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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 36

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty Six

  I was surprised that Ember did not call me, crying or send me a frantic text message when I got overly upset at HaZed. But, I hadn’t heard a peep out of her. Assuming she was too tied up to worry about me, I thanked the Creator.

  My explosive emotional outburst last night should be the least of my sister’s worries. Ember is overloaded with obligations. I don’t want her upset over me.

  Although messages poured in from my contacts, none of them were very helpful. A few people had seen Audrey at the Java Den, at a local pharmacy and walking across campus. However, those sighting were days ago. No one had seen her recently.

  I was no closer to finding her when Wednesday rolled around. So, I decided to track her from her last known location. When I created my plan, it didn’t occur to me that I don’t know where Gray’s house is. A record’s search did me no good. No property was listed under his name…not even his businesses. GZ Enterprises is incorporated. I sorted through the intricate web of names of C.E.O.’s and C.F.O.’s and board members, but no one with the last name Gray appeared, anywhere.

  Ava’shay Command must be getting aggravated with me. Although none of them said as much, I had been using them to travel without considering how much time my requests require. But, I am still being watched by Momma-C’s family. So, I’m forced to sneak around. I had to think of new and inventive ways to not get caught escaping from my home. It seems ludicrous, but that is my life. Sitting in the dark bedroom for at least twenty minutes, I wanted them to assume I was sleeping. My watchers never leave their posts. The only thing that changes is the vehicles they are driving.

  Dressed in comfortable black clothing and non-slip shoes, I crawled out through Demi’s window, after I grabbed her keys. She happily agreed to loan me her car because she knew I would return it with a full tank of gas.

  Unable to get an address, I headed to HaZed to find Nell.

  “He’s never invited me to his house. I don’t know what he drives either. Comin’ to think about it, I’ve never seen him behind the wheel of anything. He could use a car service. Want me to page Ice Man…he’ll know it?” she inquired.

  “Nah, he asked me not to get his attention anymore. I don’t think he was joking around…”

  “I’m sure he wasn’t…”

  “Thanks for your help. Let me know if you see my friend…”

  I could not seem to get my thoughts off of Audrey. So, even when I did lie down to rest I was consumed in worry. I called and texted Tray for some channeled sleeping assistance, but he didn’t respond. He must be tied up in something pressing…

  Not wanting him to worry, I sent him another text explaining that I’m too sleepy to answer my phone.

  By Thursday evening, I was ready to throw in the towel. Nothing had been going in my favor either. I accidentally skipped question 2 on the answer key and marked everything, incorrectly. Mid-way through my frantic erase job, I ran out of time. So, I only turned in one answer on the whole thing.

  Then, the downpour of the century happened, unexpectedly and my waterproof mascara, malfunctioned. It was pouring so hard that Jarron was chaperoning by driving behind me in his car. So, he didn’t get a good look at me. No one in my class bothered to say that I had black streaks running down my cheeks.

  Later, I would discover that everyone had a wager on how long before the ditzy Alpha girl looked at her reflection. I didn’t see my face until I strolled into my bathroom late that evening. So, I assume they all lost the bet…

  My family hasn’t gotten in touch with me all week. That’s worrisome. Not even Zander had texted or spoke to me through our communication tether.

  Peeling off my soggy clothes, I took a long hot shower. Then, I sent a blanket text to every member of my family. I told them I’m shutting off my cell because I plan to sleep all day on Friday. I promised to turn it back on by 5:00 p.m.

  Although it was only 8:30, I was ready for bed. My phone beeped right before I powered it down.

  “Audrey’s at Gray’s place…” is what Nell’s message read.

  “Did you find out where he lives?” I replied.


  What good does that information do me???

  I wanted to send her a snarky response because my nerves are frazzled. But, I took a deep breath and replied, nicely.

  “It’s good to know, but I need an address…”

  “The Gray Hook is near the T-sect out on the old beltway. That shady log cabin looking building. Don’t have the address sry.”

  I smacked myself on the forehead for making an assumption. Gray’s place isn’t his home. It must be another business establishment.

  “Thanks I owe u one! I know where it is. You’ve been a lifesaver…” I told her.

  The Gray Hook must be another nightclub. But, why would Nigel Gray choose that stupid location? There’s nothing out that far except an abandoned housing development. None of the college kids party out in that neck of the woods, anymore. Last year, a bunch of frat brothers got jailed overnight for trespassing. Even though it is deserted, that area is well-patrolled.

  I yanked on jeans, a tank top, a hoodie and flip flops. With keys in hand, I was mapping my route in my head. Given the weather and the distance, it will take me nearly an hour to get to that location. I only hope Audrey will still be there when I arrive.

  Before I walked out on the porch though, I noticed three vehicles from Momma-C’s family. Poppy had obviously assigned more bodies thinking I might try to sneak out alone in the bad weather.

  He’s slick…always one step ahead of me. Boy, I hate that!

  Smacking the door jamb in anger, I will get out of this house without getting busted! The window ledges are too slippery. No matter what shoes I put on, I won’t get any traction. I could break a bone.

  I also can’t call Command to trans-verse me anywhere because they will alert my family. The text message I sent emphatically stated that I’m exhausted. If I suddenly take off somewhere, one or all will come find me. I have caused so much trouble lately. I don’t want to disturb them anymore.

  It will take a cab at least thirty minutes to get here. I don’t have that long to wait.

  Becca and Sherry came from downstairs in their pajamas, interrupting my thoughts. Sherry is a cheerleader on my squad.

  “I’m using an approved guest pass…” Becca informed me.

  “Um hi C.B.C., why are you looking at me like a cat that’s hidin’ a mouse in its pocket?” Sherry inquired.

  “I’ve got a big favor to ask and I’ll owe you, huge if you’ll help me…”

  Sherry looked at me a little strangely when I asked if I could borrow her SUV for the night. But, she was ready to call the nut house when I asked if I could borrow the clothes she came in wearing. It took some finagling and begging, but she finally agreed to both.

  Although Sherry is my height, she is a size smaller than me. She came over dressed in a very noticeable pair of red designer jeans with fancy stitching and patches. Gypsies, even males, pay close attention to what everyone is wearing.

  I can’t catch a break…

  I had to pour myself into her pants because I don’t have anything that looks remotely similar. The inseams protested, but I managed to get them buttoned. I couldn’t wedge my phone in the pocket. So, I improvised. Sealing my credit card, Tucker’s picture and what little bit of cash I had on me into a sandwich baggie, I tucked everything into my bra for safekeeping.

  Sherry’s umbrella was still drip-drying on the porch. I picked it up, nonchalantly, but I couldn’t use it for what it was intended for. I had to keep it turned so my watchers wouldn’t be able to get a good view of my face. Although my valuables stayed dry, I ended up drenched.

  The too tight jeans were stuck to my skin like cement and I could hardly breathe. Her SUV has a manual transmission. I haven’t driven one since I was sixteen. Grinding gears and chugging along at
a record eight miles per hour aroused the gypsies’ suspicions. I watched one of them turn on their headlights’ with plans to follow me.

  Shifting through the gears as quickly as I dared, I pressed the gas to the floor. I almost stalled it twice, but the SUV eventually picked up speed. I also prayed for my safety because the flooded roads are treacherous. Several turns later, I was pointed in the wrong direction but I was alone on the highway.

  I didn’t know how to turn on her stereo and I didn’t want to fumble around to find it while I was driving. It would prove to be one long ride…alone with nothing but my anxious thoughts to keep me company.

  Slowing down to a crawl, my headlights weren’t helping. I couldn’t see much of the roadway. Once I was sure I wasn’t being followed, I turned North and headed in the correct direction. I was thinking about how this rainy highway might never end…as I headed through the unsettled darkness.


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