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Lucifers I

Page 6

by BobTam

  ‘That’s clever. Then, what’s next?’

  ‘We must find an opportunity in meeting the Sou-gen alone. Then, we… we will… knock him over…The guards or other bishops will not suspect much as I often talked with the Sou-gen alone for a long period of time in the past.’

  ‘But how can we escape from the palace and get back to here once again? I mean we will have to move with the body of the Sou-gen at the same time?’

  ‘That’s the difficult point. I think we must rely on Catala’s help again. We need her to create disturbance everywhere and divert people’s attention once again.’

  ‘She will enjoy doing that,’ Leon says jokingly.

  Nakashi laughs. ‘Leon, will it be too hasty that we start our operation right now. Do you need more rest?’

  ‘No. My stamina has fully come back. Besides, this place is too creepy to stay long.’

  ‘I agree. The longer we stay, the more worries and uncertainties we will have and we will lose our confidence and enthusiasm.’

  ‘Wait, we miss out one thing to do,’ Leon says. He pulls out his elegant silvery sword and walks towards the throne. He stares at the silvery tablet with golden words. He determinedly hit it with his sword without any hesitation. The tablet is unusually hard. Even Leon’s sharp and powerful sword cannot break it.

  ‘It is not protected by any divine power and I can break it!’ Leon uses his full strength to hit it. Fractures are marked on the tablet. Leon hit it continuously. The tablet is broken into a few pieces. He does not stop. The violent hitting continues for a few minutes until the whole tablet is broken into small fragments such that the words on it cannot be read. He says, ‘This can prevent the Sou-gen from reading those words and save a lot of troubles. In fact, these wicked and manipulative words should be destroyed forever. I will hide them away from human eyes forever.’

  Nakashi is shocked by Leon’s behavior and amazed by his words. She realized that he is an unusual boy. Just hours ago, he was scared and deeply influenced by those words. But now, he is so courageous that he can totally ignore and even destroy them. He is just like her, who possesses a kind and gentle heart but at the same time a courageous and confident mind.

  She stands up and marches towards the marble door. She pushes it open confidently, just like what she did when she came in. ‘Let’s go!’ she says.

  They put back on their long white robes and climbs back all the staircases to go up. They make their way back to the long and dark corridor.

  ‘Strange. It is supposed to be morning now. Why there isn’t any bright light coming from the other end of the corridor?’ Leon wonders.

  They continue to walk along the corridor and they can hear the wind’s furious sound. As they walk more closed to the entrance, they start to feel icy wind jabbing their body ferociously.

  ‘There must be a heavy snowstorm,’ Nakashi whispers. Despite the brutish attack from the wind, the bravely step towards the entrance.

  Both Nakashi and Leon are staggered by the scene as they step out from the entrance. White is the only color that can be seen by them. Piles of snow and ice cover the ground. All sizes of hails and ice cubes fall from the sky rapidly. Nakashi cannot see any living beings in the surround area, nor any aircraft or ships in the sky. It may be due to the extreme low visibility or possibly due to the fact that all people try to escape from this extremely cold and dangerous weather by going back to the indoor area.

  Neither Nakashi nor Leon has witnessed this kind of extreme snow storm before. Snowstorm or other kinds of cold extreme weather are common in this world and dozens of them take place every year. But this one is nothing that they have seen.

  Nakashi starts walking on the icy ground. She puts the hood of the robe on. She tries to breathe less to reduce taking in cold air. It is really chilly. Her hands soon become numb. She gets some remaining cloth from her bag and uses them as a mask to protect her nose and mouth from those bitter winds.

  ‘Are you sure that we are able to withstand this?’ Leon shouts from behind with a worried tone.

  Nakashi realizes that she has forgotten about her companion. She turns back and walks towards him apologetically.

  ‘Sorry for leaving you behind. But I believe that we can make it. Besides, we need to take advantage of this low-visibility weather and move quickly.’ She gets out another piece of cloth and gives it to Leon. ‘Come on, use this to cover your face, just like what I have done. I’m sure you will feel better.’

  They sprint across the open area and climb over those tall fences which are all now covered with frost and snow. ‘Let’s try to contact Catala now. We can know where she is,’ Leon says.

  Nakashi takes out that golden gadget and tries to make contact with Catala. She tries a few times until she finally receives responses.

  ‘Catala, we have come out from there. You’re right. We must tell the truth to the whole world. We need your assistance. Please help.’ Nakashi speaks concisely and clearly.

  Nakashi tells her the plan that they are going to carry out and the role that Catala will play. Catala replies that she is now hiding in an abandoned house safely and she is willing to help in anytime.

  Nakashi finds out that Catala is a bit surprised by Leon’s and her determination and passion towards their dangerous mission. From listening to Catala’s voice and tone, Nakashi also realizes that Catala is very glad and happy that there are finally people who understand her and willing to cooperate with her.

  ‘Listen. The snowstorm has scared all people since last night. I can hear those foolish people saying that their God is angry and is punishing them. They all hide indoor and even the army abandon their patrolling. You two must take this opportunity and carry out the plan as soon as possible. Go west to the knolls where you can summon hawks for flying instead of walking in this severe weather. Good luck.’

  ‘Thanks, Catala. Wish you all the best too.’

  They have a short rest and continue to march in that brutal snowstorm. Finally, they have climbed up a knoll. Nakashi picks out a whistle and starts blowing. The wind is so strong and Leon worries that the whistle sound can barely be heard by the hawks. But after a few minutes of continuous blowing, two hawks descend from the clouds and fly towards them.

  ‘I don’t know that you can do that? I thought only Catala could do that.’ Leon asks surprisingly.

  Nakashi laughs and says, ‘Actually, it was me who taught Catala in doing that. These hawks are called Metos. I discovered them while I was wandering in the forest in the past. They are very clever and sensitive. That’s why they are able to receive such a weak message even in severe weather condition like that.’

  Each of them climbs up a hawk. Nakashi obviously does better than Leon. After a few minutes of struggling, Leon has finally successfully climbed up and seated safely on the Metos.

  ‘These creatures are so hard to control. How can you ensure that they listen to our orders?’He asks, while the two hawks are already flipping their wings and prepare to take off.

  ‘Well, the crux is that we shouldn’t control them. We should treat them as friends and companions. That’s the golden rule that applies to treating all living beings. These two Metos are not serving us, but helping us. Isn’t it, Galis?’ Nakashi pats the Metos’s head smoothly and Galis squeaks joyfully.

  Leon is amazed, ‘You even make names for them!’

  ‘Yeah, there are not many Metos in this region. I am able to recognize all of them. The one you are now riding is called Geeta. She is a strong and agile one.’

  The Metos take off. Leon grabs Geeta tightly as the wind is really strong and hails are hitting his body intensely. They struggle past the disturbed currents among the clouds. But as soon as they have passed the cloud cover, the atmosphere is tranquil.

  After less than an hour, they have already reached the margin of the forest. The dense canopy is no longer green this time. All the trees are covered by frost and ice. They land right at the margin of the for
est. Nakashi gives out some of her precious food to the two Metos as gratitude towards their help.

  ‘Now, Leon, are you exhausted?’ Nakashi asks.

  ‘Of course. Riding it is not an easy job’

  ‘Well. That’s great,’ Nakashi laughs. ‘It is good that you look exhausted. People will believe us that we have just gone through a rigorous journey in going out from the forest’

  Nakashi and Leon stop laughing as they see a group of soldiers are riding towards them.


  Chapter 8

  ‘Ok, just relaxed. I will do the talking,’ Nakashi whispers to Leon.

  It is a light cavalry unit. There are about twenty of them. They stop their horses when they have come near to Nakashi and Leon.

  The men are stunned when they see the president is standing in front of them. ‘President Nakashi! You’re safe! And you must be the tournament champion, Mr. Leonardo. Thanks the Sou for this miracle!’ The leading man says surprisingly.

  ‘I’m Modric. And we are the 13th light cavalry unit. Several units of the army have been searching you since the plane crash. Thanks the Sou that you’re safe.’

  ‘We’ve been wandering in the forest after the plane crash. Our pilots and guards were killed. And we lost contact with Panzhi, the other award winner.’ Nakashi says slowly.

  ‘I feel deeply sorry for them. But don’t worry about Panzhi. He has already made contact with the army early this morning during the snowstorm. He is now resting in the palace,’ says Modric.

  Nakashi and Leon exchange look when they hear that Panzhi has already gone back to the palace. They are worried that whether their action has already been discovered.

  Nevertheless, Nakashi decides to continue the plan. ‘The plane crash was done by those terrorists. I need to meet the Sou-gen to discuss this matter with him. Would you please send us back to the capital?’

  ‘Of course, Miss. Nakashi. But you two look pale and exhausted. Don’t you need some rest, my President?’

  ‘It’s urgent and time is running out. Please just send us straight back to the Sou Temple in the capital.’

  ‘Yes, my President.’ Two soldiers kindly offer their horses to Nakashi and Leon. They immediately ride back to the nearest barrack where a medium-sized carrier is parking there. Nakashi and Leon thank all the soldiers once again and board the carrier right away.

  ‘May the Sou bless you,’ Modric says to them sincerely.

  Nakashi keeps silent for a while and replies, ‘Same for you.’

  The carrier flies steadily despite the violent snowstorm. Inside the carrier, Nakashi and Leon are sitting alone in a room. Nakashi guards’ have been killed in the plane crash and there are no one keeping an eye on them.

  ‘I’m worried about Panzhi. I don’t know whether Panzhi decided to contact with the army or he is simply captured. Will his action arouses suspicion? Will he be purged because of our actions?’ Leon says quietly.

  ‘I guess he will be fine. He is such a smart person. He knows how to deal with all kinds of situations,’ Nakashi whispers.

  ‘That’s true. But the whole thing should be unrelated to Panzhi. He does not involve in anything and he is one who persuades us not to do so. I don’t want him to bear our responsibility.’

  ‘I promise to you that I will always take the full responsibility if we fail. Panzhi will not be harmed by my impulsiveness and stubbornness,’ Nakashi says convincingly.

  Leon looks at her and smiles, ‘Not you, but us.’

  Nakashi looks at Leon with gratitude. She continues by whispering the next steps of their plan and Leon listens carefully.

  Panzhi and the Sou-gen are alone in a meditation room in the Sou Temple.

  Panzhi is kneeling before the Sou-gen. Tears drop from his cheek down on the cold white marble floor.

  He says in a wretched tone, ‘My dear lord! Please pardon their sin. Let me talk to them first!’ ‘Calm down, my dear child. Get up, please don’t kneel before me,’ The Sou-gen tries to pacify him.

  Panzhi continues to speak desperately for his friends, ‘They have a pure and kind heart. They are just being misled by evil spirits to the very wrong path. If they have not met the wicked heretic after the plane crash, they would not do such an unfaithful act. Please, I’m sure I can guide them back to the path of light and faith.’

  ‘My dear child, I understand your dilemma. They are your friends. Your kind heart towards them is a virtuous and respectable. But your friends are very dangerous now. They may abuse your love and care towards them and lure you to darkness. I think it is better for me to do this important task.’ The Sou-gen says in a calm and kind voice. He gives a hand to Panzhi and pulls him up gently.

  Panzhi dries his tears. ‘I should have prevented them. Sorry, my teacher. My mind was so confused and disturbed at that time. It is my fault.’

  The Sou-gen gives a calm and reassuring smile to Panzhi. ‘My child, it’s not your fault.’ He walks slowly to the window of the room and looks at outside with his wise eyes. ‘It is my failure in teaching that contributes to this tragedy. But it may be a good thing for them to experience certain darkness now. Only have they experienced darkness, they will truly understand the value of faith and light. I’m sure your friends will learn a lesson and finally return to the light side, though it will not be an easy journey.’ The Sou-gen eyes are full of wisdom and confidence.

  A bishop knocks the door and walks in. ‘My noble Sou-gen, the Sou has once again created a miracle. President Nakashi and Mr. Leonardo are safe. They’ve made contact with the army and are now heading back to the capital. They said they have got important matter to discuss with you, my noble Sou-gen.’

  Panzhi is shocked and terrified. He controls himself to prevent tears rushing from his eyes. The Sou-gen also has a concerned and worried expression. When the bishop has left, he turns to Panzhi and says calmly, ‘Have no worries, my kind child. I will never have any evil intention to your two friends even if they already have any dark intention towards me. All my actions will be guided under the Sou’s true light.’

  ‘Now my dear child, just leave all these to me and take a good rest.’ The Sou-gen gives a gentle hug to the sad and perplexed boy. Panzhi leaves the room, leaving the Sou-gen thinking deeply on his own.

  The carrier arrives at the Palace airport. A line of guards and servants are waiting to serve and protect the two important survivors.

  ‘Thank you for waiting me in such a horrible weather. We’re perfectly fine and safe. Thank you for all your care and support,’ Nakashi speaks to all people who are waiting in the airport. The people clap and cheer for the return of their beloved president.

  Nakashi and Leon walk away from the runway of the airport. They are accompanied by vice president Kandrica. ‘President Nakashi, do you have any ideas towards the cause of the plane crash? Is it caused by attack from the infidel and heretical terrorists? There is also an attack from radical heretics around the Divine Entrance yesterday. ’ Kandrica says.

  ‘Mr. Kandrica, I am very concerned about these two attacks too. But I have to discuss this crisis with the Sou-gen first. I think I need to talk privately with the Sou-gen. I will give you a reply soon after our discussion,’ Nakashi replies politely.

  ‘That’s fine. After all, the Sou-gen has the true wisdom from the Sou. Only the true wisdom from the Sou can defeat all those infidelity and disbelief. May the Sou guide you and guard you,’ the Vice President replies politely.

  Nakashi and Leon are led to the Sou Temple. Leon walks nervously. In spite of the cold weather, he starts to sweat. Just a few days ago, he was also walking here. He was meeting the wisest, kindest and most respectable person in mankind at that time. This time, he is also going to meet him. Yet, he is also going to harm this most beloved and trusted person in mankind. More sweat comes from his cold body.

  He takes a deep breath. Then, he slightly turns his head and looks at
the girl who is walking next to her. She is unusually calm and confident. Her brownish eyes show a kind of clarity and pureness once again. He admires her confidence and her courage. Not only does she possess the courage of doing a dangerous thing, but also the courage of willing to bear all consequences of it by herself. Not only does she have the confidence of believing her own self, but also the confidence of believing that she should promote her belief to the whole world.

  He is amazed by the fact that a seventeen-year-old young girl having the desire and confidence in changing the whole world. So, why can’t he have that kind of courage if someone at his age can?

  They arrive at the door of the Sou-gen’s meditation room. They can see the Sou-gen standing solemnly. The Sou-gen is wearing a long, white and pure robe. There are also a few other experienced bishops waiting there.

  ‘My children, thanks to the guidance from the Sou once again, you are perfectly safe. You should take some rest. Why are you coming to me?’ The Sou-gen asks Nakashi and Leon when they come closed.


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