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OUR TURN (Can't Wait Book 4)

Page 4

by Dani Wyatt

  Geo steps forward, and I feel the cold cinderblock of the wall at my back through my thin shirt as I try to retreat.

  “We’ve watched each other for a long time, haven’t we, Precious?”

  His sudden change in demeanor has me stunned but excited. I want to be honest and tell him how I’ve wanted him. But instead, I give the slightest of nods, embarrassed at the truth.

  My voice is lost as my pulse races through my ears. His eyes look like crystal as he hovers over me, leaning in, one hand plastered against the wall, then the other. My face barely at his chest level.

  His scent is heavy. Like a man who works outside mixed with a spicy aftershave that has my head spinning. I’ve thought so many things about him. Fought from touching myself at night when I imagined the things I shouldn’t have about the man I thought was my father.

  In his eyes, I think I see lust and it has me tingling. Sensation quivers through all the parts of me that I would have touched before, thinking about him, admonishing myself the entire time.

  His hands are thick and strong, and I wonder how they would feel touching me. I feel like a little girl with him this close. Like he is a half-man, half-beast, sent to ravage me or save me.

  Or perhaps both.



  NOW THAT I’VE BEEN this close to her, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let her out of my sight.

  Looking down at her now, I see every curve of her face. Her bangs brush just over her eyebrows, and her eyelashes are the same Kahlua color as her hair. Her cheeks are plump like her lips with the same natural pink, and I wonder if it matches the pink of her other lips.

  My mouth waters thinking of drinking in her juices as I run my tongue around her soaking opening.

  I want to get drunk on her and never sober up.

  A blush winds up from her chest and takes her entire face as I watch her. I love that she’s nervous. I’m not sure why but it turns me the fuck on. I want her to be a bit uncomfortable, then I want to ease it away and show her I’m her source of safety and comfort from now on.

  “Tell me,” I say, lowering my head, so I catch the strawberry scent of her hair. “You’ve watched me too, haven’t you? Tell me the truth, Precious. Always tell the truth.”

  I’ve crowded her up against the wall, and it’s taking all my control not to press my dick into her soft body. With one brush I’d cum in my fucking pants, I’m sure of it.

  Her head is hard against the wall, and I see a flash of fear in her eyes, so I ease my body back a few inches to give her a moment of pause forgetting for a second how intimidating my size can be.

  “Yes.” The single word squeaks from her sweet lips on a nod, and she brings her hands to fuss at her cheeks, then over her mouth. She twists her head to the side, her eyes darting everywhere but to mine.

  The flush of her cheeks is rising to red on flawless ivory skin, and I glance to her neck where I imagine my teeth. Then to her lips again and my mind spins in a fury.

  “Tell me,” I grunt, my eyes lowering to see her chest heaving up and down, her breasts the perfect size to fill my hands. “You thought I was your father. You moved here, you said, to find me. Why didn’t you ever come to me?”

  Her eyes flick to mine, and I reach down and pinch her chin, needing them to stay connected.

  Her nervous hands flatten on her cheeks and her lips open as if to speak before closing again with a whimper.

  “Tell me, Precious. I know I’m not your father, but I want to know. I want to know so much about you. Talk to me,” I encourage, taking my other hand from the wall and running it down her hair, pressing it gently behind her ear.

  The contact makes her shudder and has my cock throbbing, but I keep my hand there anyway. Fingers on her chin, my other hand on the side of her head, waiting for her to answer.

  “When I first saw you...” She starts on a hard swallow, then softly clears her throat before continuing, “When I picked up Mrs. Morrison that first day, I saw you. You were...”

  She licks her lips and pulls the top one between her teeth.

  “I was what?”

  “I don’t know. I thought you were amazing. God.” A sound catches in her throat like she’s about to cry, and I see tears gather in her eyes. “This is so embarrassing.”

  “Nothing you say is embarrassing. Nothing you do is embarrassing. Think of me like your father, someone who wants the best for you, who sees you as you are and passes no judgment.” My words surprise even myself because they are so true. “I will never judge you, Precious.”

  That seems to calm her, and she finally lowers her hands from her face to rest gingerly on my chest, making my cock jump and my heart nearly seize.

  She fucking touched me. Willingly.

  I move my hands back to the wall next to each side of her head, wanting to cage her. Keep her. Let her know she belongs to me.

  Her voice is soft and trembling as she finishes. “I had this crush on you immediately. Like I’ve never had that feeling before.” She tugs a shoulder to her ear, and a single tear falls from her eye. “You were bigger than life and gorgeous...and I so wanted you to notice me, but at the same time, I didn’t. Then, later that day, when I saw your name on the daily roster next to Mrs. Morrison’s name, I felt like the most horrible person — thinking that way about my own father. It was embarr—” She stops herself, and I trace my thumb over the wet streak on her cheek, then bring it to my lips and draw it in, making her eyes go wide. “I feel like none of this is real,” she mumbles, her shoulders shaking.

  Gorgeous? Fuck, she sees me through eyes I don’t understand.

  “It’s very real, Precious. And you’ve made me the happiest I’ve been in as long as I can remember by telling me that. After you found out who I was though, you still didn’t contact me.”

  “I was scared. You were...” Her eyes scan up and down me, then she raises her eyebrows. “Well, you. Mom told me you weren’t the best guy. Like, dangerous. And then when I saw you, truth is you are a bit scary. And, I couldn’t stop the feelings. The other feelings, the ones that a daughter definitely shouldn’t have for her father. And I just decided I couldn’t contact you. It was too much. So, I just settled for seeing you twice a week and living in those moments. Trying to push away the other feelings. And...” She stalls, twisting those perfect lips to the side, and I raise my eyebrows, keeping her eyes on mine and encouraging her to finish. “I mean, you’re probably married or something...” She trails off, wrinkling her nose and shrugging like it shouldn’t matter, but it clearly does.

  Her honesty honors me. She trusts me with the truth and pride swells in my chest.

  “Not married, Nicci. Never been married, either. Haven’t even had a date in a long damn time, to tell you the truth.”

  The relief I see in her eyes has me two seconds from grabbing her and spinning her ass up over the hospital bed and rutting into her like a damn beast.

  “Okay.” Her tiny voice shakes, but a smile upturns her lips and the happiness her smile brings me takes me aback. I want to see that smile every day for the rest of my life, and I need to be the one to put it there.


  Fuck, I don’t think I’ve made anyone smile in ten years. I’m not a funny guy. I’ve made plenty of people cry, but no smiles.

  This is going to be a challenge, but I’m up for it. Or down for it. Or whatever the fuck I should be. Whatever, I’m going to be the one to make her smile, God damn it.

  And that means not leaving her. Which is going to be fucking difficult given that I have a court case next week that might result in me serving an unknown amount of time. But I’m going to work it out. I have to.

  Because now I have something to be home for and I’ll be damned if I’ll let the less wholesome aspects of my life interfere with this.

  With us.

  “Precious, I need to know one more thing. Tell me the truth.” The beast inside of me is clawing his way out, and I have to fight to keep him at bay. She nods
, and I ask the question that’s been hammering in my brain since she told me she’d been watching me too. “Is there a wet mess between your legs right now?”

  I push my hips forward, meeting the softness of her belly so she can feel the effect she’s having on me and glide the top of my thigh between her legs, rocking it slightly back and forth.

  Her cheeks burn red but the hands that were previously resting lightly on the front of my shirt now clench the fabric and twist. I search her shimmering gray eyes, praying for the answer I want. A small frown turns down her lips, and my heart freezes, my hands turning to fists against the wall.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispers, and light explodes inside of me. Her fingers twist in the fabric of my shirt, and I rub the hard muscle of my thigh between her legs.

  Her eyes widen, then just as quickly her eyelids drop to cover half her eyes, and she looks up at me in wonder. Her hips begin to move slightly with the rhythm of my leg, and I lean down and devour her mouth with mine, unable to contain my need to kiss her for another second.

  My hands drop to her waist, taking control of her tiny body as she tugs and pulls at me, our kiss igniting.

  Her lips taste like summer and honey. My tongue gliding into her mouth feels like coming home. Our mouths rasp and turn together as our bodies pump and move.

  Her breathing quickens, then suddenly she is dead still. I break our kiss to look down and see her eyes roll back and her entire body begins to convulse. Her hips jerk on my thigh and I swear a rush of heat explodes from between her legs.

  She yelps and cries out, her face falling so her hair cascades down and I can’t see her expression. Then, just as quickly, she snaps it back up, tendrils of hair sticking to her face and across her open lips as she moans, and her orgasm plays out.

  I’ve never seen anything more stunning. Watching her in the moment of bliss, knowing it came from me, is the highlight of my life so far.

  Her shoulders quake and I bring my hands to her warm cheeks, angling he eyes upward to my face.

  “Are you okay, Precious?”

  She squeezes her eyes shut and pulls at my shirt. “Yes,” she whispers. “I can’t believe I just did that.” She shakes her head, and I see uncertainty in her eyes. “How emb—”

  “It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thank you.” I kiss her softly as the pain of my own desire is nearly impossible to bear. I fight the urge again to use the fucking convenient bed right behind us to sink into her and make her completely mine.

  But she deserves better, and I’m going to give it to her.



  I CATCH MY REFLECTION in the full-length mirror as I rush about the bedroom area of my studio apartment. Geo dropped me off so I could shower and change, saying he would be back in an hour to take me to dinner. As he walked me to the door of my apartment, the last thing he said before I went inside was that he would love to see me in a dress when he picked me up.

  Me. Nicci. Not exactly the dress type.

  But the way he said it, the look in his eye when he leaned down and kissed me softly, made me want to comply. I want to please him in a way I find exhilarating and confusing. I only own a couple of dresses, and the one I chose is a light green floral wrap dress which I’ve paired with a pair of white Keds because the only other two pairs of shoes I have are black and look like they belong on a construction worker.

  I put on nice panties too. Don’t judge me; I can’t help the little ball of hope deep down that says maybe he will see them.

  They were the only pair in my drawer that weren’t simply practical and functional. I need to buy some more because I want to look nice—and feel nice—for Geo. I did have a few pairs of more lacy deals, but I swear they slip between the floorboards or something because they just seem to go missing.

  Beth’s voice echoes on the phone speaker in my near bare studio apartment. The only other sound is the bubbling, flowing water in my aquarium.

  My mom never allowed us to have pets, so when I moved, I had this idea, I’d like some sort of creature to keep me company. When a co-worker at the center was getting rid of their old aquarium and everything needed to set it up, I decided that was it. I guess I was happy to start small. I started with two guppies and have added about ten fish since and I can’t believe how much I love all of them.

  “Are you shitting me?” Beth’s question is followed by a chuckle. “Life is fucking stranger than fiction, that’s for damn sure. So, the guy you thought was your father, who you’ve been wet for since you met him—”

  I cut her off. “Is not my father at all. I know.” I run my hands down the front of the dress, trying to smooth out the wrinkles. It still had the tag on it, nearly two hundred dollars. It’s the nicest thing I’ve ever owned. Beth gave it to me because it was too small on her.

  It was great timing because Easter is coming and there is a big event at the senior center. The staff will be paired up with a senior that needs help with their mobility during the Easter egg hunt.

  Instead of wearing our usual uniforms, Mr. Wesley told us we should plan on wearing our ‘Sunday Best’ which of course I had none. So, enter lady luck and Beth again. Little did I know I’d have such an occasion to wear it before the work event. And truth is, I think I look sorta cute.

  “Well...shit.” Beth’s voice comes through the phone. “Life works out, huh? You know I’m your safe call, right? Or, should I call you in like an hour to see if you’re okay?”

  I think for a second and before I can answer there’s a knock at the door and Geo’s voice comes through.

  “Precious, it’s me.”

  “Shoot,” I mumble, spinning around and grabbing my flip phone. “No, if I need you, I’ll call. I gotta go.”

  “Okay. Good luck!” Beth clicks off, and Geo’s voice comes through the door again.

  “Baby, you okay? I know I’m early, but I couldn’t wait.”

  I check myself in the mirror one more time and resolve that this is as good as it’s going to get. I don’t own any makeup so to speak, except a Burt’s Bee’s lip gloss, which is my one indulgence at eight dollars a tube, and some mascara. So, I pinch my cheeks like in the movies and step to the door.

  With a bit of effort, I work the deadbolt, then the chain, and finally, take a deep breath as I fight off the already growing tension between my legs.

  I have to throw my hip into the door with a grunt to get it to open, old building with crooked doorframes. When I swing it open and see him standing there in a black suit and crimson tie, I nearly faint. He looks even bigger dressed like this, and the air of confidence that surrounds him has me on the verge of another orgasm.

  The impeccable fit and look of the suit in contrast to the rugged face, off-center nose and the beard that says I-don’t-give-a-shit-what-you-think...all of it has me dizzy.

  He looks down at me, takes a long breath in through his nose, and closes his eyes for a moment before opening them and tracing his tongue along his bottom lip. His eyes look like shimmering onyx as I step back and he moves inside, closing the door behind him.

  “God, you take my breath away.”

  I’ve waited for this moment for almost six months, but now that it’s here I’m a basket case. Isn’t this what I wanted? I wouldn’t know it from the way my brain is screaming at me to run, hide, disappear.

  He looks me up and down, and I feel a tingling sensation wherever his gaze touches me, and there are so many things I want to say. All the things I’ve practiced, fantasized about, ever since I saw him that first day.

  I feel like I’m back in middle school when I had a crush on my math teacher, Mr. Hollingsworth, and I would doodle ‘Mrs. Hollingsworth’ on my binder. If I had a binder right now, it would be covered with different versions of my married name with Geo.

  My cheeks are hot as he runs his thumb over my lips, and I open slightly. He presses it just inside, enough to touch my tongue, but no farther, and the orgasm that was building nearly topples me over.r />
  “Sorry.” I babble. “My place isn’t much.” I glance around nervously, trying to keep my body from quivering.

  I keep my place neat, which isn’t hard. I don’t exactly have much stuff to make a mess with, but knowing where Geo lives, I suddenly feel a wash of embarrassment at the shabby subsidized studio I call home.

  “Your place is fine, Precious. But I’m thinking that your accommodations may change very soon.” I’m confused by his statement, but before I can ask what that means, he cracks a half smile, white teeth flickering behind those lips and facial hair as he looks across the small room at my fish tank. “Baby, I love your fish.”

  My heart lights up that he noticed. “Thanks. They’re my friends. I named them all after Harry Potter characters. They are my favorite movies. I tried to read the books, but I’m not a big reader. But I love movies.”

  “You are beautiful and sweet and smart whether you like to read or not. Deadly combination.” He runs a hand down from the back of my head, stroking my hair, and the arousal I feel is like a living being demanding to be set free.

  I’m so close to the edge at his simple touches, I know it’s only a matter of time before I embarrass myself again and cum—probably in the middle of dinner.

  He lowers his hand, resting it at the small of my back, his eyes locked onto mine, and this all feels like a dream.

  “You ready? As much as I’d love to stay right here with you.” His eyes drift over to my small, single sized bed, then back to me. “I’ve got plans for us this evening. I don’t want to waste any more time starting our life.”

  Starting our life?

  Again, I want to ask what he means, but it sounds so wonderful I don’t want to be disappointed by finding out it’s not what I dream it could be.

  “I’m ready I guess.” I glance around the apartment and step to the efficiency kitchen to retrieve my purse, stuffing my embarrassing black flip phone in the outside pocket before setting the strap on my shoulder and grabbing my sweater from the counter next to it.


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