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Page 7

by Vera Sparks

  “She works for me,” Alex said bluntly, and I could feel his uneasiness at my involvement.

  “She’s got guts, I’ll tell you that, what are you, anyway, you seem human, but not… quite,” Philip cocked his head as he examined me, as if he’d be able to see what was so different about me.

  “That’s my offer for the were’,” I said firmly, my voice strong and confident. I was quite surprised at how I was doing.

  “Hmm, I’ll tell you what, you can have him for $40,000,” Philip smiled at me, his attention completely on me as he tried to make sense of who I was.

  “Well-“ Alex started, but I cut him off.

  “Done, give me your bank details and I’ll make the transfer now. We’ll take him with us now, too,” I stated, impressed at my business-like composure. I didn’t need your help, Alex. I was a badass all on my own.

  “Well, you are something, aren’t you,” Philip stood up, and I tried to remain composed despite the wicked interest in his eyes. “Fine, Doug, give her the details,” he waved at his nearest bodyguard.

  I could feel Alex’s eyes boring into me but I didn’t spare him a glance.

  I knew what I was doing.

  I hoped.


  “It’s your lucky day mutt,” Lanky Ass clapped his hands and laughed as Dirtbag unchained the werewolf. The ‘wolf watched us with uncertainty, his bloody, bruised body curled up in the corner.

  “These freaks saved your life, for now, although you cost them a pretty penny. Who knew your worthless life was worth forty large? I wish we knew what they intend to do to you,” Dirtbag chuckled as the werewolf man gave us a careful look.

  He snarled as the man undid his chains, but Lanky snapped at him to shut up.

  He did as told, and I wondered what abuse he’d endured here. The bruising on his body ranged from new to old, and I could only imagine the beatings he’d had to go through.

  I wouldn’t miss the $40,000, but the way Alex watched me made me uneasy.

  Was I getting myself into more than I could handle? Was this werewolf dangerous?

  I knew nothing about him and yet had jumped in so willingly. Was that a mistake?

  I caught my breath as I inwardly reminded myself I was already dead. There wasn’t anything he could do to me.

  “Don’t try anything mate, got it?” Alex scowled at the naked werewolf as he climbed to his feet, his hands still chained together.

  “Did you hear me? Try to hurt either of us and we’ll put you down,” Alex said harshly.

  I frowned at him as I stepped forward.

  The man, on closer inspection, was only in his late twenties or early thirties, his short beard dirty like his skin.

  Apart from the bruising and crusted blood on him, he didn’t look too bad upon closer inspection. He moved with ease, so no internal bleeding or broken bones.

  His dark black hair and olive skin made me think he had some kind of Italian heritage. His dark chocolate eyes were focused on me as I inched closer to him.

  “Answer me,” Alex growled.

  “I understand,” said the man, who had been referred to as Percy earlier. His voice was gruff but smooth, and his triangular jaw jutted out as he spoke.

  “Percy, isn’t it?” I questioned.

  Percy nodded as he narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” I said softly, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible.

  Something about this man ignited a spark inside me, the way his eyes glided over me. As if he was seeing me for the first time.

  I tried to ignore his naked body as I reached out my hand.

  “Unchain his hands,” I instructed Lanky, who scowled at me but did as told.

  Percy gave me a quizzical look as the man did as told.

  I flinched and squealed as Percy instantly hurled the man across the room once his hands were free.

  His eyes glowed yellow like the wolf inside him, and he bared his lengthening canines as he moved in on the cowering vampire who’d been caught off-guard.

  “That’s enough!” Alex grabbed his shoulder. “We didn’t buy you just to have you killed straight away. You’re no good to us dead,” Alex’s growled, and Percy shrugged his hand off.

  “Get the man some pants for Christ’s sakes too, there’s a lady present,” Alex sighed as he waved at Lanky on the floor.

  He climbed to his feet; his shoulders rose as he glared daggers at Percy but strode to the door.

  “Please, no fighting,” I said gently, and Percy gave me a careful look, his eyes boring right into mine, as if he was looking within me.

  I stood firm despite the uneasiness and warmth his gaze gave me all at once.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Fine,” he muttered.

  Dirtbag kept a close watch on us from by the door while we waited not so patiently for the return of his companion. The scrawny one returned with some torn jeans and tossed them at Percy. Percy caught them with ease and gave the man a sarcastic smile as he slipped into them.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Alex sighed, dusting his suit off as if he’d gotten it dirty just by being here.

  I didn’t blame him; I didn’t feel too clean anymore either.

  As we left the room with Percy between us, I kept an eye out for the black British man, who I had yet to see. I’d hoped he’d be with Philip’s bodyguards, but we’d had no luck there.

  At least we’d saved this man.

  I just hoped it was the right thing.

  “What do you want from me?” Percy growled as he climbed into the backseat of Alex’s spotless car.

  I tried to hide my smirk at how his car would be dirtied up by the bloody, grime covered man in the backseat.

  “Nothing,” Alex muttered as he started the engine while I did up my seatbelt. “Don’t touch anything either, I just had this cleaned,” Alex grumbled as he pulled away from his parking space.

  “Really? You paid out $40,000 for me and you want nothing from me?” Percy scoffed as he inspected a large graze on his chest, the blood dried and crusted on it.

  “I didn’t, she did,” Alex flicked his head at me as he pulled out of the warehouse lot.

  “Why?” Percy repeated his question as he frowned at me.

  I turned in my seat to give him stupefied look.

  “Because if I can save a life, then I will. I’m just hoping I won’t regret it,” I said as his expression turned to curiosity.

  “What do we do with him?” Alex ignored our passenger as he glanced over at me.

  “Take him back to my place, you can wash up there and I’ve got a first aid kit so we can get those fixed up,” I indicated at Percy’s gashes and grazes.

  “No, I don’t like that idea,” Alex shook his head. “He’s a werewolf, and Philip bought him to be a fighter, so he could be dangerous.”

  “Vampires are dangerous too,” I shot back at him with a sneer. He was right though, not that I’d admit it. I knew nothing about this ‘wolf. But dangerous was not a vibe I got from him. Not towards me anyway.

  Alex clenched his jaw as he focused on the road, and I could feel Percy looking between us with interest.

  “Unless you want a werewolf staying at your place?” I said sweetly, and was met with unison of ‘no’ from both the men.

  “I don’t trust him,” Percy growled, speaking only to me.

  “Yeah, well if it weren’t for me, and Ivy, you’d be dead, so get over yourself,” Alex glanced at the rearview mirror to glare at him in the backseat.

  “Then it’s settled, you come back to my place. Once we’ve got you cleaned up you’re free to go,” I said as I looked out my window as the city whizzed by, lit up in the darkened night. I hope I didn’t regret this. Maybe I should ask Alex to stay as well. No. I definitely wouldn’t. He’d take pleasure in being asked for his company. I’d never live it down. Asking my killer to stay with me and keep me safe. How utterly normal. Hell no.

  “You’re serious?”
Percy murmured. “You want nothing from me?”

  “Well, unless you know a black British vampire who works for Philip, then no, you’re off the hook,” I shrugged. Maybe we’d get lucky, he’d obviously been down in that basement for a while. Who knows how many people went through there on a nightly basis.

  “Why are you looking for him?” Percy asked.

  I turned in my seat to look at him, at how his face had tightened and his jaw set.

  “You know him?” Alex asked.

  “Deon, yes, I know him. I want him dead,” Percy growled.

  “Well, isn’t this a nice twist then,” Alex gave me a charming smile and I rolled my eyes.

  “You and me both,” I smiled at Percy and he raised an eyebrow.

  “What’d he do to you?” he asked.

  “Killed a little girl, I just want to set things right,” I said. No need to fill him in on the ghost details.

  “Sounds like something the sick bastard would do,” Percy scoffed. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I just want justice for her. Do you know where to find him?” I asked.

  “No, but I think I may be able to find someone who does,” Percy said.

  I stared into his dark eyes, intrigued by how this had panned out.

  Maybe we were in luck.

  “You really think it’s wise to keep him here?” Alex murmured as we stood at the front door of my apartment. I’d shown Percy to the bathroom and given him a towel and some clothes from a one night stand man that I’d had stored in my closet for way too long. I had intended to donate them or something; I’d just been busy, you know, with life, and then dying.

  “What’s he going to do, kill me?” I crossed my arms as I leaned on the frame while Alex stood just outside.

  “I can’t ever get you to forgive me for that, can I?” Alex stared at me, his soft blue eyes hurt and broken.

  “It’s not something that’s easy to forgive,” I breathed. The way he looked at me, so genuine and pained, a part of me did want to forgive him, to rekindle what we’d started all that time ago.

  But the memory of him tearing into my neck was enough to squash that feeling.

  “Just, be careful. Call me if you need to and I’ll be right here. Text me if he knows anything more about this Deon guy and who he thinks may know him. It’s a start, something we can work with,” Alex sighed and straightened up. “I’ll head back to the office and see what I can find out. Without a last name, it won’t be easy.”

  “You’ve got some tricks up your sleeve,” I smiled knowingly as he gave me a charming, one-sided smile.

  Why was he so damn attractive? I wanted to punch him in the nose for it, for making me feel the way he did.

  For twisting and toying with my emotions and feelings.

  “Well, stay safe,” Alex nodded as we heard the shower start up.

  “I will, you be careful too,” I said.

  Alex turned and strode off down the hall.

  I sighed, hating my two-sided feelings towards him. How could I care for the man who’d killed me? I must be crazy.

  “Men, ugh,” I muttered as I followed after him down the hall. Axle would be excited to see me home, and I hated having left him for so long. I was just glad my elderly neighbor Maurice enjoyed his company so much.

  I knocked on her apartment door, and the elderly woman answered quickly.

  A familiar bark and whine greeted me as she opened the door. Axle pushed past her legs to greet me, his black-tan fur a dark contrast to Maurice’s apartment. His vibrant energy had caught my eye at the shelter, and then I decided to meet him and fell in love. His coat was tinged with grey throughout his tan and black coat. He looked like a German Shepherd, except for grey tinged fur and his icy blue eyes, his main traits from his husky mix.

  “Hey handsome, I’m sorry I took so long tonight. It’s been a busy day,” I cooed as I patted the excited shepherd mix. “Thanks for watching him Maurice.”

  “Always a pleasure, he’s such a well-behaved boy,” Maurice smiled, her wrinkled skin pulling back at her mouth to reveal her set of fake teeth. From memory, her late husband had left her a lot of money and this apartment, but she always seemed rather out of place in this high-end building. Her wiry grey hair was done up in a bun and her green shawl was pulled tight around her shoulders.

  “I take it he didn’t give you too much grief then,” I chuckled as Axle rolled onto his side for belly rubs. I gladly obliged as I knelt down and scratched his belly.

  “He was perfect like usual, took him out just an hour ago for the toilet. That receptionist woman loves him too. Everyone does,” she cooed as she smiled down at him.

  “Thanks, I’ll take him out again later, let me know if you ever want anything for minding him,” I said as I straightened up.

  “Oh, don’t be silly, I’d never dream of it dear, he’s too sweet and reminds me of old Buddy,” she sighed.

  “Well, I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me this week, so I may need you to watch him again if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course sweetie,” Maurice beamed at the thought.

  “Well, you have a good remainder of your night,” I nodded.

  “You too, and you be a good boy Axle,” Maurice patted his head as he sat back up.

  “C’mon boy, I’ve got a friend for you to meet,” I murmured as Maurice closed her door. How would he respond to a werewolf anyway? He was always rather protective of me around others.

  Axle padded along beside me as I made my way back to my apartment.

  As I opened the door, I could hear the shower still running. Axle gave a disgruntled half bark as he soldiered on in, scanning the room for our guest.

  “Relax Ax, he’s a friend,” I sighed as I headed for the kitchen, a tall glass of wine sounded appealing right now, but I was sure Percy would be starved, so I’d throw something together for after his shower.

  Axle turned to watch me carefully before he snorted and leaped onto the couch.

  I shook my head but didn’t scold him. I’d tried to teach him to stay off the furniture, but I’d also encouraged it when I was lonely and wanted his company. I couldn’t keep giving him mixed commands, he had his bed in the corner, which he did use at times, but he liked to sit with me when he could. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed knowing he loved me.

  I grabbed a crystal wine glass from the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of red wine from my wine rack.

  “How I’ve missed you,” I murmured to the bottle and chuckled at myself as I poured myself a glass.

  I sipped at my rich wine as I got some bread onto the chopping board and collected up some basic ingredients from the fridge. It was virtually empty save for a handful of select things, like a delicious mud cake that I was working my way through and some mince for Axle.

  I pulled out the ham, tomato, lettuce, and cheese, grateful that I still enjoyed my simple sandwich on occasion so I had the items in the fridge.

  I threw together the basic meal and set the plate down on the table as I strode over to flop onto one of my deep brown couches beside Axle with my wine glass in hand. I rested one hand on him and toyed with his fur, to which he let out a pleasant sigh.

  I swirled the glass as I listened to the sound of the running shower. Once he came out I’d find the first-aid kit for him. For now though, I would enjoy my delightful beverage and try to relax after the eventful night, with my handsome boy.

  Six months ago, I could never have even imagined being in this situation, a werewolf in my own home and working with my boss to help a dead girl.

  I checked my phone, expecting to see a missed call from Maria to return my earlier one.



  I dialed her number as I closed my eyes and listened to Percy in the shower.

  It rang a few times before Maria answered.

  “What’s up?” she said, but her voice was off.

  “Hey, we have a lead on the black British man, his name is Deon,” I said as I frown
ed. “Everything okay?”

  “Uh, yeah, it’s fine,” Maria sighed, and I could tell something wasn’t fine. “That’s good, I tried to speak to the spirits roaming around, but they haven’t got anything to say.”

  Spirits roaming. Those that hadn’t crossed but hadn’t turned vengeful, she could summon them without needing an item of the deceased.

  Millie’s dad would be considered one, but we hadn’t known he’d not crossed.

  “Oh okay. Are you sure everything’s okay?” I prodded, knowing she wasn’t telling me something.

  “Yeah, just worried about my mom,” Maria murmured.

  “Oh, I hope she’s doing okay,” I pursed my lips. I should’ve known.

  “Yeah, the potions aren’t working as well anymore. I can’t lose her. She raised me on her own with my brother, and now she’s fading away,” Maria’s voice quivered as she drew in a shaky breath.

  “These things just happen, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” I said. “I’m here if you ever need me babe,” I reminded her as I glanced down at Axel, who was looking at me with his bright eyes curiously.

  “I know, thanks Ivy,” she said. “I want to help with Millie but I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment, let me know how it goes and just text if you need me, I doubt I’ll be answering my phone too much while I’m spending more time with my mom,” Maria said.

  “No worries, you do what you need to do,” I decided not to bother her with my new werewolf roommate. No need to stress her out more.

  But the way she spoke, I sensed there was something more. Something she was keeping from me. But it wasn’t my business, I wouldn’t keep digging, it was probably just her mom.

  I hung up just as I heard the shower cut off.

  He’d taken his sweet time in there.

  I sipped my wine fervently as I stared out my balcony window at the other buildings around me, lit up like the buttons on an elevator as people moved around their apartments. Axle shifted to rest his head on my lap, and I stroked his soft fur and scratched behind his ear. Maurice adored brushing him, which meant little fur got on my couches. And I wouldn’t deny I enjoyed giving him his brushes and baths as well. He was always so well behaved.


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