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Finding Forever

Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  He hadn’t meant to offend but he obviously had. He returned the kiss as best he could, letting Angus know that he heard him. Angus ended the kiss and was breathing heavily as was Juan.

  “I’m a possessive bastard but know that I will never harm you or put demands upon you that you are not willing to accept. You always have a voice with me. I will never cheat on you or take sides against you. I don’t care if you robbed the city bank, I would support and protect you throughout and convince the world that your reasons were just.” Angus held him and stared those amazing green eyes at him making every concern and argument disappear.

  “I never threatened him. During our last encounter, I just asked him to leave me alone. I told him to get the hell out of my bookstore. That was when you walked in. I never threatened him in any way.” Juan swore to him.

  “I believe you sweetheart, but I wouldn’t care if you had. You could have threatened him in any manner you wished from maiming to death and I would understand. He’s a sick fuck and you were within your rights. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll go and pay the dipshit a visit and let him know what happens to people who speak ill of my mate.” Angus was smiling but Juan feared he may be serious.

  “Don’t, I don’t want you to get caught up in his craziness, he’s not worth it.” Juan held onto Angus resting his hands on his hips.

  “See, right there, you are the better person. We’ll have to work on that though because sometimes a good beatdown goes a long way.”

  Juan dropped his head and began to laugh. “You are too much.”

  “I am just right for you sweetheart.” That declaration brought on another flurry of kisses that Juan was fast becoming addicted to.

  They headed out early so Angus could take Juan by Sasha’s place before going into work. The place was sealed off and according to Calum wouldn’t be accessible for another twenty-four hours. Juan was eager to get inside and assess the damages.

  He hadn’t heard from Sasha yet this morning, but he wasn’t worried his gut told him that Ewan would not let anything happen to her. If she didn’t call by evening he would contact her as long as the Gatehouse had reception. It sounded pretty remote, so it might not. His idle thoughts were disturbed when his glance up the street towards his bookstore and noticed a crowd gathered outside.

  “What’s going on?” He said more to himself, but Angus responded.

  “We’ll know in a minute.” He pulled to the side of the road and parked a couple of stores down and they began walking towards the bookstore. Angus held Juan’s hand conveying his support.

  The first thing he noticed was one of the front plate glass windows was broken, completely shattered and sprayed across the sidewalk. His heart sank as he hurried towards the destruction.

  Tony came running out when he saw him and began a litany of apologies none of which were making any sense. Shaking off Tony’s grip, he rushed inside with Angus close behind. The store was torn apart. The counter and displays were smashed, shelves were toppled and ripped from the walls, the damage was devastating.

  Juan stood there stunned by the destruction before him. “Who did this?” His voice was constricted by pain and came out in a tight whisper. His anguish was palatable.

  Angus stepped to the side and began to survey the area and get a scent, but he could only smell Tony the employee and a faint scent of his mate from yesterday. There were no other smells that were strong enough. This type of damage would have gotten the person worked up and possibly sweaty and yet there were no scents.

  “Better call the police.” He said as Juan still stood there just looking at the mess.

  "I already did," Tony spoke up.

  “So, what happened?” Angus asked, and Juan turned to look at Tony and give him his complete attention.

  “Yeah, what happened?” Juan repeated Angus’s question but with more attitude.

  “I was in the back bringing the new arrivals out from the back when I heard someone enter so I started towards the front to see who it was and if I could help them.” Tony looked around the shop as if seeing it afresh and he looked oddly impressed.

  “It was a man and he was wearing a face mask like a ski mask, so I couldn’t see who he was. He was just running around and knocking things over. I told him to stop or I’d call the police, but he took some books from the counter and started throwing them at me. It was crazy. Then he threw the small whiteboard that was by the door out the front window. I took my cell phone and called the police, but he ran off.” Tony’s explanation came faster and faster as it progressed until he was talking so fast it was hard to understand him.

  “How did he damage the counter and cash register so badly?” Juan asked. Angus agreed no human could do that kind of damage with their bare hands.

  "Oh, he had a crowbar," Tony added.

  Just then the police came in and asked everyone to go out onto the sidewalk. The questioning went on for quite some time and when they were finished Angus helped Juan clean up and secure the shop.

  “I have good insurance, but this is just incomprehensible. First Sasha’s place and now some unknown crazed bookstore attacker. I can’t get my head around it.” Juan was sounding defeated and Angus didn’t like it.

  He took Juan in his arms right there on Main Street and kissed him and he didn't give a fuck who was watching. As a matter of fact, he hoped that Jeff was somewhere close by and getting an eye full. Angus knew it was Jeff even without the evidence it was too much of a coincidence. Somehow Jeff was managing to harass Juan and Angus had enough.

  They sat in Angus’s truck and talked. “How long has Tony worked for you?”

  “Sasha hired him five months ago. He’s a student at the university. Why?”

  “His story kept changing. I don’t know if you noticed but what he told the cops was not exactly what he told us.” Angus could smell the deceit clinging tightly to the man throughout the investigation, but he couldn’t tell Juan that he knew for a fact the guy was lying.

  "I don't know him very well, but Sasha said he was good at his job," Juan replied.

  “Does Tony know Jeff?” Angus was digging.

  “I don’t know. Tony never said anything and neither did Jeff.”

  "He gives me a bad feeling," Angus told him and was pleased when his mate nodded his head.

  “Yeah, me too. The sudden appearance of a crowbar in his story was convenient.” Juan scoffed.

  “Let’s go get you some clothes and then head back to the Lodge. I want to let Calum know about this recent attack. Then I want us to go to the mountains.” Angus was formulating the plan in his head as it was coming out of his mouth. He didn’t want to wait any longer to come out to his mate and he wanted to get Juan out of town and away from Jeff. Two birds, one stone.

  Juan fell silent for a moment and Angus knew he was thinking it over. “What about the insurance claims and all the paperwork with Sasha’s place and now the bookstore? I should be close by to deal with it.” Angus heard the regret in his tone.

  “Forbes will take care of this and if there is anything he can’t handle, he’ll call.” Angus reached over and pulled Juan up to his side and kissed the side of his head first and then dipped to take possession of those amazing plum lips. “You taste so good.” He said and heard Juan chuckle, it was a good sound.

  "Okay, it would be nice to just run away for a few days." Juan smiled and patted Angus's thigh. "I want to know everything there is to know about you, Angus Keith." Juan squinted up at him. "This will give us the opportunity to share everything. No secrets." Angus felt as if Juan well aware there were secrets abounding and seemed eager to get his answers.


  Calum put Forbes and Cameron on the paperwork and cleanup effort. By enlisting Cameron’s technical help, they also got his mate Bryn who would do anything for Cameron. Calum agreed that a trip to the mountain would be a good idea. They’d keep an eye on Jeff and do some background on Tony.

  “Take a few days and let yourself breathe
.” He told Juan.

  “Yes, sir.” He answered.

  "Call me Calum, we're family now." Angus saw the pleasant surprise on Juan's face and he wanted to kiss his Chieftain for being so astute and anticipating Juan's needs. All Juan had was Sasha. He never mentioned friends, but isolating relationships can have that effect.

  Now Juan had a mate and a family, his own people that he could depend on. Angus still had to explain the 'mate' part of things, but he had a hunch it wasn't going to be as difficult as it had been with other human mates.

  His Juan was astute and aware and more importantly, he had an open mind. Juan was a reader and his understanding of the world took on a broader vision than most. The magical, the unexpected, the miraculous were already in his wheelhouse.


  “We’re going to be staying in one of the cabins farthest up on the mountain. It belongs to Alrick and his mate Dane. We won’t be near Ewan and Sasha, I want you all to myself, Juan.” Angus told him as they started their ascent. Angus took one of the SUVs because the roads get pretty dicey the further you climb, and he didn’t want to put his truck through the punishment.

  The cabin was already stocked with essentials, but Angus made sure to pack a few special items for them to enjoy. Angus reached over and took Juan’s hand and brought it to his lips. “Thank you for agreeing to come.”

  "Thank you for inviting me." Juan flashed him that shy smile that he was growing used to and it warmed his heart every time he saw it. "I appreciate everything you are doing for me, Angus."

  Angus was barely holding on. He and his dragon were aching to assert their claim once again. Juan’s arousal continued to fill the vehicle making it clear that he was on the same page. He thought taking the cabin furthest up the mountain would keep Juan safe from harassment while his Clan searched for the culprit. But now as the miles wore on he was looking forward to relief.

  The moment that Juan reached over and rested the palm of his hand on Angus’s upper leg was the moment the trip had to pause. Their combined arousal spiked, and Angus was not waiting until they reached the cabin. The area was deserted and with plenty of tree cover. His lovely mate gave him the side eye when he pulled over and off the narrow road onto a grassy shoulder and parked.

  "It's been quite a day, I need you, Juan. I need you now." Angus wasn't going to pretend or go slow this time the scent and touch of his mate was scrambling his mind and setting him on fire. His cock was so hard it hurt where it was constrained in his suddenly too tight jeans. "You smell so damn good, sweetheart." Angus took a deep breath and held it before letting it out.

  “I want you too.” Juan’s tone was wanton and ready. “I’m tired of waiting and hoping to be given what I need. I want you Angus and I’m not too proud to beg.” That sentence blew Angus’s mind and in a split second he had Juan across the seat and straddling his thighs. Angus pushed the seat back as far as it would go and settled Juan into position.

  "You never have to beg me, sweetheart, your needs are my top priority." Angus pulled him in for a kiss that demanded and promised, it was a kiss that owned. Juan wanted to lose himself in the pleasure that Angus offered and forget the calamity that was his life at the moment. Angus made everything alright. Life was all good when Angus held him.

  The kiss went deeper, and hands began to work Juan’s jean down and over his ass. The cool air from the dash washed over his heated skin. It was all hands and hungry sounds, no words until Juan found himself poised over Angus’s hard thick cock. He stared into those emerald green eyes and just let go.

  Angus held Juan’s hips and slowly lowered him down pressing the head of his cock against Juan’s opening loosening the muscles and entering gradually. He held Juan’s gaze and communicated all that he was feeling to his mate and in return saw the answering desire in Juan’s eyes.

  He pulled him down completely in one thrust and buried himself to the hilt. He held him there for a moment just drinking in the scents and sounds of his gorgeous mate. Juan held onto Angus’s shoulders and leaned in for a greedy little kiss that brought a deep lustful groan from Angus that bordered on a growl.

  He felt Juan begin to swivel his hips, so Angus started a slow thrust in response. It was a beautiful and sensuous dance. Juan pulled back from the kiss and once again stared into Angus's eyes. "What is this between us, Angus? I hunger for you. I feel you like you are a part of me, so familiar and so important."

  Angus plunged deep and then pulled back picking up his speed slightly in response to Juan’s movements. They were in sync and he would always be able to anticipate his mate’s needs. “Do you believe in destiny?” He asked, and Juan nodded as he bared down on Angus’s hard cock and gasped as he was stretched and filled.

  "We are predestined pair, we are mates," Angus told him, and he pulled out and drove himself back inside Juan's warm and moist channel.

  “Was it written in the stars?” Juan smiled softly.

  "It was written on our hearts," Angus stated. He pulled Juan in for a ravenous kiss as he pounded Juan’s hot body not able to hold back any longer and needing the release that was engulfing him.

  Juan wrapped his arms around Angus’s shoulders and held on as he was pushed to the edge. He felt Angus reach between them and grasp his aching cock and begin a rapid rhythm as he hammered and plundered and wrung every possible delight and pleasure from Juan’s body. He looked into Angus’s eyes and saw a fire real and intense.

  It burned behind the surface cause an otherworldly glow. Juan reached up and place the palm of his hand against Angus’s cheek and felt the skin tremble beneath his touch. The movement was like a ripple that Juan had no explanation for. He suddenly pulled from his thoughts when Angus gripped his hips and thrust savagely inside.

  He felt Angus go deep as his cock swelled and he held fast and came filling Juan so full that his body could not contain it all. Warm seed spilled down his thighs and pulled around Angus's groin and it was fantastic. At that moment Angus gripped tight to Juan's cock as he too erupted in a blinding orgasm.

  Juan came all over Angus’s hand and front and felt strangely satisfied by that action as if by marking Angus he now belonged to him. Juan collapsed and lay against Angus’s chest as he held him close and spoke soft words of love and devotion. “Why do I need you so badly?” Juan spoke his thoughts.

  "We’re mates," Angus told him.

  “When we get to the cabin, I’m going to make you explain that to me.” Juan smiled, his face still tucked into Angus’s shoulder.

  "I plan on it," Angus replied.


  They arrived at the cabin just before sundown. When Angus had said it was a cabin, Juan had assumed it was a small rustic structure and not a grand log home of massive proportions. Angus said the Gatehouse was large but called this place a cabin, Juan could not even imagine what size the Gatehouse must be. It must be on the scale of the Lodge which in Juan’s opinion is the largest structure in all of Laramie including the university.

  "This is a very impressive cabin, Angus," Juan said as he grabbed his bags from the back of the SUV. Angus was hauling in their supplies and stopped to smile at him.

  "Not what I expected when you said a cabin in the mountains," Juan added.

  Angus shrugged. “What can I say, we like space and plenty of it.”

  "It's gorgeous," Juan admitted and followed Angus inside.

  The interior was decorated in a style similar to the Lodge, large solid furniture and plenty of opulent colors. Angus led him to a beautiful bedroom on the second level. They stowed their things before heading back downstairs where Angus sat Juan on one of the massive leather sofas across from the stone fireplace and Angus began dinner. It was an open concept design so they could talk while Angus worked.

  “You sure you don’t want me to help you?” Juan asked for the third time. The man had difficulty sitting still if someone else was busy. He had a terrible couple of days and Angus was determined to make him relax and unwind.

  “Just si
t there and look pretty, that’s all I need from you right now.” Angus stared at him silently until he agreed begrudgingly.

  “Are you going to explain what you mean by mates. You have called me your mate and you have referred to us as mates. What does that mean? Does it have something to do with your culture.” Juan took a sip of the white wine Angus had poured for him and then glanced over his shoulder at Angus and waited for an answer.

  Angus stopped in his tracks and looked over at Juan. He’d said he would explain the term but hadn’t expected him to question him so soon. Angus had assumed they would eat, drink and get cozy and then move into the definition of mates, bonding, dragons, the whole enchilada so to speak. But no, here he was frying chicken, steaming vegetables and tossing a salad and Juan wants answers now?

  He set the things aside and washed his hands before moving over to the large island that separated the living room and kitchen. Angus placed his palms on the quartz countertop and leaned forward bracing himself for the difficult explanation.

  “You told me you believed in destiny.” Angus began.

  "I do," Juan said while nodding his head. He took another sip of his wine and then placed it on the table next to him.

  Angus rolled several starts around in his head before he went with the myths of Scotland and the beginning. “My Clan and my Circle are from the Shetland Islands. My people have resided there for centuries. I lived there with Calum, Bryn, Alrick, Kyle, Forbes, Flynn, Ewan, Donell, and James. I lived there for centuries.” He noticed the moment Juan heard him and sat forward on the sofa, his eyes growing wide.

  "We were sent to America by our leader, King Duncan Adair." Angus moved to the other side of the island and leaned his back against it and crossed his arms over his chest as he continues. "The Shetland Circle has remained barren for over two hundred years, no mates, no children, and our King called for ten volunteers to go on a quest to America to search for our connection, our home, and our future. Ten members of Clan Keith took up the call. Our seer predicted that the Circle's new home would be in America and where one mate was found all others would present."


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