includes you, Tabby and goes triple for you, Liz. Interruptions just extend their lashings. I want them to get it out of their systems’ and over with, quickly. I’m not gonna be at this for the next week…I’ve got other stuff planned.

  “Quinny, you can go back out to your adoring and adorable mob. But, you are not allowed to propose anything, to anyone for the rest of this month without getting permission from your mom in writing. You can take off…” she told my nephew.

  He kissed her and winked at Willow.

  “Now, for the rest of you, while I’m busy ducking lashes, I’m gonna ask all my married kids to make me a promise. That way I won’t be worried through the scolding. I want you to take the hand of your soulmate and get out on the dance floor. Have fun and spend time showing your spouse what they’ve been missing. G-mom, Tabby, Zander and Krista will stay with the kids.

  “Marriages are more fragile than a newborn…and they should be given even more TLC. I won’t stand for any of you neglecting them, like you’ve all been doing here lately. Crazy, unexpected things happen when we don’t pay enough attention to our life partners. So, go on and take care of business. And, don’t any of you stop until they kick us out of here. Get going…you heard me!” she told them.

  They weren’t about to argue with her. They handed over their sleeping kids and went to enjoy the rest of the night, alone together.

  I spent the remainder of the party happily sitting with Luke in my lap. G-mom and Aunt Tabby were holding Mikey and Haven. Zander was thrilled to be given an excuse to stop dancing with all his gypsy wife hopefuls.

  He and I carried on a silent and hilarious conversation through our tether. I only wish he had connected it years ago.

  I would later be desperately wishing (and repeatedly, kicking myself) that I neglected to ask him how to dial a tether. But, as usual, only hindsight would produce perfect vision.

  My Monday classes still loomed ahead. Too bad, I don’t have the power to cancel them like I can with cheerleading practice. I stumbled, exhausted into every class and tried to psychically force the instructors to release us early, so I could take a nap.

  Not only did I not succeed in my quest, Professor Odell kept us over outlining an important assignment. I apologized to the Creator for attempting to manipulate the system for my benefit. I didn’t have to stay awake all night, talking to my Boo-bear. It was my choice and the consequences were mine to bear. I smiled heavenward.

  Once the Maker was positive that I had learned my lesson, he finally took a little pity on me. Professor Marcus dismissed us after we took down the backdrop from the musical. He was still giddy from all the donations his department received and feeling generous.

  I fell in bed without bothering to remove my shoes. Sleeping on a pile of hard books and a laptop never felt better. My alarm woke me in plenty of time to shower, change and visit with my sorority sisters. They were sulking over not getting an invitation to the Warming because some of them are friends with members of my squad. At least, I planned for this guilt trip.

  The gypsies only accepted my squad of ‘outsiders’ and their dates into the celebration because they were part of a present. They spent most of the night scrutinizing and avoiding them like they were pariahs.

  Inviting my sorority sisters would have posed too many challenges, anyway. Gypsy girls don’t like competition…and especially coming from non-gypsy females. The Warming Feast is used for Ay’sha singles to meet their future spouse.

  But, gypsy guys view gorger girls as easy. Easy females trump practically everything for a typical young male. So, more than one potential husband would be led astray by a “gorger Jezebel”.

  My sisters would have gotten offended within minutes. Gypsy moms, Doms, daughters and even some single guys would have made nasty, rude comments. My Poppy would have a few choice words to say to them before he ordered my sisters to vacate his party. There was no successful way to include them.

  Saving my excuses and my apologies, I decided to just spring a bribe on my sorority siblings as a peace offering.

  “I’ve got dinner plans this evening, but we’re still on for the Dark Matter concert at HaZed at 9:00. I’ll meet you all there. This party night is on me. I’ll make sure you all get into the venue, pay everyone’s cover and your drinks are on my dime…” I offered.

  Although they were excited about painting the town red, they were still semi-pouting when I left for my family dinner. They’ll have to just get over it, though because I can’t handle any more than I already have on my social plate.

  If I didn’t need to check on Audrey, I wouldn’t even go to HaZed this evening. But, I couldn’t put it off. After what Ice Man said, this will likely be Dark Matter’s farewell performance. For all I know Audrey and Dante are married by now. If he loses his job with GZE, they will take off to parts unknown. No other club owner will give his band a shot when they find out that he’s on Nigel Gray’s blacklist.

  I would be the first to arrive and the first to depart from our family dinner. The kids were at the table with us. So, we assessed the Warming in casual terms.

  “One celebration down with virtually no casualties…” g-mom said, sounding relieved.

  “We deserve some type of medal…” Tray added and my brothers agreed.

  “Everyone was dressed, appropriately…” Momma-G offered.

  “That helped us out more than anything in my estimation…” Momma-C stated.

  “And, Willow and Fallon’s idea to invite our clothing designer to the Warming was a stroke of genius…” Grandma Edie declared and my sisters blushed.

  “Poor Shandra had fifty people follow her to her car. I didn’t think she would ever get to leave…” Ember said, humorously.

  “The thoughtful and considerate gifts bear more than an honorable mention. G-mom and Krista, thank you sincerely for everything…” Daddy-Jax told us and then, it was our turn to blush.

  We discussed our concerns and possible solutions for the Hosting Celebration during dessert.

  “Reid, Tray and I were discussing this prior to dinner. We have something for you, g-mom…” Jaysen announced and produced a crown.

  “For your victorious win against our stubborn Poppy Reigns…” Tray offered.

  “And, for getting him to surrender his long-overdue toast…” Reid declared.

  “And, for so eloquently and slyly backing him into that corner, we wish to crown and title you. From this day forward, you will be known as Queen Fox…short for, Queen S.C.A. Foxy. The S.C.A. stands for Supreme Con Artist. You outfoxed the world’s wiliest Dom with precision, style and grace…” Jaysen formally declared and prepared to drape the sash over her and place the crown on her head.

  G-mom snatched both prizes and announced, “Thanks
my baby boys! I’ll proudly sport that moniker, from here on out. But, that fancy bobble isn’t resting on this noggin’ and that satiny sash won’t be displayed on my person until those loving youngsters are standing in front of the preacher. The sparkly crown and silky banner will go nicely with the ripped up jeans, Old Navy t-shirt and running shoes I’ve bought just for their reception.

  “Hey, don’t gimme those shocked expressions. It’s acceptable to bring a wedding gift to a wedding reception. There’s no rule that says a guest can’t give ‘said’ present to themselves…” g-mom told us and we laughed.

  “I’m sorry all, but I’ve gotta get back to campus. My sorority sisters found out my squad got an invite to our little family gathering and they didn’t. So, I’m mending fences by taking them out to a club.

  “Oh no, I didn’t give any thought to getting a chaperone when I invited the girls out!” I exclaimed, again without thinking.

  My parents and siblings started talking at one time, trying to come up with a solution.

  “Whoa wait…everyone please stop! I’ll cancel before I let any of you offer to do it. You’ve got things to do to get ready. I’m sure Jarron can cover me. I’ve just gotta ask him.

  “I love every last one of you…so, don’t take this the wrong way…but none of you are welcome to accompany me this evening,” I declared, feeling guilty for blurting out my worry when my family members are already operating under the gun.

  I was prepared for the debate of the millennium, but Grandma Edie would distract them and simultaneously, rescue me.

  “G-mom and I have plans with the children. It’s our night to put them in bed and we’re not staying home to do it. We’re having a creative slumber night. That’s all the info any adult in this room’s gonna get.

  “You don’t have to worry, Krista because they’re way too busy this evening. They’ve got a T.L.C. matter to handle, privately. Right, my oldest kiddies?” grandma strongly hinted.

  Although she only alluded to them making love, Ember still turned a brilliant shade of crimson.

  Haven had been excitedly wiggling around since she discovered that it was going to be a creative slumber evening. She is very intuitive, though and realized something had unsettled her mommy.

  Suddenly, she was whimpering and attempting to decipher the problem. The tension mounted as Luke and Mikey got wise to her concern and joined her frantic inquisition. All three of them landed in Ember’s lap, wanting to know what’s wrong.

  Zander and Quinn could read between the lines and knew what grandma was suggesting. But, they couldn’t figure out a G-rated way to explain the need for quality marital time to their younger siblings.

  Tray, who is also reserved when it comes to sexual matters, jumped in and tried to change the subject. His effort was to get them out of the frying pan. But, just like my luck lately, he wound up in the roaring fire.

  “Nothing’s wrong with mommy or anyone, Havie. Mommy-Willow is going with your mommy to the ladies’ meeting to finish planning the Changing Celebration that you love so much…” Tray told her.

  Then, he proceeded to list everything, everyone had on their agenda tonight just to prove to Haven that they were all fine, only busy. By the time he was finished, the kids were content. But, his solution created another huge problem.

  He had just informed grandma that their schedules are booked solid. Not even my parents will be sleeping in a bed tonight. In fact, none of the couples would be in the same physical location.

  G-mom said goodnight, swiftly and warned me that I should go before the fireworks start. Then, she took off with the children. Zander and Quinn followed along after they said goodnight to the rest of us. They were struggling to hide their snickers because they rarely get to see the adults sizzling in grandma’s hot-seat. She was prepared to give her married kids another lecture about couples and T.L.C.

  Ember will be glowing brighter than crimson by the end of this…my poor, pitiful, modest Sissy!

  Grandma shot me a knowing look and winked.

  I rushed around the room giving goodnight hugs and kisses. I save grandma’s for last.

  “Even glowing, she’ll live. They all will. And hopefully, they’ll be a little wiser for it. Have fun…no drinking…no marrying and try not to get into too much trouble.

  “Goodnight and remember how much I love you, my Sweetie Girl…” she whispered to me.

  When I left, Tray was cringing behind Momma-C because she was the closest mother to his proximity. There’s no save forthcoming…grandma will not be ignored.


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