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Finding Forever

Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  Juan eagerly ran his hands over every inch of flesh reveling in the warmth and power beneath his palms. Angus grabbed the hem of Juan’s t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head tossing it on the floor next to his own. He then returned to the kiss plunging deep and claiming what was his.

  The level of anticipation and delight was building rapidly, and Juan could not control his need for more as he began to rub his firm erection feverishly against Angus’s hip. Angus trailed hot kisses down his throat and chest to ultimately capture first one hard nipple, and then the other in his mouth.

  Juan moaned and bit down on his lower lip as the sensations, raw and intense, rocketed to his groin. It had been so long, but Angus was worth the wait, well worth the wait.

  Angus worked his way down Juan's abdomen after teasing his nipples to hard peaks and began to work the sweatpants Juan was wearing down his hips. He continued to rain kisses on Juan's bared hip and proceeded downward as the sweatpants were gradually removed to reveal Juan's hard, leaking cock. Angus placed a loving kiss to the head causing soft noises of neediness to come from Juan. He didn't waste time and instantly took him down to the base. He took him all the way down his throat swallowing and savoring the taste of his mate.

  He heard the gasp and the moans of yes and more as Juan struggled to speak so he picked up the pace and gave his mate everything he was asking for and then some. He felt the stiffness as Juan grunted and gasped warning Angus that he was coming and couldn’t stop. Angus didn’t want him to stop. He bared down and brought Juan to a thundering climax he should remember for some time.

  Juan was trying to hold back but the pressure and strokes of Angus’s marvelous mouth and talented tongue were too much to withstand. The mounting force compelling him to the edge was beyond his control. He buried his fists in Angus’s lush black hair and held on as he thrust forward and erupted spilling a torrent of seed into the ready and eager mouth surrounding his lusciously abused member.

  As his heartbeat began to settle and breathing became possible, Juan felt Angus begin to breach his hole with the slight pressure of one thumb. He hadn’t been touched in so long that just the mere touch and anticipation of what was to come had his softening member begin to plump once again. It was outrageous.

  Angus was still tending to his needy cock while breaching him with first his thumb and then his forefinger and gradually as he loosened and readied him adding another and another until Juan had three of Angus’s fingers inside of him sending him on a trip of tantalizing euphoria. He was hitting every sizzling sensitive spot heightening all of Juan’s senses and awakening needs and lighting a hungry fire deep in Juan’s core.

  Angus was preparing his mate and driving him crazy at the same time. Having Juan lose it and come so hard during his ministrations was a major ego booster for him. He knew that his mate would respond to him, but he made Juan absolutely shatter and fall to pieces before him. It was a very heady thrill for sure.

  Angus moved to the side and pushed Juan's sweatpants completely off, leaving his mate completely naked beneath him. With as little disruption and with an incredible speed Angus removed his own jeans and kicked them off the bed.

  Once the snug jeans were removed allowing his aching cock relief, he crawled up his mate's stunning body lay completely on top of him and started another kiss of possession, pleasure, and need. He could kiss this man forever and not be satisfied.

  His hard-leaking cock pressed against Juan's firm member and he began to thrust losing himself in the carnal motion and prepping his mate for penetration. "I want to be inside you, Juan." He said as he stared down into Juan's lust blown pupils.

  “Yes.” Juan panted out between ragged breaths. “Yes.”

  He took Juan’s hand and directed it to his hard cock. Angus wanted to feel his mate’s caress; feel Juan’s hand stroking him. The touch set his body on fire, if he didn’t get inside Juan in the next few moments he was coming where he lay. He took Juan’s hand, kissed it, and placed it on his own chest.

  He moved to push Juan’s legs up and pressed them down against Juan’s chest to reveal the pretty pink hole that was stretched and ready for him. He held Juan’s gaze as he guided the head of his cock to Juan’s waiting and eager hole. Juan was breathing shallow and his mouth was forming a perfect ‘O’ as Angus gently at first pushed inside stretching further the tight entrance and then slammed forward to burying himself completely in one thrust.

  The fullness was wonderful and hit ever nerve sending waves of pleasure and excitement through Juan’s system. Angus thrust hard and fast burying himself fully. Juan gasped and plead for ‘faster’. Angus pulled back and slammed inside a second and then a third and he picked up speed until he was bouncing Juan forward on the bed and slamming him against his cock.

  He watched Angus ride him hard but hold him like he was the most precious man in the world. His eyes were fierce and loving at the same time. The green appeared almost electric and Juan stared deep seeing movement and light within the vibrant color that glowed an emerald green. It was mesmerizing. Angus was seeing him as no one else has ever seen him. He lay bare and vulnerable to the absolute core and Angus could see it all. Juan wanted Angus to see all of him.

  There was something more here something wild and extreme with a savage intent. Juan could not look away. Angus thrust forward driving his cock deep within Juan’s channel and held it, his face tightened, and his eyes flashed as he came filling Juan as his orgasm exploded.

  Juan was pushed to the edge once again and willingly tumbled over with Angus. Juan came again spraying his seed between them drenching Angus in his essence. It was satisfying in a raw and carnal way.

  Angus emptied inside of Juan binding them further and the act was powerful to the point of driving him to complete the claim and seal their bond. He dropped and pressed his lips against Juan’s shoulder for a moment before instinct took over and he sunk his teeth in and claimed his mate. He drank in the sweet taste and then licked the wound closed before collapsing on top of his mate and wrapping him in his arms.

  He hadn’t intended to claim Juan yet, but the moment was right, and the emotions were in sync so there was just no stopping. He listened to Juan’s breathing settle down and his heart rate go back to normal. They had lain in each other’s arms for several minutes not talking just being together and cherishing the experience.

  Angus rolled to the side to lay next to Juan and reached up to brush the dark hair away from his forehead. Juan turned his eyes to look at him and the emotions conveyed in their depths was immense. Everything he was feeling Angus could feel and could see so clearly in his expression. Juan was happy, pleased, totally satiated. This was the look he wanted to see on Juan’s face each and every time they made love, it was epic as far as Angus was concerned.

  “You bit me.” He said with a smile in his voice.

  “I did.” Angus ran his fingertips down Juan’s chest.

  “It was erotic. I think I might want you to do it again.” Juan was comfortable and relaxed and it pleased Angus that he was able to take care of his mate.

  “I’m a bit of a biter, it might happen again.” They fell silent for a while just breathing and enjoying their time together.

  Juan rolled to his side in order to face Angus. “There is so much about you that I don’t know.”

  “I’ll answer any question you ask.” Angus took Juan’s free hand brought it to his lips for a kiss and then held it against his chest. He wasn’t sure what Juan wanted to know but he would never lie to the man. He might not tell him everything, but he refused to lie to his mate.

  “The men in this house, they are all your family?”


  “You call yourselves the Dragon’s Blood motorcycle club and also Clan Keith. I understand the club, but the Clan is a rather ancient manner of title and kinship. Is it a truly active Clan and are you guys the only members?”

  Juan was thoughtful in his questions and Angus could tell that he was working his way
from the outside in. He was asking basic formative questions first to set the foundation and then would follow-up with personal poignant queries.

  “We are an active Clan and there are many of us back in Scotland. We ten came here looking for a place to call our own and to build a life. We traveled a lot and fell into the biker lifestyle because it suited us.” Angus answered carefully. He could see the wheels turning in Juan’s head as he moved on to his next question.

  “Are you staying, or will you be moving on?” Juan nailed him with a stare that demanded a full and complete answer.

  "We came with the intent of finding a place to settle down. We've found it here in Laramie. I will never leave you if that’s the question you're asking?" Angus kept tracing his fingertips over Juan's chest and arms raising goosebumps and satisfying his need for touch. The claiming has brought them in tune with one another and Angus had a clear understanding of his mate and his misgivings.

  Juan too will pick up on feelings and opinions that are not his own and will soon discover they belong to Angus. His current expression indicated that he took Angus’s words as truth. It will be a process but soon he will tell Juan the truth of what he is and what they mean to each other.

  “Your eyes are electric. They’re an emerald green just like Ewan and other members of your Clan. Your eyes actually flash and burn, how is that possible. They seem to glow iridescent at times.” Juan rubbed his palm across his forehead suddenly bewildered. “I’m sounding ridiculous, you don’t have to answer that last question. It was probably just my lonely romantic heart seeing things that aren’t there.”

  “The Clan Keith all have green eyes, I don’t know why but it is what it is. There haven’t been any children born in a long time, so I don’t know if that trait will continue to persist.” He did his best to explain without telling him the Dragon Circle of the Shetland Island all have green eyes, it’s a constant within the species of that location.

  "My eyes glow when I look at you, love," Angus added for effect. He wasn't lying because he eyes glowed when his dragon was on the surface which was whenever he stared at Juan.

  “There is something more to you Angus, something mysterious, I can feel it.” Juan moved closer and kissed him on the lips while keeping his eyes open and watching Angus. Angus could feel his dragon moving forward to experience their mate and Juan should be feeling it too.

  “You are amazing Angus Keith.” Angus chuckled.

  “So are you sweetheart.” Angus kissed him thoroughly and then reached to the side of the bed and retrieved his t-shirt from the floor. “I’m going to give us both a half-assed clean up and then let’s get some rest.

  “Sounds like a good idea. I have to be at the bookstore by noon. Tony is opening but I told him I’d be there at noon.”

  “I’m going with you, I hope you don’t mind.”

  "I don't mind at all." Good because there was no way Angus was going to leave his mate alone after someone tried to burn down the house he was staying in while he was in it.

  Angus carefully cleaned Juan first and then himself and tossed the t-shirt back on the floor.

  "We didn't use protection," Juan remembered and looked shocked.

  “I’m clean, I swear to you that I am clean.” Angus forgot and then was caught up in the moment, so condoms were not used. He hoped his mate recognized his honesty and didn’t get too upset.

  “I haven’t been with anyone in nearly a year and I was checked regularly prior to that. So, I’m clean too.” Juan assured him.

  “We’re okay.” Angus pulled him up close to his chest and wrapped him in his arms. He then grabbed the edge of the comforter and pulled it up to cover them both. “Sleep, my love.”


  “Wake up.” Angus rubbed Juan’s back and whispered into his ear. “Time to get up if you’re going into work today.”

  Juan was held tight in arms that were large and strong. He never slept so well in his life as he had in Angus’s arms. This was a relationship that was unexpected, unlikely, and unbelievable and yet it was perfect. Angus exemplified every value and characteristic that Juan had looked for in a partner with the added bonus of being wickedly handsome.

  Last night had been a terrible time until Angus showed up and made everything feel right again even in the midst of chaos. The care and concern and love. He sounded crazy, even to himself, but yes it felt like love. What he and Angus had was special and although he was confused by it, he was not going to deny what he felt.

  A more rational person might be able to see where this could all go so terribly wrong considering he had just left an abusive relationship. Falling into bed and into love was probably not the brightest of things to do but Juan planned to see where it led him. He would not give up on something that he knows is right.

  Juan showered while Angus arranged for a light breakfast to be delivered to his room. He figured Juan wouldn’t be in the mood to sit down with the family yet. He would have to introduce him to the family first and get him comfortable. For now, Angus wanted Juan to himself anyway.

  When Juan exited the bath in his briefs he realized he had nothing to wear. All of his things were in Sasha’s house. “I have nothing clean to wear.”

  Angus quickly made a couple of calls and came up with an outfit for today and then they could go shopping later. “You and Cameron are the same size. He’s Bryn’s husband and he’s going to drop off a few things. Just remember Cameron is no fashion plate. He tends to be nerdy, but his things are top notch, Bryn makes sure of it.”

  Juan laughed and assured him anything would do. Angus showered and soon they were seated and having breakfast. Cameron’s things fit Juan well except the pants were a bit long. Angus bent and pinned them up for him.

  They were finishing their coffee when they heard a quick knock on the door. "Come in," Angus said. Calum walked in and Angus immediately stood. He introduced Calum and Juan and offered Calum a chair.

  “Sit, enjoy your breakfast. I just wanted to let you and Juan know that we have some information regarding last night.” Calum leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “The police questioned Jeff, but he claims he was in Denver last night and he has a witness. He said he spent the night with a David Lord who is backing his claim.” Calum paused. “The fire was started by a cigarette tossed into the bush by the left corner of the house as was assumed last night. The police don’t know if it was deliberate or accidental.” Calum kept his eyes on Juan and Angus wondered what he was looking for.

  "Jeff told the police that you have threatened him and that this was probably just a set up to accuse him of arson," Calum stated. Juan's eyes popped, and he was on his feet in an instant. Angus stood beside him and tried to calm his suddenly raging mate. This was not how he hoped their morning would progress.

  Juan was fuming. "Threatened him how, by running away? That man is a menace. How did I threaten him?" Juan was red-faced with fury and ready to go find Jeff and have it out but first, he had to convince Angus and his friend that he was not a lying, cheating opportunist. This was fucking sick.

  Angus had his arm around Juan's shoulders and was assuring him that no one believed the bastard. "I didn't threaten him, and I didn't set that fire," Juan stated clearly once he calmed down.

  "I believe you," Calum said. He pushed away from the wall and stepped closer to where Juan was standing. "We also discovered that Jeff doesn't own the bakery, David Lord owns the Frazer Bakery. He's bankrolling Jeff in several projects both here in Laramie and in Denver."

  “Why did he lie? I wanted out of this relationship months ago, but he wouldn’t let go and pretended he couldn’t survive without me. This doesn’t make any kind of sense. He came to the bookstore yesterday making demands and refusing to accept that I’d left him. If he had David, why did he keep me on the string? What is his end game?” Juan buried both hands in his hair and shook his head this was just too ridiculous. His personal baggage just kept growing. At wha
t point would Angus believe it was too much and walk away?

  “How long has he been seeing David?” Juan asked.

  "They've been seeing each other for more than a year," Calum answered.

  “Maybe the fire was an accident.” Juan conceded. “There would be no reason for him to set the fire if he has someone else and moving on with his life. Maybe it was an accident.”

  "I don't think so," Calum interjected and had all eyes on him.

  “Alrick and I checked out the place early this morning and the scents in the area do not add up. That fire was not an accident.”

  “Do you think it was Jeff?” Angus asked still holding tight to his mate.

  "Maybe not directly, but yes he is my first suspect," Calum answered. "In the meantime, until we figure this out, I would appreciate it if you would agree to stay here at the Lodge. We can protect you here."

  Juan was floored by the offer of protection coming from this man. Calum was a large intimidating man who frankly scared the shit out him. But the offer was genuine, and Juan was not about to say no. He really didn’t relish the idea of being on his own in a motel if someone were truly trying to hurt him.

  “Thank you.” Was all he said.

  Once Calum left, Juan turned and buried his face in Angus’s shoulder. “I am so sorry that I got you involved in my drama. If you want to end this now, I would completely understand.” Angus abruptly lifted Juan’s face up with a knuckle under his chin and the expression on his face had Juan catching his breath.

  He looked ferocious the potency of his stare was burning holes through Juan, but he was powerless to look away. Juan’s turbulent emotions rocked under the extreme intensity. Angus was angry, and it showed.

  "Nothing in this world would ever cause me to turn my back on you. Don't ever doubt that my attention will always be on you. The things I said last night and this morning were not just ramblings of a guy looking to get laid. I meant every damn word that I said. You are mine now Juan, so get used to it." Angus finished with an ardent and punishing kiss that had Juan trembling within seconds with the passion that ripped through him.


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