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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 37

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  The Gray Hook’s parking lot was like a pond when I pulled into it. Parking near the back, I would sit in quiet observation. Between frantically searching for Audrey…the bad day…nasty weather…wearing soaked/skin-tight clothing – I was really aggravated.

  Every scenario I came up with on the ride over made me angrier and angrier.

  How could Audrey turn into such a cold monster?? What type of excuse she might offer for writing that heartless letter? It would have been easier if she had just vanished without saying a word.

  Audrey is partying while the rest of us are out of our minds from panicked, worry!

  If she pops-off with some flimsy excuse or says something callous, I will unleash a wrath unknown to humankind. She is not getting any warning before I tear into her either. She didn’t give her kid or aunt any.

  I was still staring at the building, minutes later. I belatedly wished I had just asked Nell what type of club the Gray Hook is. There are no signs anywhere that I can see.

  A Lincoln Town-Car drove in and parked – finally, giving me the chance I have been waiting on.

  Obscuring my face using Sherry’s umbrella, I quickly “joined” the couple. They were huddled together, trying to stay dry. This is almost too perfect. I easily kept pace with them as they walked up to the entrance.

  The man used a security key card and the solid metal door began the slow process of unlocking. Next, a holographic keypad with some strange symbols appeared. The man placed his palms inside an opening and the woman typed in the sequence. Out of the twenty keystrokes, I only caught four. So, I can’t retype the code.

  Oh well, I don’t have a keycard…knowing the sequence would do me no good.

  Move over, distracted couple because you’re bringing in a guest and don’t even know it.

  Mustering all my audacity, I tossed Sherry’s umbrella and walked in behind them.

  The foyer had a small alcove off to the right. I tumbled into it and crouched around the corner. But, I wasn’t hidden – not by a longshot. The alcove was well-lit. A partial wall is the only thing preventing them from seeing me. This is the best I can do…I don’t have anywhere else to go.

  “What was that?” the woman asked the man.

  “What?” he inquired.

  “I could’ve sworn I saw something moving behind us…” she told him.

  “I didn’t see anything. The first part’s already over. I don’t want to miss anything else,” he stated.

  “You’re so thrilled. It makes me feel so special…” she shot back, sarcastically.

  “Hey, coming here was your idea, not mine…” he responded.

  “Yes, I’m into it…I know…ultra-kinky. But, promise me that you won’t hook-up with the red head, again. She left marks last time…” she said.

  “I bet she won’t even be in there…”

  “I’ll take that bet because none of them take a day off.”

  “You don’t know that! It’s not like we come here every day. Wait, are you stepping out on me when I’m at the office?”

  “I’d never come here without you! It’s something I heard through the grapevine. I’ve never seen one of their check stubs, but from what I hear people are begging him for a job…”

  The Gray Hook must be a gentlemen’s club for couples or a topless bar or a restaurant? Whatever it is, the lady said something “ultra-kinky” goes on in there.

  Nell confirmed what the chatty woman is saying. Nigel Gray pays his staff, handsomely. He must also monopolize their time too.

  The couple stopped talking. But judging by the sounds they’re making, they are still in the lobby. So, I stayed very still and started putting the pieces together.

  Audrey met Nigel the night of Dante’s show. Nigel must have offered her a position. The salary must be incredibly lucrative for her to work in an environment that she finds morally reprehensible. I know Audrey won’t be stripping. But, I could see her looking the other way while she waitresses or tends bar. She doesn’t drink or do drugs. That makes her an ideal candidate to work in a nightclub setting.

  From the sound of things though, Gray expects his employees to work every day with no time off. I bet Audrey didn’t realize that when she agreed to work for him. After she cashed the first check, she probably felt like she hit the jackpot. She would be worried about getting fired for having a personal life. So, she quits college…ends things with Dante…and, cuts ties to her family in Mississippi.

  Large sums of money change people…almost never for the better.

  The only rational explanation I had was the most awful thing a mother could do to her child. Audrey cut Tucker out of her life for some fast cash!

  Strangely enough, that knowledge didn’t alter my speech to her one iota.

  The couple could have seen my legs if they had only looked in my direction. I didn’t care about getting busted by them or anyone for that matter. I was working on navigating through a new level of livid.

  I pulled out Tucker’s picture. I heard him crying for Audrey when Angie called to say she was coming back, alone. I read some of her horrible words in that terrible letter.

  The couple had just walked inside, so they didn’t see me. I marched up to the black velvet curtain that separated the foyer from the club, with an odd mixture of relief and vengeance.

  At least, I will have some news for Angie when I call her tomorrow.

  So, I waltzed into the Gray Hook like I own the joint…preparing to give Audrey a big piece of my raging mind.


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