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Finding Forever

Page 2

by B. A. Stretke

  The closer he came the more Angus responded to his presence. Everything about this man from his walk to the way he brushed his hand through his chestnut colored hair, called to Angus. The moment that Juan stood in front of him and trained those soft brown eyes on him, he knew. This man, Sasha’s brother, Ewan’s soon to be brother-in-law, was Angus’s mate. He froze for a moment as he took in the enormity of this moment and struggled to control his reactions.

  Angus reached out his hand with a big smile and introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Angus Keith, Ewan’s brother.” He was warmed by the answering smile he received.

  “Juan Navarro, Sasha’s brother and very pleased to meet you.” They shook hands and Angus felt his dragon shift as the scent of the man settled into his mind. It was magnificent. He glanced at Ewan who was watching him slightly curious but too enthralled by Sasha to ask questions.

  "This is Sasha," Ewan said, and Angus regretfully had to release Juan's hand to take Sasha's. "Sasha this is my brother Angus."

  "You're even more beautiful than Ewan described. I'm so glad to finally meet you." As good manners dictated, Angus gave his attention to Sasha, but his heart was still staring at the gorgeous man at her side. Juan Navarro, what a kick in the head. He would have canceled tonight if he'd had the option and now here he was standing inches away from his forever mate. He was a very lucky man.

  They all went inside and were seated at a table for four near the back. Angus was anxious to get the conversation rolling. He wanted to know everything about his mate, everything. This was amazing but also a little terrifying. Juan was tall and thin but not too thin, he was just right. His face was warm and pleasing with a lovely caramel complexion.

  Angus pulled his dragon back and held him in place. Juan was human and like all humans would require time and care. He had laughed at Ewan’s plight but now he understood why Ewan was willing to tie himself into knots for Sasha. It was all clear now as the deep feelings of purpose and desire were becoming fixed in his thoughts.

  The conversation was light during the appetizers and Ewan was monopolizing Sasha, so Angus decided to ask some questions of his own and hoped he’d get the answers he wanted. Unfortunately, one of the first thing out of Juan’s mouth after Angus had shared some of his own information, was a declaration of commitment.

  "I'm currently in a relationship," Juan stated as if he thought he needed to. Angus just stared for a moment before he could school his features and tamp down his thundering disappointment.

  He pulled back at that point and let the conversation rattle on without him for a while as he tried to wrap his mind around this development. He wanted to ask questions and demand the name of this person, but he had no right, so he kept quiet.

  The magnitude of displeasure, distress and simple frustration he was feeling at Juan’s announcement was causing a numbing sensation to ripple across his skin. He felt his dragon also respond by pushing forward readying to simply snatch their mate and fly away. The dragon always went for the most expedient solution.

  Angus settled his dragon and carefully placed a wall between his needs and the best interests of his mate. He would keep an eye on Juan in the hope that circumstances could change or weren’t what they appeared. He wasn’t going to second guess Fate. Juan Navarro was his mate and he would not be denied his mate.


  Juan was so pissed at himself he couldn’t look up from his plate. Why did he say he was in a relationship? It was ludicrous. What he had with Jeff had been far from what any normal person would describe as a relationship and besides, it was over. He and Jeff were through so why did he even mention it?

  He saw Angus’s face drop as he uttered those stupid words and he felt him pull away. The realization that he may have ruined everything that might have been possible with Angus ripped through him and left him desolate in a way that only a real loss could achieve. He’d just met the guy and yet he didn’t want to scare him away. But it was too late now the damage was done.

  They’d been having a nice conversation and then he had to go and make that asinine statement. He glanced at Sasha who was looking at him like he was insane and shaking her head, but she did not contradict him or interfere.

  He’d learned that both Angus and Ewan worked security and that they and the rest of the men at the Dragon Lodge, as it was known, were originally from Scotland and members of a Clan. The mood had been light and beautiful, and he killed it. Why did he allow Jeff to destroy everything nice in his life? Thankfully their food arrived, and discussion slowed to comments about the meal.

  Juan kept stealing glances at the handsome Angus Keith who smelled like fire and freshness, like a soothing bonfire on a cold night. Angus and Ewan definitely looked like brothers. Both had jet black hair and vivid green eyes but whereas Ewan's face was soft and almost pretty, Angus's was all sharp angles and hard planes. They were both large imposing men, but Angus had a quality about him that made Juan feel safe just being near him. He had that savage protector aura that was sexy as all hell.

  He noticed that Angus watched him as well. Juan wished he could take back his outburst and remove Jeff from this dinner. Angus had cut him off the moment Jeff was mentioned. He went from interested, maybe even attracted, to simply cordial in a millisecond. He probably thought that I mentioned it just to back him off. Juan wasn’t sure why he said it. It was too confusing for him to figure out right now.

  Angus glanced over at Juan who was purposely trying to avoid eye contact with him. This had to be the hardest meal he ever ate. The food was delicious but getting it past the lump in his throat was difficult. Angus sensed that Juan was regretting his words, but it was better to know the score now than after Angus had declared his intent to pursue. Angus sensed that there was a lot more to that simple yet shattering statement.

  Juan didn't explain the relationship and made no mention further of who this guy was or how long they'd been together. It was a cold feeling and even his dragon was getting the impression that it wasn’t what it appeared. Juan had secrets and Angus planned on discovering every single one.

  He would stay close without stalking, well maybe a little stalking, and learn what he could. He’d noticed the look that Sasha had shot Juan when he made the declaration and it gave support to his belief that there was more to the story. Fate had brought them together today, so there had to be a reason for it. From what he’d witnessed over the past few years, Fate’s timing was always spot on.

  Ewan and Sasha were focused on themselves throughout the dinner and it was adorable. Angus watched as Ewan listened with bated breath as Sasha told him about her day and her plans for the weekend. Yes, it was adorable, if it wasn't for the gut-wrenching discovery of Juan as his own mate followed by his relationship declaration, Angus would have had fun teasing Ewan about it later.

  After dessert, which Angus found excruciating because Juan ordered chocolate mouse and ate it like he was making love to it, Sasha suggested they call it an evening. Ewan was not ready to end the evening and asked to take Sasha to the park at the city center to walk off dinner and talk. Everyone waited.

  “I’m Juan’s ride home, so I’ll have to decline for tonight.” She told him, and her scent proved she was sincerely sorry.

  “I came with Angus so why doesn’t Angus drive Juan home and you can take me to the park?” Ewan figured it out on the fly as Sasha was slowly getting to her feet. Everyone waited for Sasha’s decision.

  She glanced at Juan who immediately told her to go. “If Angus can’t drive me home, I am well able to call a taxi. Go and have fun.” He demanded while pushing her in Ewan’s direction.

  "I'll drive you home Juan," Angus stated and would not take no for an answer. He was driving him home and perhaps he would get a look at the boyfriend. He would appreciate the opportunity to size up the competition.

  “You don’t have to.” Juan insisted softly, his heart was not in the denial.

  “Come on Juan, you’re with me.” Angus insisted and not s

  Juan was secretly excited at the prospect of getting to spend time alone with Angus. He decided to take his chances and just roll with it. He wasn’t going to mess up Sasha’s evening with her handsome boyfriend. Also, maybe he would be able to repair some of the damage inflicted by the ‘relationship’ outburst.

  “Thanks.” He said and fell into step beside Angus. Sasha and Ewan waved goodbye and were quickly on their way leaving Juan and Angus on the sidewalk.

  “Hop in and you can tell me where you live.” Angus sounded less reserved now and Juan prayed he didn’t mess things up again. He wanted to get to know Angus better. Angus was a nice guy, a big and lethal looking nice guy.

  Angus hadn’t mentioned a significant other, but Juan wouldn’t doubt Angus’s dance card was full. Juan was being delusional, thinking that he had a chance with someone the caliber of Angus Keith, but damn it was nice to dream.

  "Thank you," Juan said again and jumped into the front seat of the large black truck. It was immaculate and smelled like Angus, all fresh and masculine. It was obvious that Angus took good care of and respected his things and that spoke well of the man. Every minute he spent with him made Juan wish that things were different, and that Angus could be interested in someone like him.

  Once they were seated and belted in, Angus asked for directions. “That’s not far from the University.” He stated.

  “It’s Jeff’s house.” Juan blurted for no particular reason. He should have added, and I don’t intend to be there much longer, but he didn’t because it would sound desperate and weird at this point.

  “It’s a nice area of town.” Angus offered with a soft smile.

  "It's close to the library," Juan said for lack of anything else.

  “You like the library?” Angus continued softly.

  “I go there often. It’s quiet and private.”

  “You make it sound like an escape.”

  "It's where I go when I need space." Juan wanted to say, space and peace but thought it would sound maudlin. Angus was making small talk, he didn't want Juan's innermost thoughts and turmoil.

  This wasn't a date, they'd been thrown together because their siblings were dating and nothing more and Juan needed to keep that clear. Daydreaming about a gorgeous sexy biker was not going to get him anywhere. He was letting his imagination run away with him.

  "I'm glad you have that place," Angus said when Juan failed to explain further. Angus felt his mate's growing sadness and ached to help but he didn't understand it or where it was coming from. He took a risk and reached across the bench seat and placed his hand over Juan's that was resting on his thigh. "I'm glad that we met." He said because it was exactly how he was feeling.

  Juan turned, and his eyes spoke volumes. They were warm and bright and held a hint of mischief. Angus melted on the spot. “Me too.” He said softly and then glanced away. Angus gave his hand another squeeze and then let go.

  It wasn't long before Angus was pulling into the driveway of a light-yellow bungalow with off-white trim. He parked behind a beat up little hatchback. Angus was at a loss as to how to proceed in regard to the conversation on the way here. He could feel his mate's trepidation and was hard-pressed to put a cause to it. He almost seemed to be afraid to go home.

  Angus watched as Juan surveyed the area as if looking for clues or something. He didn't get out of the truck right away and Angus took that as a positive until he saw the fear in Juan's gaze as he looked towards the front porch of the seemingly sweet little yellow house.

  "What's wrong?" He asked as soft and non-judgmentally as was possible for him at a time like this. Tell me what it is, and I'll make it go away, he wanted to add but didn't.

  Juan swung his head around and looked surprised. "Nothing really, it's just that Jeff usually puts the dogs in the backyard and closes the gate, but the dogs are running free in the yard."

  Juan turned back to the yard and Angus noticed a large, sleek and muscled German Shepherd come racing around the side of the little house with its teeth bared. He was closely followed by another. Angus was stunned by the ferocious nature of the two beasts. These were not house pets.

  "I'll wait in my car until he returns," Juan said and made to get out of the truck. Angus took him by the upper arm and stopped him.

  “Why does he have dogs like these and why hasn’t he made them accepting of you? This is outrageous.” Angus quickly jumped out of the truck and began to walk towards the two growling beasts. No one was going to threaten his mate and especially not two mangy dogs.

  Juan hurried to catch up and tried to stop Angus from getting too near the dogs. “No, please, stay back they’re dangerous.” He urged, and Angus stopped to glance down at the man looking worried and upset and gripping his upper arm. Angus reached over and patted Juan’s hand gently.

  “Have these dogs hurt you?” Angus was getting upset and he knew he had to keep it calm or his dragon would finish the dogs in one breath. He pinned Juan with a stare that compelled him to speak.

  “Jeff had left them out and I didn’t know they were out. They attacked me on the way to my car. It was just a few stitches and he promised to have them trained but he never did.” Angus noticed the tone of Juan’s voice go from one emotion to another. His anger, complacency, irritation, it was all there and most of all he was afraid for Angus’s safety.

  Angus was touched by his mate’s sincere concern for him. He squeezed Juan’s hand that was gripping his arm and assured him that the dogs would not hurt him. “I have a way with animals.” He explained with confidence.

  Juan appeared to understand and let go but stayed close as Angus approached the gate and swung it open. Angus could feel his mate moving up behind him but also kept a distance.

  Immediately the two dogs came tearing towards Angus with their teeth bared and blood in their eyes until they were close enough to get a whiff of exactly what Angus was. They stopped so fast their forward momentum nearly bent them in half as they fell back over themselves and began to crawl on their bellies whining until they flipped to their backs.

  Angus flashed his dragon at them, turning his eyes and face in a fraction of an instant but the dogs saw him, and their terror was real. He usually didn’t scare animals, but these two idiots deserved it. Considering the fact that they had harmed his mate, they were lucky to still be alive.

  He reached down and patted their bellies and motioned for them to stand which they did instantly and sat ready to receive their next order. Their allegiance had shifted immediately to the strongest member in the pack.

  Juan was just a few steps behind him and he reached back to beckon him forward. "They won't hurt you ever again," Angus stated while keeping his gaze trained on the two offenders.

  Juan took Angus’ hand and stepped up to stand beside him. Angus then slipped his arm around Juan’s back and held him as he instructed the dogs to approach. He felt Juan jerk nervously back as the dogs came closer, but he stayed by Angus’ side.

  The trust he showed was treasured by Angus beyond anything he could have said or done. Angus held him close squeezing him against his side and relishing the contact. The scent of his mate had shifted, and the fear was draining away and being replaced by a heady aroma of excitement. Angus pulled him closer and drank it in.

  “Trust me.” He told him, and Juan completely relaxed as if on cue. He took Juan’s hand and held it as each dog came up and sniffed it, licked it and then backed off and returned to a seated position. Angus communicated to the dogs his connection to the human, and the dogs responded.

  Angus knew that Juan would have no more problem with them but was still averse to leaving. There was something wrong here. Whatever relationship he had with Jeff, Angus knew for a fact that it wasn’t healthy. It was gradually becoming clear to him why Fate had brought them together at this time.

  Angus wanted to stay and have it out with Jeff, but he knew that Juan would probably not appreciate his interference. The thought of leaving his mate was becoming more
and more difficult. He held him close and thought over his options.

  Juan was stunned by the masterful way that Angus had handled the dogs. “That was impressive. I didn’t know that dogs this vicious could be brought to heel so quickly.”

  “These two just needed a little re-education.” Angus squinted at the dogs and they straightened and sat stiffly. “Why would your boyfriend have attack dogs as pets?” Angus asked.

  "I don't know, he worries, I guess," Juan whispered and glanced away.

  Obviously not about you, though. Angus wanted to say but held his tongue. Juan was becoming embarrassed and Angus did not want to leave him in a defeated mindset. Angus stepped back and motioned for the dogs to take off across the yard, which they did instantly.

  “Call them.” He told Juan. Juan did so, and the dogs came quickly forward to stand in front of Juan. They were calm and attentive and showed no sign of aggression.

  “Can I pet them?” He asked.

  "Sure." Juan moved away from Angus and towards the two dogs. He tentatively reached out his hand and touched the dogs head and then began petting him. He did the same to the next and both dogs appeared to accept it.

  “This is remarkable, I can’t thank you enough.” Angus was proud that he was able to give his mate this gift of control and safety. He watched as Juan petted both dogs. “They don’t seem like the same dogs. What a relief.”

  “Do you have your phone on you?” Angus asked.

  “Yes, why?” Juan stood up but continued to sporadically pat the dogs head that was nearest to him.

  “Here’s my number.” He rattled off the numbers. “I want it in your phone and if you ever have a problem, of any kind, call me.” He noticed Juan start to shake his head so stopped him before he could speak. “My brother and your sister are headed to the altar, we both know that, so you and I can be friends and you can call me. You are allowed to do that.” He assured and reached out to squeeze Juan’s upper arm punctuating his words.


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