Book Read Free

Lucifers I

Page 7

by BobTam

  Leon does not dare to have eye contact with the Sou-gen. He stares at the Sou-gen’s body. It is Nakashi who answers the Sou-gen’s question promptly. ‘My dear teacher, we come here since we need guidance from the Sou. The world and our people are under the great threat of dark power. The attacks towards the Divine Entrance and your plane have proven that we and our faith towards the Sou are under great danger. My dear teacher, please give your wisdom and the power from the Sou to help us to go through this difficult time.’

  ‘The Sou will always give power and guide the ones who have faith towards him. Come inside, both of you. We need a quiet place to think and feel the words of the Sou. These four senior bishops and I will give you guidance. Just get inside.’

  ‘Thank you very much,’ Nakashi nods to greet the four bishops. ‘But my dear teacher, Leon and I want to speak alone with you. We have got some important news that we just want to deliver to you first.’

  The Sou-gen looks at Nakashi suspiciously. ‘I see, my child. But why can’t you share this important message to other experienced bishops?’ The Sou-gen asks kindly.

  ‘Sorry, my teacher, but it is a very dangerous fact that we want to disclose to you first. Only your wisdom can help us.’ Nakashi looks up at the Sou-gen with a determined expression.

  The Sou-gen escapes from Nakashi’s determined expression and hesistates for a few seconds. Then, he turns towards the four bishops. ‘In that case, my beloved brothers, would you mind giving us a moment?’ The four bishops nod politely and walk away slowly.

  Now, the tall and solemn figure who dressed in pure white is accompanied by two young souls who are clad in blue.

  Leon is shocked when he gets inside. The whole room is so similar to the throne room of the Sou deep under the Divine Entrance, with white marble floor and white marble walls. The only major differences are there are two large glass windows on the wall that shows a magnificent view and there is a purple mat in the centre of the room where people kneel down to meditate or pray.

  As long as they sit down on the mat, the conversation begins. ‘My teacher, the shoot down of your plane and the outrageous attack towards the Divine Entrance are only the very first step of the dark powers aggression. We must use the power from the Sou to put a halt to it,’ says Nakashi.

  The Sou-gen hesitates and says calmly, ‘These attacks are dangerous. But the most precarious attacks that we encounter is not them, is something that cannot be seen. Darkness and infidelity start to penetrate to our souls. Even intelligent people with huge ability and talent are contaminated by darkness and evil thoughts.’

  Nakashi is immediately alarmed by the words but she remains perfectly calm and normal. She tries her very best to conceal all her fear, disturbance and uncertainty in her mind. Yet, the Sou-gen deep bluish eyes seem to have pass right through her own brownish eyes and cut inside her mind.

  The Sou-gen looks down on the mat for a while. Nakashi immediately seize this chance to exchange a glance with Leon. She can see that Leon has also been alarmed. Leon slightly uses his finger to point to his sword which is attached to his belt. Nakashi guesses that Leon is implying that he should use violence as soon as possible as the Sou-gen has already discovered that trespasses or even their plot.

  Nakashi puts up her hand slightly to signal to Leon that he should not do so now. She knows that it is still not the time yet. The Sou-gen is also Nakashi sword combat teacher. Nakashi knows that both Leon and her cannot stand a single chance if the Sou-gen has discovered their plot and fight with them. They must wait until the Sou-gen is distracted.

  The Sou-gen turns his focus back from the mat to the two of them. Nakashi immediately stops her eye contact with Leon nimbly. The Sou-gen continues, ‘To tackle this invisible hidden threat, the very first thing that everyone must do is to look inside their own hearts. Instead of looking outside aimlessly, we should look inside bravely, to see whether our own souls are manipulated by darkness.’

  Nakashi is so sure that the Sou-gen has already discovered their trespass in the Divine Entrance. ‘How does he discover it? What will he do to us when he has already discovered it? Is this a trap planning to capture us? Or the Sou-gen has already forgiven her and he just wants to lecture her just like what he does to her for all these years? So in that case, should we also be honest and discuss this matter honestly without any secret plots?’ Nakashi thinks of all these questions but pretends to be listening at the same time.

  ‘No, it’s impossible to convince the Sou-gen by just empty-talking in here. It’s simply unrealistic.’ Nakashi thinks to herself and decides to continue her plot. ‘It is treacherous and cruel. But it’s the only way.’

  The Sou-gen suddenly stands up slowly. Both Leon and Nakashi are alarmed by this but they still remain calm and do not move. Surprisingly, the Sou-gen turns his back towards them and walks towards the windows slowly as he continues to speak. ‘Now, my children, let all of us try to look deep inside our hearts first. Summon the Sou to get into your heart so that all the mistrust and evil thoughts in every dark corners of your heart can be lightened once again.’

  ‘This is their only chance,’ Nakashi thinks to herself. She signals Leon to start their plot. Leon also seems to realize that this is their crucial moment. Leon detaches the sheath from his beautifully-carved sword. He puts down the sword silently and holds the metal sheath. Nakashi gives her a determined look and nods slightly. Leon nods back, holds the sheath tightly and tiptoes towards the tall white figure.

  The Sou-gen keeps walking towards the window and he seems to be unaware of a menace coming close to him. At the same time, Nakashi secretly picks out her golden gadget. She prepares to ask Catala to launch a surprise attack once again to cause a distraction.

  Sweat is coming from Leon’s forehead, hands and body. He can now feel his heart-beat. He keeps on reminding himself that he is not going to kill him, but just to knock him into unconsciousness. Now he is already tiptoeing right behind the tall white figure, but the Sou-gen is still looking at the ground and walking slowly to meditate. Leon holds his breath, closes his eye and strike the sheath towards the head of the defenseless Sou-gen.

  Just at that critical moment, a strong force resists Leon’s sheath.

  Chapter 9

  Leon feels his arm is being grabbed. Leon is shocked and petrified. He opens his eyes immediately. The tall white figure is gazing with him with solemn expression. Leon cannot see any anger from the Sou-gen’s face. But the solemnity of the Sou-gen’s face has scared Leon to the largest extent.

  ‘Let him go!’ Leon can hear Nakashi’s petrified voice. But the voice is so distant.

  ‘Your mind is corrupted. I should no longer indulge your trespasses,’ The Sou-gen speaks in an emotionless and serious tone.

  Leon can no longer feel any heart-beat, any blood or any heat from his powerless and vulnerable body. Just as he wants to struggle to escape, the Sou-gen stuns Leon by hitting Leon’s head swiftly and promptly. Leon faints and his body collapses slowly.

  Nakashi is terrified but she calms herself quickly. She picks up the blue and silvery sword that Leon left behind and holds it steadily. ‘We are not doing this with any evil intention. Yes, we have gone inside the Divine Entrance and we have gone inside the throne room. But, we have a truth to show to the whole world. All of us, you and me, have been living under a great lie!’

  ‘Nakashi, you are an intelligent and courageous girl. But these two qualities have pulled you into the lethal trap of arrogance. Arrogance has been blinding you. Put down your weapon. The Sou could pardon you, before it is too late,’ The Sou-gen replies in a concerned and sincere tone.

  There is no hatred between the student and the teacher, nor fear, nor anger. But there is still unavoidable conflict and tension between the two of them.

  The stress and difficult situation that Nakashi faces start to make her feeling anxious. ‘Please. My teacher, I know it is ludicrous. But believe us. Don’t seal your heart. Follow me to wit
ness the truth.’

  ‘Nakashi. Halt! Control your mind. Do not let arrogance overflow you!’ The Sou-gen picks up the sheath of Leon’s sword.

  ‘My teacher, if you continue to seal your heart from any other thoughts and even attempt to dominate my own will, I must confront you!’

  ‘Nakashi! I do not want to be your enemy. The Sou tells me to save and guide you. But if you still insist on indulging yourself in the sea of evil and arrogance, I must use force to lead you away from it.’

  Nakashi realizes that a fight is unavoidable. Besides, the tension pushes her to a limit that she wants to use violence to solve the problem. She has totally forgotten and abandoned the fact that she has been a pure pacifist who always wants to resolve all matters in peace for all these years. ‘Fight is the only way!’ she says to herself. She roars and charges.

  Nakashi practices the delicate skills that were taught by the tall and solemn man who she is fighting now. She leaps highly in the air and strikes forcefully from the top. The Sou-gen does not escape from this powerful attack. He holds the sheath tightly with both of his hands and blocks Nakashi’s attack firmly. ‘Cling’ There is a clear sound when the two pieces of metal clash.

  Nakashi continues to use various skillful moves to attack. She uses her agile body to move around the tall white figure rapidly to seek for weakness to attack. Nevertheless, the Sou-gen well predicts all her moves and responds calmly and steadily. All strikes or stabs are firmly blocked.

  After a few minutes, Nakashi has already used up all her techniques and tricks that she knows. She has even tried out a few acrobatic moves and special tricks that Leon has been teaching her in these few days. But all these fail to break the Sou-gen’s solid defense.

  Nakashi becomes impatient and anxious. She wants to end this quickly. She abandons all her swordsmanship and techniques that she knows. She attacks unorthodoxly but also ferociously. The only thing in her mind is to break that sheath by intense striking in order to disarm him. She does not realize that she is now fighting as fierce as Catala does.

  The Sou-gen notices the change in his opponent’s mood. He warns his fretful and anxious opponent. ‘Nakashi! Hatred and anger have clouded your entire mind! Stop your fighting immediately!’

  Nakashi ignores him. She keeps on striking ferociously. The Sou-gen is not scared by the aggressive attack. He still anticipates every strikes unruffled. On the other hand, Nakashi’s unorthodox and disorderly attack has made herself more defenseless weaknesses.

  ‘Halt your attack now, Nakashi! Do not force me to overpower you!’ The Sou-gen gives his last warning in a solemn tone. Yet, these serious words no longer have any influence on that determined girl. Nakashi makes another powerful vertical strike towards the Sou-gen. The Sou-gen evades with ease. Then, he hits Nakashi’s acupuncture point precisely and swiftly such that Nakashi can do nothing to defend this sudden attack.

  Nakashi is stunned and she collapses slowly just like what happened to Leon a few minutes ago.

  Catala is still staying at the abandoned house and hiding from the heavy snowstorm. Yet, she notices something has gone wrong when neither Nakashi nor Leon contacts her to ask her to start her task. She is worried, not only because of the fact that their plan may have failed, but also because of the fact that she really cares about them. She really regards both Nakashi and Leon as her valuable friends. She is anxious about their safety and she tells herself that she has the responsibility in protecting her truthful friends.

  Despite the fact that she does not have any covers or coats to keep her warm, she steps bravely out of the shelter. She only wears her simple black vest with a pair of worn out black shorts. She has even lost her shoes during the intense fighting against the air force. She steps on the frozen ground with her bare feet. Snow and frost strike her body intensely. Nevertheless, she is not afraid of this chilly weather and continues to walk on the frozen ground. Years of loneliness have made her strong.

  Her shinny black hair, resolute black eyes, black vest and shorts have made her particular prominent in the white snowy streets. The future is difficult and uncertain to her but she sees some kind of direction in it.

  She decides to go to the forest quickly to summon the Metos once again and spy on what happen around the temple.

  Panzhi is waiting anxiously in his room. His extreme worries towards his Leon and Nakashi sickens him. He feels nauseous but he is unable to vomit. Neither sitting nor standing makes him feel better.

  Suddenly, the door is pushed open. It is Leon’s and his beloved teacher, Geffen. The old man does not seem to feel any better than Panzhi. Panzhi realizes that Geffen’s face is as pale as a ghost. The old man loses his energy and liveliness. He looks at Panzhi wretchedly.

  ‘How…how are they?’ Panzhi asks quickly and anxiously. Geffen looks at Panzhi sadly but does not respond to his question. ‘Teacher, tell me, please!’ Leon asks urgently.

  Geffen sits down slowly. He speaks in a slow and wretched tone, ‘Panzhi, I am a failed teacher. Leon was… he was such a humble and genuine boy, a pure and innocent soul. Why the demon has chosen him? He really trespasses the Divine Entrance. How imprudent he is? He who testifies the Sou will be eroded by demon! His mind is full of evil spirits now. He has totally lost his conscience. The demon has corroded his body and manipulated his mind. And the demon has just manipulated him and Nakashi…to assault…the Sou-gen…’

  Geffen can no longer continue. Tear flows from his old and dry eyes. So does Panzhi.

  ‘No! No, we can’t let it end like this! They do not deserve this treatment! They had such a pure and compassionate soul! They deserve to have a chance to go to the eternal land of the Sou!’ Panzhi cries. ‘Teacher, we must guide them and save them!’

  Geffen sits there and buries his head into his shaking arms. Panzhi rushes out from the room. He tells himself that he must save his friends. He cannot accept the fact that Leon and Nakashi will be separated from him and the future utopia. He must lead them back to the path of righteousness and faith.

  Leon has regained his consciousness. He finds himself sitting in a dark room where there are only a few candles for lighting. There is nothing but a cold marble table in front of him in the room. There is no one in the room. Leon is not afraid but he is concerned whether Nakashi has successfully made her escape.

  The door is pushed open. It is Panzhi. He is accompanied by two guards. Leon is glad his best friend is safe. Yet, from the weak candle light, Leon can see that his friend has gone through a difficult time. He realizes Panzhi’s face is as pale as sheets and he must have cried before. ‘The Sou-gen and the bishops must have put him in a difficult situation,’ Leon thinks. He feels guilty for his friend’s suffering.

  ‘Panzhi, do not worry about me. I have chosen my own path and I will bear my own consequences. I am so sorry that I have put you in a difficult situation because of my own desire. Do they give you an unbearable time after they have captured you? You do not involve in this matter and you should be free from any consequence.’

  Panzhi interrupts bluntly, with a serious and sad tone, ‘They did not capture me. I report to the Sou-gen by myself. Listen, Leon, I know you will think that I betray you, but…’

  ‘No…That’s not true…Don’t say that!’ Leon says seriously and nervously.

  ‘That’s true. I report to the Sou-gen by myself,’ Panzhi replies bluntly.

  Leon is shocked. He interrupts immediately to block Panzhi’s explanation. ‘Traitor! You have said that you would stay there to keep guarding when we go inside. I don’t care if you do not do so! But you have done the opposite! You’re a liar! If you really disagree with us, you can just voice out. You pretend to agree with us and…and betray us! I never deceive you; I never hide any thoughts from you! If we do not have a liar like you, we have succeeded already!’

  ‘You said you never deceive me and I’m a liar. Then, why do you hide the plan of attacking the Sou-gen from me! You also have your own agenda.’
  Leon interrupts again. ‘No! That’s different! I’m going to tell you as long as we have convinced the Sou-gen! It’s just not the time yet!’

  ‘Convince the Sou-gen! With your evil intention! You’re not the Leon that I knew! You are just a body that is corrupted by Demon! I did this to save you and guide you! I do not want to witness my friend turning into a devil!’

  ‘Shut up! I won’t allow a coward criticizing me! Go away!’

  ‘Leon! Listen to me first! Listen to me! I’m saving you! Your sins can be pardoned as long as you open your hearts to us!’

  ‘Go away! I do not need a coward who blinds himself from the truth to lecture me! I’m now telling you that what you believe is absurd! If you do not believe, then go away! If you just want to serve and obey a thing that does not exist for your entire life, then just go away!’

  ‘You’re no longer Leon. The dark side has consumed you. You will suffer from hatred and pain until you decide to repent. Until that time, you will still be a demon instead of the true Leon that I knew. Meanwhile, do you want some cookies?’


  ‘Don’t regret, it’s chocolate deluxe favor, your favourite.’

  ‘No, fuck off!’


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