Forever Better Together

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Forever Better Together Page 7

by A. D. Ellis

  I swung the door open to my room. “The suites really are nice. Like apartment living, but on campus and close to everything.”

  David stood in the middle of my room and whistled. “You really don’t know how good you’ve got it here, man. New place, great rooms, lots of space.”

  The door clicking closed took me by surprise and my heart leapt into my throat.

  Suddenly David looked very large, very imposing, and very dangerous.

  “Um, what’s up?” I stuttered. “Thought we’d sit in the living room. It’s more comfortable.”

  “Nah, I like it here,” David mumbled as he advanced on me. He didn’t stop until my ass hit the desk. “Private.”

  What the fuck had happened? One moment I was thinking, I’m making a friend with an upper classman, and the next moment I’m trying to figure out how I’ll get away from him.

  “I’d rather go out to the living room.” I tried to bypass David.

  “I’d rather not. How about a little kiss?” David blocked my escape.

  Two things happened at that moment. The first was I looked to my right and saw a thick stack of books I’d been using for studying. The second thing was I heard the front door open and my knees nearly buckled in relief. Quincy was home. While I definitely would clobber this asshole David with a book to the head, I breathed easier knowing Q was there to support me.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m going to ask you one more time to please move and let me by,” I spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Nah, we’re just getting to know each other. Let’s see where this thing goes.”

  With a sudden movement, I stretched both arms to my right and clutched the top book on the stack. As I swung the book toward David’s head with all of the force I could muster, I screamed, “I said, no!” The book connected with David’s temple with a satisfying thud and the man stumbled away from me, holding his head.

  The bedroom door flew open, and Quincy rushed in as David moaned, his hands cradling his head. “G, you okay?” Quincy demanded.

  “What the fuck, Griffin?” David cried out. “Oh God, I think I’m going to pass out.”

  “Oh, you’re going out, all right. Out of this room, this suite, and this college if I have anything to say about it.” I shoved David toward the bedroom door knowing Quincy was right by my side.

  “Griffin, come on. Let’s talk about this.” David pleaded as he lumbered through the living room. “It was a misunderstanding.”

  “You put me in an uncomfortable position. I asked you to stop. You continued making me feel awkward.” I pushed David’s shoulder again, glad he was near the door.

  “Then you got bitch slapped by a business book.” Quincy grabbed David’s arm and thrust him toward the door.

  “There was no misunderstanding.” I opened the door and allowed Q to toss David into the hallway. “Q, can you watch him while I call security?”

  Quincy’s nostrils flared as he nodded.

  Once the dorm security officer arrived and took my statement along with David’s information, I was beginning to lose steam.

  Security assured David would be banned from Green Hall and the report would be submitted to campus police as well as the criminal justice department.

  Quincy and I walked back into the suite.

  I shuffled toward the kitchen as Quincy slid the chain and dead bolt into place. After downing a glass of water, I stood at the sink braced on my arms, taking big gulping breaths.

  Quincy’s arms wrapped around me. “Are you okay?”

  I shuddered. “Physically, yes. Just scared.” My breaths had slowed the moment Quincy took me in his arms. “Feeling really stupid right now.”

  “Who the hell was that? Why was he here?”

  “Can I take a shower first?” I needed the hot water to help relax me.

  “Of course. I’ll get us some food.” Q hugged me closer before directing me toward the bathroom.

  By the time I emerged, I was feeling mostly better. Overall, I was pissed at myself and beyond angry at David.

  Quincy hollered from his room. “In here, Grif.”

  After pulling on sleep pants and a t-shirt, I ran a towel through my damp hair once more before traveling back through the steamy bathroom to Q’s room.

  “Come on.” Quincy patted the bed. “We’ve got sushi and movies.”

  I climbed into his bed and settled in.

  Quincy handed me a plastic container of sushi.

  “Did you go get this?”

  “Delivery. You can get practically anything delivered on a college campus.” He bumped my shoulder and let me take a few bites. “You want to tell me what happened?”

  I sighed. “It all sounds so stupid now.”

  “That’s okay. I want to hear it.” Quincy turned on a movie and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh began to play.

  “So, I was in a terrible mood. That David guy asked if he could sit with me at the coffee shop.” I huffed. “In retrospect, I should have recognized he came on much too strong, but I was completely out of sorts. When he suggested we come back to my room, I wasn’t really thinking of anything but hanging out.” I shook my head with my eyes closed. “I’m so glad you came home, Q.”

  “Grif, you bashed that guy’s head. You had it under control.” Quincy put his arm around me. “But I’m glad I came home too.”

  “I did hit him pretty hard.” I chuckled. “Thank goodness for that big ol’ stack of books.”

  “And here I thought studying was useless,” Q teased.

  We finished our sushi and settled in to watch the rest of the movie.

  “You know what this movie teaches?” I mumbled, barely able to keep my eyes open as the movie came to an end.


  “Close friends are life’s greatest treasures. Cherish your time together.”

  “I cherish every moment with you, Grif,” Quincy whispered.



  I woke with Grif in my arms, and I never wanted to wake any other way from that day on. He was curled into my chest, my arms wrapped around him, our legs tangled, and our groins nearly mashed together. I breathed him in, savoring his warmth and the press of his body against mine.

  Griffin wiggled, shifting in my arms slightly with a murmur and groan.

  And his hard cock brushed mine.

  Fuck. I was done. I tensed in an attempt to stop my cock from growing even harder, but it was no use. Grif’s morning wood laid parallel to my own, and my body begged to thrust into him. I nearly broke something I gritted my jaw so tight.

  I knew the moment Grif realized where he was. He stirred again, stretching slightly, nuzzling his nose into my chest, and pressing his cock into mine.

  And then he froze, stiff as a board in my arms.

  Did he realize I was awake? Maybe I could pretend to be asleep.

  And then my beautiful best friend mumbled and acted as if he was sleep talking as he gently pulled his hips from mine.

  Okay, Grif. We can play that way.

  I moaned as if in the middle of a dream and rolled my hips so that our dicks touched again.

  I kept my eyes closed, and I knew Grif’s were shut, as well.

  But he totally played the part of horny sleeping guy and wriggled, thrust, and moaned as he kept up the dream act. It was an act, right? I was almost one hundred percent sure he was awake.

  How far were either of us willing to take this little charade?

  I’d given Grif a hand job back when we were sixteen, so was an early morning frottage session over the line?

  What if the rutting was done by two guys pretending to be asleep?

  Yeah, probably a little too far. If we couldn’t thrust our cocks together while admitting we were fully awake, we probably shouldn’t be doing it.

  I jerked as if I’d just woken up and rolled from Grif slowly.

  “Oh, hey,” Grif mumbled as if he’d just woken up. “What time is it? I should go to my own bed.”

sp; “Pretty sure it’s morning.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sleep here all night.” Grif groaned and shifted away from me.

  My body immediately screamed for his warm touch to return. “No worries.”

  Griffin climbed from my bed, attempting and failing to hide his dick tenting his pants. “Better get a shower and some food. I’m going to clean and study today.”

  I turned over just enough that I hoped my hard-on was hidden. “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll hit the gym. Maybe dinner tonight?”

  Grif nodded as he inched toward the bathroom.

  “Hey, you okay? After last night and everything?”

  His brows drew together for a split second as if he’d forgotten David. “Oh, yeah. I’m good. Thanks for taking care of me.”


  And then Grif retreated to the bathroom.

  The second I heard the door lock and the shower turn on, my hand shot to my throbbing dick and began to stroke. I imagined Grif’s pretty pink lips on my shaft, his tongue licking my slit, and my tongue teasing his hole.

  The thump and moan I heard from the bathroom distracted me for a second.

  Holy shit. Was Grif jacking off?

  Was he thinking about me? No way. Griffin had made it clear he wasn’t willing to mess up our friendship for some sex experiment. What if we messed around more than we already had and it wasn’t good and then things were awkward between us? I agreed with Grif, nothing was worth losing our friendship.

  But my warped and greedy mind didn’t stop imagining my best friend on his knees swallowing my cock until I shot my load all over my hand.

  I grabbed a tissue and wiped myself. Sighing, I flopped back onto my pillow. Waking with Grif in my arms was amazing. But it didn’t mean anything. Right? We’d slept so close to each other for so many years, it just made sense we’d cuddle up when a smaller bed pushed us so close together.

  Yeah, nothing wrong with cuddling.

  But I had to get myself under control. I wanted Griffin and not just sexually. But there was way too much history between us and I wasn’t willing to risk our friendship. And what if I asked Griffin to take things to the next step and he turned me down? It was better to just keep my best friend.

  “Griffin, Momma will kill Dad and I if you don’t come to Thanksgiving.”

  Grif screwed up his face. “I don’t know. Feels like it should just be a family thing, I don’t want to be third wheel.”

  I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath as I rubbed my temples. “Griffin Murphy-Sanders, that’s your name, right?”

  Grif scowled as he stood from the kitchen table to rinse his cereal bowl. “Yes?”

  “You hear the Sanders part in there?”

  Grif rolled his eyes. “I know I’m technically your family. At least on paper. But that was when I was a little kid who couldn’t take care of myself. I’m grown. It feels like Momma and Pops have put in their time with me. You and Max should go and enjoy the holiday.”

  “You know, for a smart guy, you’re really acting dumb right now.” I moved so that Grif’s back was in the corner of the countertop. I pinned him in, my hands on the counter on either side of his waist. Oh God, I was so close I could smell his fresh scent, feel his heat. His eyes were wide. Was I imagining the fire in them? Wishful thinking on my part? Every part of my being wanted to kiss him. Instead, I swallowed and spoke low and clear. “You are family. You are their son. You are my brother in every way that matters. Even if we’d only grown up as friends, I’d expect you at our Thanksgiving.” Not trusting myself completely, I took a risk and pulled Grif into a hard hug. “I need you with me. They want you there. This shouldn’t even be a discussion. Say you’ll come.” My words were gruff at his ear.

  Grif was quiet and still for a while, but he eventually wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered, “Yeah, Q. I’ll come with you.”

  I sagged with relief. Partly because I couldn’t imagine Thanksgiving without him. Mostly because he’d just saved me from Momma’s wrath. “Thank you. Please don’t ever doubt that you’re expected, invited, wanted, and loved. Always.” My voice shook more than I meant for it to.

  Grif shuddered in my arms. “Yeah, okay. Thanks for the reminder.”

  “We’ll leave after classes tomorrow. You’re done early, right?” I stepped away from him slightly.

  Grif nodded. “Yeah, I should be able to leave by noon. What about you?”

  “About the same. Let’s shoot for noon, maybe one.”

  “So, Dad has the stomach flu. He’s not going.” I said as I disconnected from my dad.

  “Bummer. He okay? It’s just the flu?” Grif tossed his duffle toward the door.

  “Yeah, but he’s been puking all day. Doesn’t want to risk giving it to anyone. Plus, the drive would be a bitch.” Dad was close enough to drive to Momma and Pops’, but it would have been a sucky drive while sick.

  “Yeah, that sucks.”

  By the time we reached Momma and Pops’ house, Griffin and I had listened to our favorite tunes, laughed about old memories, and talked about the classes we would be wrapping up this semester.

  Momma and Pops were waiting on the porch.

  “Did you tell them what time we were coming?” Grif glanced my way.

  I chuckled. “No, seems they just know these things. Momma does at least. She’s a badass.”


  We grabbed our bags and rushed up the stairs to find ourselves wrapped in warm hugs and cheek kisses.

  “You boys look wonderful. We’ve been so excited about you coming home. Shame Max is sick, but we’ll make the best of it.” Momma ushered us into the house. “I’ve got your old room all set up. Get settled in and then come to the kitchen to help me with tomorrow’s dinner preparations.” She led us to our old bedroom.

  I couldn’t help the smile and the pitter-patter of my heart when I saw our beds were still pushed together. “You kept them together?” I glanced at Griffin.

  He shrugged. “Gave me a bigger bed.”

  “I don’t have the heart to separate them,” Momma explained. “Every time I see those beds side-by-side I’m reminded of the night you two put them together and the friendship that took root then and there. Warms my heart.” She stood between us and put and arm around both of us. “Brotherhood, friendship, and so much more was born in this room.”

  My cheeks flamed at the so much more. Surely she wasn’t insinuating anything. Right?

  Griffin cleared his throat. “Great memories here for sure.”

  Momma kissed us both on the cheek again and turned to go downstairs. “I’ll be in the kitchen. Come down when you’re settled.”

  Griffin and I walked to the bed and tossed our bags on the floor.

  “Wow, it’s not changed at all.” I glanced around the room.

  “I never felt like I could change it after you left. Not that there was anything I would have changed, but it only felt right to keep it the same.” Griffin moved toward the window. “I can’t believe Pops knew about the porn and moonshine.”

  I laughed loudly. “Better him than Momma.”

  “We were so stupid.”

  “The moonshine was stupid. The porn was normal.”

  Grif’s gaze caught mine and we froze. “Do you regret it?” His words were barely audible.

  My heart leaped to my throat. “Not for a single second.”

  “Boys, I could use a hand down here,” Momma hollered up the stairs.

  The moment was broken and we quickly tramped down to the kitchen.

  “Now, Quincy, you make sure you’re only taking off the peeling of those potatoes. See how Griffin’s apple peelings are paper thin? That’s what your pile of potato peelings should look like.”

  “Yes, Momma.” I bumped my hip against Griffin’s. “Always trying to be as perfect as Grif.”

  He bumped me back. “It’s a lofty goal.”

  “When you’re finished with those, I want you to roll out the pie
crusts and get them in the pans. The fillings are mostly ready to go in. Griffin, you’ll need to finish the apple pie filling when you finish with those apples.” Momma checked on the greens and corn in pots on the stove. “I’ll get the macaroni and cheese laid out in the pan so I can just bake it tomorrow.”

  “You’ve got the grits, right?” I asked even though I knew there was no way Momma would skip the grits. It was tradition.

  “Of course. And fried chicken for Griffin.” Momma patted Grif’s shoulder.

  I chuckled. “Anything for Griffin. Griffin doesn’t like turkey. Griffin gets fried chicken. Spoiled brat.”

  Griffin gave a cheeky smile. “Turkey is dry and tasteless. Fried chicken is juicy and tasty and of God.”

  “If Griffin likes my fried chicken better than turkey, I’ll make it for him every time.” Momma flicked my ear. “But, boy, you better never blaspheme my turkey like that. Just because you prefer fried chicken doesn’t mean my turkey is dry or tasteless.” She flicked Grif’s ear too.

  “Yes, Momma,” we answered in unison.

  “You have any kids right now?” Griffin began mixing cinnamon, sugar, and lemon juice with the bowl apple chunks.

  “Not right now. We had two sisters for a few months. Just long enough for their parents to get settled into new jobs and find a decent place to live. We’ve started taking in a lot of kids like that. The parents aren’t doing anything wrong, but we take the kids for a while so the parents can get settled and save up some money so they don’t end up having issues with the courts.” Momma bustled around the kitchen. “Had three boys before the sisters. Those three boys were heartbreaking. One of them got to go back to his momma, and I really think it was for the best. The other two were adopted. ‘Course, they were little. Those little ones are always snatched up so quick. Never understand why anyone wants to deal with diapers and toddlers when they could get an older kid.” She wrapped an arm around Grif’s shoulders and hugged him close.


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