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OUR TURN (Can't Wait Book 4)

Page 5

by Dani Wyatt

  “I’m not quite ready.” Geo’s arms wrap around my shoulders as I step toward the door. “I need one thing, or I’m going to lose my mind.”


  “Your lips. On mine.”


  “WAIT HERE.” I REACH out and brush a stray hair from her cheek, feeling the softness and warmth on my fingertip. My knuckles are bruised, and there’s a fresh cut on my middle finger, but I hope like hell she doesn’t ask where it came from because I don’t know if I can lie to her. “I had to park in back. I’ll pull around.”

  “It’s okay. I can walk—”

  “No. Stay here. I want to do this right and pick you up at the door.” I kiss the part in her hair and take a deep breath of her scent. That sweet, strawberry shampoo she uses, mingles with an air of innocence that has my cock pounding and demanding to take what we both know belongs to us now.

  She nods, her eyes wide with wonder, and I realize this could be the first time anyone’s treated her like this as I jog out the front door of her apartment building—well, her former apartment building I should say, because she doesn’t know it yet, but there’s no fucking way she’s staying here another night.

  Don’t get me wrong, the place is okay, it’s a rent subsidized three-story on the west side of downtown Detroit. Not bad, but now that she’s mine and I’m done perving at her through the window I can’t stand the idea of her being here alone any longer.

  As I pull around and throw the Suburban into park, a growl rumbles from my chest. Red sparks outline everything as I see a man standing next to her inside the door of the building. Her arms are wrapped around her waist like she’s frozen, and the way she’s looking from him to the floor as he talks to her makes my fists ball. Within a second, I’m inside the door, just in time for him to reach over and grab her arm.

  “Hi.” I half charge at the man, wrapping his wrist in a rock-hard grip as his eyes shoot wide. I shoulder in between him and Nicci, making myself a barrier he’s never going to cross. He clearly needs a lesson in not invading personal space, because he was standing within inches of her and that has this new maniac protective part of me clawing its way to the surface. “Would be a great idea for you to let her go.” I seethe, barely controlling my need to bash his head into the wall for thinking he could touch her.

  “Hey.” He barks back, obviously too stupid to understand the danger he’s in, but he does take a step back, thank Christ, because I don’t want my girl to see me in a violent rage just before our first date. “Can I help you?”

  I loosen my grip on his arm for Nicci’s sake, but the way I’m standing makes it perfectly clear it’s me he needs to deal with right now. I could see from the pained expression on her face when I came through the door, this is not a friend. Add to that the lecherous look he was giving her, well, I’m here to shut this shit down.

  “Yeah, you can tell me what business you have with Nicci.” The anger in my voice barely restrained.

  “I have business with her.” He narrows his eyes at me and my muscles twitch. “Business that is none of yours.”

  “Geo, it’s okay—” Nicci presses a hand on my back, but I hold mine up, silencing her until I get this fuck to understand he’s dealing with me now.

  “Anything you need to say to her, you say to me.”

  “Fine.” He gives me an arrogant smirk, a flash of teeth I want to make him swallow. “As of five days ago, her rent is three months behind. That enough information for you?”

  I hear a whimper from behind me and am a second from launching my fist into his face. I take a split second to contain my anger, then let him know how this is going to play out.

  “This your building?”

  “I’m responsible for the subsidized apartments, yes. I work for the county.”

  “Give me your card then.”

  He stares at me, then finally makes his first good decision by reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a card.

  I snatch it from him, stuff it in the front pocket of my blazer, then reach around to find Nicci’s hand and pull her to my side.

  “You’ll be hearing from me.”

  With that, I move toward the door with Nicci by my side. Once we’re out on the street, I open the car door and buckle her in.

  “I’m sorry.” The sadness in her eyes has my heart shattering. “I’m humiliated.”

  “No. He should be humiliated.” I squeeze her hand and close the door, trying to get a grip on my anger as I get into the Suburban and pull away, leaving the fucker standing in the doorway watching us go.

  When I get a hold of myself, I take her hand, bring the back of it to my lips and hold it there for a long moment until she starts talking.

  “He is the one who got me into the building on an exception. It’s a senior building, so he did me a favor by letting me live there. He oversees the senior center as well as the senior subsidized housing for the entire county.” The catch in her voice tells me I need to deal with him at a later date because it sounds like he thinks he holds some kind of power over her. Well, as of today that’s over, but things might get ugly when he finds out.

  “Baby, don’t worry.”

  “I have to worry. It’s where I live. It’s not like there are a bunch of places, at least safe places, around that I can live for three-hundred dollars a month.” Her voice hints at her fear, and it sends me into a near rage that she feels so unsteady in her life.

  “From now on, you don’t worry. I’m here, and I’m going to take all those worries of yours and make them mine.”

  She looks so fucking sweet in her dress and white tennis shoes. I want to stick hot daggers into that fuck’s eyes for even looking at her.

  The past six months of watching her, of dreaming about her, of stroking off to thoughts of her every fucking day, swirl in my obsessed mind. I want tonight to be perfect. I want her to know she’s safe now and that she belongs to me.

  It’s only a five-minute drive to the restaurant, and I hold her hand the entire way, asking her questions about her fish, about anything just to keep her talking. Just to hear her voice and learn anything I can about her.

  As she talks, I glance over at her lips moving, thinking of how my cock will feel there, how she will look up at me as I cum down her throat with the scent of her on my lips.

  “So, Mrs. Morrison talks about you like you hung the moon.” She smiles, and I squeeze her fingers as I pull to the front of Tribute, the five-star restaurant where we are going to eat. “She’s so sweet.”

  I chuckle as I put the car in park and the valet runs over to her side to let her out. When he opens the door, I wave him off. “I’ll take care of that.” I jerk my head to my side of the car, and he nods in understanding before lightly closing her door.

  As he opens my door, I kiss her hand again and reply. “She’s a special lady. Half-cocked most of the time, tells me things that are clearly not true, but fuck. What does it matter? Her world is real to her, so I nod and listen. I’m lucky to have her in my life. I’m lucky to have you in my life. I hope you two don’t go fisticuffs over me.”

  She giggles and I let her hand go to pass my keys to the valet before making my way over to open her door and help her step down from the truck.

  When I touch her hand, I have to fight off the need to tell her how obsessed I am with her. That even if she wanted to get away from me, I’d follow her. I’d hunt her down and make sure no other man would ever have her.

  Instead, I rest my hand on her back, just above the swell of her ass, and walk her into the restaurant as proud as I’ve ever been in my life to have her by my side. We get looks from the other patrons.

  Yes, I’m a monster. I look like a monster. And Nicci? She’s Beauty to my Beast.

  As we walk, inside my head I hear her calling my name− screaming my name. My cock is rock hard, straining the zipper on my slacks, demanding to get inside her. To feel the warmth and fill her with me. Desire nearly blinds me as I glance over to the maître d’ and

he gives me a knowing nod in return before ushering us to the table in the back of the restaurant.

  Nicci’s a cherub. A child compared to me. And I have zero shame at both our size and age difference.

  I half snarl back at anyone giving us the side eye because no one is going to ruin this for her. Make her feel uncomfortable? No way, not on my watch. That’s why I made the arrangements for us to have a private table in the back and paid the restaurant a tidy sum up front to make sure all the tables around us were empty.

  I also called ahead to check the menu and ordered based on the directions from the hospital on her new food requirements. I plan on making sure she sticks to her diet even if I have to plant a garden and cook every meal for her for the rest of my life.

  I’m half insane already, but when Nicci sees the table, her hands fly to cover her mouth. She looks up at me, then back at the scene and tears spring to her eyes.

  “You did all this?” She looks up, and all I can think about is setting my teeth into her neck. “I gotta say, you didn’t strike me as the overly romantic type.”

  In front of her is a curved booth, around it are vases of spring tulips and daffodils because she reminds me of springtime and new beginnings. At the edge of the table is a light blue velvet box, resting on top of a pile of pink flower petals.

  “Can’t judge a book by its cover.” I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “You bring out the best in me.”



  IF I WASN’T SO YOUNG, I’d think I was going through menopause the way I’m rocking these hot flashes.

  I finger the sterling silver and diamond Tiffany choker that Geo placed on my neck as soon as we got to the table. It probably costs more than I’ve made in my entire years of employment, and I sort of love the way he positioned the clasp, so it’s snug against my skin.

  It’s similar to Beth’s but even nicer in my opinion, and it’s as though he can read my mind sometimes.

  “Are you full, Precious?” Geo has his arm around the back of the booth, where his body is touching mine from my shoulder down to my feet.

  “Stuffed.” I dab the napkin to my mouth, remembering every kiss he placed on my lips during our meal.

  He nods to the two members of the restaurant staff who have treated us like royalty since we sat down, then they silently and skillfully clear the table. Geo leans over and whispers in my ear, “As soon as they are done, you are going to do something for me.”

  My entire body tingles at the anticipation. He’s had his hand on my thigh on and off the entire meal, tracing circles and pushing the hem of my skirt higher each time until it’s now barely decent. The table is draped with a white linen cloth which shields what’s happening underneath from view, but it still flushes my cheeks thinking someone might see.

  I’ve watched the glare he gives the male staff as they’ve waited on us and I hate to admit—my feminist brain battling my clear connection to his dominance—I’m on cloud nine.

  He was the same as we walked through to our table. People glanced our way, but once their eyes landed on Geo, they quickly looked away. He does make for rubbernecking, that’s for sure, but I feel safe around him. Cared for and possessed.

  I never knew what it would feel like to be possessed, but I do now, and I like it.

  I still wonder how we got here. So far. So fast.

  And a man like Geo? And a girl, yes a girl, like me? It still stalls my brain. But he seems as sure about us as he is about taking his next breath and I’m inclined to believe in the fairy tale that seems to be unfolding for me.

  “I’m sorry, baby, no dessert.”

  “I know. It’s okay. Not big on dessert anyway.”

  “I’m going to get you set up with the best nutritionist and liver specialist in the city. We’re going to get you fixed up and make sure your health is back on track.”

  I twist my lips as his hand comes back to my thigh under the table. The waiting staff finishes whisking away the used dishes, leaving us with just our tea to drink.

  “That would be wonderful in an ideal world, but I don’t have insurance.” I puff out a breath. “That’s why I had to go to the emergency at Receiving Hospital. They take un-insured. They’re going to bill me, I don’t know how I’ll pay, but they said I can pay five dollars a month as long as I pay something. I’ll be ninety-six years old before I pay it off.” I force a smile and feel Geo’s rough fingers on the soft flesh of my inner thigh, making me shiver.

  “You’ll keep your five dollars a month, baby, trust me.”

  At every turn, he’s making me feel as though I’m his responsibility now. That whatever my challenges are, they are his as well, and I’m not sure how to respond. Still, I can’t help basking in the way he’s treating me.

  The way I grew up, the men I saw my mother with were nothing like Geo, and I have to wonder what happened between the two of them. Mom’s boyfriends came and went. Cheated and lied. Stole from us even though we had next to nothing. But this...this is like winning the relationship lottery.

  Is this a relationship? God, I can’t believe it would be so soon, but my heart says yes even though my brain says be careful.

  “Now.” His massive hand engulfs my inner thigh, making me gasp. “I want you to go into the lady’s room. Take off your panties, hold them in your hand as you walk back, then slide back in the booth and hand them to me.”

  There’s no asking, it’s a statement, and I swallow hard and soak the aforementioned panties.

  I stutter, looking up at him, and he twists into that crooked half smile. “They’re wet, aren’t they?”

  Geez, if they weren’t before, they sure are now.

  My face explodes with heat, and I’m sure it’s as red as a fire engine.


  WHEN NICCI SLIDES BACK into the booth with that impish grin on her face and hands me her damp, pink panties, I practically topple the glassware with the force of my cock as it hits the bottom side of the table.

  “Oh my God.” She looks down to see me stroking my cock, and slowly her cheeks start to burn a deeper shade of red as her eyes flit from my dick to my face then back down.

  “Had to get a little relief. You do this to me.” I glance around, making sure no one is eyeing us. We are in the back part of the restaurant with just a doorway to the main room. No one else is seated around us, and while Nicci was in the bathroom, I told the staff to leave us alone until I told them otherwise.

  Her eyes are wide, and I see her swallow hard as my hand moves up and down, fisting the rock hard length.

  “It’s beyond...” She starts, half squinting one eye. “Huge. How do you walk around with that thing?” She smiles and drops of cum leak out of the tip. I palm the crown and spread the slick pre-release around as she watches.

  “It’s become harder since I met you,” I grunt, clearing my throat. “No pun intended.”

  I bring her panties to my face, breathing in her scent and licking the wet spot as Nicci puts a hand over her mouth.

  She looks at me like I’m God in person, looking past what others see. It’s not just my size, either. I know I’m not pretty. A face only a mother could love, or so I thought. I see lust and love in her eyes, a completely intoxicating combination.

  I can’t imagine my life before her, and I can’t envision a life without her. I thank God fate intervened because I wasn’t getting the job done on my own. Thinking there was no way on this Earth a sweet beauty like her would give a thug like me a second glance.

  Thank you, Jesus, I’ve been proven wrong.

  So very wrong.

  “I want to feel it.” Before the words leave her lips, I realize she doesn’t mean with her hand.

  She climbs onto my lap, and my muscles are so taut I think they are going to snap like old rubber bands.

  “Fuck.” I groan as she straddles facing me, holding herself over my cock, the skirt of her dress rising the creamy flesh of her thighs, teasing me with thoughts of the bare slit beneath. T
he heat from her cunt makes my erection grow an extra inch, if that’s even possible, and as I pick her up my head starts spinning.

  The beast inside of me is pacing, and my throat is tight when I release my shaft and bring my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her lips to just brush mine as I speak.

  “I need to know something, and I need to tell you something. First, the telling...” I search her shimmering gray eyes and see adoration there, making my heart catch. “I’m not going to fuck you here. Not like this. You are going to run that mess of a cunt up and down my cock until you cum.”

  We are nose to nose, and I feel her sweet, warm breath coming faster as I finish.

  “What I need to know, Precious.” I pause, poring over all the possible answers in my mind before I go on. “Have you ever...” I can’t bring myself to finish and thank fuck she finishes for me.

  Her lips move against mine as she answers the unspoken question. “I’ve never done most things. I had one boyfriend, well sort of I guess.” She draws back, and I hear sadness in her words. “He moved into our apartment building. He was older.”

  She reaches up to absently scratch at her neck, then leaves her fingers there, and it’s clear that this is an uncomfortable memory.

  “Older,” I grunt, a fury rising in me at the thoughts going through my mad mind.

  “I was eighteen, so it wasn’t like a crime or anything. He was like ten years older. I thought he liked me. I was sort of starving for attention. I didn’t really want to.” The catch in her voice sends thoughts of the worst sort of violence spinning inside me. This protective fury for her has me thinking there will be vengeance for her if I have anything to say about it.

  “What else, baby?” I encourage her to go on, because as much as I don’t want to know, I need to know, and I need her to know she can tell me anything. That I am her safe place, always, from now until forever.

  “I finally gave in. He just kept pressuring me, and so finally I did it.” Her eyes lower and I grip the back of her neck, letting her know I’ve got her. “The next day, when I went to talk to him, he told me he was married. His wife showed up that afternoon. He’d gotten them moved in, she was pregnant and was away visiting her family. I never said anything because, how could I? I couldn’t do that to her.”


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