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Holiday Wishes: Christmas of Love Collaboration

Page 5

by S. L. Sterling

  Declan: Does that mean you want to see me again?

  HARPER: Don't get your hopes up, Brookes, just thought it would be nice if you could make it.

  I smiled to myself at her response. We’d spent most nights this past week texting and whenever the question came about, and I probed her for an answer on whether she wanted to see me again, the response was the same. I could imagine her sitting there smiling as she typed out her response, knowing that she was driving me crazy. I pocketed my phone as my boss stepped out of his office.

  "I've had your flights covered for the next three weeks to get you moved out there. The moving company will head to your place to pack you up. Let me know if you have trouble finding a place and we will put you up for a couple of weeks in a hotel until you find an apartment."

  "Great, thanks, Gary."

  "No problem, Declan. Let me know if you need anything."

  "Will do," I said.

  Twenty minutes later, I was headed towards my favorite coffee shop. I was excited as I allowed the thoughts of being able to return home to my friends and hopefully to Harper. Things seemed to go well between us. Communication had opened and aside from texting we had even squeezed in a few phone calls that ended up lasting well past midnight. Last night had been the latest, I could almost hear her sleepy voice now as she had struggled not to fall asleep on me.

  I had just sat down in my usual booth in the front window of the Java King when my phone rang.

  "Hey, Devon. How was the honeymoon?" I answered.

  "Hey, man, it was great. Listen, Kenzie and I want to know if you are going to make it to our New Year’s Eve party this year?"

  I chuckled, "Man, Harper has been asking me as well."

  "Does that mean you two are back together?"

  "No, just talking, but at least it’s a start."

  "That’s great, man. I am so happy to hear that."

  "Same. So here is the thing. I haven't given her a definite answer yet."

  "Not sure you can make it? Flight schedule going crazy because of the holidays?"

  "No, it’s not that. I just found out I am moving back to Seattle. I haven't told her about that either. I was thinking I would keep them both a secret and surprise her at your party. Think you guys can help me out?"

  "I can, but I won't let on to Kenzie. Those two are inseparable and she'd probably spill the beans."

  I laughed into the phone. "All right, man, sounds good. I'll be there."

  "Great, we will see you then. If you need a place to stay, you got one."

  “Thanks, Devon. I appreciate it.”

  I hung up and took a sip of my hot coffee and turned my attention back to my messages with Harper. I read her words carefully and dialed her number.



  "Declan? What are you doing calling me in the middle of a workday?"

  "It's easier than typing. I know how badly you wanted to see me; however, I just got my flight schedule for the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I am sad to say that I won’t be able to make it to their party."

  The phone was silent, and I smiled to myself. This would be worth it to see the surprise on her face when I showed up to the party.

  "Oh. Um, okay, well, that’s too bad. You’re going to miss out."

  "You know, you are horrible at hiding how you really feel there. I know you want to see me."

  "Get over yourself, Brookes. It would have been nice to have you there this year after the wedding is all. I know that Devon and Kenzie both would have loved to have the four of us together again. Listen, I have to go. I have a meeting to get to."

  I could hear the lump in her throat and could feel the excitement building at the fact that she really wanted to see me again.

  "Okay, talk soon?"


  Chapter 11


  I hung up the phone and looked around my office. My eyes burned. Why was I getting so upset at the fact that Declan couldn't make it to this party? This was ridiculous. We shared a few calls; we’d talked about our lives and it felt as if we’d barely been apart. Perhaps one or two conversations had become heated, and I had wished that he had been there in the bedroom. However, being so upset I could cry was only plain silly. I wiped my eyes and cleared the enormous lump that sat in my throat and glanced at the clock. I had to meet Kenzie for lunch.

  I grabbed my coat off the hook on the door, flung my purse over my shoulder and raced out of the office and down the elevator. I was late, as usual, thanks to that phone call, so it was a good thing that we were meeting at our usual place, just around the corner from my office. I was looking forward to a steaming bowl of French onion soup for lunch.

  I was just about to the door of the restaurant when I heard my name and turned to see Kenzie waving at me from across the street.

  "Hey!" I shouted, waving in excitement. I watched as she ran across the busy street. "How was the honeymoon?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her.

  "Amazing. Everything was perfect."

  "I'm glad to hear that. I'm starving," I said, pulling the door to the restaurant open.

  Kenzie ducked into the washroom while I sat in the same booth we always had and pulled my phone from my purse. There were three more messages from Declan after our call and I smiled to myself as I read each one and quickly typed out a response, shoving my phone back in my purse just as Kenzie appeared. I did my best to wipe the look from my face.

  She sat down across from me and took one look at me. "Why do you look as if you are hiding something?" she questioned.

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "The smile, the blushing, what is going on?"

  "Nothing. I’m winded is all."

  "Oh no, no way. You aren’t getting off that easy, besides you work out every day. So tell me, what's going on?"

  Just as she said that my phone pinged with a message and I glanced down at my purse and smiled, knowing full well that Declan had responded to what I had said.

  "You guys ready for the New Year’s Eve party?" I asked, doing my best to change the subject.

  "All right, fine. If you don't want to tell me, it’s up to you. The answer to your question is yes, everything is almost all decorated and ready for the Christmas and the New Year’s Eve party. We just need to work on what we are serving. You are still planning on coming, right, and helping me with everything?"

  "Of course. I wouldn't miss it." My cell phone went off again, and I glanced once again at my purse, this time pulling out my phone and reading the message.

  "Look at you."

  "Look at me what?" I asked, looking up and meeting Kenzie's eyes.

  "You guys are finally talking again?"

  I looked at my best friend. I couldn't hold back my excitement any longer. I nodded and smiled. "Yes."

  "It's about damn time. You finally forgave him?"

  I searched myself for a few moments, thinking over everything that had happened at the wedding and over the past few weeks. "I guess you could say I have."

  "I'm so happy to hear that. You look happy."

  "I am happy. I just wish that he were closer, so we could give our relationship another try."

  "Well, did you invite him to the party? Perhaps that could start things."

  "I did, but he can't go. He said his flight schedule is crazy that weekend. Besides, it would only be for that weekend." I looked down at the phone, wishing that he could be there.

  "What is it?"

  "I just don't think it would work, us being that far away from one another. Then add on his work schedule, plus mine."

  "You will never know if you don't try."

  I shrugged. Kenzie was right, but I also wasn't sure I could enter a long-distance relationship with him. It would take me a long time to trust again.

  "You know I am right," Kenzie said, reaching across the table and placing her hand on mine.

  "I do. However, there is no sense in even thinking any more about it."
/>   I looked at Kenzie and did my best to smile. "All right, so what are you wanting to serve at this party?" I asked, changing the subject, because the thought of Declan not being able to be here with me was suddenly killing me inside.

  I sat in front of the TV, wrapping jalapeno poppers in phyllo dough when my phone rang. I wiped my hands on a towel and answered, tucking the phone between my shoulder and chin. “Hello.”

  “Hey, how are you doing?”

  “Hey, I thought you were flying tonight?”

  “No, they canceled my flight.”

  “Oh, well that sucks, I bet watching fireworks from the sky would be amazing.”

  “To be honest, we don’t really have time to do that.” Declan chuckled into the phone.

  “So, now that they have cancelled your flight, and you aren’t coming to the New Year's Eve party, what are your plans?”

  “I’d hoped to ring in the New Year on the phone with you.”

  Immediately I felt my heart rate increase and then the realization that I’d be with Kenzie and Devon until after midnight sunk in.

  “Well, that would be great, but I’ll be at the party.”

  “Can’t you sneak away? Say at eleven?

  “I can try. Did you want me to call you when I get back here?”

  Declan didn’t answer, and I stopped rolling jalapeno poppers and waited for him to say something.

  “Declan, are you there?”

  “I’m here. I’d love nothing more than to have you call me. I’d rather be there with you instead, but I will settle for the next best thing.”

  My heart melted at his words and I struggled with what to say. Finally, I just said the words that sat on the tip of my tongue, “I miss you Declan, I wish you were here.”

  Declan was quiet, and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks, “and on that note, I’m going to finish wrapping these jalapeno poppers.”

  “Have a good night. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Good night Declan.”

  Chapter 12


  A thirteen-foot Christmas tree stood in the centre window of Devon and Kenzie's condo, its lights sparkling for everyone to see. Everything looked perfect, I thought to myself as I carried out a large tray of sushi and set it in the centre of the food table. Kenzie came rushing out of the kitchen with a tray of cookies and placed it over by the other desserts.

  "Looks like everything is finished and ready for tonight," she said, straightening another dish on the table and resting her hands on her hips.

  "Yes, I think that is everything. Oh, I left the tray of other sweets for midnight in the laundry room. There is still the tuna casserole and jalapeno poppers that I brought in the fridge too."

  "Perfect! Oh, where did you put the vodka and gin I asked you to pick up?"

  "I think it’s still down in my car." I rushed to the door and slipped my shoes on and grabbed my keys.

  "No worries. I grabbed it, Harper," Devon called from the kitchen.

  "Thank you!" I yelled back.

  Both Kenzie and I walked into the kitchen to find Devon standing there with three full glasses of the Cranberry Gin Holiday drink he had found online. He handed us each a glass. "A toast to another wonderful year," he said, holding up his drink.

  We clinked our glasses together, and each took a sip, my eyes lighting up at the taste. "This is fantastic, Devon."

  "Yes, babe, it’s delicious," Kenzie said, leaning in for a quick kiss which turned into a show that I almost had to avert my eyes from.

  "Why don't you two get a room." I giggled.

  They quickly parted, Devon turning to finish filling the cups with more punch, when the doorbell rang.

  "Eeek, they are already arriving," Kenzie said excitedly, and both of us ran to the door to welcome the guests.

  I spent the night mingling with guests, making sure the food was always full, along with making more punch and helping Devon with the drinks. I did everything I could to take my mind off the fact that Declan was not here. It was almost eleven thirty, as I glanced around at all the couples in the room. It was going to be another lonely New Year’s Eve, I thought to myself as I gathered some used cups to take into the kitchen.

  "Hey, I think I am going to head out," I whispered to Kenzie as I dumped another handful of cups into the garbage.

  "What? Already? Why?"

  "What’s ready?" Devon asked, coming into the kitchen with an empty tray that had held the cookies.

  "Harper says she is going to head out."

  "No way, you can't. You're not ringing in the new year alone."

  "Devon, please," I pleaded. "It’s all good. I'll be all tucked in, safe and sound, before the roads get busy."

  "What fun would that be? Plus, you'd miss my New Year’s kiss," he said, scooping me in his arms and twirling me around the kitchen causing me to laugh.

  Kenzie smiled at me. "See, you have to stay."

  "Really, guys, please. I'm going to go."

  "Actually, I need your help with something," Devon bit out. "I'll be back." I watched as he took off, disappearing out of sight, wondering what he could need my help with that Kenzie couldn't do.

  "See, now you have to wait. Come on, let’s go back out and get things ready for the countdown," Kenzie said, grabbing my arm along with the bag of party favors we had purchased for the end of the night.

  We had handed out all the favors and now stood in front of the TV, the last twenty seconds before we were to ring in the new year. Everyone stood with their significant others, arms wrapped around each other, as everyone counted down. I was hardly in the mood to be here, and I didn’t want Declan to think I had stood him up, because I hadn’t. I put on a brave face and counted down with the rest of them, and then would sneak out and call Declan right away.

  "Three, two, one.... Happy—"

  Startled at the feel of hands on my hips, I spun as everyone kissed. I was surprised to see Declan standing behind me as he finished whispering the words, "Happy New Year."

  I slowly turned around, and he pulled me against him, bending to meet my lips. I could feel the tears building as I wrapped my arms around him, losing myself in his kiss, still shocked that he was standing here.

  "Are you surprised?" he asked once we had parted.

  I didn't know what to say, and I knew I couldn’t hide the reaction on my face. I looked to my best friend, who stood there with the biggest smile.

  "I told you you couldn't go home," Kenzie said, resting her head on Devon's shoulder as she smiled at the pair of us.

  I looked back at Declan, still having a hard time believing he was standing in front of me.

  "So, are you happy to see me?" he asked, resting his hand on the side of my cheek.


  “You are a horrible liar.” He smiled as he leaned in and kissed me again, silencing me from giving him my usual answer, this time his tongue sweeping through my mouth and making me weak in the knees. I didn't know what to say when we parted. I just looked up into his blue eyes, thankful that I had somehow found it in my heart to forgive him.

  "What do you say, will this be our year?" he whispered, kissing the side of my neck.

  “I sure hope so...” I whispered back and met his lips for another kiss, the sounds of “Auld Lang Syne” playing in the background.

  Christmas of Love Collaboration

  Other books releasing in the Christmas of Love collection are as follows and can be read as complete standalone stories in any order.

  13 Nights of Christmas by Emily Rose

  Coal For Kiera by E.M. Shue

  Fabricated Christmas by Glenna Maynard

  Finding Mistletoe by AJ Alexander

  Finding Mrs. Claus by Leaona Luxx

  Holiday Wishes by S.L. Sterling

  Holly’s Knight by KL Donn

  Merry & Bright by Mayra Statham

  Secretly Sant by B.L. Olson

  The Christmas Proposition by Mika Jolie

  Wedding Bell Rock by
Annelise Reynolds & Dawn Sullivan

  Find all information about each book on the Alluring Write Productions website.

  Fireside Love

  Coming November 6, 2020

  Kristy I hated my job. I had no social life. Somehow I had become so predictable after my last relationship ended, that the cashier at the local food mart already had my favorite wine bagged and waiting for me behind the counter when I walked in on Friday afternoon. I needed to get away, from everything. So when my best friend, Addie, called up and offered me a FREE weekend getaway, how could I say no. Promises of a quiet weekend with a good book, warm fires, and flannel pajamas? Yes, please! Austin It had been eighteen months. Eighteen months, since I had lost my wife in a car accident and learned that our marriage had been nothing but one big lie. I’d done nothing but work and mope around my sister’s house, so when she told me to take her cabin for the weekend. Time alone, surrounded by nature and the fresh cold mountain air was exactly what I’d been needing. However, my plans of being alone in the wilderness quickly vanished when I walked through the doors of the cabin and found my sister’s best friend drunk and half-naked on the floor of the very same cabin. I’d hidden my crush on her for years. Perhaps, not well enough. After all, Addie must have set this up. The weekend was about to get a lot more interesting. From USA Today Bestselling Author S.L. Sterling comes this friends to lovers romance that will warm your heart on a cold winters night

  Read the first chapter of Fireside Love

  Get Fireside Love today.

  Note From the Author

  Dear Readers,

  I would like to thank you for taking the time to read Holiday Wishes. I hope you enjoyed Declan and Harper’s story. If you did, I would love it if you would drop me a review. Reviews are so important and really help me; plus I love to hear what my readers think.


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