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Finding Forever

Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  Juan smiled and laughed softly, his apprehension suddenly seemed to disappear. “Yes, they are certainly smitten with each other, that was glaringly obvious. He seems like a good man with her best interest at heart and I couldn’t be happier for her.” Angus watched as Juan typed his number into his phone.

  “Call me, don’t hesitate, promise me.” Angus knew he was pushing hard, maybe too hard, but he couldn’t leave without some kind of assurance.

  "Okay, I promise to call you if I'm in trouble," Juan said, and the smile stayed in place and Angus could feel the man's relief. Angus pulled Juan close using the hand he was holding his upper arm with and kissed him quickly on the forehead.

  It was a dangerous move, but he just couldn’t stop himself and he didn’t really try. He brought his other hand up and cupped the side of Juan’s head in his palm as he held the kiss for longer than was probably appropriate but, again, he didn’t care.

  Angus stepped back and stared into Juan’s deep brown depths and saw the answering desire. He turned away and without another word, took off to his truck not waiting for a verbal response. He waved as he pulled out onto the road and reluctantly drove away.


  Juan stood there dazed for a minute, watching Angus walk back across the lawn and jump into his truck. He wasn’t sure how to react, the kiss was gentle and reassuring and was exactly what he needed right now. He touched his forehead where it was tingling and smiled. No kiss had ever felt as perfect as Angus’s kiss.

  Bending at the waist, he patted both dogs on the head and pointed to the backyard. They took off like a shot and Juan followed, closing the gate which kept them in the backyard. He watched them for a few minutes. This wasn't the first time Jeff left them loose so as to be able to attack Juan or make it impossible to enter the house. What a sick game, what a sick man.

  The dogs were no longer an issue now since Angus had taught them respect and acceptance in one of the fastest dog training moments Juan had ever been a witness to. The man was a marvel.

  It was going on ten o’clock and Jeff still wasn’t back. Juan wasn’t concerned wherever he was he was most certainly enjoying himself with David or whoever he was currently screwing. Juan tossed his keys on the table by the front door and started locking up for the night.

  He noticed a message blinking on the answering machine so hit the button. It was Jeff saying he was going to be late and Juan could actually hear someone laughing in the background. What a fucking piece of shit.

  Juan decided he was done right now. No hesitating, he was done. He wasn't going to wait to get the bakery back in Jeff's hands and make sure he had all his things out of the house. Fuck it he was packing his things and was going to be out of there by morning. He didn't owe that bastard anything and certainly not courtesy or respect.

  Tomorrow he was going to his bookstore and he was giving his sister the day off. He erased the message and headed up to his room. He and Jeff hadn’t been sharing a room now for nearly ten months

  After he’d started taking over the bakery and was getting up at four every morning, Jeff decided it would be better if Juan had his own room. Jeff made it sound like he was doing him the favor, but he knew all along it was so Jeff could sleep undisturbed while Juan took over Jeff’s responsibilities. It was all so subtle and slow that Juan didn’t realize he was being used until he couldn’t see a way out without hurting his feelings.

  The mind games were relentless and having a soft heart, Juan fell easily at first for Jeff's sad-sack persona and excuses and stepped right up to help out. Unfortunately helping out turned into doing it all while Jeff attended meetings and professed to be growing the business.

  It was all bullshit and Juan knew it, but for some fucked up reason he thought he had to stay. He wasn’t going to give the guy a second thought. He didn’t have to prepare to leave, fuck it all, he was leaving. Jeff could just go fuck himself.

  He lay in bed after calling his sister and leaving her a message stating he was moving in tomorrow but just for a couple of days. He would try not to be a burden and he wouldn’t stay long only until he found a suitable apartment.

  There was a room over his bookstore that he could clean out and move into in the short term he supposed. He didn’t want to impose on Sasha considering she had Ewan in her life now and would need her privacy.

  He had his luggage and boxes packed and stacked on the far end of the front porch so if Jeff came home before Juan left he wouldn’t notice them. He was struck by the lack of things he actually had at Jeff’s. Most of his things were still in storage. He’d never really moved in. That was telling in itself.

  Juan planned to leave in the morning long before Jeff was home or out of bed whichever. He should have left yesterday but hindsight was always the clearest. He lay down fully dressed on top of his bed and thought to get a couple of hours of sleep.

  As the night wore on his mind shifted and was gradually filled with thoughts of the strong compassionate man he met at dinner. Angus was unlike any man he’d been with. He was gentle, yet strong and commanding. He didn’t even have to say anything to get respect, which was made obvious by his handling of the dogs. He was everything Juan wanted in his life.

  He fell asleep slowly filled with the anticipation of new things and better times ahead. His mind and his sleep continued to be dominated by the presence of a dark-haired, green-eyed man of particular distinction.


  Angus pulled into the long drive that led to the Lodge and parked near the garages on the left. They held the cycles and other items that were personal to the dragon clan. The garage on the right held their vehicles, SUVs, trucks etc. He exited the truck and hurried to the backyard. He could hear talking and some music playing and assumed the Clan was out enjoying the evening.

  He needed to speak with Calum about Juan and what would be his best avenue for acceptance. He would have to wait until later it would seem as he rounded the back of the Lodge and saw everyone on the deck.

  Calum and his mate Chance were seated together near the front and were engaged in discussion with Calum's brother Bryn. It was a warm and beautiful night for a family gathering. Angus stood back for a moment and took it in. He was a fortunate man to have such wonderful and loving people in his life. Family was everything.

  “Hey, Angus.” He heard his name yelled and started forward. It was Donell who called to him. “Come and join us.” He handed Angus a beer as soon as he stepped up onto the deck. Angus noticed Donell had his arm around his mate Will and was holding him close as usual.

  They’d had an unfortunately rough start and Donell was still making it up to Will. He didn’t let the Fae get too far from him and Angus understood fully now the drive and pain that Donell had felt while pursuing his mate. You never really comprehend the magnitude of the feelings involved with finding your mate until you find your mate. No explanations could ever come close to meeting the truth.

  Angus sat and enjoyed the remainder of the evening with his family. He looked around and took in the changes that had taken place in the past few years and the joy that had befallen them all. Calum’s mate Chance was newly pregnant with the first of the children to be born to the Clan in over two hundred years. It was the fulfillment of their quest and an honor to their King.

  There were many mates within the Clan now and there was the hope for many future offspring. The mates were a welcome addition, some were strong, some were gentle souls, some were crazy intelligent and others just plain clever.

  They were all outstanding in their own way and his mate would soon join them. As well as Ewan’s mate, Sasha. Juan was going to love it here. The man had a quick wit that had been demonstrated during dinner while teasing his sister. He also had a distinct spark of mischief and excitement which Angus longed to explore.

  His mind shifted to the kiss. Juan had looked shocked but also passionate. He was not immune to Angus and his dragon. There was a fire there that Angus just needed to stoke. As soon as the crowd st
arted to thin out and mated couples began to drift off to their respective quarters, Angus moved to address his Chieftain.

  “I found my mate.” He stated as he stood in front of the plush bench seat that Calum and Chance were reclining upon. “There are concerns, though.” He added.

  "Sit," Calum instructed and Angus pulled up a chair to sit in front of him. Chance got up and excused himself after placing a loving kiss to Calum's lips. Calum caressed his cheek and then his belly, love so plainly in his gestures. "I'll meet you in our room, my love." He told him, and Chance headed inside.

  "Thank you, Calum." Angus rubbed his palms together and thought about where to start.

  "Start at the beginning, Angus," Calum told him with a knowing grin.

  Angus began with Ewan and Sasha who were a known fact already and then moved onto meeting Sasha’s brother Juan. “The problem being is that he’s in a relationship. How do I pursue a man who is already committed to another?”

  “You know that Fate brings people together at a point in time that benefits them both. For Fate to reveal Juan to you at this time means either he needs you most right now or you need him or now is the best time for a positive bond to occur.” Calum spoke the words that Angus knew to be true.

  He told Calum of the situation with the dogs and Juan's behavior during the ride home. "Those dogs were there to control and to terrorize Juan, not protect him," Angus stated gruffly. "He couldn't get into the house. He would have had to wait in his car for the asshole to get home and I don’t think this is the first time that this has happened. Juan seemed too familiar with the scene.” Angus shook his head.

  “Of all my family, you are the one most insightful in your thinking process. You rarely act irrationally or without considerable forethought. You plan, and you attack, and you succeed because that is your forte. You will know what to do when the time comes to act.” Calum leaned forward and patted Angus’s knee before leaning back into his seat.

  "Trust your instincts and don't hold back. The relationship doesn't sound as if it is stable or thriving. Fate brought you to him and I believe he is going to need you, Angus. Stay close, make the excuses and put yourself in his sight as often as possible." Calum rubbed his chin and then glanced inside the Lodge through the large sliding glass doors.

  “You said he is managing the bakery downtown.” Angus nodded. “I think we will need a standing order for a couple of dozen donuts to be picked up daily.” He smiled, and Angus barked a laugh.

  “I will gladly make sure they arrive daily, sir.” He saluted Calum.

  “I’m counting on you Angus, you know these beasts,” He gestured to the men inside. “Their demand for donuts in insatiable.”


  Juan came awake with a start and bolted to a sitting position in his bed. The room was dark except for the light coming through his window from a street lamp. He glanced around but nothing was amiss. He slowly slipped out of bed and walked over to the window, he noticed a light shining under his door indicating that the hall light was on.

  He listened and heard the distinct sound of heavy steps coming up the stairs. Jeff must have returned. He glanced at the clock on his dresser and saw that it was three-fifteen in the morning. Feeling unnerved for some reason, Juan crept silently to his bedroom door and locked it. He wasn’t sure why, but his sixth sense was telling him to stay safe.

  Juan quietly walked over and sat down on the edge of his bed and waited. He heard Jeff grumbling and slamming around obviously irritated about something and sounding as if he’d had too much to drink. He tried Juan’s door but didn’t persist when it became obvious that it was locked.

  He was still seated on the edge of the bed when several minutes later he was startled by the sudden sound of the alarm that he’d set the previous morning. He was not going into the bakery today, so he quickly quelled the annoying clock and stretched out on his bed. He would wait to make sure Jeff was asleep before he left. He didn’t want to be dealing with an angry drunk.

  The sun was not up yet, it was dark as it was every morning as he prepared to head off to Jeff’s bakery. He lay there for another half hour before getting up and heading downstairs. He called Trudy, one of the bakers and let her know that he would not be in.

  "I won't be back at all actually." He admitted. "Jeff will be taking over management from now on, so direct your questions or concerns to him." He said his goodbyes and he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

  He leaned on the kitchen counter and stared out the back window at the dogs as they sat staring at the house. He wasn’t sure what message Angus had given the dogs, but they seemed calmer and more in control of themselves. They looked like happier dogs.

  His mind never seemed to be far from Angus Keith. The man left an impression, that was for sure. Whether it was his crazy good looks, sexy walk, or his ability to subdue vicious dogs, Juan wasn’t sure.

  Having met Angus had given Juan a strength and clarity that had been eluding him. He wasn't sure when it started to slip away from him, but it had been a steady drain until he was just existing and not really living anymore.

  His bookstore was doing great under the care of his sister, but it wasn’t right for her to have to caretake his responsibilities while Juan carried all of Jeff’s responsibilities. Yes, Angus had lit a fire in him that Juan would be forever grateful for.

  “Sasha, I’m coming into the bookstore today so why don’t you take the day off and spend it with Ewan?” Juan shot her a quick text as he left Jeff’s house. He loaded his things into his small car and headed off to his sister’s home.

  It was early, but he had a key and she was expecting him. They’d texted for a while last night before he’d laid down and she was eager to have him out of Jeff’s home. She even offered to come over and help him move last night, but Juan wanted a clean getaway with as little drama as possible.


  Angus had been awakened in the night by a strong sense of uneasiness and it took him a couple of minutes to realize it wasn’t his. He was picking up on a feeling being transmitted by Juan.

  His dragon began to get restless in reaction to his mate’s uneasiness, so he got up and went downstairs. He went out onto the back deck and sat down taking in the sounds and scents of the night. It calmed him and allowed him to stay focused on Juan without the added urge to kill something. He wanted Juan out of that house and away from the man who took such pleasure in his suffering.

  Juan wasn't in danger at the moment, there was no fear present in his mood, but he was agitated none the less. As Calum had pointed out, the relationship between Juan and Jeff appeared strained. Whatever was happening at the little yellow bungalow, Juan was feeling impatient, that was coming through very clearly.

  After about an hour of staying connected to make sure Juan was safe, Angus was flooded with a feeling of relief and wellbeing. Whatever the cause, Juan was suddenly energized, and the feeling was exhilarating for Angus. Their mate bond was getting stronger, and the overall good feeling Juan was experiencing was telegraphed clearly.

  It was still dark so rather than return to his room, Angus let loose his dragon and flew to the mountain. It would allow his dragon to expend its pent-up energy. He wouldn’t want his dragon on edge the next time he saw Juan. The outcome could be shocking but also fantastic.

  He grinned to himself at the prospect of claiming his mate. The man was filling his heart and his mind completely full. The feelings, the need, the near desperation just kept building as the hours ticked by. He never realized that waiting could be physically painful.

  The mountain was dark and quiet just as he liked it. The Clan had been steadily buying up the mountain acreage and now owned all but a small twenty-acre parcel on the base of the far side. It was secluded enough that even if someone decided to build on it, they would not be privy to the activity of the dragon clan.

  Calum had offered ten times the worth of the property but for some reason, the owner refused to sell. In the en
d, Calum had erected full growth pines to make the border of the property denser and installed a fence that surrounded three sides of the twenty acres. Someday they would acquire the entire mountain, but for now, they were satisfied.

  Several of the mated couples had built private cabins on the mountain as a getaway when they wanted to be alone rather than among the throngs at the Lodge. Calum had also erected a large communal cottage that he called the Gatehouse to be available to all. It was a place to be yourselves and let your dragons free. It was even larger than the Lodge. Calum like a lot of room.

  Angus didn't go to the Gatehouse but rather flew through the treetops until the sun began to peak over the horizon. He returned to the Lodge fresh and ready for the day ahead. In a few hours, he would head to the bakery to behold his delightful mate.


  Juan felt happy and at home the minute he stepped back inside Horizon Books. Why he’d let Jeff push him into abandoning his own dreams in favor of Jeff’s proved to be a sad commentary on their lives together.

  He hadn’t been to the bookstore in nearly six months. He’d taken to managing from afar through Sasha and the internet. That was no way to run a business, a business he’d nurtured and built over the past nine years into a thriving enterprise. He was back, and his focus would be on his own interest and his own future. He took a deep breath and marveled at the beauty of freedom.


  “Angus bring those donuts over here.” Several of the guys called out to Angus as he walked in the back door with two dozen donuts. He’d planned on seeing Juan at the bakery but the young lady at the counter said he wasn’t coming in today. By her careful wording and expressions which she had no control over whatsoever, Angus figured he was right in thinking something major went down last night.

  “He’s at his bookstore Horizon Books on State Street, just South of the University.” She added with a polite smile. Angus decided to drop off the donuts at the Lodge and head over for some light reading at Horizon Books. Juan had spoken briefly about the bookstore, but Angus hadn’t been aware that Juan owned the bookstore that his sister managed.


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