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Dirty Bastard (Wet Dicks MC Book 1)

Page 21

by Echo Slater

  Mad Dog is sympathetic to her plight, but he also gets put out when I tell him about my besties-only weekend.

  “I need to miss you,” I lie when his handsome face pouts in the sexiest way.


  “To appreciate what I have.”

  Squirming on the couch, Mad Dog shakes his head. “You’re full of crap.”

  “Think of how hot the sex will be if we suffer without it for a few days.”


  “It’s only two nights apart.”

  “Two?” he nearly shouts. “I thought a weekend meant you’d leave on Saturday and return on Sunday. What the fuck?”

  “I love you,” I say, walking out of the family room and toward the kitchen. “But Hagan is my bestie. If you needed time away with your besties, I’d understand. Sure, I’d need a vibrator to get me through my time alone, but I’d do it for you.”

  I’m startled when Mad Dog lifts me over his shoulder and rushes to our bedroom.

  “Don’t try fucking me stupid, so I’ll change my mind,” I warn as he rests me on the bed.

  “No, I want you to show me with your vibrator what you’ll do when we’re apart.”

  For the next hour, we watch each other masturbate. Eventually, I climb on his dick and ride it in a way no vibrator can replicate.

  “We’ll barely fuck on the Dicks’ camping trip,” I point out when he mentions how much he’ll miss me a month from now for those two days.

  Smirking at his sneaky plans, he promises, “I’ll get you alone. Don’t you worry about that, baby.”

  The trip almost doesn’t happen, though. Dexy hurts her back after going super auntie-grandma by jumping on the trampoline with Cross. Rubber Duck injures himself while helping her out of the contraption.

  “We’re too old for this shit,” he mutters, shuffling around days later. “I can’t imagine I’ll be ready to drive the RV in two weeks. Sorry, guys.”

  Ginette shakes her head. “Don’t look at me to drive. I can’t handle something that big.”

  Cash and Horse snicker at her wording, and I roll my eyes at how immature they are. Of course, their laughter gets Mad Dog going. Soon, I giggle because he’s riled up. Only Raqui remains unhappy.

  “I don’t want to get left behind,” she says, and Grizz stops grinning and shakes his head at the idea of him going without her. “I guess I could drive the RV.”

  Grizz’s head shaking turns apocalyptic. “No.”

  “I can drive fine,” she says, and he keeps shaking his head. “Fine, I won’t go.”

  “I could drive,” I suggest, and everyone looks at me. “If it’s just Raqui, Ginette, Cross, and me, we won’t need such a big RV.”

  “Do you know how to drive something that big?” Cash asks, and Horse immediately laughs. “Aren’t you used to something more compact?”

  Mad Dog glares at the men once Stoney and Bishop catch on and start chuckling.

  “My dad used to drive a bus,” I say, ignoring their dick measuring. “He can teach me.”

  Raqui claps her hands, which Cross mimics. “Cameo for the win. So, we have a new plan.”

  Before we leave, Phil drops by the Ranch a few times to help me practice on the rented RV. I mostly need to know how to make turns and park. Arlene helps me pack for the trip while Hagan spends most of her time hitting up Mad Dog to come along on our weekend away.

  “You have money. Pay for our shit, so we can have more fun.”

  Mad Dog immediately asks, “How would the sleeping arrangements work?”

  “You’re so horny,” Hagan mutters. “You need help, fella.”

  Arlene rolls her eyes. “It wouldn’t be awful to have Mad Dog supervise.”

  “Cameo’s an adult, and I’m super close to being one.”

  “Yes, but the city can be dangerous for two attractive young women.”

  “Well, we are hot. You’re not wrong there,” Hagan says and grins at me.

  “We could get two rooms,” I suggest.

  “I want to sleep with you!” Hagan cries, freaking out immediately. “It’ll be just you two fucking around, and I’ll get left out.”

  “Calm, Hagan,” Phil says and hugs her. “No one is leaving you out.”

  “You and I could stay in our room,” I say, taking over the hug from my dad. “Mad Dog will be next door. He can even bring one of his buddies to, uh, talk to or whatever they do when I’m not around.”

  “Which one?” Hagan asks, horrified.

  “Bishop said you remind him of his annoying baby cousin. I feel like you two will not hit it off at all in a sexual way,” Mad Dog says, and my parents nod immediately.

  “Bullshit,” Hagan grumbles. “He wants me like all men do. You just picked him because he’s your favorite.”

  “Well, he is actually,” Mad Dog says, chuckling. “He’s laid-back. You’ll barely notice him around.”

  “So, it’s decided,” I say, smiling at how everything comes together. “Mad Dog and Bishop will supervise us.”

  “And pay for everything,” Hagan adds before grinning at Mad Dog. “A fun weekend in the city isn’t cheap.”

  “Oh, I gotcha.”

  So relieved to come along, Mad Dog reserves our rooms in a swanky hotel right downtown where we can walk everywhere.

  And that’s how my first summer on the Ranch goes. I take a four-day trip to the Audra State Park with the Wet Dicks Motorcycle Club. The RV proves an easy ride, though I still struggle to find suitable parking at some restaurants.

  Nonetheless, the guys have a ball riding all day. Raqui, Cross, and Ginette are comfortable during the drive. In the evenings, after dinner, while the guys enjoy the hot weather, the RV crew huddles inside and plays cards. Raqui is so excited for Grizz to get to ride with his club brothers. She even cries a few times, seeing how much fun they’re having together.

  At night, I bunk in the overhead bed while Ginette stretches out on the kitchen fold-out. The heavily pregnant Raqui cuddles with Cross in the large back bed.

  Late into the evenings, the guys shoot the shit out by the firepit. I hear them laughing a lot. A few times, they break into random wrestling matches. Though these men spend all their time together, there’s something different about hanging out away from home. I feel the same way when traveling with my family.

  Now, I’m part of the Wet Dicks’ righteous inner circle. Where they go, I’ll be right there with them. I’m even the designated RV driver from now on.

  By the end of summer, I find myself missing the Ranch, even when only gone for those few days in the city with Hagan, Mad Dog, and Bishop.

  Months ago, I’d been so worried about life after high school. What would I do with myself? Would I let my parents down?

  But with Mad Dog, I’ve found my purpose. The Wet Dicks aren’t just his friends. They’re mine now, too. Raqui is no longer a pushy chick desperate for any age-appropriate friend. We actually get along. I plan to help her with baby Lazarus, just like she’ll teach me everything when Mad Dog and I have our own kids.

  And every night, I fall asleep next to the most amazing man who loves me with all his heart. I don’t need him to say those three words anymore. He proves his feelings all day, every day.

  Mad Dog grew up different than I did. Long before we met, his heart got banged up. Only his new family with the Dicks kept it from growing hard and cold.

  Now, my love is what makes his heart beat faster. That’s a truth beyond any words or promises.


  On an unbearably hot summer day, my dick hums after an afternoon fuckfest with Cameo. She decides to try a reverse cowgirl, which only gives her terrible giggles at how she’s backward on my dick.

  “I can’t see you!” she cries, nearly falling over from laughing so hard.

  I finally have to sit up and wrap my arms around her waist to keep her steady. Cameo’s giggles settle once I cup her tits and drill her pussy like a man on a mission. I love when she moans in just th
e right way. Almost as if she’s lost the ability to use words.

  Once she comes, I keep moving inside her. She rests her hands on mine, still cupping her tits. Soon, I’m the one moaning like a crazed beast with no verbal skills.

  With my balls spent, I collapse back on the bed and reach for Cameo. She slides me out of her and cuddles up next to my sweaty body. We’ve been like rabbits for days now. I blame the heat and her sexy curves. Unable to spend much time outside, we entertain ourselves with fucking.

  After the heat breaks around four, we stumble outside. I’m shirtless. Cameo’s shorts and tank top leave me stroking every inch of her bare flesh.

  We sit on the front porch, drinking beers and fondling each other. I spot Grizz with Cross and Raqui out in front of his bungalow. Cash sits with Bishop on the latter’s porch as they take turns throwing a ball to Chucky.

  Out near the Ranch’s entrance, a compact SUV pulls into the visitor’s lot. People show up here all the time, looking to score drugs. Chicks will also come around, wanting to hook up. Nothing strange about an unfamiliar car, but this one idles for a long time.

  Grizz comes off his porch, and Stoney appears out of his house.

  “Baby, go inside,” I say and reach into our bungalow for a gun. “Just in case.”

  Cameo wears the terrified look of an eighteen-year-old whose scariest adventures were with the man who loves her. This happening right now isn’t fun.

  While she disappears inside, I walk with my club brothers toward the lot. I quickly spot a chick alone in the front seat. She notices us coming, and the car switches into reverse. I sense she plans to flee.

  Chucky barks in that weird pained way he does when Cross loses his shit. The chick puts her car back into park and rests her head against the steering wheel.

  “What am I looking at here?” Grizz asks no one in particular.

  Chucky whines and walks in a circle around us. I finally pick up on what he hears—a high-pitched baby’s cry. Then, the sounds get louder, and I realize more than one kid is freaking out in that car.

  The screams break free once the chick turns off her car and opens the door. A whole lot of hollering follows her outside. She’s a pretty blonde thing, around Cameo’s age. Her bright blue eyes have recently been crying.

  A part of me knows exactly why she’s here. I’m just waiting on the who. Vaguely recognizing her, I’m a little terrified she’ll say my name. No matter where my dick’s been in the past, I refuse to lose Cameo.

  “Who are you looking for?” Grizz asks, understanding why she’s here.

  The girl’s gaze focuses hard on our president before scanning over the rest of us. I nearly sigh with relief when it passes over me. Dodged a fucking bullet!

  “Horse, you probably don’t remember me,” she says in a weak voice.

  Cash looks at Stoney before they burst into laughter. Bishop chuckles behind his hand. Grizz just shakes his head. And for some fucking reason, Horse acts as if he doesn’t have the slightest idea what’s happening.

  “I remember you,” he says in a casual tone.

  “I didn’t get an abortion.”

  Frowning at the crying from the SUV, he nods. “I hear that.”

  “I have nowhere else to go.”

  “I’ll get you a hotel.”

  The chick responds the same way I would if I was her. The kids in the car scream louder at the sound of her sobs.

  “You know,” Bishop says, throwing an arm around Horse’s shoulders, “Daddy has a nice ring to it.”

  At that moment, I wouldn’t be surprised if Horse was the next one to cry.


  I fear pregnancy for mostly superficial reasons. Getting fat and no longer being sexy to Mad Dog seems like a dumb excuse. But I’ve spent most of my life thinking my worth comes from my looks. Of course, my family didn’t fill my head with that crap. However, other people often remark on my appearance rather than my brains or personality.

  “What if I get fat?” I ask Mad Dog when he suggests I skip getting a refill on my birth control pills.

  “You getting a round belly is sexy-as-fuck. That’ll be my baby in there.”

  “But I’ll get stretch marks and saggy skin.”

  “That’s part of life,” he says, lifting me onto his lap. “I’ll get gray hairs one day. Wrinkles around the eyes. What happens when I’m not at my peak?”

  “I’ll love you no matter what,” I promise while cupping his bearded jaw.

  “But you worry my love isn’t as strong?”

  “Men are different. Look at Dexy and Rubber Duck. She still looks great despite her age while he’s a scrawny old man.”

  Mad Dog grins. “He is scrawny, but she loves him anyway.”

  “Do you think if she got fat, he’d still love her?”

  “Yeah, I do. They were both alone for a long time, and they didn’t work with anyone else. Once you find the right person, you don’t fuck things up over a chunky ass or a saggy set of balls.”

  Mad Dog’s reassurance helps me stop my pills and roll the dice on pregnancy.

  Of course, I get knocked up the first month without birth control. Still nervous about getting fat, I stay in shape, using the Hanger’s gym. Raqui and I start an exercise routine to help her feel better after Lazarus is born.

  Pregnancy isn’t so bad once I get over my hang-up about gaining weight. Every night, Mad Dog rubs cocoa butter on my belly, which leads to vigorous fucking. He finds my pregnant body sexy, just like he promised. We often sit on the front porch with me in his lap and his hand placed possessively on my belly.

  “This kid will be loved like no one in my family’s ever been loved,” he tells me one night. “He or she will be the first one in my bloodline’s long history to have parents who give a shit.”

  His words inspire my choice for a name once I learn we’re expecting a boy. First, I need to come up with an idea for the reveal.

  “Grizz did not like getting shot with blue paintballs,” Raqui says while cradling Lazarus. Out in the yard, Hagan bounces with Cross on the trampoline. “Apparently, he would prefer a less painful reveal next time around.”

  Grinning, I figure I’ll just have a cake made with the news. Nothing wild like paintballs or Monsters, Inc. costumes. But Hagan comes up with a suitable idea, and I can’t deny it’ll be more fun than a simple cake.

  During a Sunday with the Dicks, I remind Mad Dog how he’s even sexier wet. Just like the day at my house, he doesn’t catch on to the hint until a water balloon splashes open on his head. This one is thrown by Grizz, likely relieved not to be on the receiving end.

  With the balloons coming so fast from his friends, Mad Dog never has a chance to see their color. Finally, Bishop holds up the last one from his basket and smiles at his soaked friend.

  “Looky here, Papa,” he says, bouncing the blue water balloon. Once Mad Dog smiles, the men finish their attack.

  Later, after I’m rewarded with access to his wet body, we relax in bed and talk baby names.

  “You said our boy will be the first one in your family to have good parents. Well, Adam was the first man. Would that be a solid name for a little boy?”

  Mad Dog instantly smiles. “That would be perfect.”

  “When he grows up, he’ll probably start his own club and get a road name. Until then, he’ll need a strong, simple name for childhood like you had.”

  Mad Dog scoots down on the bed and wraps an arm under my belly. Whispering to my bump, he promises, “I’ll never do you wrong.”

  We paint the baby’s room a pale blue. His crib is stained nearly black, and I choose yellow bedding. Hagan and I hang up the four letters of Adam’s name. We pretend this activity is exhausting and reward ourselves with ice cream.

  Hagan refuses to be in the room when Adam is born. She’s terrified of seeing my bajingo in distress.

  “Your tears will also upset me,” she explains.

  Arlene joins Mad Dog in the delivery room. While he
looks freaked out the entire time, my mom pretends as if she has everything under control. Well, just until I’m ready to push and begin crying hysterically over how weird the sensation feels.

  Mad Dog and Arlene switch roles with her sobbing at my fear and him becoming super chill.

  “Our baby is almost here,” he says in the silky-smooth voice he used on me the first night we met.

  I stare into his dark eyes and trust him completely. My tears dry up, and I get recharged for the final hard pushes.

  Despite Adam Philip Teller looking like he lost a fight, Mad Dog swears our baby is tied for the most beautiful person on the planet. I can’t believe the look on my man’s face when he first holds our son. Mad Dog’s expression is so raw. I see everything at that moment. His parents’ failures. The tears he shed as a hurt child. The anger he settled into during his youth. The carefree life he embraced with the Wet Dicks. And the new family he created when he met me.

  “I love you,” he whispers to his boy. “I’ll keep you safe.”

  Crying in my mom’s arms, I watch my big-hearted man break down barriers to be the kind of dad he never enjoyed. Mad Dog looks at me, worried about my tears. I smile for him, so he’ll know I’m just relieved and exhausted. Mostly, I’m painfully in love.

  Later, when we’re alone in the dark hospital room, Mad Dog slides into bed next to me as we watch Adam sleep nearby.

  “Thank you,” he whispers in my ear.

  Wrapping his arm across me, I smile at our son. “He has my big lips.”

  “Your chin and nose, too. My boy looks just like the woman I love.”

  “And he’s blessed with the eyes of the man I love.”

  Mad Dog and I share a smile, embracing the family we’ve created together.


  Getting smacked in the face with a pink balloon leaves me stunned. How the hell will I be a little girl’s father?

  I’m already overly protective of Adam. His first turn in the trampoline leaves me with heart palpitations. Whenever he cries, I immediately give him whatever he wants.


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